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I m a g i n g A p p ro a c h t o

Acute, Subacute, and Chronic
Peter G. Kranz, MD*, Timothy J. Amrhein, MD

 Myelopathy  Transverse myelitis  MR imaging  Spinal imaging  Neuromyelitis optica

 MR imaging is the imaging test of choice in the evaluation of patients presenting with myelopathy.
 Compression is the most frequent etiology of myelopathy, and must be excluded first.
 Determining of the acuity of presentation can help narrow the differential diagnosis.
 The cross-sectional distribution and longitudinal extent of lesions of the spinal cord may further nar-
row the diagnostic possibilities and, in some cases, suggest a specific diagnosis.

INTRODUCTION both primary disorders of the spinal cord itself,

as well as conditions that secondarily affect the
Myelopathy is a commonly encountered neuro- cord, such as compression. Myelopathy is consid-
logic scenario, and one in which imaging plays a ered acute when the symptoms progress to their
vitally important role. The first step in diagnosis is nadir within 21 days of onset.3 Myelopathy that ex-
the clinical attribution of neurologic deficits to the hibits a more progressive time course can be
spinal cord, rather than peripheral nerves, the considered subacute (weeks to months) or chronic
brain, or other conditions that may mimic myelop- (months to years).
athy.1 Signs that strongly suggest myelopathy Acute myelopathy can be subdivided into nonin-
include a defined sensory level on the torso, unilat- flammatory causes (such as compression or
eral corticospinal tract signs with contralateral spi- ischemia) and inflammatory causes; the condition
nothalamic tract signs, and urinary retention.2 is given the more specific term myelitis when
Once spinal cord pathology is suspected clinically, inflammation is demonstrated.4
imaging is usually the next and most important Acute transverse myelitis (ATM) is a clinical pre-
step as it can help to narrow the differential diag- sentation of acute myelitis in which the spinal cord
nosis or suggest a specific diagnosis. In this is affected in a bilateral fashion, resulting in sen-
article, we discuss the imaging approach to pa- sory or motor changes on both sides of the
tients who present with acute, subacute, or body.3 ATM refers to the clinical syndrome that
chronic myelopathy, focusing on primary disor- may be caused by a variety of diagnoses, rather
ders of the spinal cord. than a specific diagnosis itself. It can be classified
as either disease-associated, when the causative
TERMINOLOGY demyelinating or inflammatory condition is known,
The term myelopathy refers to any pathologic pro- or idiopathic. In contrast to transverse myelitis,
cess affecting the spinal cord and encompasses partial myelitis denotes a process limited to one

Disclosures: All authors report no conflicts of interest or of financial relationships relevant to this work.
Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Box 3808, Durham, NC
27710, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Radiol Clin N Am - (2018) -–-
0033-8389/18/Ó 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Kranz & Amrhein

side of the spinal cord or a particular tract and is

seen more commonly in certain conditions such
as multiple sclerosis. Compression Rule out first


Causes of myelopathy are manifold, and many
conditions will have overlapping clinical signs, • Metabolic
symptoms, and imaging findings. Because the • sdAVF
conditions that cause acute myelopathy are • Cavernoma
generally different from those that cause sub- • Radiation
acute to chronic presentations, acuity of clinical • Paraneoplastic/Autoimmune
presentation is a useful first discriminator. This
review subdivides diseases of the spinal cord
into those that cause acute myelopathy (Fig. 1) Neoplastic
and those that cause subacute to chronic
myelopathy (Fig. 2). This approach carries the • Ependymoma
• Astrocytoma
• Hemangiobalstoma
• Other – metastases, lymphoma, etc

Compression Rule out first

Fig. 2. Ddx of subacute-chronic myelopathy.

caveat that chronic causes of myelopathy

Ischemia may uncommonly present in a more acute
fashion, sometimes after an event that causes
abrupt deterioration, thereby mimicking an acute
myelopathy. In general, however, determination
Demyelinating of acuity provides a very good place to
 Multiple Sclerosis start refining an otherwise broad differential
 NMOSD diagnosis.
 ADEM Extrinsic causes of spinal cord compression
must be excluded before considering intrinsic spi-
nal cord pathology. This may include causes of
Systemic Inflammatory compression that present acutely as well as those
that chronically compress the spinal cord. In all
 Lupus cases of myelopathy, MR imaging is the imaging
 Sjögrens test of choice, both to evaluate for compression
 Other connective tissue disorders and abnormalities of the spinal cord itself. The
 Sarcoidosis pattern of spinal cord involvement seen on MR im-
aging may help to narrow the differential diagnosis
(Fig. 3).
Infectious If MR imaging is not immediately available or
contraindicated, computed tomography (CT) mye-
lography can be used to exclude cord compres-
 Bacterial sion, but will be limited in its evaluation of
 Other – fungal, parasitic intrinsic spinal cord diseases. Nonmyelographic
CT evaluation is not sensitive in detecting many
causes of compression, such as that caused by
Idiopathic epidural hematoma or abscess, for example, and
should not be considered to be a replacement
for MR imaging. This review, therefore, focuses
Fig. 1. Differential diagnosis (Ddx) of acute on the MR imaging appearance of myelopathic
myelopathy. conditions.
Imaging Approach to Myelopathy 3

Fig. 3. Cross-sectional patterns of spinal cord involvement in various causes of myelopathy.

COMPRESSION contrast enhancement can be seen in the spinal

cord on T1 postcontrast images for weeks to
Extrinsic compression of the spinal cord is the months.
most common cause of myelopathy, and the cer-
vical spine is the most commonly affected spinal
segment (Fig. 4). It may manifest with hand numb- ACUTE MYELOPATHY
ness, arm paresthesia, ataxic gait, Lhermitte
phenomenon, and weakness.5 Degenerative After compression has been excluded, causes of
spondylosis is the most common cause and may acute myelopathy can be generally subdivided
be caused by a combination of disk protrusions, into broad 4 categories: ischemic, demyelinating,
osteophytes, ligament flavum infolding, and ossifi- systemic inflammatory, and infectious. A fifth cate-
cation of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Other gory, idiopathic, is reserved for cases of acute
important causes of spinal cord compression myelopathy in which no clear etiology can be
include trauma, epidural pathology (such as me- determined.
tastases, hematoma, or abscess), and intradural
On MR imaging, the compressed spinal cord Pearls: acute myelopathy
can show normal signal, elevated T2 signal, or in  Asymmetric short-segment (<2 vertebral
the most severe cases, evidence of cavitation segments) lesions in the dorsal/lateral spinal
with T1 hypointensity accompanying the T2 hyper- cord are characteristic of multiple sclerosis.
intensity. The presence of T1 hypointensity usually  Longitudinally extensive lesions (3 or more
indicates more severe clinical deficits and worse vertebral segments in length) have many
postoperative prognosis.6 The presence of T2 causes, but neuromyelitis optica spectrum dis-
hyperintensity may indicate reversible edema order is common in adult patients.
and/or permanent gliosis. In isolation, T2 hyperin-  Hyperacute onset (<4 hours) suggests arterial
tensity does not necessarily predict a worse ischemia.
postoperative outcome in degenerative cervical
 Brain imaging is often useful in refining the
differential diagnosis, especially in demyelin-
Other imaging changes of the spinal cord can be ating diseases.
associated with chronic compression. These
include myelomalacia, a term referring to perma-  Chest imaging to look for hilar lymphadenop-
athy or pulmonary disease can be helpful in
nent spinal cord damage with volume loss,
diagnosing sarcoidosis, although spinal
although assessing the caliber of a compressed involvement may occur without thoracic
segment of the spinal cord is not typically possible involvement.
until after the cord is decompressed. Ischemia due
 Cerebrospinal fluid analysis to look for
to vascular compression may cause central gray
markers of inflammation and specific
matter T2 hyperintensity. Syringohydromyelia antibodies (such as AQP4-IgG) is very
may occur in the spinal cord either above or below helpful establishing a diagnosis of acute
the level of compression due to altered cerebro- myelopathies.
spinal fluid flow dynamics. After decompression,
4 Kranz & Amrhein

Fig. 4. Compressive myelopathy. (A) Sagittal STIR and (B) sagittal T1-weighted images demonstrate spinal cord
compression due to large disk extrusions in a patient presenting with pain and subacute myelopathic complaints.

Ischemia portion of the central gray matter of the spinal

cord. Anterior radiculomedullary arteries enter
Spinal cord ischemia is the result of abrupt occlu-
the neural foramen to supply the ASA, but are pre-
sion of one of the arteries that supply the spinal
sent at an average of only 6 spinal levels, and are
cord parenchyma. One of the most notable clinical
most numerous in the cervical spine.8,9 This re-
features of ischemia is the hyperacute progression
sults in a system of vascular supply that is depen-
to symptom nadir, often within 4 hours or less. This
dent on a relatively small number of vessels,
rapid onset and the profound deficits that accom-
particularly in the lower thoracic spinal cord, where
pany ischemia frequently prompt very early clinical
infarction is most common.10
The most common identified etiology of
Ischemia most commonly affects the territory of
ischemia is atherosclerosis, although no definite
anterior spinal artery (ASA), which irrigates a large
Imaging Approach to Myelopathy 5

cause is identified in a substantial number of The pattern of central gray matter involvement is
cases. Other causes include aortic dissection or typical in acute ischemia, but other variants may
aortic surgery/stenting, vertebral artery occlusion, be seen. Posterior spinal artery infarction may
hypotension, and fibrocartilaginous embolism.11 cause dorsal column involvement, and watershed
Hyperextension of the thoracic spine among territory infarction may cause abnormalities in the
novice surfers has also been found to induce anterior horns of the gray matter only, producing
ischemia in rare cases and has been termed a “snake-eyes” or “owl’s-eyes” appearance.11
“surfer’s myelopathy.”12
On MR imaging, characteristic findings include
Demyelinating Disease
T2 hyperintense signal within the central gray mat-
ter, producing an “H-shaped” or “butterfly- Multiple sclerosis
shaped” region of abnormality (Fig. 5). If Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disorder
diffusion-weighted imaging is performed, diffusion that affects the brain and spinal cord, and is char-
restriction will be seen (Fig. 6). Patients most acterized by lesions (and their corresponding clin-
commonly present and are imaged early in the ical defects) that are disseminated in both space
course of ischemia, at which point the process is and time. The spinal cord is involved in 80% to
typically nonexpansile, resulting in a thin “pencil- 90% of patients with MS,13 with lesions most
like” stripe of T2 hyperintense signal on sagittal im- common in the cervical cord.14 Patients with pri-
ages. These 2 imaging features, central gray mat- mary progressive MS tend to have more spinal
ter predominance and absence of expansion, cord lesions than patients with relapsing-
together with the hyperacute onset of symptoms, remitting MS. Although transverse myelitis is a
are highly suggestive of ischemia, and help to possible clinical presentation of MS, partial
discriminate it from many of the other causes of myelitis is much more common, resulting in asym-
acute myelopathy. metric clinical deficits.
Similar to cerebral infarction, swelling of the spi- MS lesions are typically short-segment lesions,
nal cord may be seen if imaging is delayed. meaning that they are less than 2 vertebral bodies
Contrast enhancement is absent early on but in craniocaudal extent.15 This notable feature sep-
may develop after several days. arates them from many of the other acute

Fig. 5. Acute spinal cord ischemia. (A) Sagittal and (B) axial T2-weighted images demonstrate abnormal signal in
the central spinal cord that preferentially affects the central gray matter. Expansion of the cord is typically absent
or mild in cases of ischemia.
6 Kranz & Amrhein

Fig. 6. Acute spinal cord ischemia. (A) Sagittal STIR and (B) axial T2-weighted images demonstrate increased T2
signal in the central gray matter in a patient who presented with hyperacute onset of sensory and motor dysfunc-
tion. Axial diffusion-weighted image (C) shows restricted diffusion in the central gray matter due to acute

myelopathies, which take the form of longitudinally as tumors (in addition to the acuity of presenta-
extensive transverse myelitis (LETM), meaning that tion and brain imaging).
they extend over 3 or more vertebral segments in
length. Neuromyelitis optica
The cross-sectional distribution of MS lesions is Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a condition charac-
also typically characteristic (Fig. 7). Lesions occur terized by spinal cord involvement, most
with greatest frequency in the dorsal and lateral commonly resulting in ATM, and optic neuritis.
portions of the spinal cord, often extending to Clinical deficits in NMO are typically more severe
the periphery of the cord where white matter pre- than those seen with MS.20 Recurrent attacks
dominates. Asymmetric lesion distribution is com- are common.21
mon, accounting for the frequent presentation with Most patients with NMO have elevated levels of
partial myelitis. serum antibodies to aquaporin-4 (AQP4), a water
On MR imaging, MS lesions are T2 hyperin- transport channel found in the ependymal cells
tense. Acute lesions may be expansile, a feature that line the ventricles within the central nervous
that decreases over time. Chronic lesions often system.22 This antibody (AQP4-IgG) is highly spe-
remain visible on T2-weighted images. Numerous cific for the diagnosis of NMO.23 More recently, the
investigators have found lesions to be more con- term “NMO-spectrum disorders” (NMOSDs) has
spicuous on short tau inversion recovery been introduced to encompass patients with clin-
(STIR) imaging compared with fast spin echo ical NMO who are AQP4-IgG negative; some of
T2-weighted imaging.16–18 these patients demonstrate immunoreactivity to
Contrast enhancement is seen in active demy- another antibody against myelin oligodendrocyte
elinating lesions, and persists for 6 to 8 weeks glycoprotein (MOG).24
after onset. There may be a peripheral rim of On imaging, NMO characteristically demon-
enhancement, or an “open ring” of c-shaped strates a longitudinally extensive (3 more verte-
enhancement (which is highly suggestive of bral levels in length), T2 hyperintense, expansile
demyelinating disease when present).19 Small le- lesion (Fig. 8). On axial imaging, the central por-
sions may show nodular or ill-defined enhance- tions of the spinal cord are involved, but the pro-
ment. Enhancement usually does not persist cess in not confined to gray or white matter
beyond 3 months, which can be a useful way alone. The presence of small foci of very hyperin-
of discriminating MS from other diseases such tense T2 signal within the cord, so-called “bright
Imaging Approach to Myelopathy 7

Fig. 7. MS. Numerous short-segment lesions are visible on (A) sagittal T2-weighted and (B) sagittal postcontrast
T1-weighted images. Note that there is enhancement of some, but not all, lesions, indicating that some are active
and others are chronic. Axial T2-weighted images (C–E) show the typical peripheral, dorsolateral distribution of
MS lesions.

spotty lesions,” is relatively specific for NMO.25 overwhelming majority of cases occur in
Ill-defined or patchy contrast enhancement is childhood.29
very common. It is an autoimmune-mediated disease, and in
Although brain lesions were initially thought to many cases, there is a history of antecedent upper
be absent in NMO, it is now recognized that brain respiratory or gastrointestinal illness. Classically,
lesions are not uncommon. They tend to pre- ADEM is considered a monophasic illness, with
dominate in the regions around the third and no new disease activity after 3 months from onset.
fourth ventricles,26,27 regions where AQP4 is A small proportion of patients may develop a sec-
expressed in greatest concentration.22 This dis- ond episode of ADEM and may be classified as
tribution is in contrast to the ovoid “Dawson’s multiphasic disseminated encephalomyelitis.30
fingers” lesions seen at the margin of the lateral On imaging, the spinal cord is involved in
ventricle and in the corpus callosum in patients approximately one-quarter of patients,31 and typi-
with MS.28 cally produces an LETM appearance, with T2
hyperintensity, expansion, and variable enhance-
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ment (Fig. 9). The appearance on spinal imaging
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) may be difficult to distinguish from other LETMs.
is a demyelinating disease that affects the Brain imaging, however, is very useful in suggest-
brain and spinal cord, but the primary neurologic ing the diagnosis of ADEM. Brain lesions are T2
manifestation is typically encephalopathy. hyperintense and may variably enhance, but are
Although ADEM can occur at any age, the distributed throughout the white matter and

Fig. 8. NMO. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted image shows a longitudinally extensive, expansile lesion. There is
ill-defined enhancement on (B) the sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted image. (C) Axial T2-weighted image shows
the typical central distribution of NMO in the spinal cord.

Fig. 9. ADEM. (A) Axial T2-weighted image of the brain in a child presenting with encephalopathy and myelop-
athy after recent viral illness shows T2 hyperintense lesions in the basal ganglia. (B) Sagittal T2-weighted image of
the cervical spinal cord shows fusiform expansion and T2 hyperintensity.
Imaging Approach to Myelopathy 9

brainstem (unlike the periventricular predomi- antiphospholipid antibodies in many cases, lead-
nance seen in MS), may be larger than typical ing to the suggestion that SLE myelitis is a
MS lesions, and frequently involve the deep gray thrombotic rather than a truly inflammatory
nuclei, an imaging feature uncommon in other myelopathy.32 Behçet disease, a condition
demyelinating conditions. accompanied by oral and genital aphthous ulcers,
is a systemic vasculitis. Some patients with of SLE
and Sjögren’s syndrome may test positive for
Systemic Inflammatory
AQP4 antibody, indicating that there may be
Acute myelopathy can be a manifestation of crossover with NMOSD.33
multisystem inflammatory disorders, including Sarcoidosis, on the other hand, is a granuloma-
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) tous condition. It often shows enhancement along
(Fig. 10), Sjögren’s syndrome (Fig. 11), mixed the surface of the spinal cord that can be sheetlike
connective tissue disorder, Behçet disease, or plaquelike. Centripetal spread of enhancement
and sarcoidosis. into the spinal cord in a wedgelike pattern may
Imaging features in these conditions overlap, be seen (Fig. 12), a feature that may help distin-
generally producing an expansile LETM with guish sarcoidosis from other LETMs. It has been
variable contrast enhancement. Despite a similar hypothesized that this feature represents involve-
imaging appearance, the pathophysiology of ment of the leptomeninges with granulomatous
these conditions is different. For example, SLE inflammation that subsequently extends into the
myelitis has been found to be associated with spinal cord parenchyma along perivascular

Fig. 10. SLE myelopathy. Involvement of the cervical spinal cord is common in SLE myelopathy, typically produc-
ing a longitudinally extensive lesion on T2-weighted images (A). Contrast enhancement is variably present in
cases of SLE; this case shows no abnormal enhancement on (B) the sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted image.
10 Kranz & Amrhein

Fig. 11. Sjögren’s syndrome. (A) Sagittal T2 and (B) sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted images demonstrate a
longitudinally extensive, T2 hyperintense, enhancing lesion in this patient with Sjögren’s syndrome. This appear-
ance is common to several diseases that cause ATM.

spaces.34 Involvement of the cauda equina or op- infections). Compared with other causes of
tic nerves can be seen. Chest CT or chest radio- acute myelopathy, direct infection of the spinal
graphs can be helpful if sarcoidosis is suspected, cord is relatively uncommon in developed coun-
as roughly half of patients with neurosarcoidosis tries. In addition to the motor and sensory
will have hilar lymphadenopathy.35 Serum and ce- changes that may accompany myelopathy, radi-
rebrospinal fluid (CSF) angiotensin-converting culopathy may be present in some cases of in-
enzyme levels have moderate sensitivity but high fectious myelitis, resulting in lower motor
specificity for sarcoidosis and may be a useful neuron signs.36
adjunctive test.33 Among the more common viral causes of
myelitis are enteroviruses (including EV-D68,
EV-71, and poliovirus), herpesviruses (including
varicella zoster virus [VZV], cytomegalovirus
Infection of the spinal cord and spinal nerve [CMV], and herpes simplex), and arboviruses
roots can be caused by viruses, bacteria, para- (arthropod-borne viruses, including West Nile
sites, or fungi. It is distinct from postinfectious virus).
myelopathy, which is an autoimmune-mediated Poliovirus infection affects lower motor neurons,
process that occurs after an infection elsewhere causing acute flaccid paralysis. The incidence of
in the body (often gastrointestinal or respiratory poliomyelitis has decreased dramatically since
Imaging Approach to Myelopathy 11

Fig. 12. Sarcoidosis. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted image shows fusiform expansion and longitudinally extensive
T2 hyperintense signal abnormality. (B) Sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted image shows plaquelike
enhancement along the surface of the spinal cord. (C) Axial postcontrast T1-weighted image
shows wedgelike areas of enhancement (arrowheads) spreading in a centripetal pattern into the spinal
cord. (D) Axial images from a fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)- PET-CT shows hypermetabolic hilar lymph nodes

the widespread introduction of vaccination, but affected root.36 Infection with CMV, another
still persists in parts of the developing world. MR herpesvirus, is typically seen in immunocompro-
imaging classically shows T2 hyperintensity of mised individuals, often diffusely affecting the
the anterior horn cells (Fig. 13).37 Other strains of lumbar nerve roots, and extending into the spinal
enterovirus also show a predilection for the ante- cord in some cases.39
rior horn cells and cause periodic seasonal Bacterial infection of the spinal cord can be
outbreaks in the late summer–early fall among associated with bacterial meningitis or adjacent
children.38 vertebral or disk infection (Fig. 15). Rarely, an
VZV infection causes chickenpox in pediatric intramedullary abscess may develop, producing
patients, after which it may lie dormant in neu- an expansile, ring-enhancing lesion.39 Other
rons for decades. Reactivation may cause her- fungal (Aspergillus, Candida) and atypical organ-
pes zoster (also known as shingles), a painful isms (Nocardia, Actinomyces) may cause an acute
rash in a dermatomal distribution. Extension necrotizing myelitis,40 with spinal cord enhance-
along the nerve roots into the spinal cord can ment, expansion, and T2 hyperintensity on MR
occur in some cases of herpes zoster, resulting imaging.
in radiculomyelitis. Imaging can show involve- Parasitic infections such as cysticercosis,
ment of the dorsolateral spinal cord at the site schistosomiasis, and echinococcus are uncom-
of the nerve root entry (Fig. 14), and may show mon outside of endemic areas, but may be
enhancement of the affected spinal cord and encountered due to travel or migration.41 These
12 Kranz & Amrhein

Pearls: subacute to chronic myelopathy

 Selective involvement of the dorsal columns

should prompt evaluation for metabolic
myelopathy such as B12 deficiency.
 Carefully examine the dorsal surface of the
spinal cord for flow voids in older men who
present with myelopathy, as this can indicate
a spinal dural arteriovenous fistula.
 Tract-specific abnormalities suggest an auto-
immune or paraneoplastic cause.
 Ill-defined, longitudinally extensive lesions in
adults are much more common to be demye-
linating or inflammatory lesions than tumors.
Repeat imaging in 2 to 3 months can be help-
ful in discriminating these entities.
Fig. 13. Poliomyelitis. Axial T2-weighted image shows  Don’t jump to a diagnosis of spinal cord
increased signal in the anterior horn cells of the gray tumor too quickly, especially if there is an
matter, in the classic “snake-eyes” or “owl’s-eyes” acute presentation. Spinal cord biopsy carries
pattern. Spinal cord atrophy is also present. (Courtesy significant morbidity, and alternative diagno-
of C. Torres, MD, Ottawa, Canada) ses can often be established with cerebrospi-
nal fluid analysis and judicious follow-up
patients may present with either acute or chronic
myelopathy, depending on the chronicity of the
Nonneoplastic Causes of Subacute-Chronic
Idiopathic ATM, by definition, lacks an identifiable The best known of the metabolic myelopathies is
cause after comprehensive evaluation for demye- vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency. Vitamin B12
linating, vascular, and infectious causes and con- deficiency causes patchy areas of demyelination
nective tissue disorders. Arriving at a specific of the spinal cord, with a particular predilection
diagnosis, when possible, is important to direct for the dorsal columns and, to a lesser extent,
appropriate therapy and to avoid the side effects the lateral spinal cord.43 These changes, known
of long-term immunosuppressive regimens. Idio- as subacute combined degeneration (SCD), result
pathic ATM should be an uncommon diagnosis; in peripheral neuropathy and gait disturbance due
previous studies have shown that among patients to sensory ataxia.
with initially suspected idiopathic ATM, only 16% The classic appearance of SCD on MR imaging
to 18% retained this diagnosis after appropriate is increased T2 signal in the dorsal columns of the
workup.3,42 cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord bilaterally,
resulting in a chevron-shaped appearance on axial
SUBACUTE-CHRONIC MYELOPATHY images (Fig. 16), sometimes referred to as the
“inverted-V sign.”44 There is typically no spinal
As with acute myelopathies, compression of cord expansion or contrast enhancement.
the spinal cord must be excluded first in cases of Exposure to nitrous oxide, either as an inhaled
subacute to chronic myelopathy. After exclusion anesthetic during dental procedures or as a drug
of compression, subacute to chronic myelopathies of abuse, causes functional B12 deficiency by
can be broadly divided into nonneoplastic and oxidizing the cobalt atom needed for proper func-
neoplastic causes. The nonneoplastic myelopa- tioning of cobalamin.45 Copper deficiency, usually
thies constitute a diverse spectrum of diseases the result of gastric surgery, malabsorption, or
including metabolic causes, dural arteriovenous prolonged parenteral nutrition, produces clinical
fistula (dAVF), radiation-related myelopathy, auto- findings that are indistinguishable from B12 defi-
immune causes, and cavernomas of the spinal ciency.46 Excessive ingestion of zinc can cause
cord. Tumors of the spinal cord are a relatively un- copper deficiency by stimulating the binding of
common but important cause of chronic progres- copper ions in the gastrointestinal tract, prevent-
sive myelopathy. ing proper absorption. Toxic levels of zinc have
Imaging Approach to Myelopathy 13

Fig. 14. Varicella zoster myelitis. (A) Sagittal STIR and (B) axial T2-weighted images in a patient with left-sided
weakness developing after shingles outbreak, with vesicular skin lesions in the C2-C3 dermatome show T2 hyper-
intensity and slight expansion of the cervical spinal cord at the location of the left C2 nerve root insertion (arrow).
Polymerase chain reaction of the cerebrospinal fluid was positive for VZV.

Fig. 15. Secondary bacterial myelitis. (A) Sagittal STIR image shows longitudinal T2 hyperintensity in the
spinal cord, with spinal cord compression from an adjacent epidural abscess (arrow). (B) Sagittal postcontrast
T1-weighted image shows enhancement of the spinal cord due to spread of bacterial infection from the epidural
space. There is abnormal T2 signal and enhancement in the C5 vertebral body due to associated osteomyelitis.
14 Kranz & Amrhein

been reported with inadvertent swallowing of zinc- one or more meningeal arteries to an intradural
containing denture cream, and with overingestion radiculomedullary vein along the inner dural sur-
of zinc-containing dietary supplements.47,48 All of face results in arterial pressure being transmitted
these entities can show dorsal column T2 hyperin- to the veins that drain the spinal cord, leading to
tensity on spinal MR imaging in a pattern identical progressive venous dilation and tortuosity.49,50
to B12 deficiency. Increased venous pressure causes vascular
congestion in the spinal cord parenchyma, pro-
Spinal dural arteriovenous fistula ducing cord edema and decreased arterial
Spinal dAVFs (sdAVFs) are a direct connection be- perfusion. Fistulas most commonly are found at
tween an artery and vein, usually adjacent to a spi- the mid and lower spinal levels, from T4 to L3.51
nal nerve root. This abnormal communication of Rarely, they may be located intracranially,

Fig. 16. Metabolic myelopathy. (A)

Sagittal and (B) axial T2-weighted
images of the cervical spinal cord in
a patient with SCD due to vitamin
B12 deficiency shows abnormal T2
hyperintensity confined to the dorsal
columns of the spinal cord, in a
pattern known as the “inverted-V”
sign. (C) Sagittal and (D) axial
T2-weighted images of the cervical
spinal cord in a different patient
with copper deficiency show a
similar distribution of T2 signal ab-
normality in the dorsal columns.
Imaging Approach to Myelopathy 15

resulting in involvement of the brainstem and useful in localizing the fistula site, allowing for a
descending cervical symptoms. more focused catheter angiogram.53,54 Treat-
Demographically, sdAVFs are overwhelmingly ment of sdAVF is with microsurgical obliteration
found in male patients in the fifth decade of life of the fistula or endovascular occlusion. Although
and beyond.51 Gait disturbance is the most com- some patients may see symptomatic improve-
mon symptom, present in 96% of cases. Lower ment after treatment, some deficits may be
extremity sensory deficits and urinary dysfunction irreversible.55
are also common. Spastic paraplegia may be pre-
sent initially, eventually progressing to flaccid pa- Cavernomas
ralysis. If left untreated, additional spinal levels Cavernous malformations (cavernomas) are
may become affected in an ascending fashion; another form of vascular pathology that can
this clinical presentation associated with sdAVF affect the spinal cord. In contrast to high-flow
is known as Foix-Alajouanine syndrome.52 vascular malformations like sdAVFs, cavernomas
On MR imaging, the most characteristic finding are low-flow lesions that lack arterial feeding ves-
is the presence of enlarged veins along the dorsal sels. As a result, they are occult on angiographic
surface of the spinal cord (Fig. 17). These will imaging. The clinical presentation is nonspecific,
appear as flow voids on T2-weighted images, and may include progressive sensory deficits,
with intravascular enhancement visible after intra- motor deficits, or pain.56 Acute episodes of dete-
venous contrast administration. The spinal cord it- rioration are common due to hemorrhage within
self demonstrates T2 hyperintensity due to edema the lesion.
caused by venous hypertension. Ill-defined paren- Pathologically, spinal cavernomas are identical
chymal contrast enhancement of the spinal cord to cavernomas of the brain. They are circum-
can be seen. scribed lesions composed of blood-filled vascular
Localization of the fistula is typically performed channels separated by single endothelial layers.
using catheter angiography, to confirm the level Gliosis and abundant hemosiderin-containing
of arterial supply. MR angiography also can be macrophages are seen at the interface with the

Fig. 17. SdAVF. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted image of the thoracic spine shows T2 hyperintensity in the thoracic spinal
cord with tortuous flow voids (arrow) over the dorsal aspect of the cord. (B) Sagittal maximum-intensity projec-
tion from time-resolved MR angiogram shows enlarged veins filling during arterial phase of imaging (arrow) due
to shunting in the fistula. (C) Catheter angiogram with selective injection into a spinal segmental artery shows
the fistula, with the same enlarged tortuous veins (arrow) at the surface of the spinal cord.
16 Kranz & Amrhein

spinal cord.57 MR imaging reveals a multicystic- dose-dependent; most centers limit total dose to
appearing lesion confining internal locules of blood less than 45 Gy in 1.8-Gy to 2.0-Gy fractions to
in various stages of breakdown (Fig. 18), often help reduce this risk.59 Average time to presenta-
showing T1 hyperintensity due to the presence of tion is 6 months to 2 years, but may develop as
methemoglobin. A characteristic feature of caver- soon as 2 months and as late as several years after
nomas is a very low signal T2 rim, representing he- radiation.59,60
mosiderin deposition at the margin of the lesion. Pathologically, radiation myelopathy is charac-
Contrast enhancement can be seen within the terized by preferential white matter damage and
cystic spaces of the lesion, but no flow voids will demyelination and vasculopathy.61 The most com-
be present, because cavernomas lack arterial mon symptoms are motor weakness, pain, and
feeding vessels. Similar to cavernomas seen in paresthesias.59,60
the brain, techniques that are sensitive to mag- The appearance of the spinal cord on MR imag-
netic field inhomogeneity, such as gradient- ing in radiation myelopathy has no specific fea-
based MR sequences, will show “blooming” of tures. T2 hyperintensity is universally present,
the lesions due to the paramagnetic effects of usually involving the central spinal cord
hemosiderin.58 (Fig. 19).59 Spinal cord expansion and contrast
enhancement are present in roughly half of cases.
Radiation However, the key to recognizing radiation-induced
Radiation-induced myelopathy is a rare complica- myelopathy is the recognition that the changes
tion of treatment of primary and metastatic correlate with a prior radiation port. Examination
neoplastic disease. The risk of myelopathy is of adjacent vertebral bodies for T1 hyperintense

Fig. 18. Spinal cavernoma. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted image shows an expansile lesion in the thoracic spinal cord
with multiple internal locules. (B) Sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted image shows enhancement within the lesion
(precontrast T1-weighted image not shown) but no enhancement surrounding the lesion. (C) Sagittal gradient
recalled echo image shows increased conspicuity of T2 hypointense signal at the margin of the lesion, a phenom-
enon known as “blooming,” due to hemosiderin deposition.
Imaging Approach to Myelopathy 17

Fig. 19. Chronic radiation myelopathy. (A) Sagittal and (B) axial T2-weighted images in a patient with prior verte-
bral body metastases treated with radiation and surgery show abnormally increased T2 signal and mild volume
loss in the upper thoracic spinal cord. Artifact is seen due to pedicle screws related to the prior surgical interven-
tion. There is increased T2 signal in the bone marrow in the irradiated portion of the vertebral bodies that cor-
responds with the area or myelopathic change in the spinal cord.

marrow indicating prior radiation can be very help- Neoplastic Causes of Subacute-Chronic
ful in this regard. Myelopathy

Paraneoplastic and autoimmune myelitis Spinal cord tumors are a relatively rare cause of
Paraneoplastic myelopathy is the result of cross- myelopathy and are certainly much less common
reaction of antibodies formed against tumor than acute demyelinating and inflammatory
antigens with antigens present in normal neural
tissue. This immune response results in neuronal
dysfunction and injury, causing progressive
neurologic symptoms that may sometimes pre-
cede the diagnosis of the tumor itself. Common
tumors associated with paraneoplastic myelop-
athy include lung (especially small cell lung
cancer), breast, thymoma, and ovarian tumors
(Fig. 20).62
Another potential trigger for an autoimmune
response against neural elements is viral infec-
tion. For example, herpesvirus infection can
trigger a reaction to N-methyl-D-aspartate
(NMDA) receptors, resulting in encephalitis or
myelitis occurring weeks after the incident infec-
tion (Fig. 21).63
The characteristic MR imaging finding that
should suggest paraneoplastic or autoimmune
Fig. 20. Paraneoplastic myelopathy. Axial T2-
myelitis is tract-specific distribution of T2 weighted image demonstrates abnormal increased
signal abnormality. The lateral columns, dorsal signal in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord (arrow)
columns, and central gray matter are commonly in this patient with metastatic small cell lung cancer.
affected tracts, and contrast enhancement is often Note the large conglomerate nodal metastasis in the
present.64 right supraclavicular region (asterisk).
18 Kranz & Amrhein

Fig. 21. Anti-NMDA receptor encephalomyelitis. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted image shows a hyperintense lesion in
the upper cervical spinal cord in this patient presenting with encephalopathy and right-sided motor deficits.
(B) Axial T2-weighted and (C) axial postcontrast T1-weighted images show involvement of the lateral corticospi-
nal tracts (arrows). (D) Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery image of the brain showed ill-defined lesions
involving the left periatrial white matter and thalamus (arrow). CSF analysis revealed the presence of anti-
NMDA receptor antibodies.

causes. For example, rates of ATM have been esti- tumors.65,66 Establishing the diagnosis of a spinal
mated at 3.1 per 100,000 person-years, compared cord tumor may require biopsy, which can be
with a rate of 0.17 per 100,000 for ependymomas associated with substantial morbidity and perma-
and 0.03 per 100,000 for pediatric glial/neuronal nent neurologic deficit.

Fig. 22. Ependymoma. (A) Sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted and (B) sagittal T2-weighted images show a well-
defined, homogeneously enhancing nodule in the upper thoracic spinal cord of an adult patient. (C) Axial post-
contrast T1-weighted image shows the typical central location of an ependymoma.
Imaging Approach to Myelopathy 19

For these reasons, the diagnosis of a spinal cord features are not definitive, to avoid unnecessary
tumor should be entertained with caution unless biopsy.
there are clear features on imaging that suggest Tumors of glial origin comprise 90% of all intra-
the presence of a tumor over inflammatory dis- medullary spinal cord tumors, with ependymomas
ease. As a general rule, spinal cord tumors will and low-grade astrocytomas constituting the bulk
show cord expansion and will enhance on post- (w95%) of these tumors.68 Hemangioblastomas
contrast imaging in the vast majority of cases.67 are the third most common tumor. Other tumor
If these features are absent, other diagnoses types, such as lymphoma, metastases, and gan-
should be entertained first. Although spinal cord glioglioma, are rare and are not covered in this
tumors occasionally present acutely, most review.
tumors present with chronic progressive neuro-
logic symptoms, differentiating them from acute Ependymoma
myelopathies. In adults, the most common primary spinal cord
Demyelinating causes of myelopathy, which tumor is ependymoma. Most ependymomas of
also show expansion and contrast enhancement, the spinal cord are World Health Organization
typically stop enhancing after 6 to 8 weeks, (WHO) grade 2 “classic” ependymomas, with
whereas spinal cord tumors will show persistent higher-grade anaplastic ependymomas (WHO
enhancement beyond this time. Because grade 3) much less frequent.69 Myxopapillary
most spinal cord tumors exhibit slow clinical ependymomas, a subtype of ependymomas that
progression, repeating imaging after 2 to arises from the conus medullaris or filum terminale,
3 months is a useful strategy when initial imaging typically appear as intradural extramedullary

Fig. 23. Spinal cord astrocytoma. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted and (B) sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted images show
a holocord enhancing mass expanding the spinal cord in a pediatric patient. The lesion contains internal tumoral
cysts surrounded by enhancing tissue.
20 Kranz & Amrhein

masses; they are not typically mistaken for other than ependymomas. Further, as a result of the
causes of myelopathy on imaging. vascularity of the lesion, hemorrhage at the mar-
Spinal cord ependymomas arise from ependy- gins of the tumor is not uncommon, resulting in a
mal cells lining the central canal of the spinal T2 hypointense rim due to a hemosiderin “cap”
cord, and as a result, are typically located cen- in approximately one-third of cases.71
trally, rather than eccentrically, within the spinal
cord. They are not infiltrating tumors histologically Astrocytoma
and can potentially be cured surgically.70 The most common tumor in pediatric patients and
Most ependymomas demonstrate well- the second most common tumor in adults is the
circumscribed margins on imaging. A focal, homo- astrocytoma. Spinal cord astrocytomas are low-
geneous, enhancing nodular mass located in the grade (WHO grade I or II) in 60% to 80% of
central spinal cord is seen in most cases cases.72 As opposed to gliomas in the brain, glio-
(Fig. 22). The spinal cord is focally expanded at blastoma multiforme (WHO grade IV) is uncom-
the level of the mass. Because of the location monly encountered in the spinal cord.67,72
within the central canal, ependymomas are often Unlike the circumscribed tumor nodule of
associated with a syrinx or a “polar cyst,” a nontu- ependymomas, astrocytomas are infiltrative histo-
moral cyst located above or below the tumor logically, with poorly defined margins both patho-
nodule.67 Cysts within the tumor itself are less logically and radiographically. Whereas the tumor
common, seen more often in astrocytomas nodules of ependymomas are localized to a short

Fig. 24. Hemangioblastoma. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted and (B) postcontrast T1-weighted images demonstrate a
circumscribed nodule of enhancement eccentrically located within the dorsal aspect of the cervical spinal cord,
with a relatively large component of surrounding edema.
Imaging Approach to Myelopathy 21

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