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2021-2022 | October Edition | Vol. 1

Upcoming Dates
Record Book Workshop
- November 14th @ 10 a.m.

November Club Meeting

- November 16th @ 7pm

Club Honey Fundraiser

- November 16th @ 7p.m.

County Fundraiser Basket Making

- November 19th (time T.B.D)

County Fundraiser Auction

- December 3rd-5th

County Fundraiser! Drawing by Radha Srivatsan

On December 3rd through 5th,
the county 4-H is having an
online auction to raise money
Woodside Horse Trials
for record book awards and Volunteering Experience
general funds. Each club will
also receive 10% of the winning By: Nanda Prasa
bids for the baskets we donate.
In the auction we will be selling
themed baskets with items that On October 8th, 2021, I had my first ever volunteering
our club has collected in them. experience at the Woodside International Horse Trials. I would
This is where members can be letting horses in and out of the gate in an orderly fashion. It
help out! It would be great if may not seem like a special or a fun job, but it was a truly
everyone could go out and ask fascinating experience. As a horseback rider who's been riding
different businesses for for 5 years, It
donations, so that we can make
it was really interesting to see the riders ride with such skill. I
these baskets. Anything helps!
learned so much by just watching them! It was an amazing day,
Our club will have a Basket
and an experience that I know I won't forget.
Assembling meeting on
November 19th. We still need
donations, so please help out
with this fundraiser auction for
the club and county!

The Strangest Purple I’ve Ever Seen

– by Mallory Rieth

Dotted yellow brown greenish leaves

Were painted in the strangest purple I have ever seen
It did not make much sense
As I watched full bellied toads
Glutoness and lazy eyed
Playing card games on wrinkled tree stumps
Which had a certain grain which made the wood twist
Into gentle faces
That, with mouths wide open, chewed on flies,
And Slept to the sound of the wind

There was a New Member mixer One of the toads, freckled with the most bizarre yellow brown paint
ice cream social on Tuesday, Wore a large oval straw hat, with wildflower weeds
September 28th. Kate and I both Crammed into the weaves of the straw
All tied, with a heathered grey ribbon, neatly under its chin.
planned this event since we are
The other, a toad with a reddish tint that creeped up its feet and arms,
vp of membership this year. Our Kept flicking his round,
goal was to provide new Stuck out eyes to the patchy grass below
members with the opportunity to Where the tips of face up cards could be seen
meet older and newer members Unbeknownst to the one sitting across from him.
in the club, and have older
members attend to meet the
On the biggest stump, the table, a teapot
newer members. It was a huge Rusted almost, but not completely brown
success, and around 60 Still let out a breath of steam from its drooping spout
members and parents attended! That spread like white hairs into the clouds
We served ice cream with an Which when my eyes followed, could not make out
assortment of toppings, root Where that steam rolled and clouds sat
It did not make much sense, nothing ever does
beer oats, had a guessing jar,
But to say that the branches were all sharp in angle
lawn games, and were able to And dull to the eyes
meet some of the new members. Almost made the royal flush the reddish toad
Everyone was really happy and I Placed on the table
think it was a really great way to Slightly more believable
start off the year! I hope this
It was fall
event will be able to be hosted
And as the toads throats shaked from the flies buzzing around in
annually, as it was a great way for them
members to bond. The blue sky, grayish in charm, light up
And those purplish green leaves all agreed
By: Mary Neves It was autumn indeed


Thank You! Drawings by Radha Srivatsan

We would like to thank
everyone who donated
to the livestock projects
recently to help us build
our goat pen. Thanks to
Golden State Lumber in
Concord, managed by
Kevin Matteri we are
able to replace a wall
and posts in the pen to
make it more safe.
Thanks to Home Depot
in San Ramon who
donated as well, we
were able to buy
supplies to reinforce the
pen. Thank you Dublin
Lowe’s! They donated
all of the screws and
nails we needed. Finally,
thank you to Wayne
Zimmerman at the San
Ramon Ace Hardware
who donated 15 bags
of shavings, and all the
paint we needed for the
shed at then farm! We
really appreciate
everything and it would
be great if the
community could show
our gratitude by
supporting these

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