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Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
“Rune Magic of the Ravenfolk” by Sarah Madsen .............................................................................. 2
“Heruti of the Starless Pinion” by JB Little .......................................................................................... 8
“Shadowfeather Ravenfolk: Watchers in the Shadows ” by Jonathan Miley ................................. 15
“Order of Sky’s Passage: An Unkindness of Ravenfolk ” by Ben McFarland
and Prakash Upadhyayula ............................................................................................................. 21

Design: JB Little, Sarah Madsen, Ben McFarland, Jonathan Miley and Prakash Upadhyayula
Development & Editing: Scott Gable
Art Direction & Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Cover Art: Phil Stone
Back Cover Art: Karl Waller
Interior Art: Pedro Potier, Karl Waller
Publisher: Wolfgang Baur

Kobold Press, Midgard, Open Design, and their associated logos are trademarks of Open Design.
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new deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, story elements, locations, characters, artwork, sidebars, and trade dress.
(Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.)
Open Game Content: The Open Content in this book includes the set of runes magic item and the Shadow Watcher,
Open Sky Psychopomp, and Raven-Blooded subclasses.
No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission.

© 2021 Open Design LLC



Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809

by Sarah Madsen

T he ravenfolk possess a singular affinity

for rune magic. Rivaled only by the
dwarves—who claim to have learned it at
Ravenfolk doom croakers (see Midgard
Heroes Handbook) have honed their rune
magic even further than the average ravenfolk
Wotan’s knee—the cunning ravenfolk have and can commune with nature, the World
secret ways of channeling the power of runes. Tree, and Wotan himself in order to gain
Able to sketch more complex runes and deeper insights into the world around them.
create rune-based magic items, the ravenfolk’s They are particularly taciturn when it comes to
aptitude with rune magic far surpasses those their rune magic secrets, typically only offering
not of their lineage. Many ravenfolk will claim their wisdom and visions to other ravenfolk.
that even if they wished to teach others, only
ravenfolk have the knack and insight needed Perched Among the
to master the skill. Branches of Yggdrasil
No one knows exactly why it is that the
Created as spies for Wotan and, according
ravenfolk are so skilled in this particular
to legend, formed from the feathers of his
arcane school. It may be that in their creation
faithful ravens Huginn and Muninn, ravenfolk
Wotan himself gifted them with a special
are at home in the World Tree. It is said the
inclination, all the better to serve him. No
first ravenfolk would walk among the peoples
ravenfolk ever forgets their origins as spies
of Midgard and then scale the World Tree to
for Wotan—indeed, even if they wished to,
whisper their secrets to Wotan or to carve or
the citizens of Midgard would never allow it.
paint cryptic, runic messages in the branches
And so this prejudice and distrust leads most
of Yggdrasil itself. The ravenfolk of today no
ravenfolk to be even more secretive about their
longer freely roam Yggdrasil, a result of some
extraordinary skill with rune magic, lest they
ancient war or curse they do not speak of, but
face even more persecution at the hands of the
still communicate with one another by leaving
land’s other races out of fear or suspicion.
rune carvings in the self-healing bark of the
World Trees they inhabit. Only the ravenfolk
know the key to deciphering these runes.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
OPTIONAL LANGUAGE: RUNIC CANT runes are listed below; if you wish to create
Prerequisite: Ravenfolk your own complex rune, talk with your GM.
Along with their languages Huginn’s Speech
and Feather Speech, the ravenfolk have ways RUNE OF ANCESTRAL COMMUNION
of leaving cryptic, runic messages for one Runes combined: Eiwaz, Ingwaz
another. Similar to thieves’ cant, this code Once per day, you can sketch this complex
looks like simple runes to those who do not rune in the air. When you do so, you can
understand the hidden meaning. Ravenfolk speak with the spirits of your ancestors and
often use it to indicate if a town is friendly ask them questions as with the commune
toward their kind, where to find safe haven, spell. Sketching this complex rune takes 1
and where the most notorious gossips in a minute and lasts for 1 minute.
city can be found. Some particularly wily
ravenfolk even imbue their runic cant with RUNE OF BOUNTIFUL HARVEST
rune magic, causing the scribed symbols to Runes combined: Jera, Nyköping
serve dual purposes or to even function as a Once per day, you can sketch this complex
complex rune (explained below). rune on a fruit tree or on the ground within
a field of wheat or other crop, forcing them
Complex Runes to ripen at an astounding pace. Over the
course of the next hour, the marked tree or
Rune magic uses the power found in ancient
crops within a 30-foot radius grow and bear
runes to create magical effects, bolstering an
fruit, regardless of the season. After an hour,
adventurer and their allies, hindering and
the resulting bounty can be harvested and
harming their enemies, and even affecting
consumed as usual. Sketching this complex
animals, the land, and the weather. Most
rune takes 1 minute.
practitioners can only invoke one rune
at a time, but the ravenfolk have learned
to combine runes to craft a new sigil and
Runes combined: Algiz, Perto, Uruz
produce an altogether different result. These
Once per day, you can sketch this complex
runes are, of course, a secret closely guarded
rune on the ground. When completed, a
by the ravenfolk.
bubble of magical darkness springs forth in
CASTING COMPLEX RUNES a 30-foot radius from the rune. Darkvision
Prerequisites: Ravenfolk, Rune Knowledge feat does not penetrate this darkness, though you
(see Deep Magic) can see through this darkness as if it were
You can combine two or more runes you dim light. Sketching this rune takes 1 action,
know to create a complex rune and produce and it lasts for 1 minute, with concentration.
new, unique effects. If a complex rune gives
you the ability to cast a spell, you can do so RUNE OF HALLOWED GROUND
without needing any components, and the Runes combined: Ansuz, Dagaz
spell is always cast as if using the lowest- Once per day, you can sketch this complex
level spell slot possible (unless otherwise rune on the ground, tree, wall, or other
indicated). When a complex rune power stationary object. Once completed, undead
calls for a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + cannot come within 30 feet of the rune,
your ability bonus + your proficiency bonus. and undead have disadvantage on attacks
Typically, the ability that applies to the DC made against any living creatures within the
calculation is the same as the ability used affected area. Any living creatures within the
for the saving throw. Some of these complex affected area have advantage on any saving

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
throws made against charm effects
from undead. Sketching this
complex rune takes 1 minute,
and it lasts for 1 hour.

Runes combined: Isaz, Mannaz
Once per day, as an action,
you can sketch this
complex rune in the air.
When you do, choose up
to five humanoids within
30 feet and force them
to make a Wisdom saving
throw. On a failure, they are
affected by the hold person spell.
This complex rune lasts for a
minute, with concentration.


Runes combined: Gebu, Naudiz,
Once per day, you can sketch this
complex rune on any horizontal surface.
Once completed, a great feast spring forth
from the rune. Up to ten creatures can
partake of the feast. A creature who spends RUNE OF THE BOLD
an hour consuming the feast heals up to Runes combined: Sowilo, Tewaz
their maximum hit points and can recover Once per day, you can sketch this complex
from one level of exhaustion. Sketching this rune in the air. When you do, all of your allies
complex rune takes 1 minute, and it lasts for within 30 feet of you can choose to roll one
1 hour, at which point the remaining food attack with advantage while the rune is active.
disappears in a puff of pink smoke. Once they do so, they cannot use the benefit
of this rune until it is scribed again. Sketching
RUNE OF SECRETS this complex rune takes an action and lasts
Runes combined: Ingwaz, Otalan, Perto for 1 minute, with concentration.
Once per day, you can sketch this complex
rune in the air. When you do so, you can RUNE OF THE TRICKSTER
hear the thoughts of those around you, as Runes combined: Eiwaz, Perto, Wunjo
with detect thoughts. Additionally, you have Once per day, as an action, you can sketch
advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks. this complex rune in the air. When you do,
Sketching this rune takes an action, and it choose up to five creatures that you can see
lasts for 1 minute, with concentration. within 30 feet of you and force them to make
a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they
are affected by the hideous laughter spell. The
rune lasts for 1 minute, with concentration.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
Runestaves When you cast a spell from your prunestaff,
you may do so without material components,
Not only are ravenfolk able to combine runes
it is always cast as if using the lowest-level
into more complex patterns for immediate
spell slot possible (unless otherwise indicated).
effects, but they have learned to infuse items
When a spell cast from your runestaff calls for
with a longer-lasting version of rune magic.
a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your ability
Basic rune magic is typically limited to one
bonus + your proficiency bonus. Typically,
rune at a time, and the desired effect often
the ability that applies to the DC calculation
fades quickly. Creating a runestaff imbues
is the same as the ability used for the saving
a weapon with effects that last for several
throw. When you create your runestaff,
days or, in the case of personal runestaves,
choose one of the following.
combines multiple runes on a quarterstaff to
create new and unique results that last until
changed or dispelled. Only the ravenfolk
Runes carved: Algiz, Jera, Tewaz, Uruz
know the secrets of creating runestaves, and
When wielding this runestaff, you gain +1
they refuse to teach the skill to others.
to attacks.
RUNE MAGIC FEAT: RUNE CARVER This staff has 5 charges and regains all
Prerequisite: Ravenfolk, Rune Knowledge feat expended charges at dawn. You can expend 2
(see Deep Magic) or more charges to cast one of the following
You know how to create runestaves and spells from the staff: inflict wounds (2
runespears, imbuing a mundane quarterstaff charges), shatter (3 charges), vampiric touch
or spear with the magic of Wotan’s runes. (4 charges), or blight (5 charges).
You can carve one rune that you know Additionally, you can expend 5 charges and
into a quarterstaff or spear. When a hit is sacrifice the staff, destroying it. If you do so,
made with the imbued weapon, it does an a blast of necrotic energy bursts from you
additional 1d4 damage of the rune’s type: in a 10-foot-radius sphere. All creatures in
radiant (Sowilo), cold (Isaz), fire (Kaunen), or the affected area must make a Constitution
lightning (Turisaz). The rune takes an hour saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d6
to inscribe and lasts for a week. necrotic damage, or they take half as much
Additionally, you can craft a special damage on a success.
runestaff for yourself that can only be
wielded by you. If it is wielded by a creature CHARMING RUNESTAFF
other than yourself, it functions as a Runes carved: Berkanan, Nyköping,
mundane quarterstaff. Your runestaff takes Otalan, Perto
7 days to complete, and the ritual requires When wielding this runestaff, you gain +2 to
100 gp worth of incense that is consumed your Charisma checks and saving throws.
during the creation of the runestaff. You can This staff has 5 charges and regains
inscribe any rune into the staff, even those all expended charges at dawn. You can
you have not yet learned. You may change expend 2 or more charges to cast one of the
the runes on your staff at any point, but following spells from the staff: charm person
doing so requires another 7 days and 100 (2 charges), suggestion (3 charges), fear (4
gold worth of incense. You can only have charges), or confusion (5 charges).
one personal runestaff created at one time. If Additionally, you can expend 5 charges and
you create a new runestaff, the old runestaff sacrifice the staff, destroying it. If you do so,
becomes mundane. you can cast sleep as if you were casting it at
5th level.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
Runes carved: Dagaz, Ingwaz, Isaz Runes carved: Ansuz, Jera, Raido, Wunjo
When wielding this runestaff, you gain When wielding this runestaff, you gain +1 to
advantage on Wisdom saving throws. your AC.
This staff has 5 charges and regains all This staff has 5 charges and regains all
expended charges at dawn. You can expend 2 expended charges at dawn. You can expend 2
or more charges to cast one of the following or more charges to cast one of the following
spells from the staff: bane (2 charges), dispel spells from the staff: shield (2 charges),
magic (3 charges), glyph of warding (4 protection from energy (3 charges), death
charges), or banishment (5 charges). ward (4 charges), or tiny hut (5 charges).
Additionally, you can expend 5 charges Additionally, you can expend 5 charges and
and sacrifice the staff, destroying it. If you do sacrifice the staff, destroying it. If you do so,
so, you can cast dispel magic on up to three you can bestow +2 AC to up to five creatures
targets in a 10-foot radius. that you can see within a 60-foot radius. This
effect lasts for 8 hours.
Runes carved: Isa, Kaunen,
Laukaz, Turisaz
When wielding this runestaff, you
gain resistance to cold, fire, and
lightning, and thunder damage.
This staff has 5 charges and
regains all expended charges at
dawn. You can expend 2 or more
charges to cast one of the following
spells from the staff: thunderwave
(2 charges), flaming sphere (3
charges), call lightning (4 charges),
or fireball (5 charges).
Additionally, you can expend
5 charges and sacrifice the staff,
destroying it. If you do so, you
can force up to five creatures
you can see within 30 feet of
you to make a Dexterity
saving throw. On a failure,
they take 8d8 damage
of the type of your
choosing: cold, fire,
lightning, or thunder,
or they take half as
much on a success.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
ZEPHYROUS RUNESTAFF them before you. When you do so, make a
Runes carved: Hagalaz, Nyköping, Turisaz Wisdom (Insight) check. The level of success
When wielding this runestaff, your base speed determines the outcome of the reading.
increases by 5 feet.
This staff has 5 charges and regains all
expended charges at dawn. You can expend 2 Wondrous item, legendary
or more charges to cast one of the following Snokki was a particularly charming and
spells from the staff: expeditious retreat (2 entertaining ravenfolk bard who once
charges), gust of wind (3 charges), fly (4 traveled the lands, receiving a warm welcome
charges), or wind wall (5 charges). anywhere he went despite the prejudices
Additionally, you can expend 5 charges and other ravenfolk faced in those same regions.
sacrifice the staff, destroying it. If you do so, Able to repeat any song perfectly after only
you can cast haste on up to three creatures hearing it once—or able to mimic any voice
within 30 feet of you. with eerie precision—Snokki carried with
him his infamous stein, which honeyed his
Ravenfolk Relics tongue and loosened the lips of those around
him. Unfortunately for Snokki, he honeyed
The ravenfolk don’t have many relics to their the tongue of a jarl’s wife and found himself
name, but a few have found their way into the fleeing town with barely the clothes on his
wider world. Primarily found in the hands back, leaving his precious stein behind.
of ravenfolk, these magic items nonetheless This quart-sized ceramic stein is carved
sometimes end up in the possession of others, over with the runes Gebu, Isaz, Jera, Kaunen,
whether by chance or by force. Naudiz, Otalan, and Wunjo. You can use an
action to name one liquid from the following:
beer, wine, hot cocoa, fresh water, salt water,
Wondrous item, rare grape juice. The stein then produces up to
Inside this drawstring pouch is a set of 25 two quarts of the chosen liquid and keeps it
runes. Carved into smooth stones or pieces ice cold or piping hot, to your preference.
of yew all cut from the same branch, the Additionally, once per day, when you
runes can be used to attempt to divine the drink from this stein, you gain advantage on
future, garner insight into a situation, or Charisma checks and gain the ability to cast
glimpse the fate of another. You can spend 10 charm person at will. This effect lasts for an
minutes focusing on a target or subject and hour. Once used, this ability cannot be used
then draw three runes from the bag and set again until the next dawn.


0–14 The reading fails. The runes provide no aid.
15–18 You gain a vision of your target. It is hazy, and you do not know if the vision is of
the past, present, or future.
19–25 You gain a vision of your target. It is hazy, and you do not know if the vision is
of the past, present, or future. You may ask one yes-or-no question about your
target, as with the commune spell.
26–30 You gain a vision of your target. Though it may be only a momentary glimpse, it
is clear, and you are aware of its orientation in time (past, present, or future). You
may ask three yes-or-no questions about your target, as with the commune spell.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
by JB Little

M uch blood has been spilled on the

bright sands surrounding Nuria
Natal—a great deal of it justly deserved.
disguise their form. Each pinion carries a
“talon,” a short, curved dagger of venom,
forged to resemble a khopesh as yet another
Called assassins by some, zealots by others, homage to their great patron. Often, pinions
and revered as heroes in Makuria, Horus utilize a hat of disguise but sometimes may
need only call upon the Starless Pinion to see rely on prosthesis, makeup, extravagant garb,
his bloody justice be done. or spellcasting to blend into gathered crowds
The Starless Pinion comprises no fewer than without rousing suspicion. In addition, each
two hundred heruti (ravenfolk) assassins member has a feather blessed by Horus
that have sworn complete allegiance to the himself, so completely black as to reflect no
True King and follow the will of Horus’s light at all, hidden within their own plumage
clergy without complaint or remorse. While or clothing.
many sects and adjuncts of Horus’s vast
congregation wage war to safeguard Nuria History of the Starless Pinion
Natal, the Starless Pinion are called upon
The name, Starless Pinion, was coined by
to eliminate singular threats to Horus’s
a humble priest of Horus named Amsi.
clergy, be that threat a beast, a demon, or a
His temple overtaken by bandits and his
heretical nobleman. When assassination of a
congregation scattered or worse, he prayed
humanoid is required, it is done publicly and
to Horus for justice, for protection, and for
swiftly with such terrifying efficiency as to
vengeance against the brigands responsible.
strike fear into the hearts of those that witness
The god answered in the form of giant soot-
it—a message meant to dissuade reprisal or
black falcon that hunted and devoured those
those who would take up the slain’s mantle.
who ransacked the temple. On the fourth
Each member—called a “pinion” by the
night of the bird’s great hunt, the bandits
people of Nuria Natal—is trained to be an
were all slain, the temple’s treasures returned,
expert in stealth, subterfuge, and disguise,
and only a single black feather remained,
often possessing the skill to perfectly mimic
which transformed into the leader of the
others’ voices and prepared with magic to
Starless Pinion: Midnight Lightning.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
The Starless Pinion operates outside of the As such, the Starless Pinion are rarely seen
bounds of mortal law and morality and sees beyond the Southlands. Only in the direst of
themselves as the chosen instruments of circumstances would Horus see fit to send the
divine will. They have learned to strike first assassins north of the Middle Sea.
against those who threaten Horus’s sects
and temples with ruthless efficiency. When ALIASES
travel is necessary, the assassins take on the The Starless Pinion have a wide assortment
guise of merchants or diplomats who may be of monikers and aliases inherited by locals
beyond reproach by curious locals. Pinions east, west, and south of Nuria Natal. Such
seldom operate alone or even in pairs, instead aliases, when translated to common, include
moving in units of three or four assassins to the following:
ensure their operation is successful. Before • “Small Knives” in the Kingdom of
the pinions will move on a target, a raven Parthia
feather must be offered at a temple of Horus • “Faceless Crowd” in the Free City of
and the name of the target spoken aloud: if Siwal
the feather’s healthy sheen disappears, leaving • “Bloody Flock” in Dabu
it unnaturally dark, Horus’s judgment has
• “Name Takers” in Shibai
been passed, and death is all but certain.

The forms and faces the Starless Pinion
The Talons of Horus are a righteous order of
have taken over the 15 years they have
knights, paladins, and holy slayers dedicated
been operating are innumerable, but it has
to Horus that serve the justice of God-King
not stopped their legend and infamy from Thutmoses XXIII. They consider the Starless
growing within Nuria Natal. It is rumored Pinion to be dangerous outlaws, accountable
that the Starless Pinion have operated, to no one, and as such, they are a direct
unmolested, as far as the Seven Cities. threat to the king. The Talons have attempted
However, when the public assassination of a to root out the Pinions but to little success,
silk merchant named Ormlahu Dorega took always seemingly one step behind. The Starless
place in the free city of Zobeck, the Free City Pinion’s own ties to Horus combined with
Consuls demanded a response, going so far as growing support in the populace to their brand
of dark justice only infuriates the Talons toward
to threaten the imprisonment of the Priests of
more aggressive, if not reckless, tactics.
Thoth-Hermes and the dissolution of hard-
The Starless Pinion has so far been able to
won trade agreements with Nuria Natal.
avoid the brunt of the Talons’ ire. They refuse
When God-King Thutmoses XXIII turned to strike back however, though whether this
his ire upon the band of bloody assassins and is due to some sense of respect for fellow
attempted to disband them to save face with followers of Horus or simply clever politicking
the rulers of Zobeck, it drew the relentless is unclear. It is obvious though that the Starless
anger of Horus himself, nearly sparking a Pinion feel the Talons simply aren’t willing
civil war between the house of Thutmoses to go the lengths necessary for true justice.
and Horus’s devout all across Nuria Natal. It is whispered that High Priestess Halima
Luckily, though oddly, Aten, the Sun God— Soltawaresi is secretly behind the emergence
of the Starless Pinion—or at least knows
Horus’s rival—intervened to protect the
more than she lets on—in an effort to better
fickle peace of Nuria Natal and pronounced
serve the justice of Horus and to offer a check
the Starless Pinion beyond the god-king’s against potential abuses by the king..
concern... for now, at least.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
There may yet be others, whispered in guarding a traveling priest. When five such
alleyways or shouted in alehouses by those trials are completed without incident, a
who have witnessed the assassins. Regardless, grueling year of training as part of a flock
outside of the Southlands, the Starless Pinion begins to hone the applicant’s skills to razor
are thought to be criminals, fiends, and sharpness, culminating with the forging and
murderous zealots with little regard for life or enchanting of their own talon.
decency. Some believe their actions to be acts Only ravenfolk may lead within the Starless
of war, though few rulers are so naive. Pinion. However, madness or true devotion
may drive non-heruti to attempt to alter their
CREED form to that end, and it is possible—even
Only citizens of Makuria understand the Master Graceful Wind, a high-oracle within
Starless Pinion beyond superficial rumor the order, was once human. Those of such
and conjecture. Some believe that only High mettle and determination must travel to
Priestess Halima Soltawaresi understands Khepri Khnum in the Chelamite Mountains,
their means and motives completely—a a trek that has doomed hundreds. Once
rumor she finds humorous, though flattering, the elements have been braved, the
publicly at least. peaks climbed, and the perils of the road
In truth, the pinions live by a simple, conquered, travelers are offered the chance
unbending creed that has maintained their to stay among the 10,000 birds of Horus
status as a symbol of Horus’s justice: “Only for a time, which watch such devotees and
those who must die shall die.” carefully weigh their hearts and minds. Like
Through hundreds of assassinations and Master Graceful Wind, should the traveler be
savage bloodshed, not once has an innocent found worthy, they are thrown from the peak
been killed or even severely wounded and awaken in a temple of Horus, forever
by them. However, numerous instances changed into heruti and welcomed into the
have been cited in which pinions have Starless Pinion with open arms.
given their life to ensure their creed was
upheld. Such selflessness, even in the direct Members of the
proximity to brutality and murder, has kept Starless Pinion
the Starless Pinion unassailable to foreign
More than two hundred heruti make up
political powers and domestic rulers critical
the entirety of the Starless Pinion, but
of their actions. In the current political
their order is led by a group of three elders
landscape, filled with turmoil as it is, there
sometimes called the Destined. Each of the
are few Southlands nations that even bother
three have proven themselves time and time
investigating a death attributed to the Starless
again, and though only Horus himself may
Pinion, a comment on their efficacy.
command the Starless Pinion, the Destined
GROWING THE FLOCK are offered trust and consideration far
beyond their peers.
Ravenfolk who seek to become part of the
Graceful Wind (LN ravenfolk doom
elite assassin order must travel to Makuria
croaker) is a trusted oracle and infiltrator
and seek out Ukwa Ushteq, the Beloved of
responsible for multiple missions in the
Horus—one of only a few heruti to have ever
Kingdom of Parthia. Graceful Wind was
spoken with the voice of Horus himself. The
once a human servant of a powerful Parthian
priest may set fledgling pinions on a certain
diplomat. When the diplomat became a
number of trials: such as killing a fiend that
target of the Starless Pinion, Graceful Wind
desecrated a temple, slaying a poisoner,

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
found themself free of their bondage. In Croak and Claw uses the statistics of an
return, they devoted their life to aiding the assassin with the following changes:
Starless Pinion, a quest that took 4 years • They wield a dagger of venom instead of
and brought them to the summit of Khepri a shortsword. Their dagger attack has
Khnum. There, they abandoned their name, a +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60
body, and past to be reborn as heruti, as ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing
Graceful Wind, master of the zephyr step, damage, and the target must make a DC
Destined of the Starless Pinion. 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 27
Graceful Wind uses the statistics of a (5d10) poison damage on a failed save
ravenfolk doom croaker (see Tome of Beasts) or half as much on a successful one.
with the following changes: • Croak and Claw carries a ring of
• They wield a dagger of venom instead invisibility and wears a hat of disguise.
of a runestaff. Their dagger attack has • Horus’s Blessing. Croak and Claw can
a +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 innately cast the hold person spell (DC
ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 4) piercing 16) three times per day.
damage, and the target must make a DC
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 5
(1d10) poison damage on a failed save
or half as much on a successful one.
• Horus’s Blessing. Graceful Wind can
use a bonus action to cast the misty step
spell at will.
Croak and Claw (CN ravenfolk assassin)
has a unique mind for theatrics and
showmanship among the Starless Pinion.
Often found draped in lavish clothing and
wearing the visage of diplomats through
a hat of disguise, Croak and Claw makes
friends quickly and often grows close to
targets over the course of several months
before executing them in a fashion that
draws attention from a wide audience, such
as the poisoning of a queen at her wedding
or the slaying of a warlord in their
command tent. Brought into the Starless
Pinion at a young age, Croak and Claw’s
methods may be chaotic, but their loyalty
to Horus and the heruti is beyond debate.
From personal assassinations to the
usurpation of thrones and impersonation
of kings, Croak and Claw is the most
active of the Destined and arguably the
most dangerous.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
Midnight Lightning (LN ravenfolk Natal, searching for wayward heruti and
assassin) is the leader of the Starless Pinion heretics. She travels in the guise of a ravenfolk
and a child of Horus’s justice. As dark as with all‑white plumage and draped in silver
soot, no part of Midnight Lightning carries jewelry, offering water and food to travelers.
color or reflects light. It’s rumored even the Those who treat her with kindness are
heruti’s blood is black as the void. Though she watched over as friends of the heruti for their
has led the Starless Pinion for 15 years, she time in Nuria Natal. Those who seek to take
has not aged a day and never will, so long as from her are left for the vultures to feast upon.
Horus walks the plane. Midnight Lightning Only for purposes of great importance will
does not share the flock’s flare for theatrics Midnight Lightning travel from Nuria Natal,
or desire to be seen. Often, her targets are and even then, she can return with a thought.
slain so ruthlessly and efficiently that few
even know what happened.
Recently, she has
relegated herself to
wandering the
sands of Nuria

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
Midnight Lightning uses the statistics of an Background: Fledgling Pinion
assassin with 98 hit points and the following
You were brought up in the shadow of the
Starless Pinion and have spent great time
• She wields a dagger of venom instead
and effort attempting to become a member.
of a shortsword. Her dagger attack has
Loyal to Horus and Nuria Natal, you have
a +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60
labored for years to gain traction with the
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing
enigmatic and often frightening assassin’s
damage, and the target must make a DC
order, and still there is much to do before
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 27
being awarded your talon. It has shaped you
(5d10) poison damage on a failed save
in many ways and given you a particular set
or half as much on a successful one.
of skills that many would find dangerous. The
• Midnight Lightning has advantage responsibilities you hold to Horus and the
on saving throws against spells and Starless Pinion may bring conflict when you
magical effects. are called upon to enact swift and unbending
• Teleport (1/Day). Midnight Lightning justice, particularly should your comrades
can magically teleport herself and be haphazard in their dealings with those in
up to five willing creatures she can Nuria Natal—you may never know which
see within 10 feet of her, along with friend may become a foe.
any equipment they are wearing or You are likely ravenfolk, as only they can
carrying, to any temple of Horus in ascend the ranks and lead the Starless Pinion.
Nuria Natal. However, exceptions though rare do exist.
• Midnight Lightning’s challenge rating is The heruti have long known that excluding
9 (5,000 XP).

1 I enjoy being on the fringe of conversations—never the center of attention.
2 I am a quick judge of character and slow to change my opinion.
3 I follow multiple, complex codes of honor and enjoy holding others to those standards.
4 I start and end every day with quiet, sometimes unsettling, prayers or meditation.
5 Surprisingly, I am quite disarming and very kind...
6 Never in my life have I argued with my companions.
7 I seldom speak more loudly than a whisper, even when the jaws of a hydra snap around me.
8 Everyone I meet gets the same title: “My friend.”

1 Grace. Through kind action, I believe that I can change the world. (Good)
2 Honesty. To lie is to kill the truth—the most despicable murder. (Lawful)
3 Devotion. My word, my fortune, and my life are fickle compared to the wellbeing of those I serve.
4 Fanaticism. The commands of my order are often meek, and I believe they should be more severe.
5 Morality. I see a balance in all things and urge others to use caution. (Neutral)
6 Service. I do not question the will of my order, no matter what they are. (Any)

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
1 I owe my life and soul to my order—no one is above them.
2 Out there is a family that I have abandoned, but I watch over them from afar.
3 I seek revenge on a noble who condemned me to death. I’ll repay that kindness.
4 My actions got a member of my order maimed. I’ll never make that mistake again.
5 Those who aid me along my path deserve my unbending friendship—strangers are dust and blood.
6 One day I hope to become a leader of my order.

1 I am obsessed with collecting strange trinkets, even if I must steal them.
2 Now that I’ve left the nest, I’ve become slovenly and remiss in my duties.
3 No one can understand me. There’s no point in even bothering to explain.
4 Those who slight me feel my wrath immediately.
5 I lack piety and presentation. I simply do not care what others think of me.
6 There’s no need for caution if my actions attain my goals.

other races might leave them vulnerable, you but will otherwise treat you and your
blind to the needs of those peoples. If you adventuring companions in a respectful and
are not a ravenfolk, you must have taken an friendly manner.
unbreakable oath to never harm an acolyte, You can also beseech the Starless Pinion
adjunct, or servant of Horus or take the life of to aid you directly, though only in times of
a ravenfolk, regardless of the circumstances. great need. With a few days’ notice (GM’s
To do so would welcome a joyless, swift death discretion), two ravenfolk can be made ready
at the hands of the Starless Pinion. to travel with you until a particular task
Skill Proficiencies: Performance, Stealth. is complete. They are loyal to the Starless
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, Poisoner’s Pinion and the creed but otherwise follow
kit. your commands. When the task is done, the
ravenfolk return to their duties elsewhere.
Equipment: A coal-black feather (token of
Such requests should be made with great care
your guild), a disguise kit, a steel mirror, a
as abuse of your position as a fledgling pinion
set of common clothes, a set of fine clothes,
may lead to excommunication or worse.
and a belt pouch containing 18 gp.
Fledgling Pinions are led by their creed,
As a sworn member of the Starless Pinion,
their flock, and their desire to dispense
you are afforded a singular luxury: the
justice. Their devotion to the letter and word
assistance of your flock. You and your
of Horus’s will often eclipses their desires
adventuring companions can expect to be
as an adventurer, shaping many of their
given the benefit of the doubt in dealings
relationships. Their flaws often highlight
with ravenfolk of all types, so long as they
doubts or unsteadiness in their chosen path
know of the Starless Pinion. Such heruti will
but conversely may appear as a fanatical
offer you and your adventuring party shelter,
obsession with the order’s teachings.
food, or simple provisions at your request,
within reason. They will not fight or die for

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
by Jonathan Miley

S pread throughout the Shadow Realm,

there are ravenfolk acting as the spies of
Wotan. They lurk in the shadows, listening to
Shadowfeathers. Some believe that Wotan
just didn’t wish to leave anything unknown—
especially in the shadows.
hushed conversations, always on the lookout The Shadowfeathers maintain a strong
for secrets to report back to their leader, who devotion to their faith: all knowledge flows
in turn passes them on as tribute to the Rune back to Wotan. With the constant tribute
Father himself. These ravenfolk follow a life of their collected secrets, Wotan has blessed
of watching but of never interfering, only them with immunity to shadow corruption
gathering the secrets from the shadows. (see Midgard Worldbook for more on shadow
corruption). Otherwise, these seekers of
Wotan’s Shadow Realm Agents secrets are very similar to others of their kind:
they have a fondness of shiny things, are very
The shadow fey courts are known for
unobtrusive, and have an insatiable curiosity.
their love of secrets—and of gossip—but
They do however avoid direct action,
all in court are quick to peek over their
preferring merely to watch and listen. They
shoulders, making sure a Shadowfeather
often say, “We are Wotan’s eyes and ears, not
isn’t eavesdropping. A clandestine sect of
his talons.” It is their purpose to avoid any
ravenfolk based solely within the Shadow
interference in the matters of others—unless
Realm, the Shadowfeathers hide away on
a situation arises that damages the flow of
the edges of civilization, in small frontier
secrets to Wotan, in which case they will fight
outposts and lone towers in the shadows of
beak and talon.
cities. What brought these ravenfolk to the
Some have attempted to force the ravenfolk
Shadow Realm is lost to time, but the most
to share their secrets but to no avail. The
popular legend is that when Wotan first
Shadowfeathers share their gained knowledge
let the feathers of his two pet ravens fall to
with Wotan alone. Even allies of the ravenfolk
Midgard, the one from Muninn fell to the
best learn that quickly.
Shadow Realm, which led to the birth of the

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
Cloak and Dagger at the Shadowfeathers’ main headquarters, a
tower called “Muninn’s Vigilance,” located
Acquaintances within the City of Lanterns. The ravenfolk
The Shadowfeathers have unique have earned a respectful place within the
relationships with the races and factions of Moonlit Glades community, and the bearfolk
the Shadow Realm. have even shared the ritual magic they use to
Shadow Fey. Even though the ravenfolk renew the stone and silver cairns that mark
are known for the ever-watchful eyes and the borders of the Glades.
curiosity, all shadow fey know of their stance
of non-interference. The Queen of Night Shadowfeather Outposts
and Magic herself has even shown interest
Muninn’s Vigilance. The Shadowfeathers
in them, for hushed is rumor that these
have built themselves small outpost rookeries
ravenfolk know even the secret nature of the
throughout the Shadow Realm, mostly just
Moonlit King’s supposed madness. Instead
outside major cities. The main headquarters
of being threatened, some shadow fey have
is in Corremel, a large tower on the River
turned it into a game of being able to have a
Lethe called Muninn’s Vigilance, which has a
secret conversation without being spied upon
large raven gargoyle on the tower’s top—one
by the Shadowfeathers, which has led to at
onyx eye open, looking upon the city. The
least one of the ravenfolk being invited to
ravenfolk gather information from visitors
every court event.
to the City of Lanterns, plentiful due to the
Ghouls. The Twilight Empire ghouls do not
traffic from the shadow road. The leader of
allow any of the Shadowfeather ravenfolk
Muninn’s Vigilance is also the leader of all the
within the Black Iron Depths, and all ghouls
Shadowfeathers, an elderly ravenfolk named
are ordered to kill them on sight. The story
Shimmergale: she has one eye and uses a
goes that Emperor Vilmos Marquering
walking cane.
invited the head of the ravenfolk to a banquet.
Below are some of the features of Muninn’s
During dinner, the emperor made an offer
to open the knowledge of his kingdom to
the ravenfolk in exchange for his choice of • The Shadowfeathers use the Occultation
secrets. The leader of the Shadowfeathers, Orb, a magical sphere that their leader,
Shimmergale, is said to have finished her Shimmergale, uses in rituals to give
wine before rising form the table and tribute of their secrets to Wotan.
politely refusing the offer. In a dreadful rage, • The ravenfolk have a well-guarded
the emperor ordered the Shadowfeathers library they call the Shadowhollow
killed, which led to Shimmergale and her Archive, where all their secrets are stored.
accompanying ravenfolk fleeing the Twilight Protection runes have been carved on
Empire in a desperate escape, never to return. the outside of the library, making it
Bearfolk. The proud bearfolk of the Moonlit impossible to scry within its walls.
Glades have opened their sanctuaries to the • The tower has many underground
Shadowfeathers. Word spread quickly about tunnels that connect to various
how the Shadowfeathers turned down the buildings throughout Corremel, which
Twilight Empire’s offer of power for secrets, the Shadowfeathers use to quietly come
ensuring that the ravenfolk were keeping and go.
their word as watchers only. To keep relations • One of the top levels of the tower is a
open, the bearfolk maintain an ambassador large rookery where messenger ravens

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
are kept. Each raven has a small silver but its exploration has been slow due to the
collar that has been etched with various many deadly traps. The leader of this outpost
runes. The runic collars hold small is a ravenfolk fighter named Krell Axecleave.
amounts of magic that disrupt attempts
to monitor or track the ravens by Adventure Hooks
magical means. There are many ways to put PCs in the path
Muninn’s Vigilance may be the most of the Shadowfeathers:
important, but it is not the only home to the • The Twilight Empire has captured
Shadowfeathers. Some of the more notable a Shadowfeather spy and plans to
are below. interrogate them for secrets. Mar’vel
Despair’s Spear. Built in the Mistcall Echoheart of Detestation’s Morrow
Mountains, this outpost has dealings with is seeking adventurers to help cause
the Tower of Horn and Gold. The ravenfolk a distraction while he leads a rescue
were called to settle here by Wotan, leading operation to free them.
them to a cave running deep into the • The ravenfolk of Despair’s Spear have
mountain. They discovered burial chambers recently discovered a hidden chamber
filled with ancient tomes, the contents of in the crags of the Mistcall Mountains.
which they have not shared with anyone. Once breached, shadowy tentacles
This outpost is led by a ravenfolk wizard lashed out, stopping any further
named Shar Delvesden. investigation. The Shadowfeathers have
Detestation’s Morrow. A small, hidden put out word for hired hands to help
frontier outpost in the Flesh Mires of the deal with the situation.
Twilight Empire, these ravenfolk take great • The tower of Muninn’s Vigilance in
pains to hide themselves from the ghouls Corremel, the City of Lanterns, is
that patrol the area. The leader of this seeking mercenaries to escort ravenfolk
outpost is Mar’vel Echoheart, a ravenfolk emissaries in a pre-arranged meeting
Shadow Watcher (see below). The ghoul in the Queen’s Wood with an unnamed
patrols have been more constant of late, group of shadow fey.
worrying the ravenfolk.
Leaf Craven. A large wooden fort in
the Blackwood, this structure is built out
Notable Shadowfeather NPCs
of a large dead tree carved with runes of Whatever it is you’re doing in the Shadow
protection by the Shadowfeathers. The fort Realm, chances are fairly good that there’s
is led by a ravenfolk ranger named Var a Shadowfeather hidden nearby, watching
Moonstream. It has come to light that the and listening. Here are a few of the more
dead tree was actually a massive, long-dead notable ravenfolk.
treant, and its oddly glowing saplings have Shimmergale Auga (Leader of the
since grown into a threat and assault the Shadowfeather Ravenfolk). An elderly
fort regularly. ravenfolk stands in a massive chamber,
Pallid Valor. The Shadowfeathers took waiting for a servant to gather her for her
over some stone ruins in the Gloaming summons. She wears simple ropes of blues
Fens that appear to pre-date the arrival of and purples. Where her feathers show, they
the shadow fey in the Shadow Realm. The are greying with age. One of her eyes is milky
many glyphs are still being transcribed. An white while the other still hints of curiosity.
ominous tunnel leads deep underground, She leans on her walking cane, which bears

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
a silvered raven head for its grip, and she has
a lit smoking pipe in her free hand. The
shadow fey servant motions to her
that their lord is ready to see her.
A bemused look alights her face
as she heads off to meet with
Hander Svenk, the Black
Prince of the shadow fey.
At a young age,
Shimmergale exceled at
gathering knowledge for
the order, and she quickly
came under the watchful
eye of the then leader of
the ravenfolk. It wasn’t long
before she was instructed in the
ways of the Shadow Watchers
(see below) and continued to
stand out among the flock. When
the previous elder passed on,
Shimmergale took her place as the
leader of the “secret collectors”
of the Shadow Realm. Under
her leadership, the Shadowfeathers
have continued their goal of collecting
information for Wotan by gaining entrance
to the various factions within the realm,
excepting the ghouls of the Twilight
Imperium. More recently, she has received
repeated summons from the Black Prince,
and among the shadow fey, rumors are
spreading that there is a secret that the prince Krell was an expert ranger that has spent
wants to remain just that. much time scouting the Gloaming Fens. The
Krell Axecleave (Leader of Pallid Valor). settlement of Pallid Valor, established in
The ravenfolk impatiently paces in front of the partly sunken stone ruins, is the newest for the
cavern. The stone entrance is surrounded by Shadowfeathers. What started out as just more
ancient glyphs of some unknown origin. She is lost secrets quickly ramped up to burning
dressed in worn leather armor, many obvious curiosity once the caverns were discovered
repairs, the colors almost blending into her with their strange glyphs. The ravenfolk
own dusky plumage. The holstered throwing quickly established a settlement and tasked the
axes jingle as she grows more impatient, rangers to scout the extent of the caverns.
but she stops as two ravenfolk emerge from The exploration has been perilous: many
the shadows to tell her they found the next ancient traps, both mundane and magical,
entrance. Finally, something to do with her are about and have taken the lives of a dozen
time, Krell Axecleave draws her axes and scouts so far. Krell keeps a token reclaimed
moves into the cavern. from each of the fallen, which she hangs in her

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
chambers, always a reminder to herself of the
price the settlement has paid for its secrets.
Ranger Archetype:
The three sisters that rule Nightbrook
Shadow Watcher
Court have welcomed the Shadowfeathers As one of the Shadowfeathers, you are
with an open invitation. The sisters view the a specialized ranger that has developed
work of the Shadowfeathers with respect magical abilities to aid in gathering secrets
and admiration. from those who hold them dear. You are
Mar’vel Echoheart (Leader of a scout of the Shadow Watchers, and your
Detestation’s Morrow). Two Twilight abilities are said to come from the magic
Imperium guards drag an unwilling “guest” once part of Wotan’s feather that first
through the hallway—the prisoner’s identity dropped into the Shadow Realm.
hidden behind the bag covering their head. You slink around in the shadows and
The highly fashionable clothing suggests use your abilities to overhear whispered
someone who attends many a shadow fey conversations. And once those secrets have
dinner party. The ghouls toss the prisoner been plucked from the air, you are quickly
into a cell and lock the rusted door shut as away. You excel in urban settings or places
they leave. A moment of silence passes before with highly guarded secrets.
the ravenfolk emerges from the shadows SHADOW WATCHER MAGIC
on the wall. He wears all blacks and blues, The shadow magic of Wotan fills you. You
only carrying a single dagger on his belt. gain access to the following Shadow Watcher
Peering into the cell, the silver necklace on spells at the level listed. The spell counts as
the prisoner catches the ravenfolk’s eyes. A a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count
devilish confirmation marks Echoheart’s eyes against the number of ranger spells you know. 
as he slinks away.
Detestation’s Morrow is one of the LEVEL SPELLS
Shadowfeathers most precarious settlements, 3rd comprehend languages
hidden as it is in the Flesh Mires, right on 5th invisibility
the doorstep of the Twilight Empire. The 9th sending
ravenfolk are not welcome in the lands of
13th private sanctum
the ghouls and are killed on sight. But the
17th scrying
Shadowfeathers can’t resist the urge to keep
eyes on the ghouls though. The outpost’s
leader, Mar’vel Echoheart, has volunteered WOTAN’S VISION
to lead a deadly mission to spy on the At 3rd level, Wotan has blessed you with
ghouls. He is the youngest ravenfolk to ever sight to better find secrets in the darkness.
become a Shadow Watcher (see below) and You gain darkvision to 60 feet. If you
is said to have Wotan himself watching over already have darkvision, then when using
him. He prefers to get his hands dirty with the Shadow’s Observation feature, you have
solo missions, and his cockiness has earned advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
him a bounty on his head, placed by the
ghoul emperor himself.
At 3rd level, while in dim light or darkness,
you gain the ability to magically project
your senses to another area of dim light or
darkness within 60 feet. You can see and hear
normally in this new area, using your senses

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
until the start of your next turn and gaining until you roll a natural 20 during such an
the benefits of any special senses that you attack or ability contest or until you use this
possess. During this time, you are deaf and feature on a different target.
blind with regard to your senses originating
from your own person.
At 15th level, you can no longer be surprised.
CLOUDED MINDS  In addition, when you use your Cunning
At 7th level, your secrets are your own. Observer feature, it only takes an action to
Your thoughts can no longer be read, and observe a target instead of 1 minute.
you now have advantage on saving throws
against any effect that would cause you to
lose control of your mind or your actions,
such as the dominate person spell,
the incapacitated condition, or a
ghost’s Possession action. 
At 11th level, you can gain an
edge on foes by studying them
for weakness. If you observe a
creature for 1 minute, you have
advantage on attacks and ability
contests against that creature

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
by Ben McFarland and Prakash Upadhyayula (KP11 Studios) with Brian Suskind
(special thanks to Wade Rockett)

T he twin feathers of Thought and Memory

fell to Midgard to guide the world along
the gods’ purposes. So goes the story of the
better known as Wotan’s Tree, sits a strange
structure. A building of interlaced branches
come together to form an intricate building,
creation of the ravenfolk and the birth of rising higher and higher as it reaches upward,
their faith. How poetic and concise—how almost as if longing to pierce the very clouds
incomplete. Many do not know the trials, and into the beyond. Called the High Roost,
the hardship, the many ascents and falls the or the Lost Roost, it served—and in legends,
Feathered Folk endured. still serves—as the source of faith for the
Ravenfolk, their center of worship, and the
Origins of the Ravenfolk one thing tying these nomads and wanderers
together. While not directly accessible by
In Midgard’s youth, ravenfolk lived on
those climbing a World Tree on Midgard,
Yggdrasil as descendants of Huginn and
those who make the journey to Vanaheim
Muninn, or Thought and Memory, the two
might reach it. (See Warlock Guide to the
great ravens who carried messages for Wotan,
Planes for details on using such portals.)
acting as his eyes and ears across the realms
and even venturing into Ginnungagap. They
served in Vanaheim (of the Infinite Halls), Envoys’ War
built what would be known as the Lost Roost, Wotan began to rely on the ravenfolk with
and sought glory among their god’s host. increasing regularity. The ratatosk grew
They witnessed the rise and fall of Glorious jealous of the god’s shifting favor and
Umbuso in the Southlands, observed the complained to the Vanir, claiming they carried
fate of long-drowned Ankeshel’s orichalcum the messages on Yggdrasil. The ravenfolk
spires, and circled far above the Ahu-nixta mocked them, claiming their flights hardly
hordes while they waged war against the constituted travel on the World Tree. Tempers
celestial dragons of Cathay. flared. No one knows precisely who started
High above the clouds, on what some the war between ratatosk and ravenfolk, but
would call the Tree that Connects the Sky, it raged across the branches of Yggdrasil for

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
generations, watering canopy to roots with feathers represent where the ravenfolk come
the blood of both species. The ratatosk knew from. Thought and Memory. These represent
the World Tree far better and gained the the All-Father and the tenets ravenfolk carry
upper hand over time. The ravenfolk suffered forward. One of its greatest wonders becomes
terribly, and a great unkindness of ravenfolk visible when the sunlight hits the structure
died against the squirrel-folk. As the outcome just right, telling a story through the magical
became a foregone conclusion, Wotan play of shadows and light. Their greatest
intervened and demanded a truce. The war legends and heroes on epic journeys battle
ended, but the price of peace came with the monsters and evils long forgotten in a living,
ravenfolk’s exile from the celestial realms. moving account of their history. These silent
images change depending on the time of day
Ravenfolk on Midgard and season.
Occasionally though, Wotan’s former
In order to keep the ravenfolk safe and
task to them manifests: random ravenfolk
honor the armistice, Wotan took them out
become gripped by divine purpose. Bound
of Vanaheim, out of the High Roost and
by compulsions they cannot explain beyond
Yggdrasil, and brought them to Ravenheim
the traditions that claim this as their celestial
in far Sirtya, the Land of Frost of Bears, in the
heritage, they travel and deliver the messages
distant northeast of Midgard. To make them
of the gods. As a species, ravenfolk embraced
mortal, he needed to take their ability to fly,
this phenomenon and claimed Wotan
so the ravenfolk entered Midgard on uneasy,
wanted ravenfolk to scatter across Midgard,
taloned feet. The remote hills and forests of
seek out new World Trees, and build new
Sirtya gave the ravenfolk time to establish
roosts. Their efforts resulted in structures
themselves, adjust to mortality. With their
and communities located in Vadim, in Nuria
memories still fresh, they built anew in the
Natal, even deep in the Southlands and in
image of the High Roost, though imperfect:
Great Khandiria. No nation in Midgard
a stylized construction of a vast, thick tower
remains unaware of the ravenfolk, though
vaguely resembling an immense redwood
Ravenheim’s location in Sirtya remains a
or baobab tree, the banners of various
closely held secret of their wisest elders.
unkindnesses of ravenfolk flutter in the wind
However, one sect of priests did not forget
There, the ravenfolk preserve their traditions
their war with the ratatosk, and they cling
and practice their faith to the All-Father,
to the memory as messengers of Wotan, as
Wotan. A crooked path leads to an altar in
couriers from the mortal to the immortal
the center of the main spire, where a statue
world, linked to Wotan and Valhalla. They
of a hunched, cloaked figure sits, head
grew obsessed with bringing worthy souls
slightly tilted to the side. Its features remain
to Vanaheim and created the Order of
shadowed, save for one twinkling eye, gently
Sky’s Passage. This sect of death priests and
staring into the beyond. The left hand is
psychopomps believes ravens help bring
visibly holding a branch of what is said to be
the best souls to serve for Ragnarok and
the World Tree, Yggdrasil, while the right
should complete this task when an individual
holds two feathers, one each from his two pet
exemplifies their worth, even if this isn’t
ravens, Huginn and Muninn.
exactly the time of the worthy one’s natural
Tales claim Wotan first used this branch of
or battlefield death. Most priests of Wotan
the World Tree to draw the Runes of Power,
see the Order of Sky’s Passage as misguided
symbolic magic he gifted to the magically
children, and valkyries actively hate them for
talented mortals of the world, while the
their interference.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
The order hopes, by bringing the worthiest OPEN SKY PSYCHOPOMP DOMAIN
souls to Valhalla at the optimal moments, The Open Sky psychopomp is the messenger
Wotan will eventually bring the sect members between this world and the next. They hasten
back to Vanaheim. Other ravenfolk remain the journey for those found worthy, and they
mostly unconvinced and have driven the help others on to the next life. Particular
order from Ravenheim. The splinter religious dogmas may dictate when this journey
group wanders in small clusters, teaching occurs, or they may not. The transition
where and when they can but often meeting between life and death particularly interests
resistance and operating in secret. Members the Open Sky psychopomps and tends to
have recently been spotted in Krakovar, color their personalities, making them often
Wolfheim, Vadim, and Per-Bastet. gloomy and intense.

Cleric Domain:
Open Sky Psychopomp
“Thank you, High Priest Kaua. I am
honored that you could perform the last
rites”—the widow hesitated—
”and, I’m sorry. I know
it must not have been
easy, what with the
opposition you face…”
As a cleric of the
Order of Sky’s
Passage, you serve
as psychopomp,
assassin, and zealot.
Your sect is a fringe
element in the
worship of Wotan and
in the preparations
for Ragnarok—some
of your number may
even join or found
Ragnarok cults, trying
to bring the final battle
about sooner, some feel
the end of Midgard
means the return to
Yggdrasil. Members
become clerics who
follow the Open Sky
Psychopomp Domain.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
OPEN SKY PSYCHOPOMP of a specific target, through their remains or
DOMAIN SPELLS through a living target who willingly allows
LEVEL SPELLS you to touch them. This permits you to
1st grim siphon*, withering smite* make a single skill check of a skill possessed
3rd animal messenger, ray of enfeeblement by the touched creature. If you possess this
skill yourself, you may make the check with
5th blinding smite (deals necrotic damage),
glimpse the end*
advantage; if you do not, you may make the
check as if you had proficiency. At 10th level,
7th deva’s wings* (soot-black wings that deal
when touching a creature’s remains, you may
necrotic damage), ray of life suppression*
use this ability as per the contact other plane
9th dream, souleater*
spell, with all the answers being short phrases
* see Deep Magic as appropriate.
When you choose this domain at 1st level, At 8th level, when you use your sneak
you embrace the roles of both messenger attack ability, the damage you inflict is
and reaper. You gain the ability to cast the considered necrotic. In addition, if the target
message cantrip at will and gain the sneak is a living creature, it takes 1 hit point of
attack ability (and its damage progression), as necrotic damage at the start of your turn
per the rogue class ability. until it is magically healed or succeeds on
CHANNEL DIVINITY: PURIFYING BURST a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your
At 2nd level, you can use your Channel proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier).
Divinity to cleanse surrounding creatures, Every additional successful hit on this
preparing them to pass on to the next world. creature after the successful sneak attack
As an action, you present your holy symbol increases the necrotic damage suffered each
while reciting a passage from your god’s round by 1 hit point. A critical hit increases
scripture. Each creature within 30 feet of it by 2 hit points.
you takes radiant damage equal to 2d6 + REAPING NIMBUS
your cleric level and becomes vulnerable to At 17th level, on your first turn of combat,
necrotic damage, or half as much damage and when you make a melee or ranged weapon
no vulnerability with a successful Wisdom attack against a creature that has not yet
saving throw. On a successful save, the target acted, you can instead choose to assassinate
cannot gain vulnerability from this ability it, making your attack with advantage. On a
until you finish a long rest. The damage hit, your attack becomes a critical hit, and the
increases by 2d6 when you reach 10th level damage you deal is necrotic in addition to
(4d6) and 14th level (6d6). Any creature that any other types of damage.
dies while vulnerable to necrotic damage due
to this effect cannot become undead. The Bargain for Souls
CHANNEL DIVINITY: As Wotan brought the ravenfolk to Midgard,
ANCESTRAL RECOLLECTION the Southlander god Horus approached
At 6th level, you can use your Channel him. The Nurian Lord of the Sky, the
Divinity to access the knowledge or memories Desert Falcon, watched the war of huginn
and ratatosk, admiring the ferocity of the
All-Father’s servants, the dedication to their
purpose, and the nobility they demonstrated

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
as they campaigned. It saddened the Master
of the Sun, the Moon, and the Heavens to see
Sorcerous Bloodline:
the ravenfolk so defeated, but Horus felt such
glory merited a reward. He knew the ways of The ancient blood of Huginn and Muninn
symbolic magic, of the hieroglyphs, and of flows strong within you, and your magic
the lesser secrets of ritual death and rebirth. springs forth from the well of these ancient
The stories claim Wotan eagerly accepted corvid servants to Wotan: you draw upon
this barter and gave nine unkindnesses of secrets, infuse your blades with magic, and
ravenfolk to Horus. The Vigilant One led sail among the clouds. Before the war on
these ravenfolk, now called heruti, into Nuria Yggdrasil and the exile from Vanaheim, your
and told them to find their new path among ancestors held great favor and power among
the people there. They wasted no time and the Unkindnesses of the All-Father, and you
scattered among the dunes and palm groves are an heir to that legacy.
of the god-kings, though the homes they built Except as noted below, raven-blooded
still resembled roosts: tall, ring-like structures sorcerers function as sorcerers and use the
with rooms built into the walls, which the sorcerer spell list.
Tamasheq call ksour. BLADE OF EIWAZ
Those who did not become performers, At 1st level, your deep connection to the
artisans, or laborers remained in service to symbolic magic of Midgard, such as runes
Horus. Some of the more magically inclined and hieroglyphs, allows you to imbue your
joined the ranks of the Temple of Thoth- specially marked weapon with one of your
Hermes, and many members of the Order spells. The spell uses a slot normally and
of Sky’s Passage found a welcome place cannot be higher than 4th level. Imbuing the
in the cults of Anu-Akma as well as those spell consumes the spell slot, and it cannot
of Horus. They took to the new realm and be augmented with sorcery points at the time
its gods with zeal, becoming trusted blade it is imbued. When you make a successful
masters who taught the gnoll champions, attack with the imbued weapon, you may
occupying garrisons in necropoli, and being discharge the spell on the target and may not
entrusted with the safeguarding of the pious augment the discharged spell with sorcery
and powerful during their death-sleep. points. The imbued weapon loses the spell
Heruti in Thoth-Hermes’s sworn circles if used by someone you do not designate as
regularly pursue the lost Emerald Tablets of an ally. You cannot imbue ammunition, like
Wisdom. And in seats of power, such as the arrows or bolts. Imbued weapons lose their
hierarch of the temples of Horus in Per-Xor, effect when you take a long rest, and any
Djehutihotep the Farseer, a potent heru spent spell slots are recovered.
sorcerer and dogged enemy of the Golden In addition, you are proficient with
Falcon Antiquities Trading House (though khopesh, longswords, and shortswords.
their leader woos God-King Set-Amun’s
vizier, and Djehutihotep has been unable to TRICKSTER’S LESSON
move against them openly). Overwhelmingly, Beginning at 1st level, as a bonus action, you
the ravenfolk flourish in Nuria Natal, and may sacrifice a spell slot or a sorcery point
many believe the nearly forgotten tales of to gain advantage on the next Charisma skill
an exodus from Vanaheim to be simply check you make. You lose this benefit if you
borrowed from visiting huginn of the take a long rest. You may use this ability a
Midlands and Northlands. number of times equal to your Charisma
modifier, and you regain all expended uses

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
when you finish a long rest. If you roll a 20 READ THE SKEIN OF FATE
when making this check, the use of the ability At 6th level, you have advantage on saving
is not expended. throws against divination magic, and you may
In addition, you speak Huginn’s Speech, or spend a sorcery point to gain advantage on a
Ghuraab as it is called in the Southlands. Dexterity saving throw.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
In addition, you may cast anticipate attack, have taken either the Born of Muninn or
divination, major image, or sidestep arrow Scion of Horus feat.
(see Deep Magic) as a reaction by spending 2
sorcery points.
Prerequisite: Ravenfolk
RIDE THE WINDS OF THE NINE REALMS You trace your ancestry back to Wotan’s
At 14th level, you gain the ability to once again raven Muninn, who embodied Memory.
swiftly traverse the skies. You may spend 3 You have an amazing recall, and your sense
sorcery points to cast wind walk. of physical self is immutable, gaining the
In addition, when you cast an illusion spell, following benefits:
you may spend 2 sorcery points to increase the • Increase your Charisma or Wisdom
DC by 2. score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
READY BLADE OF RAGNAROK • When making Intelligence checks to
Beginning at 18th level, there is no limit to identify a creature or recall information
the level of the spell you can imbue in your about an enemy, you have advantage on
weapon using your Blade of Eiwaz ability. You those checks.
may maintain this spell in the weapon between • Once per long rest, you may decide to
long rests by spending 4 sorcery points at the reroll the result of a saving throw against
end of your long rest. As a part of a successful a transmutation or necromancy spell
attack where you discharge the spell, you may effect, even after you know the results. 
augment it using sorcery points.  Special. You may not take this feat if you
have taken either the Born of Huginn or
New Feats of the Ravenfolk Scion of Horus feat.
Ravenfolk have their own rich beliefs and SCION OF HORUS
customs and that is reflected here in three Prerequisite: Ravenfolk
new feats. You trace your ancestry to the ravenfolk
BORN OF HUGINN embraced by Horus and settled in Nuria
Prerequisite: Ravenfolk Natal. You strive to demonstrate the glory,
You trace your ancestry back to Wotan’s raven nobility, and magical might evident in the
Huginn, who embodied Thought. You are avatars of the hawk-headed god of the River
not easily dominated by the magics of others, Kingdom, gaining the following benefits:
gaining the following benefits: • Increase your Charisma, Intelligence,
• Increase your Charisma or Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum
score by 1, to a maximum of 20. of 20.
• Once per long rest, you may decide • You have advantage on all Intelligence
to reroll the result of a saving throw checks made to gather information
against an enchantment or illusion spell about aberrations.
effect, even after you know the results. • Once per long rest, you can force the
Alternatively, you can use your daily use target of one of your spells to roll their
of this ability to permit an ally within 30 saving throw at disadvantage, or if the
feet to reroll their saving throw instead, effect requires an attack roll, you may
but this use must be after they have made make the attack with advantage.
their saving throw and before the results Special. You may not take this feat if you
have been announced. have taken either the Born of Huginn or
Special. You may not take this feat if you Born of Muninn feat.

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the
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Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809
Printed in USA

Filipe Leal - filipesaleal@gmail.com - 332809

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