Neuroimaging in The Brain in HIV-1-Infected Patients

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Neuroimag Clin N Am 18 (2008) 93–117

Neuroimaging in the Brain

in HIV-1–Infected Patients
a, b
Majda M. Thurnher, MD *, M. Judith Donovan Post, MD

- HIV-associated central nervous system Fungal infections

abnormalities Parasitic infections
- Opportunistic infections - Neoplastic lesions
Viral infections Lymphoma
Bacterial infections - References

As the HIVAIDS epidemic approaches the 20th poorly understood, however. The predominant
anniversary of the first mysterious reports of people pathogenesis is believed to involve the combined
with the syndrome, researchers and clinicians con- influence of HIV infection and the activation of im-
tinue to grapple with the complexities of the virus. mune-competent cells and their subsequent release
An estimated 36 million people worldwide are cur- of toxins, which leads to neuronal and astrocytic
rently living with HIV, and some 20 million people dysfunction [2].
have already died. If the number of new infections The brain may be affected by a variety of
continues at the current rate, even the most devas- abnormalities in association with HIV infection.
tating impact that can be anticipated from current Knowledge of these abnormalities and their charac-
levels of infection may seem minor compared teristic imaging features is important to neuroradi-
with that of the future. ologists for the detection, diagnosis, and initiation
HIV enters the central nervous system (CNS) of appropriate treatment. Nowadays, patients who
early in the course of infection, and the virus resides have AIDS form a considerable part of routine neu-
primarily at the cellular level in microglia and mac- roradiologic work. The imaging modalities com-
rophages. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis has monly used in patients who have HIV or AIDS are
demonstrated that HIV can enter the CNS soon CT and MR imaging. In addition, nuclear medicine
after exposure, even before antibodies are detect- techniques, such as single-photon emission com-
able in the blood. HIV has been detected in the puted tomography (SPECT) and positron emission
brain as early as 15 days after accidental intravenous tomography (PET), are helpful. The spectrum of
inoculation [1]. More than a decade ago, it became CNS abnormalities can be divided into three
clear that the neuron dysfunction or death that un- main categories: (1) HIV-associated lesions, (2) op-
derlies the clinical symptoms of HIV CNS disease portunistic infections, and (3) neoplasms.
could not result from direct infections of neurons. This review attempts to describe the
The mechanism of HIV-related brain injury remains imaging findings associated with brain disorders

Section of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Medical University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel
18–20, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Section of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, University of Miami L. Miller School of Medicine,
1611 NW 12th Avenue, Miami, FL 33136, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.M. Thurnher).

1052-5149/08/$ – see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.nic.2007.12.013
94 Thurnher & Donovan Post

in HIV-seropositive patients and the rationales for

integrating neuroradiologic techniques.

HIV-associated central nervous system

Like all viruses, HIV is a parasite that replicates
within the living cells of the host. HIV infection of
the CNS produces a range of cognitive, motor, and
behavioral abnormalities [3–6]. The syndrome ob-
served after infection with HIV has been designated
as HIV-associated dementia (HAD) [2]. The preva-
lence of HAD was estimated in the early 1990s to
be as high as 20% to 30% in those patients who
have advanced HIV disease and low CD4 cell counts.
HAD is now probably the most common cause of
dementia worldwide among people aged 40 years
or younger. With the advent of potent combination
antiretroviral therapy (highly active antiretroviral
therapy [HAART]), the incidence of HAD has de-
creased to as low as 10.5% [7]. Although the inci-
dence of HAD seems to be declining, the
prevalence of milder yet debilitating neuropsycho- Fig. 1. HIV leukoencephalopathy in an HIV-positive
logic impairments may increase as individuals patient presenting with dementia. Precontrast axial
infected with HIV live longer. These findings support CT scan shows bilateral hypodensity of the white
the hypothesis that HAART does not provide com- matter with dilatation of the ventricular system.
plete protection from the development of HAD.
The histopathologic marker of the HIV-infected
brain is the presence of multinucleated giant cells than for HIV-positive patients who did not have
(MGCs). Two neuropathologic correlates of cere- dementia.
bral infection by HIV include multinucleated giant White matter lesions are the second most com-
cell encephalitis (MGCE) and progressive diffuse mon MR imaging finding in patients who have
leukoencephalopathy (PDL) [8,9]. MGCE and HAD (Fig. 2). The average frequency of white mat-
PDL may be end points, with a morphologic spec- ter lesions in patients who have AIDS is 78%, with
trum of HIV-induced changes in between. a range of 43% to 100% [11]. A review of the MR
The most common reported imaging finding is imaging scans of 365 patients who had AIDS
cerebral atrophy (Fig. 1). The predominant pattern revealed signal abnormalities in the white matter
of atrophy may be central (ventricular dilatation), in 31% of patients [19], with four patterns
peripheral (sulcal dilatation), or mixed (central observed: diffuse, patchy, focal, and punctate.
and peripheral) [10–16]. Levy and colleagues [14] The white matter lesions demonstrate high signal
reported in their early CT study of 200 patients on T2-weighted MR imaging sequences and usu-
who had AIDS that 37.5% of the patients presented ally are isointense or minimally hypointense on
with cerebral atrophy. Serial CT studies have dem- T1-weighted MR imaging sequences. Enhancement
onstrated progression of the atrophy over time in and mass effect are not present. Two distinct MR
patients who have HAD. Jacobsen and colleagues imaging patterns on T2-weighted imaging were
[17] reported cortical atrophy in one third of 400 observed, which allows a distinction between the
patients who had AIDS with neurologic manifesta- two types of HAD: (1) diffuse, bilateral, and sym-
tions. Studies with symptomatic patients showed metric high signal intensity involvement of the
cortical atrophy in 85% of patients, which suggests white matter (butterfly-like; see Fig. 1) and (2)
that cortical atrophy may be relatively specific to pa- bilateral, scattering, high signal intensity lesions
tients who have neuropsychologic impairment. Ayl- in the white and gray matter (patchy, see Fig. 2)
ward and colleagues [18] found an association [19]. The appearance of MR imaging scans most
between HAD and specific gray matter volume re- likely reflects an increase in water content and
duction in the basal ganglia and posterior cortex the leakage of serum proteins resulting from
and with generalized volume reduction of white altered vascular permeability, possibly related to
matter. The total CSF volumes were significantly the presence of circulating cytokines. Prospective
greater for HIV-positive patients who had HAD studies with long-term follow-up comparing
Neuroimaging in the Brain in HIV-1–Infected Patients 95

Fig. 2. HIV leukoencephalopathy. (A–C) Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) (repetition time [TR]/echo
time [TE]/time after inversion pulse [TI] 5 10,000/130/2100 milliseconds) axial MR imaging scan shows high signal
intensity abnormalities without mass effect in the white matter bilaterally. Note sparing of the subcortical fibers
and dilatation of the ventricles, indicating associated atrophy. The lesions are isointense to hypointense on T1-
weighted MR imaging and show no enhancement on postcontrast images (not shown).

asymptomatic with symptomatic patients have are relatively insensitive in the detection of early
shown that the percentage of white matter abnor- changes in the brain attributable to HIV infection.
malities significantly increases with disease pro- Compared with the postmortem studies, MR imag-
gression [20–22]. ing underestimated the presence of HIV-related
Although MR imaging is the most sensitive im- lesions in the brain [23]. Fluid-attenuated inver-
aging modality for depicting the effects of HIV in sion recovery (FLAIR) techniques have been shown
the brain, it is nevertheless not sensitive enough to improve conspicuity of the lesions in the peri-
to show early pathologic involvement. Several in- ventricular and subcortical locations significantly
vestigators have claimed that neuroimaging studies [24].
96 Thurnher & Donovan Post

The data from recent studies suggest that proton patients who had HAD had a statistically significant
(1H) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) decrease of rCBF bilaterally in the inferior lateral
could potentially be more sensitive in detecting frontal cortices and an increase in the posterior in-
early CNS involvement by HIV than MR imaging ferior parietal white matter. Because pMR imaging
[25–37]. Results of recent studies have shown that is faster and safer than nuclear medicine tech-
the metabolite pattern in patients who have HAD niques, these investigators suggested that pMR im-
indicates decreased N-acetylaspartate (NAA) and el- aging can be used to monitor rCBF changes in
evated choline (Cho) and myoinositol (MI) levels patients who have HIV initially and during therapy.
that are not observed in healthy subjects (Fig. 3) Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is another prom-
(lower NAA/creatine [Cr] ratio, increased Cho/Cr ising MR imaging technique with the possibility to
ratio, and increased MI/Cr ratio) [25–34,37]. The measure tissue anisotropy, thus providing details
findings indicate that diffuse brain involvement in on tissue microstructure [38,39]. Calculating the
AIDS can be marked not only by a loss of neurons, diffusion constant and anisotropy in the subcortical
as indicated by increased NAA levels, but by white matter and corpus callosum in patients who
increased MI levels. Chang and colleagues [27] re- had HIV, Filippi and colleagues [40] recently found
cently reported an increased Cho/Cr ratio in the abnormalities despite normal-appearing white mat-
frontal white matter and in the basal ganglia and ter on conventional MR imaging. Patients who had
an elevated MI/Cr ratio and MI concentrations in advanced HIV disease (high viral load) had the
the basal ganglia. highest diffusion constant elevations and largest an-
Perfusion MR imaging can also detect abnormal- isotropy decreases. The diffusion changes observed
ities that correlate with disease severity in HAD in the study of Filippi and colleagues [40] may be
(Fig. 4). Chang and colleagues [27] evaluated the a result of activation of inflammatory pathways in
regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in 19 patients HIV infection of the brain. In another study with
who had early stages of HAD and correlated the 60 HIV-positive patients, a statistically significant
results with 15 healthy seronegative subjects. The decrease of fractional anisotrpy (FA) was found in
the genu of the corpus callosum in patients who
had HIV compared with controls. FA was reduced
in the frontal white matter and hippocampi in pa-
tients who had HIV compared with controls. Differ-
ences were not statistically significant, however [41].
In addition, DTI did not correlate well with virologic
and immunologic parameters in that particular
study. It seems that FA and apparent diffusion coef-
ficient (ADC) measurements are not sufficient in
identifying patients who have early HIV infection.
An increased knowledge of the pathogenesis of
HIV, the development of sensitive measurements
for such viral parameters as viral load determi-
nations, and the availability of new classes of anti-
retroviral drugs have profoundly improved the
therapeutic management of HIV infection [42–44].
The results of several recent studies [45–48] suggest
that MR imaging and MRS may help in the clinical
management of patients who have HAD and are
receiving potent antiretroviral therapy and can be
used to characterize changes attributable to HAART.
A combination of antiretroviral drugs in patients
who have HAD may result in stabilization or even re-
gression of white matter signal intensity abnormali-
Fig. 3. MRS in a symptomatic HIV-positive patient. The ties observed on MR imaging (Fig. 5) [47,48]. The
findings of MR imaging were normal. The proton progression of white matter lesions on initial fol-
spectrum (point-resolved spectroscopy [PRESS]; echo
low-up studies should not be mistaken for therapy
time [TE] 5 23 milliseconds, repetition time [TR] 5
6365 milliseconds) from the voxel outlined from the
failure, because the progression of MR imaging find-
frontal white matter shows slightly decreased NAA ings is likely the result of postinflammatory reac-
and increased MI, which are findings that are consis- tions attributable to immune reconstitutive effects
tent with the early stage of HIV encephalitis. Cr, after the initiation of HAART [46,48]. Some other
creatine. observations could also be important in
Neuroimaging in the Brain in HIV-1–Infected Patients 97

Fig. 4. Perfusion MR imaging in a patient who had AIDS with AIDS-dementia complex. Perfusion MR imaging
(T2*echo planar imaging [EPI] time-to-peak [std.TTP]) demonstrates delayed std.TTP in the white matter
bilaterally, indicating disturbance of the periventricular microcirculation. Axial FLAIR MR imaging showed no
abnormality (not shown).

understanding the discrepancies between the evolu- Diffuse micronodular encephalitis resembles HIV
tion of MR imaging findings and cognitive function encephalitis histologically. Small microglial nodules
in patients who have HAD and are receiving HAART. and inclusion-bearing cytomegalic cells are widely
The progression of cerebral atrophy was observed in distributed in the cortex, basal ganglia, brain stem,
all patients who had HAD and underwent HAART in and cerebellum. In an autopsy series of 30 cases of
one study, suggesting that despite potent therapy, the CMV encephalitis, 76% of the patients had micro-
neuronal damage seems to progress without clinical glial nodules containing inclusion-bearing cells
manifestations [48]. and 24% had CMV inclusions outside the nodules
[49]. A distinct clinical syndrome of dementia asso-
ciated with CMV has been described and compared
Opportunistic infections with HAD [51]. Those two dementia syndromes dif-
fer in clinical presentation, course, associated elec-
Viral infections trolyte disturbances, and imaging findings. The
Cytomegalovirus most common imaging findings in patients who
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a member of the herpes- have CMV encephalitis are cortical atrophy, periven-
virus family; in adults, the infection is a result of the tricular enhancement, and diffuse white matter ab-
reactivation of a latent infection, most commonly normalities [52,53]. Generalized atrophy is the
presenting as mild infection mimicking mononu- most commonly reported CT abnormality, but it is
cleosis. In immunocompromised patients, CMV a nonspecific finding seen frequently in patients
can produce a variety of clinical syndromes. CMV who have AIDS [53]. Periventricular enhancement
infections have been described with increasing fre- is also not diagnostic, but it has been described in
quency in patients who have AIDS [49,50]. Five dis- cases of lymphoma, toxoplasmosis, and other infec-
tinct neurologic syndromes attributable to the CMV tions. White matter disease occurs as a result of in-
infection have been described: retinitis, myelitis flammation of the subependymal region and
or polyradiculopathy, diffuse micronodular en- spread of the infection to the adjacent astrocytes of
cephalitis, ventriculoencephalitis, and mononeuri- the white matter with infectious demyelination
tis multiplex. [54,55]. In six patients who had pathologically
98 Thurnher & Donovan Post

Fig. 5. HIV encephalitis is being treated with HAART. (A) Axial FLAIR-turbo spin echo (TSE) (repetition time [TR]/
echo time [TE]/time after inversion pulse [TI] 5 7385/130/2100 milliseconds) MR imaging shows bilateral, sym-
metric, high signal intensity abnormalities in the periventricular white matter and white matter of the centrum
semiovale. Additional widening of the sulci and ventricle is present. The patient had a high viral load level in
plasma and in the CSF and a low CD41 T-lymphocyte count. Results of the neuropsychologic examination
were consistent with subcortical dementia. The diagnosis of HIV leukoencephalopathy was made, and combina-
tion antiretroviral therapy was started. (B) Nine months after the initiation of therapy, follow-up FLAIR TSE (TR/
TE/TI 5 7385/130/2100 milliseconds) MR imaging shows progression of the white matter signal intensity abnor-
malities. (C) At 18 months after the initiation of HAART, follow-up MR imaging shows interval decrease of the
white matter signal intensity abnormalities. (D) At 26 months after the initiation of the therapy, follow-up MR
imaging shows regression of the white matter disease (not seen), and stabilization is seen after 33 months.

confirmed CMV infection of the CNS, Hassine and described in the study died despite treatment. CMV
colleagues [52] found atrophy in three cases, sube- should be considered in the differential diagnosis
pendymal nodular lesions without enhancement of mass lesions in patients who have AIDS with se-
in two cases, and ventriculitis in one case. vere immune deficiency.
Patients who have ventriculoencephalitis have CMV infection can also be present as choroid
a more acute onset, with death usually occurring plexitis. In one reported case, a contrast-enhanced
quickly. Autopsy reveals periventriculitis, ependy- CT scan showed marked enhancement of the
mal and subependymal necrosis, and associated in- slightly enlarged right plexus. MR imaging con-
clusion-bearing CMV cells [56,57]. firmed the findings and the absence of enhance-
Rarely, cerebral mass lesions attributable to CMV ment of ependyma [59]. Infections of the choroid
could be observed in patients who had AIDS. In plexus are not common; nevertheless, CMV should
one study, two cases of cerebral mass lesions attrib- be included in the causes of choroid plexitis in pa-
utable to CMV were described [58]. In both cases, tients who have AIDS.
a large contrast-enhancing mass was seen in the Infection of the CNS is difficult to diagnose while
frontal lobe with surrounding edema. Both patients the patient is alive because CMV is difficult to
Neuroimaging in the Brain in HIV-1–Infected Patients 99

culture from CSF. The recent development of the Bacterial infections

polymerase chain reaction technique has allowed Mycobacteria
isolation of CMV based on the presence of DNA The increased incidence of tuberculosis in devel-
within the CSF [60]. The discrimination between oped countries is clearly related to the increase in
HIV and CMV-associated CNS disease is often diffi- AIDS. At present, approximately 30% of patients
cult using clinical and imaging findings. MRS could who have tuberculosis are HIV-positive; conversely,
be potentially useful in such cases. In one study, 5% to 9% of patients who have AIDS develop tuber-
MRS was used to distinguish HIV encephalitis culosis [62]. Currently, AIDS is considered the main
from CMV encephalitis [61]. These findings suggest risk factor for the development of tuberculosis [63].
that a larger Cho signal and a smaller NAA signal It is known that clinical manifestations, manage-
could be inferred within the white matter abnor- ment, and epidemiology are altered in patients
malities attributable to HIV encephalitis or enceph- who have AIDS [64]. HIV-positive patients may
alopathy compared with CMV encephalitis. develop active tuberculosis by two different

Fig. 6. Tuberculous osteomyelitis and meningitis in a patient who had AIDS. (A) Coronal short tau inversion re-
covery (STIR) turbo spin echo (TSE) (repetition time [TR]/echo time [TE]/time after inversion pulse [TI] 5 2500/15/
140 milliseconds) MR imaging shows signal abnormalities in the bony calvarium and scalp of the right frontal
region. (B) Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted spin echo (SE) (TR/TE 5 695/15 milliseconds) MR imaging demon-
strates intense enhancement of the scalp, bone, and fusiform epidural lesion. A biopsy of the lesion revealed
tuberculous osteomyelitis in an HIV-positive patient with simultaneously present pulmonary tuberculosis. (C)
Six months later, axial FLAIR TSE (TR/TE/TI 5 11,000/120/2800 milliseconds) MR imaging shows extensive high sig-
nal intensity abnormalities in the pons, in the subarachnoid space, around the forth ventricle, and in the cere-
bellum. (D, E) Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted turbo field echo (TFE) (TR/TE/flip angle 5 20 milliseconds/1.9
milliseconds/35 ) MR imaging in axial and coronal planes shows marked meningeal and parenchymal enhance-
ment consistent with extensive tuberculous meningitis.
100 Thurnher & Donovan Post

mechanisms: reactivation of a latent infection or Parenchymal forms of the tuberculous infection

rapid progression of a newly acquired infection include tuberculomas, tuberculous abscesses,
[63,64]. Another important fact is that tuberculosis and focal tuberculous cerebritis. In the AIDS popu-
may appear in the early stages of immunodefi- lation, parenchymal involvement is not often seen.
ciency. The most striking clinical feature is the Tuberculous granulomas (tuberculomas) result
extremely high frequency of extrapulmonary from hematogenous spread of infection or from ex-
involvement. tension of meningitis into the parenchyma. Tuber-
Approximately 10% of all patients who have culomas may be solitary or multiple and can be
AIDS with tuberculosis present with CNS disease located anywhere in the brain but are predomi-
[65,66]. nantly found in the supratentorial compartment
Basically, tuberculous infection of the CNS re- [69]. The radiologic features of tuberculomas de-
sults in tuberculous meningitis, which is char- pend on the maturity of the lesion. On CT, mature
acterized by a thick gelatinous exudate with granulomas are ring-enhancing lesions. The ‘‘target
a predilection for the meninges covering the base sign’’ was first described as a pathognomonic fea-
of the brain. Meningeal enhancement on enhanced ture for CNS tuberculoma [73], representing central
CT and MR imaging in the basal cisterns and over calcification or punctate enhancement surrounded
the convexity of the brain could be seen in approx- by a zone of hypodensity and a rim of enhance-
imately 36% to 61% of the cases (Fig. 6) [67–70]. ment. Later reports have shown that the target
Involvement of the vessels that course through sign on CT could also be caused by other lesions,
the subarachnoid space by the tuberculous inflam- such as toxoplasmosis, lymphoma, or brain abscess
mation results in narrowing, and occlusions of the [74]. The tuberculomas appear isointense with a hy-
vessels and subsequent infarctions, which are usu- perintense ring on T1-weighted MR imaging and
ally located in the middle cerebral artery territory have a variable signal on long echo time (TE) im-
and small perforating arteries supplying the basal ages. Some tuberculomas are hypointense on T2-
ganglia [71]. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging is weighted images. The possible explanation for the
helpful in detecting early infarcts, and magnetic res- low signal of tuberculomas on T2-weighted images
onance angiography (MRA) has been reported to be is the presence of paramagnetic free radicals pro-
useful in showing the tuberculosis-induced vascular duced by macrophage activity. Other tuberculomas
pathologic changes [71]. Communicating-type hy- have high signal on long TE images because of
drocephalus is the most common complication in central liquefactive necrosis [75]. Kim and col-
meningeal tuberculosis [72]. leagues [76] compared MR imaging findings with
Villoria and colleagues [69] reported hydroceph- pathologic features in tuberculomas and found
alus in 51% of patients in their series of 35 patients that the outer enhancing portion consisted of a layer
who had AIDS-related CNS tuberculosis. of collagenous fibers and that inflammatory

Fig. 7. Dilated Virchow-

Robin spaces in cerebral
cryptococcosis (autopsy
proved). (A, B) Axial T1-
weighted spin echo (SE)
(repetition time [TR]/TE 5
700/19 milliseconds) and
coronal T2-weighted (TR/
TE 5 2500/90 milliseconds)
MR imaging demonstrates
small cystic-like lesions bi-
laterally in the basal gan-
glia, representing dilated
perivascular spaces filled
with fungi. On enhanced
T1-weighted MR imaging,
no enhancement was ob-
served (not shown).
Neuroimaging in the Brain in HIV-1–Infected Patients 101

infiltrates showed on MR imaging as a hypointense weighted MR imaging. Typically, tuberculous

ring on T2-weighted images; central caseation ne- abscesses are multiloculated, are larger than tuber-
crosis was recognized as isointense or hypointense culomas, and show ring-like enhancement [77,78].
on all pulse sequences. Healed tuberculomas do Differentiation of tuberculous abscess from pyo-
not enhance but may calcify. genic abscess is important for patient manage-
Tuberculous abscess is a true pyogenic lesion ment. A recent study has shown that with MRS
that demonstrates a typical imaging appearance combined with MR imaging, it might be possible
of pyogenic abscesses: hyperintense on T2- to distinguish those two entities [79,80]. In that
weighted MR imaging and hypointense on T1- study, all pyogenic brain abscesses had lipid and

Fig. 8. Cryptococcosis in an HIV-positive patient. (A) Axial FLAIR turbo spin echo (TSE) (repetition time [TR]/TE/time
after inversion pulse [TI] 5 11,000/120/2800 milliseconds) MR imaging of the brain shows bilateral high signal in-
tensity abnormalities in the temporal and occipital cortex (also note high signal in the cingulate gyrus). A low signal
intensity lesion is demonstrated on the right side with a hyperintense rim. The lesion has low signal on T1-weighted
MR imaging (B) and shows no enhancement on postcontrast T1-weighted MR imaging (C). The cortex is inhomoge-
neously enhancing (C). Note the small round lesions in the left basal ganglia representing dilated perivascular
spaces. MR imaging findings were consistent with meningoencephalitis, and the diagnosis was confirmed at au-
topsy. (D) Cystic-like lesions are observed on axial T1-weighted MR imaging in the dentate nucleus. Small CSF iso-
intense nonenhancing lesions in the basal ganglia and dentate nucleus represent dilated Virchow-Robin spaces.
The larger nonenhancing lesion in the right basal ganglia represents a gelatinous pseudocyst.
102 Thurnher & Donovan Post

lactate peaks and amino acid peaks. Patients who Focal tuberculous cerebritis is a rare form of tu-
had tuberculous abscesses had only lipid and lac- berculosis characterized by intense gyral enhance-
tate levels. The magnetization transfer (MT) ratio ment on CT scans [82]. Calvarial tuberculosis is
from the wall of the pyogenic abscess was signifi- another rare manifestation of extrapulmonary tu-
cantly higher than that from the tuberculous ab- berculosis. The presence of lytic lesions of the skull
scess wall. In another series of 28 tuberculomas, in a young individual in an endemic area should
lipid peaks were seen in 86% of the tuberculomas raise the suspicion of tuberculosis. Patankar and
[81]. Large resonances of fatty acids at 1.3 ppm and colleagues [83] have described CT findings in five
0.9 ppm, which are assigned to a methylene group, cases of tuberculosis of the calvarium. A case of
and terminal methyl groups of fatty acids de- proved calvarial tuberculosis in a young patient
scribed in tuberculomas are attributable to the who had AIDS from the author’s institution is
high lipid content of caseous material [80]. shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 9. Cerebral aspergillosis in an HIV-positive patient. (A) Axial FLAIR turbo spin echo (TSE) (repetition time
[TR]/TE/time after inversion pulse [TI] 5 11,000/120/2800 milliseconds) MR imaging shows multiple small corti-
cally located lesions in the both hemispheres. (B) On coronal T2-weighted TSE (TR/TE 5 2500/130 milliseconds)
MR imaging, low signal of the lesions with high signal perifocal edema is demonstrated. (C) The lesions have low
signal on a T1-weighted turbo field echo (TFE) (TR/TE/flip angle 5 10 milliseconds/3.4 milliseconds/10 ) MR im-
aging sequence. (D) On postcontrast T1-weighted TFE (TR/TE/flip angle 5 10 milliseconds/3.4 milliseconds/10 )
MR imaging, nodular and ring-like enhancement could be observed.
Neuroimaging in the Brain in HIV-1–Infected Patients 103

Fungal infections multiple organisms and capsular material. CT scans

Cryptococcosis rarely show meningeal enhancement, whereas en-
CNS infection caused by the saprophytic yeast-like hanced T1-weighted MR imaging may demonstrate
fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is the most common meningeal disease, but this is the exception rather
form of fungal infection in patients who have AIDS. than the rule [84,85]. In a case of prominent men-
The infection is the result of a newly acquired infec- ingeal enhancement on MR imaging, causes other
tion with hematogenous dissemination of the in- than cryptococcosis should be considered first.
fection from the lung to the CNS. Approximately From the subarachnoid space, cryptococcus ex-
5% to 10% of patients who have AIDS develop tends along the Virchow-Robin perivascular spaces
CNS cryptococcosis. Cryptococcal meningitis is into the basal ganglia, thalami, midbrain, and cere-
the most common manifestation, wherein the sub- bellum. The Virchow-Robin spaces become dilated,
arachnoid spaces are thickened and filled with without involvement of the brain parenchyma. On

Fig. 10. Cerebral toxoplasmosis responding to therapy. (A) Axial T2-weighted turbo spin echo (TSE) (repetition
time [TR]/TE 5 2500/130 milliseconds) MR imaging shows a hyperintense lesion in the left basal ganglia region.
(B) Postcontrast T1-weighted turbo field echo (TFE) (TR/TE/flip angle 5 10 milliseconds/3.4 milliseconds/10 ) MR
imaging demonstrates peripheral enhancement of the necrotic lesion surrounded by edema. One year after
antitoxoplasmosis therapy, follow-up MR imaging examination reveals only a linear hyperintense abnormality
without mass effect (C) and without enhancement (D), representing residual gliosis.
104 Thurnher & Donovan Post

MR imaging, widened perivascular spaces are recog- and contain mucinous material and fungal organ-
nized as multiple, bilateral, and small round- or isms. Dentate nuclei are shown to be frequently in-
oval-shaped lesions usually located in the basal volved [86]. On MR imaging, the appearance does
ganglia, which show high signal on T2-weighted not differ from the dilated Virchow-Robin spaces,
MR imaging and have signal slightly higher than because mucinous material shortens the T1 relaxa-
the CSF on T1-weighted MR imaging (Figs. 7 and tion time and the lesions appear isointense to the
8). The reason for the signal intensity characteristics cortex. Enhancement and mass effect are also
is the mucoid content produced by fungi. Perivas- absent.
cular spaces are anatomically outside the brain, an Cryptococcoma is the only parenchymal form of
inflammatory response is absent, there is no inva- the cryptococcal CNS infection. The lesions result
sion of the brain parenchyma, and contrast en- from the direct invasion of the brain by the fungus,
hancement is therefore always absent. with the development of a granulomatous reaction.
With disease progression, dilated perivascular On CT, cryptococcomas are hypodense with high
spaces become confluent and cystic lesions develop signal on T2-weighted MR imaging and low signal
called ‘‘gelatinous pseudocysts’’ or ‘‘soap bubbles’’ on T1-weighted MR imaging. On enhanced imag-
(see Fig. 8). Those lesions do not have a capsule ing, the lesions usually demonstrate a ring-like or

Fig. 11. Cerebral toxoplasmosis in a 30-year-old HIV-positive patient. (A) Low signal intensity lesion is shown in
the left basal ganglia region on axial FLAIR MR imaging. Note the perifocal edema and compression of the left
ventricle. (B) Lesion is hypointense on coronal T2-weighted MR imaging. An additional lesion is present in the
right temporal lobe. (C) On diffusion-weighted MR imaging (trace), low signal was observed, indicating in-
creased diffusivity. (D) Peripheral enhancement of the acute toxoplasma lesion is present after gadolinium in-
jection on postcontrast T1-weighted MR imaging.
Neuroimaging in the Brain in HIV-1–Infected Patients 105

nodular enhancement and cannot be distinguished cryptococcoma showed signal higher than that of
from granulomas of other origin. Recently, imaging the CSF and a mosaic pattern on diffusion-weighted
findings with FLAIR and DWI of an intracerebral images was observed, reflecting the inorganic struc-
granuloma were described [87]. On FLAIR images, ture of the lesion.

Fig. 12. Cerebral toxoplasmosis. (A) Low signal intensity lesion with high signal intensity edema located in the
right cerebellum is shown on axial FLAIR turbo spin echo (TSE) (repetition time [TR]/TE/time after inversion pulse
[TI] 5 11,000/140/2800 milliseconds) MR imaging. (B) Lesion shows ring enhancement after gadolinium injection
on T1-weighted turbo field echo (TFE) (TR/TE/flip angle 5 20 milliseconds/1.8 milliseconds/35 ) MR imaging. (C)
Proton magnetic resonance spectrum acquired from a lesion demonstrates a large lipid or lactate peak, de-
creased NAA, and an increased Cho peak. The MR imaging findings and magnetic resonance spectrum were con-
sistent with toxoplasmosis.
106 Thurnher & Donovan Post

Aspergillosis difficulties in treating aspergillosis, it is important to

Aspergillus is a frequent pathogen in the CNS, raise suspicion early. Cerebral aspergillosis usually
accounting for 18% to 28% of all fungal brain ab- occurs after hematogenous dissemination from an
scesses, and is the most common CNS complication extracerebral focus or is a result of contiguous spread
after bone marrow transplantation [88]. Aspergillus of the infection from the paranasal sinuses. Meningi-
fumigatus is the most common human pathogen. Be- tis, abscess or granuloma, vascular invasion with
cause of the high mortality rate of 85% to 100% and thrombosis and infarction, and hemorrhage and

Fig. 13. 201TI SPECT in a case

of cerebral toxoplasmosis
and lymphoma. (A) Coro-
nal, sagittal, axial, and pla-
nar images from 201TI
SPECT of a patient who
had AIDS with multifocal
ring-enhancing lesions
seen on the postcontrast
CT scan. No focal uptake is
identified. (B) Coronal, sag-
ittal, axial, and planar im-
ages from 201TI SPECT of
a patient who had AIDS
with an enhancing lesion
in the frontal lobe. Focal
uptake is demonstrated in
the pericallosal region con-
sistent with neoplasm.
Neuroimaging in the Brain in HIV-1–Infected Patients 107

aneurysm formation are manifestations of cerebral low peripheral signal is attributable to accumula-
aspergillosis [89]. tion of fungi containing iron, magnesium, and
Pathologically, hyphal elements invade cerebral manganese in addition to blood breakdown prod-
vessels, resulting in thrombosis and infarctions. ucts. Low signal on T2-weighted MR imaging is
Sterile infarctions become septic when the fungus not specific for aspergillosis, and it may be seen in
erodes the wall of the vessel with extension into tuberculomas or cysticercosis, for example. In one
the brain parenchyma, with inflammatory reactions series, 14 of 36 lesions showed areas of low signal
and necrosis. MR imaging is the method of choice intensity located centrally, and in 8 of 36 lesions,
in detecting cerebral infarctions because of aspergil- low signal was present peripherally [93]. Contrast
losis. In addition, a recent study has shown that dif- enhancement is usually not present, depending
fusion imaging allows early diagnosis of CNS on the severity of the immunocompetence. Dietrich
aspergillosis [90]. DWI revealed multiple signal in- and colleagues [93] have observed faint enhance-
tensity abnormalities consistent with infarctions, ment in 15 of 36 lesions in patients who had
whereas conventional MR imaging sequences were bone marrow transplantation and cerebral
still normal [90]. Intracerebral parenchymal lesions aspergillosis.
in aspergillosis have a central zone of hemorrhagic
necrosis with sparse presence of fungi. On MR im- Parasitic infections
aging, these lesions usually have low signal cen- Toxoplasmosis
trally or peripherally on T2-weighted images Cerebral toxoplasmosis results from infection by an
(Fig. 9) [91]. Cox and colleagues [92] showed that intracellular protozoan, Toxoplasma gondii. In the

Fig. 14. Toxoplasmosis reinfection in a noncompliant patient who had AIDS. (A) Postcontrast T1-weighted turbo
field echo (TFE) (repetition time [TR]/TE/flip angle 5 20 milliseconds/1.8 milliseconds/35 ) MR imaging in the axial
plane shows a ring-like enhancing lesion in the right basal ganglia region. (B) FDG-PETscan show no uptake. A high-
er dose of antitoxoplasma therapy was initiated; on a follow-up MR imaging scan, no enhancement was present.
108 Thurnher & Donovan Post

United States, 20% to 70% of adults are seroposi- T1-weighted images reveal ring or nodular enhance-
tive [94]. After the acute infection, the latent form, ment (Fig. 11).
called encysted bradyzoites, remains in the tissues Approximately 10 days after the initiation of anti-
until a decline in immunity. Rupture of the cysts re- toxoplasma therapy, a decrease in the number and
leases the free tachyzoite, which causes acute illness. size of the lesions, with a reduction in edema and
Toxoplasma is found in 10% to 34% of all AIDS au- mass effect, should be observed on follow-up MR
topsies [95]. imaging examinations. Full resolution of the le-
In patients who have AIDS, Toxoplasma causes sions may take 6 months [94], and healed foci
necrotizing encephalitis. The lesions have three may calcify or show changes consistent with leuko-
well-defined zones: an avascular necrotic center, malacia (see Fig. 10). Lifelong maintenance of ther-
an intermediate zone with intense inflammatory re- apy is necessary, because discontinuation of
action, and a peripheral zone with an encysted form treatment results in recurrence. Encysted forms of
of Toxoplasma [96]. Toxoplasma cannot be treated with therapy; thus,
On nonenhanced CT scans, toxoplasma lesions toxoplasma lesions are never entirely eradicated.
are hypodense with edema and mass effect. Solid, Based on findings on conventional MR imaging
nodular-enhancing, or ring-enhancing lesions are sequences, cerebral toxoplasmosis cannot be distin-
typically observed on postcontrast studies. The guished from primary cerebral lymphoma. Early re-
most common locations are the basal ganglia and ports about MR imaging findings of toxoplasmosis
the corticomedullary junction. The number of and lymphoma in patients who had AIDS describe
detectable lesions significantly increases with a solitary lesions, which suggest lymphoma, and
double-dose delayed technique [97]. Pathologic- multiple lesions, which suggest toxoplasmosis
radiologic correlation showed that the radiologic [99–101]. Further studies have shown that the num-
appearance correlates well with the pathologic find- ber of the lesions, their signal intensity, their loca-
ings; the ring-enhancing lesions correlate with an tion, and their appearance on postcontrast images
inflammatory zone, the hypodense center correlates are not reliable factors in differentiation between
with an avascular necrosis, and edema correlates those two entities. New MR imaging methods
with the peripheral zone [96]. have been introduced to improve differentiation,
On T1-weighted MR imaging, toxoplasma lesions such as MRS and pMR imaging.
have isointense to low signal centrally. Signal inten- The MRS pattern of toxoplasma lesions is non-
sity on T2-weighted images depends on the stage of specific, consistent with anaerobic inflammation
the lesion, which could be isointense, hypointense, within the abscess (Fig. 12). In lymphoma, an in-
or hyperintense [97,98] (Fig. 10). Enhanced crease of lactate and lipids and an elevated Cho

Fig. 15. Primary CNS lymphoma in a 40-year-old female patient who had AIDS. (A) Nonenhanced axial CT scan of
the brain shows a slightly hyperdense lesion in the right basal ganglia region with mass effect and surrounding
edema. (B) On a contrast-enhanced axial CT scan, the lesion demonstrates intense enhancement with a hypo-
dense ventral portion, indicating the necrotic part of the tumor.
Neuroimaging in the Brain in HIV-1–Infected Patients 109

peak have been described. Chinn and colleagues both entities as a result of brain destruction. A rela-
[102] have studied MR imaging spectra from 18 tively immature toxoplasma lesion is more cellular,
toxoplasma lesions and nine lymphomas at 1.5 T resulting in a spectrum with no lipid, increased
with a TE of 135 milliseconds. Visual analysis in Cho, and decreased NAA. It is crucial to place the
their study failed to differentiate between Toxo- voxel for spectroscopic analysis over the cellular
plasma and lymphoma. An important variable for portion of the lesion. In another series of 11 toxo-
MR imaging spectra is the maturity of the lesions plasma lesions and eight lymphomas of the brain
and the presence of necrosis. At some stage, all in- in patients who had AIDS, MRS was considered
tracranial processes destroy brain parenchyma, a potentially specific noninvasive adjunctive
and in patients who have AIDS, lymphomas are method for differential diagnosis of focal brain le-
usually necrotic tumors. Therefore, necrotic lym- sions in AIDS [25,103]. Toxoplasma was correctly di-
phoma has compounds similar to necrotic toxo- agnosed in 11 of 11 cases, and lymphoma was
plasma abscess. The presence of lipids is seen in correctly diagnosed in eight of eight cases. The

Fig. 16. Primary CNS lymphoma. (A) Axial FLAIR (repetition time [TR]/TE/time after inversion pulse [TI] 5 7000/150/
2100 milliseconds) MR imaging shows a large mass of inhomogeneous high signal intensity in the right basal ganglia
region with mass effect and perifocal edema. Note the additional lesion in the left basal ganglia region. (B) On un-
enhanced T1-weighted spin echo (SE) (TR/TE 5 550/20 milliseconds) MR imaging, the lesions are hypointense with
central hyperintensity, representing subacute hemorrhage. (C) Postcontrast T1-weighted SE (TR/TE 5 550/20 milli-
seconds) MR imaging demonstrates heterogeneous peripheral enhancement and irregular margin of the lesion.
110 Thurnher & Donovan Post

Fig. 17. Nonenhancing primary CNS lymphoma in patient who had AIDS. (A) High signal intensity lesion located
in the left parietal region is shown on axial FLAIR turbo spin echo (TSE) (repetition time [TR]/ TE/time after in-
version pulse [TI] 5 7384/130/2100 milliseconds) MR imaging. (B) Lesion is intense to slightly hyperintense on T1-
weighted spin echo (SE) MR imaging with magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) (TR/TE 5 904/15 milliseconds).
(C) On postcontrast T1-weighted MR imaging with MTC (TR/TE 5 904/15 milliseconds), the lesion shows minimal
central enhancement. Axial FLAIR TSE (TR/TE/TI 5 7384/130/2100 milliseconds) MR imaging at two other levels
shows an additional two lesions: one well-defined high signal intensity lesion in the lateral portion of the
left thalamus (D) and one lesion in the left temporal lobe (E). (F) Magnetic resonance spectrum of the lesion
shows decreased NAA, increased Cho, and appearance of lactate peaks, consistent with lymphoma. (G, H)
FDG-PET shows uptake in all three lesions, indicating neoplastic lesions. An autopsy confirmed primary CNS lym-
phoma in all three locations.

lactate peak was greatest in lymphoma in that study. toxoplasmosis and lymphoma in patients who
Although much work has been done, MRS must be have AIDS. Prospective evaluation of 13 patients
seen as a valuable adjunctive tool and cannot re- who had focal brain lesions with pMR imaging
place conventional MR imaging in differentiation showed reduced regional cerebral blood volume
of toxoplasmosis and lymphoma. (rCBV) in toxoplasma lesions and increased
pMR imaging is another potential noninvasive rCBV in lymphoma [104]. Reduced rCBV in toxo-
method that may allow differentiation between plasmosis is probably attributable to a lack of
Neuroimaging in the Brain in HIV-1–Infected Patients 111

Fig. 17 (continued)

vasculature within the abscess, whereas the hyper- [107]. A combined approach with 201TI SPECT
vascularity of lymphoma is the reason for increased and Epstein-Barr virus DNA polymerase chain reac-
rCBV in lymphoma. tion in CSF provides high diagnostic accuracy for
The use of thallium-201 (201TI) brain SPECT in cerebral lymphoma [108]. Thallium and gallium
patients who have AIDS has been proved to be scans were reviewed in 40 patients who had AIDS
helpful in distinguishing toxoplasmosis from lym- with focal brain lesions. All patients who had lym-
phoma [103,105]. Thallium is a potassium ana- phomas and gliomas had positive thallium and
logue with uptake in active tissue, with a half-life gallium scans. Patients who had infections (toxo-
of approximately 73 hours [105]. After intravenous plasmosis and tuberculosis, mycobacterial infec-
administration, 201TI rapidly disappears from the tion, and cryptococcosis) had positive gallium
blood and increased activity is usually seen in the scans and negative thallium scans. Negative thal-
orbits, the base of the skull, the scalp, and the naso- lium and gallium scans were also seen in patients
pharyngeal region. Normally, there is no uptake of who had infarcts.
TI in the brain. Positive 201TI brain SPECT is sug- The potential use of F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose
gestive of CNS lymphoma, and negative uptake sug- (FDG) PET in differentiating lymphoma from toxo-
gests infection (toxoplasmosis) in patients who plasmosis in patients who have AIDS has been also
have AIDS (Fig. 13) [105]. A study of 37 patients examined [109]. The results of the studies have
who had AIDS and focal brain lesions evaluated shown that FDG-PET can accurately differentiate
with 201TI SPECT has shown the benefit of 201TI lymphoma from infections (Fig. 14) [110,111].
SPECT in the differentiation between lymphoma The standardized uptake values (SUVs) over cere-
and infectious lesions. All lymphomas in this series bral lesions were much higher in lymphomas
showed uptake of 201TI in contrast to infections, than in toxoplasma lesions [112]. In another study,
which showed negative uptake [105]. Contrary to the highest FDG uptake was found in patients who
the results of Ruiz and colleagues [105], the results had lymphoma [109]. Diagnostic problems may oc-
from a recent prospective study on 14 patients who cur in cases of progressive multifocal leukoence-
had AIDS and focal brain lesions suggest the inabil- phalopathy (PML), in which high metabolic
ity of 201TI SPECT to differentiate lymphoma from activity and FDG uptake may be found [110,113].
toxoplasmosis [106]. The accuracy was 57% in Two cases of PML had high metabolic activity in
that study, with a positive predictive value of 43% a series of 18 patients who had AIDS and could
and a negative predictive value of 71%. A combina- not be differentiated from lymphoma.
tion of 201TI SPECT and toxoplasma serology may In hospitals with SPECT or PET facilities, a thal-
improve diagnostic accuracy for toxoplasmosis lium scan or an FDG scan in patients who have
112 Thurnher & Donovan Post

Fig. 17 (continued)

AIDS and focal brain lesions allows rapid evalua- MR imaging, lymphomas may have low, high, or
tion of the brain and, combined with Toxoplasma intermediate signal on T1- and T2-weighted se-
IgG and Epstein-Barr virus DNA polymerase chain quences (Figs. 15 and 16) [120–123]. The enhance-
reaction in CSF, improves diagnostic accuracy. ment is variable, but peripheral or ring
enhancement is the most common pattern (see
Neoplastic lesions Figs. 15 and 16). Solid homogeneous enhance-
ment has been described in some CT series [122].
Lymphoma Nonenhancing lymphomatous lesions have also
Primary central nervous system lymphoma been reported, for example, in one study in which
(PCNSL) is of major importance because of its in- 15 lymphomatous lesions in four patients who
creasing frequency, especially in immunocompro- had AIDS did not enhance (Fig. 17) [119].
mised patients [114,115]. Up to 6% of all patients Approximately 3.4% of PCNSL lesions show no en-
who have AIDS develop high-grade lymphoma, al- hancement in immunocompetent patients [124],
most always non-Hodgkin’s type [116]. Multicentric especially in those receiving steroids before imag-
lymphomas are a common finding as solitary le- ing. The diffuse form of lymphoma has also been
sions, with a frequency between 41% and 81% described recently, presenting as nonenhancing,
[117–119]. The number of lesions on CT or MR diffuse, white matter lesions [119]. The differential
imaging, however, does not allow a definitive final diagnosis would include HIV encephalopathy and
diagnosis. On nonenhanced CT scans, the PML in those cases [125]. Lymphomas usually
lymphomas are usually hyperdense, whereas on demonstrate a moderate degree of edema and
Neuroimaging in the Brain in HIV-1–Infected Patients 113

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