.+ J Volurga F FFGTT T: Method Aniline Point Astm Ip

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Petroleum ProPerties Lab.

Experiment No.: J
Standard Test Method for Aniline point of Fetroleum Products and
hydrocarbon solvents ASTM D 611' IP 2

Objective: Determination of aniline point of a given sample (diesel oll)'

The aniline Point of a hydrocarbon or a

which equal volumes

iline is an a
one atom of hydrogen is replaced by the ---NHz group
(CoHs NH;) rne aniline point it-igggdqn! in
r -- -'-
' j^irina
L..r-^^AFh^h ArA,,^
group, aniline 'r"rde. ftifr",ffcjtB6ujar
point innie*ate*
,.,.,,i,.,f iru"eiioht or carbon number, but
frrifit'm-dtgrjfar w'dight
hydrocarbon L^ -,:,_ 1...,{-anar!rnno
I,Y;:p-t Aromatics have vOrylOw aniline
ili polnts
irYiu* is an aromatic coppgqnd and it has
neral lv-oils withlhig hel an iline poi nts

ef t*PlJ 4v 3.9. (J. LJ:x.:

yo Aromatics = 692.4 + 12.15 (SG)(AP) - -
794(SG) 10.4(AP)
{'<\h-- .+ J*
of the
b;i.n* number is a significant expreS^sion of diesel fuel quality; it is a measure
;;t ;*Letsuel4:I-dieellgl t cgass4{.F.bg -or, i rl 1 i.'r *l' Td^i-" jl?
volurGa=f - iiEo, CN=100) in a mixture oJ
which has the sdme ignition characte (ignition

ilas ffGtt it " ffi GiiGffia fue.l'soni.gnition

s ca rri ed
b u s-ti
Yi I
t t"t'*d 1f t T 9^"lT :
o i
;;$p"t is @dy. a meaiugP,of deltv:
!!," ly: gfl*,*tY.::l,t*:.,st
-",:.91 .

ot .ort'''6dstion (ignition) of the a particular diesel engine,

luql l.n
f.righlr cetane fuels will have shorter ignition 9"!3V periods than lower cetane
Another characteristic of diesel fuels i-s called diesel index (Dl), it is an approximation
the cetane number calculated from aniline point (oF) and API gravity:
. API gravity/l00
Diesel index (DI) = Aniline point f F)
I'sed jn gl$:qq'
Determination of anitine point is also used !g evaluate ba"ss. ojlllilal.-are
in contact with
The test indicates if oil is likely to damage;ubber compounds that come
to rubber
the oil. ln general oils with a high aromatic content are more detrimental

Page 1
22nd November 2014

products than those with a lory__AigEllq_.on-tent. The higher the aniline point of the oil,
the more desirable it is for drilling fluid\.'usage.
a'-- ,/.st)-" I
J V-+'
The apparatus consists of:

1- Test tube, approximately 25 mm in diameter and 150 mm in length, made of heat

resistant glass.
2- Jacket tube, approximately 37 to 42 mm in diameter and 175 nnm in length, made
of heat-resistant glass.
3- Stirrer, manually operated, metal, approximately 2mm in diameter
4- Thermometer.

F$lnl Thwnn$atlr

hr ltNlfisbc!

Procedure: ;l
1- place 10 ml of the sample with an equal amount of pure aniline in the test tube.
2- Keep the tube inside the glass jacket and then put it in a water bath where
temperature rises graduallY.
3- Record the temperature at which oil sample completely dissolved in an equal
amount of aniline.

Warning-Aniline should be pipetted directly by mouth because of its extreme toxicity. Aniline is a/so
toxic biabsorption through the skin even in very smal! quantities, and should be handled with

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22nd November 2014
Petroleum Properties Lab.

Results & Galculations:

Record aniline point of the sample and calculate the diesel index 'DE .

Dl = AP (oF) x API / 100

oF oC
= 32 + 1.8

cN=p1 n6.72+10

1- Why do we measure aniline point for petroleum fractions?
2- Do aniline mixes easily with products of higher aromatic or paraffinic content?
3- ls a diesel oil of a high aniline point desirable as automotiveoCfuel? Why?_

4- What is the Dl & CN of a diesel fuel having aniline point 55 and specific
gravity Q.792?

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22na November 2014

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