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Common mistakes in compositions

 A/An: a old friend / a older brother / a exam / a institution
 The : - the last Sunday / the next month
 My favourite animal is X dog.
 I’m going to talk about the students.
 I’m very fond of the sport.
 X people from Segovia.
 This: this people / this problems / this things
 That: that tired eyes
 Pronouns: - people are more comfortable in your home
 to confront we life
 the society is giving they
 as he would like them to treat he
Indefinites: - I didn’t say nothing
 you don’t learn nothing
 everybody have done their plans
 everybody study.
 I don’t like sports nothing
 some things=something
 every thing=everything
Plurals: - bodyes / childrens / lifes / probabilityes
 I was a children
 person=people
 No plural: - my favourites films
 differents from the university
 they get simples, easies and accesibles jobs
 professions which are betters
 students are people young
 many subjects differents
 it´s a town very beautiful
 the cinema is a place very interesting
 a pianist very famous
 a function very important
 Others: - many money / much people
 time enough / enough strong
 others jobs / others children / anothers people
 bored=boring / tired= tiring
 every rooms / every people
 everyday=all day
 little=small
 they always have had
 they usually don’t have time
 also I think
 often we are advised
 I don’t go hardly ever
 I haven’t never seen / I don’t never go

 "Very": - very people / I don’t know very persons
 the person which / the paper who / there is a
 Spanish proverb what say / I know people than didn’t
 (wich)
 I know people that they don’t have qualifications
 There are people that they have learnt
 Double subject:
 Going to school it isn’t
 All it couldn’t be good
 Subject omission:
 but today X are rich and famous
 because X is a good sport
 many people are lucky because X haven’t lost
 impersonal "it": - X will be hard
 X is impossible/important
 now X is very difficult
 X is true that...
 He came and I will tell him...
 people is / people was / he were / there is some people / we is taught / he have got / school teach-
help / people doesn’t need / we does need / children goes
Modal verbs:
 you can’t working / couldn’t to use /  we’ll are / will can to play / will must say you’re sorry
 don’t have gone / they to be / he don’t is / she didn’t has / why don’t I am? / I don’t won / they have to
left university / I want go / we don’t depended
Spelling: - studys / studing / studyed / cryed / sayd /  seing / writen / writting / can not / musn’t / thinks =things
 My friend cried but I not
 There are a lot of people that not know.
Other verbs:
 the film likes my brother / We like travel to meet people / I’d like being a pianist / I like very much
 he wins a lot of money
 I spent very well / I spent very good with them
 In the world it has happened very accidents / Today it has happened an important event / *something
happened ( TO somebody ) / It happens that... / He/She happens to be... / What has happened? / In
case that happened...
*lend somebody something / borrow something (FROM somebody )
 lend/borrow: - He borrowed me money
 I lent money from the bank
*steal something (FROM ...)/rob somebody/somewhere
 steal/rob: - he stole a bank
 she robbed money
 answer to their questions / call to the police / help to their parents
 he explained X me
 he arrived to Madrid
*arrive IN/AT get TO reach
 He has dead / She is died.
 I said X him / I told to her / I spoke with... / They talked of...
go up=get up
be/get worried-married...
be/fall in love with...
I want/like/would like somebody TO do something
 Prep. + V-ing: - but before to call somebody...
 Wrong prep.: - in train/airplane/coach...
 by foot/in home/in the floor/in the chair
 different of.../the same that...
 Under my point of view...
 besides of my education
 they are influencing a lot of on me
 I know a lot of education
 Comparatives: - better that
 better of the rest
 they need to have primary studies for be a grave-digger
 he likes going to the park for watching...
 Smith left him for to sing alone
 we need for live the life
 In my opinion I think...
 From my point of view I think...
 when we have got four years old...
 when I was 12 years X
 Inverse Translation:
 However sometimes although your family is good if you are a bad son...
 Anybody think that to study isn’t need since can working in profession which like to person
 I have got a memories of my life in the school very funnies
 Other words:
 overcoat=above all
 true=truth
 eventual=occasional
 actual /actually=at present / nowadays / today
 quiet=quite
 then =after

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