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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Carlos City, Pangasinan
1st SEMESTER SY. 2021-2022

Reading in the Philippine History

Name: Joy Lene O. Bulatao Professor: Gemma Padlan De GUZMAN, MAED

Course: BSHM- 1A Date: December 8, 2021

Individual Activity No. 2


Process Questions and Answers

1. What are these accounts all about and how are they similar to or different from one another?
This two accounts it is all about "Where Did The First Mass Take Place in The Philippines". They say that in
Butuan was the first place where did the first mass happened. But this has been case for three centuries, In
1872 near Agusan River they culminating in the erection of monument. And Fransisco Albos he is the pilot of
Trinidad- Magellan Ship. He wrote about what they are doing during their journey and he didn't say the exact
date and place of the site of the first mass in the Philippines so Fransisco Albos has a short works while
Antonio Pigafetta he joined the expedition to Spice Islands lead by Ferdinand Magellan under the flag of
emperor Charles V. He is a chronicles, his works is to write all the happinings in the whole expedition to
update the emperor Charles V he has the longest work than Fransisco Albos.

2. Do you think the two accounts are convincing and reliable? Why? Research more about these
sourceto come up with a sound answer?

Yes! Their accounts are very reliable and convincing why? Because their works are like an eye-opener to all of
us because they witness all the happinings in that day or should I say they lightened us on how they discover
our country amd how our ancestors living in that era. So they arrive here in our country they discover how
great our ancestors and how beautiful our country. So when Ferdinand Magellan discover Philippines he held
the first mass 1521 in the island of Mazaua, known as Limasawa Island, Leyte. They say that from the 16th
century confirm that the Island of Mazaua was the site in Easter Sunday Mass on March 31, 1521 and that hillon
this Island a cross was raised to be seen from a far.

3. Analyze each account further. Do you find any loopholes or inconsistencies? What are these
loopholes, if any?

Some historian says that this Limasawa on the southern tip of Leyte and some say it is held in Masao Butuan. At
this very moment this issue's is being contested by this people from this two different places claiming that the
first mass is held in their place. One is the log kept by Fransisco Albos a pilot of one of Magellan's Ship Trinidad.
He was one of the 18 survivors who returned with Sebastian Elcano on the ship of Victoria. The other one is
Antonio Pigafetta, Primo Viaggio Intorno Al Mondo ( First Voyage Around the World). Pigafetta, like Albo, was a
members of the Magellan expedition and an eyewitness of the events, particularly, of the first mass.
4. How can these accounts contribute to your understanding Where Did the First Mass Take Place in
the Philippines?

These accounts are very resourceful and they have a lot of contribute in our history on how they discover the
Philippines and on how our ancestors living in that days. The first documented Catholic Mass in the Philippines
was held on March 31, 1521 Easter Sunday, It was conducted by Father. Pedro de Valderrama of Ferdinand
Magellan's expedition along the shores of what was referred to in the journal of Antonio Pigafetta as


Process Questions and Answers

1. What are two historic events that happened in Cavite in the year 1872?

Cavite Mutiny has two tragic events that happened in 1872. First is in January 20, 1872, A brief uprising
the of 200 Filipino troops and workers at the Cavite arsenal, which became the excuse for Spanish
repression of the embryonic Philippines nationalist movemen. Ironically to promote the harsh reaction of
the Spanish authorities served ultimately to promote the nationalist cause and the second is in February
17,1872 where war the martyrdom of the three martyr priest in the person's of Father's Mariano Gomez,
Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA) However, not all of us know that there were different
accounts in reference to the event.

2. What do you think is the importance of Cavite Mutiny in the Philippines History?

In 1872 Cavite Mutiny was one of the most important events in the history. This brought us these
objectives: to understand why 1872 Cavite Mutiny happened: and to corroborate that the three secular
priest were not implicated, and and conspired the mutiny. 1872 Cavite Mutiny could have been avoided if
Cavite workers were not deprived of their privileges the nonpayment of tributes, and forced labor.
Therefore, the 1872 Cavite Mutiny had cause a skirmish due to the abolition of the privileges of workers.

3. Compare and contrast the two conflicting accounts- Spanish accounts of the Cavite Mutiny and the
Differing accounts of the events of 1872?

According to these accounts, On January 20, 1872, the district of Sampaloc celebrated the Feast for f the
Vergin of Loreto unfortunately the participants of that feast they celebrating the occasion with a fireworks
display. But allegedly those Cavite mistook, the fireworks as the signal for the attack and just like what
was agreed upon the 200 men contingent headed by Sergeant, Lamadrid launched an attack targeting the
Spanish officer's at sight and sized the arsenal. On February 17, 1872 in an attempt of the Spanish
government and Frailocracia to instill fear among the Filipinos so that they may never commit such daring
act again., the GOMBURZA were executed. These event was tragic but served as one of the moving forces
that shaped Filipino nationalism.

4. In you own opinion, which of the two conflicting accounts (Spanish accounts of Cavite Mutiny and the
Differing accounts of the Events in 1872) is more credible, authentic, reliable and true?

In Spanish account according to Jose Montero y Vidal Spanish Historian, who interpreted that the Mutiny
was an attempt to remove and overthrow the Spanish Colonizers in the Philippines. His account,
corroborated with the account of General Rafael Izquidero y Gutierrez, Because we al know in that era our
ancestors wants their own freedom in the hands of Spaniards they make a step to free themselves from
the Spaniards. They make a plan to attack the Spanish Government but the Cavitenious mistook the
fireworks display as a sign of their attack to the Spanish officer's so the tragic happened during the
celebration of the Feast of Vergin of Loreto in Sampaloc on January 20, 1872.


Process Questions and Answers

1. Who are the sources of the conflicting accounts or analysis on the Rizal Retraction? How are they similar
or different from one another.

On May 18, 1935 The lost " original" Document of Rizal's retraction was discovered by the archdeacon
archivist Fr. Manuel Garcia, C.M., The discovery, instead of ending doubts about Rizal's retraction, has
infact encouraged it because the newly discovered text retraction, differs significantly from the text found
in the Jesuits and the Archbishop's copies, And the fact that the texts of the retractions which appeared in
the Manila newspapers could be shown to be exact copies of the "original" but only imitations of it. This
means that the friars who controlled the press in Manila (for example,: La Voz Espanol) had the " original "
while the Jesuits had only the imitations.

2. Which among the accounts or analysis do you consider the most convincing or reliable why?

In Fr. Balaguer account he never alluded to having himself made a copy of the retraction although he
claimed that the Archbishop prepared a long formula of the retraction and Fr. Pi a short formula. In Fr.
Balaguer was using the long formula of not yet clear whether Fr. Balaguer was using the long formula of
none no formula in dictating to Rizal what to write. According to Fr. Pi, in his own account of Rizal
conversion in 1909 , Fr. Balaguer dictated from Fr. Pi's short formula previously approved by the
Archbishop. In his letter to Fr. Pi for in 1910, Fr, Balaguer admitted that he dictated to Rizal the short
formula prepared by Fr. Pi; However he contradicts himself when he revealed that the "exact" copy came
from Archbishop. The only coopy, which Fr. Balaguer wrote is the one that appeared on his earliest
account of Rizal retraction.

3. In your opinion, did Rizal Retract? Make a search to support your argument.

No. Rizal did not retract. Although there were many opinions and evidences presented by various
authors as to whether Rizal did or did not retract, Nonetheless, until now there is no proof or any
justification to end this debate.

And why would Rizal retreat when he knows for a fact that even he signs the retraction paper he would
still executed. Since Archbishop and Jesuits cannot do anything to mitigate his penalty because the judicial
process involved was purely a military uncommon and not allowed. Rizal accused of participating in
Filibusterous propaganda where the penalty is provided by the Spanish Code is death. The same as what
happened to the three priest who were garotted years earlier even though they were still a part of the
church; They were still treated as rebellions and were also not given a proper burial.


Process Questions and Answers

1. What are the conflicting views about the Cry of Rebellion?

Momentous events swept the Spanish Colonies in the late 19th century, including the Philippines.
Journalist of that time referred to the name "El Grito de Rebellion" or "Cry of Rebellion" to mark the start
of these revolutionary events of identifying the places where it happened. Some writer's identified the
first military event with the Spaniards as the moment of the Cry, for which, Emilio Aguinaldo
commissioned an " Himno de Balintawak" to inspire the renewed struggle after the Pact of the Biak-na-
bato failed.

2. Examine each source in this topic. What other information on the revolution did you learn from each
other source?

In the Philippines, this happened on August 1896, northeast of Manila, where they declared rebellion
against the Spanish colonial government. These events are important markers in the history of Colonies
that struggled for their independence against their Colonizers. The controvery regarding this event stems
from the identification of the date and place where the Cry happened. But based on your own
apprehension which would you believe the most? would it be the " Cry of Balintawak" or "Cry of Pugad

3. What is the significance of the tearing of the cedulas? What did the cedulas signify?

On August 23, 1896 Andres Bonifacio and a number of Katipuneros tore their cedulas, signifying thier
protest against Spanish colonial rule. It signaled the short of the Philippines revolution against Spain that
was followed by series of fierce fighting of Filipino bolo's and spears versus Spanish muskets. And
according to Teodoro Agoncillo a Prominent Filipino Historian, he emphasizes the event when Bonifacio
tore the cedula or tax receipt before the Katipunero who also did the same.

4. How does two sources similar and different from each other. State you argument?

According to Santiago Alvarez, a Katipunero and a son of Mariano Alvarez who was the laeder of the
Magdiwang Faction in Cavite, stated in 1972 that the cry happened at Bahay Toro , now in Quezon City on
August 24, 1896. But Pio Valenzuela, Andres Bonifacio's close associate, He said that it declared in 1948
that the event took the place on August 23, 1896 in Pugad Lawin. However some of the apparent
confusion about the place where it happened is in part due to the double meanings of the words "
Balintawak" and "Caloocan" at the turn of the century.

5. In your judgement is there any advantage or disadvantage o knowing and learning the two sources and
different accounts? Justify your arguments.

As a student it gives me more advantage to learn more about our history and to know more about
other sources that other Historians statements. And how Andres Bonifacio's leds Katipunero to fight
against the Spaniards to get our freedom from the Spaniards. And to know the truth about the Cry of
Rebellion but it's still confused me at the same time because the others tell that the Cry of Rebellion is
also known as "Cry of Balintawak" or "Cry of Pugad Lawin" and to know the exact date that cedulas tore.

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