5BBB0223 TBL2 - Mitochondria

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5BBB0223 TBL2 - Mitochondria

1. What does NADH release when oxidised?

A 1 electron and 0 protons
B 1 electron and 1 proton
C 2 electrons and 2 protons
D 2 electrons and 1 proton

2. Which of the following statements about the differences between Complexes I & II is NOT true?

A Only one is an enzyme in the KREBS cycle

B The two complexes feed electrons into different rounds of Q cycle
C Only one complex pumps protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane
D One reduces NADH whereas the other reduces FADH2

3. What is the fate of the semi-quinone form of Ubiquinone produced during round 1 of the Q cycle?

A Releases two protons into the mitochondrial matrix

B Fully reduced to QH2
C Fully oxidised to Q
D Releases one proton into the mitochondrial matrix

4. On what side of the inner mitochondrial membrane are the following located? (IMS =
intermembrane space)
A F1 subunit of ATP synthase - matrix, Complex II - matrix, Cytochrome C - IMS
B F1 subunit of ATP synthase - IMS, Complex II - matrix, Cytochrome C - IMS
C F1 subunit of ATP synthase - IMS, Complex II - IMS, Cytochrome C - matrix
D F1 subunit of ATP synthase - matrix, Complex II - IMS, Cytochrome C - matrix

5. Which of the following statements is true?

A The complex oxidising FADH2 sometimes gains enough energy from that reaction to pump protons
across the IMM.
B The complex oxidising NADH always gains enough energy from that reaction to pump protons
across the IMM.
C Complexes I, III and IV all pump protons through a transmembrane protein complex
D In addition to pumping protons directly across the membrane, complex IV also removes protons
from the matrix.

6. What is the site of O2 reduction in the mitochondria?

A ATP synthase
B Complex I
C Complex III
D Complex IV

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5BBB0223 TBL2 - Mitochondria

7. In the absence of oxygen, cells can still produce small amounts of ATP through substrate-level
phosphorylation during glycolysis. Why must lactate be produced to allow this process to
A To reduce FAD
B To oxidise NADH
C To reduce NAD+
D To oxidise FADH2

8. Which of the following is NOT required for the F0 domain of ATP synthase to rotate?
B Proton gradient
C Inorganic phosphate

9. Which of the following statements relating to mitochondrial disorders is NOT true?

A Complex I disorders are the most common single enzyme mitochondrial disorder
B Nuclear genome mutations can be inherited from either parent
C Mitochondrial genome mutations are maternally inherited
D Mutations in the mitochondrial genome affect all the mitochondria in a cell.

10. Dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) is involved in which process?

A Mitochondrial fission
B Apoptosis
C Mitophagy
D Mitochondrial fusion

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