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Apply chapter 4 material throughout your case analysis

Refer to the BUS 150 Case Preparation Chart Handout to complete each section of this chart
Key Person/s (decision makers): Harry, employees
Case Overview (Who, what, why and when)
-Maggots in the the filter pipes which wasn’t thrown out and was given to customers
-The filters were also removed as Harry told the employees to so it can make everything easier so employees which
shows lack of leadership and ethics
- This was later on served to customers with maggots still in the system
-This occurred during the summer

What are the specific and most critical issues or problems in this case (at least 2)?
- Lack of leadership
- Maggots in the filter pipes being served to customers
- Decision making conditions were ‘uncertainty’
- The “leader” listed to remove all five filters which shouldn’t have been done
- -Lack of ethical employees

What type of pressures/drivers will affect the outcome in this case?

- - Lack of decision-making processes which if the company doesn’t go out of
business have a high chance of due to this
- Lack of productivity as employees are trying to due things the easy way
instead of the proper way
(within the organization)

- Customers won’t want to continue to purchase from here

EXTERNAL: - Will lose decrease in sales once this goes to the public and will be put out of
(outside of the organization) business

Alternative Assessment Identify 3 criteria (in total) you will use to evaluate your alternatives
Quantitative (numbers, data can be measured):
Qualitative (more subjective):
And the third from either category:

Problem 1: Corporate Image

Alternative 1: Fix employee structure/rebuild team
pros: Will create a better leadership for employees to follow and decision making skills as lack of
identify decision, analyzing/developing alternatives, and lack of decision making models were key
problems as the last decision making condition was ‘uncertainty’ which ended up ruining the
corporate image due to the mistakes that happened

cons: will take money from the company and time

Alternative 2: Make an apology regarding mistakes

pros: will send a message towards customers and hopefully fix brand loyalty
cons: will cost money and might not be 100% effective

Problem 2: Productivity
Alternative 1: Terminate night shift hours giving employees a leader during the day to always follow
with proper ethics to follow and decision skills.
pros: Will eliminate costs as night shift wage won’t be a thing and will give the employees a
more responsible leader (manager) to follow other than being left independently

cons: will need to be a lot more efficient during the day and may need to hire more employees

Alternative 2: Provide ethics/decision making skills lesson

pros: Will give employees all full knowledge of every decision-making steps to follow and ethical
behaviour making sure the same problem, or anything related won’t happen again.

cons: will cost company money to host

Based on your analysis, what Recommendation/s are you making? Clearly state your
recommendations (if more than one, number them and begin each one with an action verb)
I would follow problem two which is productivity as that was a key issue. This gives better leadership qualities to
employees, better ethics and decision-making skills.

Action & Implementation Plan (integrate chapter relevant material) (are your goals SMART?)
Who should be involved in the implementation of your recommendation/s?
What steps should be taken and how will they be implemented?
When (timelines) and where will this happen?

Who; The manager/higher ups should be involved in implementing this as having leaders from the company assist will
set the guidelines for everyone to follow


1; Meeting explaining the situation and terminate responsible employee for the issue (Take place ASAP at West Coast
Dairy Plant June 25th, 2020)

2; Figure out new schedule that will eliminate night shift hours that works with every employee’s availability (Take place
at local office June 26th, 2020)

3; Assess and create leadership/productivity course demonstrating the ethical behaviour criteria, new work roles to make
productivity faster and efficient and decision role making steps (Take place at West Coast Dairy Plant June 28 th, 2020)

4; Hire a supervisor to assist manager to make sure these steps have been followed through and that every employee is
doing their part. Will make sure the supervisor has knowledge of ethical behaviour, full knowledge of decision-making
conditions and steps (Take place in the office July 1 st 2020)

The team should also get rid of the 5000-litre mix as even though it costs lots of money quality is more key to the
company to guarantee customer satisfaction which is mandatory for the company.

Integrative Social Contract View will be necessary to support my decision/actions as this implements morale which
employees in this company lacks in and ethical behaviour

Assumptions: I assumed that the employee Harry would have been fired right away

Missing Information: More information about the steps taken by Harry and other employees
would have been helpful as we could see if any decision-making roles were used/ethical
behaviour criteria

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