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Сінево (Synevo)

Laboratory Kyiv
03142 Kyiv, pr-t Palladina, 46/2
Examination results
Accreditation DSTU EN ISO 15189:2015
Акредитація згідно
ДСТУ EN ISO 15189:2015
(EN ISO 15189:2012, IDT)

Order date: 04/11/2021 10:30 Order No: 27012392
Result date: 04/11/2021 10:32
Patient: Test Kovyd Covid-19
Barcode: 3005698359
Date of birth: 26/04/1997 Contract: TEST
High attention zone
Age: 24 Y 6 M BDP: Office
Gender: Female Doctor:
Parameter Result Unit Reference range

Coronavirus (S spike protein of
SARS-CoV-2, quantitative
determination), IgG antibodies
Receptor-binding domain S1 spike (S) 200 AU/mL <50.0 - Negative result
protein SARS-CoV-2 ≥ 50.0 - Positive result

Method of Quantification by Chemiluminescent

Immunoassay (CMIA)
Reagents: Abbott (USA)
Analyzer: Alinity i (Abbott, USA)
Conversion of SARS-CoV-2 IgG to 28,4 BAU/mL <7.1 - Negative result
BAU/mL (Binding Antibody Units) ≥ 7.1 - Positive result
Reagents: Abbott (USA)
Analyzer: Alinity i (Abbott, USA)
* According to the producer Abbott and Broad
Institute, the level of antibodies
≥ 561 BAU/mL (≥ 3950 AU/mL) - there is a strong
virus-neutralizing reaction (with a probability of


QR code is valid for 14 days.

Laboratory test results cannot be a sole ground for diagnosis.

Only doctor can interpret results and make a diagnosis.
Samples processing and results' issuing is performed using laboratory information system SILAB

Page 1 of 1 Print Date: 04.11.2021

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