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Department of Homeland Security

500 C Street, SW
. , Washington, DC 20472

Mi. ~elanie'sloan " ' '

iti it ens for ~ k s ~ o n s i b i land
i t ~Ethics in Washington
x .

11 DuPont Circle
N.W., 2ndFloor
Washington, DC 20036

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request

FOIA Case Number: 06-415

Dear Ms. Sloan:

This letter is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated
September 7,2005, that you sent to the Department of Homeland Security, Disclosure
Officer, requesting a multitude of records related to Hurricane Katrina. In responding to
your request, the Departmental Disclosure Officer located three pages that were
responsive to Item 4 on the second page of your request. Because these pages had
originated from the Federal Emergency ~ a n a g e m e nAgency
t (FEMA), DHS' Disclosure
~ffider'forwardedthem to us for direct response to you.

Your request is granted in full at no cost to you. Enclosed are the three pages referred to
us for a release determination.
" -
For your'information, your FOIA request, including your identity and the information
made available, is releasable to the public under subsequent FOIA requests. In .
re3ponding to these requests, FEMA does not release personal privacy information; such
as home address, telephone number, or social security number, all of which are protected .,
from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 6.

Thank you for your interest in &MA'S programs and policies.


JDavid sell
Chief Counsel

OIJice of the Under Secretary
US. Department of Homeland Security
5Qo C Streel, SW
Washinaon, DC 20472

August 29,2005

MEMORANDUM TO: Michael Chertoff

Secretary of Homeland Security

FROM: Michael D.Brown

Under Secretary

SUBJECT: DHS Response to Katrina

We are requesting your assistance to make available DWS employees wiIling to deploy as
soon as possible for a two-week minimum field assignment to serve in a variety of
positions. We anticipate needing at least 1000 additional DHS employees within 48 hours
and 2000 within 7 days. Attached is a list of requirements that employees will have to
meet before deploying.

'ft is beneficial to w e DHS employees as it allows us to be more efficient responding to

the needs of this disaster and it reinforces the Department's All-Hazard's Capabilities.
Also, DHS employees already have background investigations, travel cards arid badges,
all items that normally delay filling our surge workforce. FEMA Response and
Recovery operations are a top priority of the Department and as we know, one of yours.

We will also want to identify staff with specialized skilIs such as bilingual capabilities,
Commercial Driver's License (CDL), and logistics capabilities.

Thank you for your consideration in helping us meet our responsibilities in this near
catastrophic event. ,


cc: Michael P. Jackson

Deputy Secretary

Janet Kale
Under Secretary for Management


You must have your supervisor's approval.

Contact your Human Resource Office to follow-up with FEMA Human Resource Office
You must be physically able to work in a disaster area without retkigeration for
medications and have the ability to work in the outdoors all day.
Must be willing to work Iong hours under arduous conditions.

Role of Assigned Personnel:

Establish and maintain positive working relationships with disaster affected communities
and the citizens of those communities.
Collect and disserninafe information and make referrals for appropriate assistance.
Identification of potential issues within the community and reporting to appropriate
Convey a positive image of disaster operations to government officials, community
organizations and the general public.
Perform outreach with community leaders on available Federal disaster assistance.

Training wilI be provided:

A roster of available personnel will be developed and made available as components

identify personnel for deployment.
Selected personnel from the roster wilt be given training in E m i t s b u g , Maryland,
Atlanta, Georgia and Orlando, Florida, before you are deployed to the field.
You will be expected to use government credit cards (in good standing) for
transportation, lodging, meals and other incidentals.
Contact your agency financial officer for information on obtaining govemment credit
card (if you do not hold one).

Point of Contact to accept and process your assignment:

Human Resource Operations Branch, 202-646-4040

You wiII be walked through the system for further processing and deployment.

DepIoyment Lnformation:

Selected personnel will either go to Atlanta, Georgia for Community Relations Training
or Orlando, Florida for all other Training and assignments. AAer which they will be
deployed to a disaster Joint Field Office (FCO) when conditions are safe. Some
organizational clothing and equipment will be supplied.
Type of personal supplies you should bring:

Sun hat
Sun Glasses
Waking shoes
Mosquito repellant
Medication (both over the counter and prescriptions)
Valid driver's license
Government ID
Cash (ATMs may not be working)
Government equipment (cell phones, computers,blackberries, etc)
Appropriate clothing (walking shorts acceptable)
Rain gear

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