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               Macbeth Act II Notes

Act 2, Sc i

•  Macbeth imagines the dagger

• Fleance associated with "light" imagery

• Stars are hiding = darkness imagery - parallel to what Macbeth and

L.Macbeth asked for - nature reflecting human actions?

• Banquo is also thinking about the witches (but only in his sleep)

◦   Allows us to have some sympathy for Macbeth (not the only one) 

 2nd crucial soliloguy -> Floating Dagger

•   Theme of illusion vs reality = imagines dagger… however,

previously Macbeth knew the difference between illusion vs
reality (a false face…) now he is the VICTIM -> can’t distinguish
between the two.

• Foreshadowing: handle dripping in blood

• Allusion/Symbol: Bell ringing: ill omen…death

• Darkness imagery: Tarquins ravishing strides, Hecate, stealthy wolf,

etc.: all leading to Duncan’s death

•  Before he was sure that Duncan was going to heaven, now he’s not,
which makes the cruelty of the crime greater

• Falling into his downfall… ambition is taking over (even his senses)

Act 2, Scene ii

• Macbeth kills Duncan

• Many paradoxes: drunk/bold, quenched/fire

• Symbol = owl, crickets = ill omen/death

•  Lady Macbeth does not kill Duncan, says that he looked like her father l 13 -
> Questions her character… all talk? Follows gender stereotypes?

• Killing the king = regicide -> divine right of kingship -> Macbeth has violated
this natural order Macbeth cannot say “amen” = separation from God
• He is extremely paranoid and regretful

• Lady Macbeth takes control -> very shortsighted and cruel:  “A little water
clears us of this deed” l 66

• Macbeth feels guilty -> “wake Duncan…” l 75 -> what does this say about his

Act 2, Scene iii 

• Discovery of the dead King Duncan

• Porter pretends that he is opening the gates of hell -> symbolic/ ironic -> just
killed the king

•  Disturbances in nature.  Lennox talks about how the night has been unruly ->
chimney’s blown down, strange screams, owl, shaking earth, etc… ll 55-64

• Questions stereotypes of gender-> Macduff: “t’is not for you to hear" ll.85-87

• Ironic beause she participated in the murder -> but faints as well 

• Macbeth = very dramatic over the top -> giving himself away in a sense

• Macbeth kills the guards and Macduff responds, “wherefore did you so?” =
already suspicious

• Clothing motif l 135

•  Malcolm flees to England

• Donalbain flees to Ireland

• Interesting that Malcolm flees rather than take control… what might
Shakespeare be saying about Malcolm?  Patrilineal vs electoral?

◦ Leaves the throne open

Act 2, Scene iv

Find out about disturbances in nature/ Macbeth has been named king


1. It is dark out when it should be light (ironic that lady Macbeth and Macbeth
called to darkness to hide their actions, ironically, it occurs in response to
them… why?)
2. A falcon (Duncan) was killed by an owl (Macbeth)

3. Horses started to eat each other

•    Macduff chooses not to go see Macbeth crowned -> foreshadows suspicions

on both sides

 Interesting that the throne derives from a different system.  Is it still divine right?

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