05 2011 Container Arrived

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May 10, 2011

Things are a bit shaky, but we are trusting God!

May 2, 2011
We are Ready and Waiting! Today we had word that the con-
tainer left Dar es Salaam yesterday, Sunday May 1. However we had
heard earlier that it left last Thursday? We trust it will arrive in the
next day or two. Painito, the ICM director, is to leave Thursday the
5th for the US, and we are to leave on Thursday the 12th.


Picture above is of the inside front wall at the Monday May 9, 2011 5:00 pm
house ICM is renting as an office, residence and Thank you Jesus!
for English classrooms. The wall is approximately
Thank you all for your prayers and support. God
9 ft. high, with broken glass cemented on the top
used you to bless Burundi, the Heart of Africa.
to help security. A crane is to lift the 40- ft.,
50,000-lb. container off the truck trailer, up and
over this wall and place it on these four cement
and rock supports that have been built. The con-
tents will remain in the container until we return in
mid to late August. One happy guy!

Rolling Library – Last week we held a

very successful nine-hour training course /
seminar for 182 primary school teachers from
18 schools throughout Bujumbura. These Part of the wall had to be broken Here it sits!
teachers speak French & Kirundi and a little down before the crane came.
English. They will be using the books in the
Rolling Library. English is 1 of 8 subjects they
must teach, and they are very limited in their
knowledge and speaking skills of the language.
Joy Johnson from Buja put the course to-
gether for us and taught at one school. Dale
and I each taught at different schools, and
Sandy LeDoux taught at the fourth. Bob and
Sandy came for a week to Buja from Denver to
help with this training and spy out the land for
further ministry. Bob filmed in two class- Other Training – Dale is teaching a Business English lan-
rooms. The past week has been an intense team guage course at the Reserve Bank downtown and has enjoyed
effort, and what a blessing it was. To God be the challenge. Melinda is half way through her latest Sunday
all the glory! school teacher training and will finish 4 days before we leave.
We Need Teachers to train Teachers here She has expanded the basic course to include much more about
in the public schools and librarians to help early childhood development as that is of great interest here. Her
organize the books. Please pray about using focus has changed to include church leaders and parents. Please
your experience and your English language pray for wisdom and more open doors. We hope to see many of
skills to help this nation. We cannot plan train- you soon. Our base while in the Denver area will be with Helen
ing without teachers. Please contact us. We and Larry Strait. Hope to see you soon.
would love to talk with you and share ministry
possibilities. < dpeterson@icmusa.org> or Blessings, Dale and Melinda
303-425-1484 Jared’s home phone.

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