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Classroom Facilities Matrix 1.

How does the school campus and the classroom in

Classroom Description particular impact the learning of the students going to
Facilities (Location, Number, arrangement, school? What are your conclusions?
Condition) The state of each building and the school environment had a
Wall display Clean and many visual aids such as to significant impact on the learning growth of the students.
Monitorial chart, School pledge, Posters, Students will be unable to concentrate in class if their
Photos of heroes and others. educational environment does not accommodate their learning
Teachers 1st table you will see in front of your learners adaptability. As a result, when educating students we must
table at the center in front of blackboard. 2nd table consider the optional situation for them.
you will see at back portion of your room. A 2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child
total of 2 tables in good condition. adolescent development/ how does this relate to your
Learners 42 armchairs (wood & Plastic) that in good knowledge of facilitating learning?
table condition. It is divided into 2 groups in the It has been stated that a child surroundings has a significant
classroom. impact on his growth. When it comes to this stage, it is the most
Blackboard 2 blackboards (green), located in front significant point which the child’s experiences can become a
attached on the wall and divided into 2 left n’ source of boredom in his life. What he encounters in his
right. Clean also good condition. environment may be influenced within his existence.
Learning Mini library Located at the back portion of
Materials/ the classroom beside teachers table. Reflect
Visual aids 1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you
Ventilated 2 wall fan, located at the left n’ right wall. just observed? Why or why not?
1 stand fan, located at the back teachers Yes, I would like to teach at Tulungatung National High
table. School it because since I already observed that the class
Light 4 fluorescent lights, located at the ceiling advisory teacher and the students also are good in terms of easy
with all good condition. approach. Aside from that I would like to express the way I
Internet 1 modem, located at the back teachers table. teach the students especially in new environment also to
Printing 1 Printer located at the back teachers table. improve my communication skills to other people. Tulungatung
Emergency Located at the back besides of the door. With National High School is a high considering school for me here
Kit 2 gallons of alcohol, 2 packs of facemask, 1 in the division City School of entire place; aside from that, the
betadine, 1 baby powder. school facilities are well-maintained, the classroom is
peacefulness and warm hospitality are attractive, and the
classroom is in good condition, motivating by both learners and
1. Look at the walls of the classroom, what are posted on
a teachers in an assessment learning.
the walls?
2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
Before you enter the room you will notice first the name
The school, or a school campus in general is a place
of a teacher posted on the door including the year & sections
where the students are shaped to be successful in their lifestyle
provided. They are posted on the wall such as the national
someday. This is where the basic skills are taught and trained to
hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal, President of the Philippines Rodrigo
students. School campus is an external component that might
Roa Duterte, Deped secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones.
influence students learning abilities. In all other terms should
Also their vision and mission of the school posted on the
be beneficial to learning. It means a school campus should also
upper area of the blackboard.
assist students or guide the students in effectively and
The Learners background chart. Included their personal
efficiently absorbing all of the information presented to them.
biography such as birthdays, Hobbies, favorites (sports,
places, food) and others. It is located at the back besides 3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
teachers table. First of all you need to know the name of your students by
Also posted Printed sheets of inspirational, motivational name as quickly as possible, get to know some personal things
quotes for his students including mini library inside the room about each students, conduct a values analysis discussion about
located at both sides left and right walls some current event or a topic, to provide positive comments
when appropriate, be a positive lecturer when you are in
2. Examine the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is
discussion, you need to an avoid some not good punishment,
the teachers table?
need create a supportive classroom environment, create an
In my situations for claiming & distributing of modules
environment where Q & A even wrong answers are to
the furniture is arrange just like the monobloc chair it should
encouraged and valued.
be in 1 meter in distance for the safety protocol of against
covid-19, for the students/parents while sitting waiting upon 4. In the future how can you accomplish your answer in no.
calling their names for submitting/ receiving their modules. 3?
When the names called the student/parents will drop their The characteristic of the classroom conducive to the learning
activities (homework) in the respective box according to the first, it must have a proper ventilation system so that the
subject (math, English, science, and others). students do not become irritated and hot while them studying.
The teachers table is always in front besides of the Second is must have a proper lightning make sure all
blackboard to distribute the modules. fluorescent are in good condition. So that the students feel
energized in studying. If the room is dark the students will feel
3. What Learning Material/Equipment are Present?
boredom in class, And finally it must be a quiet yet relaxing
In my current situations during this pandemic. My
environment, students cannot concentrate in studying if the
learning material/ equipment are Ballpen (black), Attendance
environment is too noisy and messy area such as the arm chair.
sheets, and receiving sheets upon approaching and
submitting of their CapsLET also their activities 5. Write your additional learning and insights here?
(homework). It is possible to be motivated to learn. As a result, the school
campus environment plays a vital role in inspiring students to
4. Observe the students. How many occupying in one room?
learn. How could any students concentrate on their studies if
Base on my observation more or less 34 to 42 students per
their if their room are hot and muggy? The learner
room. Since we under this pandemic the situation is instead
surroundings in turn, can affect the learners learning progress,
the student will go to school regular day. The student will go
in my opinion.
to school for submitting their homework and to receive only
their CapLET.
5. Is the room well-lit and well ventilated?
Yes of course since we are under this pandemic situation
the room widely spaces chairs it should be in (1 meter
distance) all windows are fully opened at same time electric-
fan such as stand fan & ceiling fan.

cafeteria. Look around and find out the other facilities

It contribute to the that the school has.
Facilities Description students’ learning and When you first enter the school of Tulungatung N.H.S,
development. Why? the buildings are in good shape even though some buildings are
under construction. Enhanced with yellow paint and decorated
Office of the The principal office Principals have a in educational arts, mission, vision and objectives, as well as
principal is spotless and free significant impact on their organizational design.
of pollution or dust. student accomplishment
The documents in a variety of ways, My Personal Illustration an Effective
were to be well- including setting a
organized. vision that inspires the
School Environment
entire community,

creating a school culture Effective School
that fosters student
learning, ensuring that The effective school must possess these kinds of
resources are used aspects. This involve stimulating and secure learning
efficiently, and
connecting with the
environment on which the child are free from any harm of
community. murder or accident. Professional leadership must also take
Library The library is Librarians educate place because the learners always depend to what the teacher
already well for students in learning how instructs. Focus on teaching and learning are some point that
learning, with well- to access and apply should have to take into consideration, too. There should have a
organized literature. greater information and purposeful teaching shared vision and goals high expectations
The student that resources, as well as of all learners accountability and learning communities.
 entered the room improving their study
were given seats in and research skills and
a fair manner. explaining on how to My Proposed-Board Display
use trimming technology Theme: Nutrition Month Celebration
to enhance their Board Title: Healthy eating to have good nutrition
Counseling The counseling Guidance counselors
room room was so calm, care for all students  To appreciate the importance of vegetables and
a place where mental health needs by fruits on our body.
 students could be providing mental health Objectives:
properly advise. education, evaluation  To remind the students about eating healthy foods.
and advice on academic  To make the students realize that healthy eating is a

healthy living lifestyle.
Medical Well groom and Best features of my propose bulletin enhancement:
clinic  nice located at  Quotation about healthy foods
beside the library. Content Resources:
Science Science laboratory  The photos/pictures are downloaded from the
laboratory not totally complete internet.
equipment located

at the building A Materials for aesthetic enhancement:
second floor grade  Cartolina
10 building.  Plastic cover
Gymnasium   Glue
Auditorium   Pen (Marker)
Outdoor Colorful with diff.
 Printer Machine
garden kinds of plants

located in front of  Laptop
every buildings.
Comfort The C.R. for boys The aim of comfort Analyze
room for was clean and it rooms is to help students 1. What do you think was the purpose of the board display?
boys was located besides relax and build personal

Was it effective?
the downstairs self-discipline so that
where we had they can keep control in I think the purpose of board is to remind the teacher, student
observed. It has an stressful situations. and others to be aware about the event or celebration.
aromatic fragrance. 2. Did the board display design reflect the likes/ interest of
Comfort The C.R. for girls The aim of comfort its target audience? Why?
room for was clean and it rooms is to help students Yes, because the board display was appropriate on the
girls was located besides relax and build personal interest of the audience (Student, Teachers, Visitor and other
 the downstairs self-discipline so that
school employees)
where we had they can keep control in
observed. It has an stressful situations. 3. Was the language and clear and simple for the target
aromatic fragrance. audience to understand? Why?
Yes, everyone understand the language on the board display
An Observation Guide for the Classroom Visit because they are good in interpreting languages.
1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the 4. What suggestion can you make?
school is found? I suggest that need to put more bulletin board in every building.
The school is located at barangay Tulungatung, Zone 5, So the school will be aware important information especially
Zamboanga City, it is built on a small hill along the road near teachers, students, and other staff of school.
the rice field.
2. Describe the school campus, what colors do you see, what
is the condition of the building?
The houses outside, the neighborhood are visible from the
school of Tulungatung National High School grounds. Reflect
Bamboo, Rattan, wood beams make up the majority of the 1. Name at least 5 skills that a teacher should have to able
design. to come up with effective board displays. Elaborate why?
3. Pass by the office. What impression do you have of these  Creativity – To make the bulletin board is more
office? attractive to the audience (teacher, students &
The school is spacious, and the sun rises straight on the others).
students, teachers even the student teacher (trainees). The  Responsibility – To finish the bulletin board so
school grounds. easily.
4. Walk through the school halls, the library, at the
 Patience – For the teachers especially trainees (soon poems, letter & short story.
to be a teacher) don’t lose hope in making your task. Self-help skills  The students know to answer some
 Optimism – so there are no negative ideas on the activity or seatwork by himself.
boards. Others.
2. Which of the skills you named in no. 1 do you already Social
have? Recall your pass experiences in making board Interaction w/  The students interact with their
displays. How do you practice these skills? teachers teacher polite and they are also
A skill that I chose is a word RESPONSIBILITY, when I have coordination with their
was making board display in my passed experiences teacher.
(volunteer) in junior high at Recodo National High School, I’m Interaction w/  Some students are busy talking with
responsible to doing in it, and to finish it. classmates/friends. his/her seatmates.
3. Which skills do you still develop? What concrete steps
will you take on how you can improve on or acquire these Interest  Their interest are in their/lesson.
Of course I want/need to improve more in a word Other
CREATIVITY. To improve/ develop this skills I will watch Emotional
videos in YouTube, on how to make bulletin more attracted to Moods &  While discussion the students are
my audience (student, teacher, visitor, and other staff in school. temperament, enjoying their lesson.
An Observation Guide for Board Displays expression of
Observe feelings.
1. Go around the school and examine the board displays,
how many board displays do you see? Emotional  While in discussion some students
2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places independence are feel in bored during discussion.
were target viewers can see them?
3. What are the displays about? What the key message do Others
they convey? What image and colors do you see? How Cognitive
are the pieces of information & image arranged? Communication  Learners are communicating with
4. What materials were used in making the displays? skills their teachers also with their
5. Do you notice some errors? (Misspelled words, grammar classmates.
etc.)  Some learners are fast learner so
6. Are the message is clear & easily understand? Thinking skills that can answer immediately fast.
7. Think about what get your attention. Why?  Some students are really to think
The day I’ve work as a trainee (student teacher) in Problem-solving their answer before they response
Tulungatung N.H.S I’ve notice that since the school is under the questions.
this pandemic the bulletin board is not active yet for displays
information. I saw their only 1 bulletin board located at the Others
building C, actually the location in good because it is near at
the flag pole. So that after flag raising the teacher also update FIELD STUDY 1: EPISODE 3
them and see the bulletin board for what was update Analyze
information or campus. 1. Identify the person who play key roles in the
relationships and interactions in the classrooms. What
Bulletin board Evaluated by: roles do they play? is there somebody who appears to be
Location: Tulungatung National High School the leader, a mascot/ joker, an attention seeker, a little
Brief description: teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
 To remind the students about eating healthy foods. There was class clown who has always joking and joking.
 To make the students realize that healthy eating is a Because he’s lazy, he hangs out w/ every classmate and ask for
healthy living lifestyle. food. There was also a top student who also served as the class
EVALUATION leader who always tried to tell the class to be quiet, despite the
fact that not everyone listened to her. There was also a student
Strength Weaknesses
who pretended to be the class secretary when she wasn’t. The
Description of the
teacher wants her to write the assign task on the board, collect
bulletin board.
printing fees and others.
Evaluation of
2. Is there anyone who observe who appear left out? Are
student who appear “different?” why do appear
content and other
different? Are they accepted or rejected by the others?
How this shown?
Recommendation There was no student that stood out or was different as far as I
or suggestion for could tell. The students embrace their differences and to form
improvement bonds with one another.
Signature of evaluator over printed name: 3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction
considering the individual differences of the students?
By being thoughtful & careful of their words the teacher
teaches the students to be supportive of one another and to
respect each other’s diff, as well as to be available for one
another as friends who are willing to help and be their
emotional support.
4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the
benefits of diversity in the classroom? How does the
teacher leverage diversity?
FIELD STUDY 1: EPISODE 2 The teacher ensures that she is aware of each student’s unique
Learners’ Development Matrix characteristics by learning about their backgrounds, learning
styles, hobbies, and interest. The instructor builds a pleasant
High school
Development rapport with her students, encouraging them to communicate
(age range of students to be
domain and creating respect in the classroom by allowing them to
observe: 13-16 yrs. Old)
discuss their cultural backgrounds.
Gross-motor skills  The students know how to dance,
act, sing, and others. 1. From your home visit interview, what do you think is
Fine-motor skills the style of parenting experienced by the learner?
 The students know how to write
When I performed an interview with the learners parents. I time the teacher reminded of the
discovered that the parental support that they have on their reminded every rules so that they
child is one in which the learner self-governing, but there are point of time. will not do any
still rules in place that limit the action and joining with friends. kind of act to
2. Relating your data with what you learned from child oppose any of
adolescent, what family factors do you think contribute these.
to the development and overall adjustment of the 3. Classroom The teacher starts This is the effect
learner in school? procedures. a little talk before on the learners the
According to what I learned in child adolescent development, the class students will feel
the variables that I will contribute to the development and discussion on the ease and more
overall adjustment of the learner in school are first how the subject matter. comfortable
learner is to encourage by his parents, their financial situation, during our class
and the family unit’s cultural background. discussion.
3. Does the communication between the home-school have 4. Daily routines. The teacher starts This is the effect
on effect the learner? If yes, what are these effects? the class with a on the learners
“Education begins at home” this quotation helps me in prayer then a that their last
identifying & appreciating the learner’s behavior. What he did review the pass discussion will be
in school reflects how his parents raised and supported him at lesson. refreshed in mind
home. These are the effects, for example, if a student act of the learners.
improperly in the classroom, his parents are required to attend 5. Seating The students This is the effect
the school and discuss with his adviser or instructor about his Arrangement. seated by group on the learners
child performance in class. alternate boys and that they will be
girls. To avoid able to socialize
FIELD STUDY 1: EPISODE 4 destruction while w/ the opposite
Analyze in class hour. sex role.
4. Are areas in the classroom for specific purposes 6. Handling The teacher gives This is the effect
(storage of teaching aids, books, students’ belongings, misbehavior/ precise on the learners
supplies & others.)? off-task. disciplinary action that they will be
There are some books located at the back besides teachers table to the student if able to know their
and they are arranged properly. They also have a chalk box in they make a limitations and
the front besides the table. particular mistake. become aware of
5. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? behaving inside
 Wear your shoe cover the class.
 Cleaners of the day by group according their assign 7. Reinforcement The teacher gives This is the effect
day (M, T, W, TH, F). of positive acknowledgement on the learners
6. Did the students participate in making the classroom behavior. to every student that they will be
rules? that will do able to strive hard
Teacher said that most of the students are following the rules positive behavior to be excellent in
but some of the students are not. For those who are not and excellence in class.
following the rules of the classroom. He/she face the the class.
consequences just like bring 1 piece of box “floor wax”. Analyze
7. What are the daily routines done by the resource 1. How did the classroom organization and routine affect
teacher? the learners’ behavior?
The teacher started the classes by the opening prayer that is The students are familiarized with their daily routines and
done by the prayer leader, to be followed by the greetings from because of that some of them are bored, but the teacher can get
the teacher to students, next is the attendance. the students attention by discussing energetic with some
8. Is there a seating arrangement? activities.
Students are seated by alternate boys and girls. 2. What should the teacher have in mind when he/she
9. Observe the noise level in the classroom, how is this designs the classroom organization and routines?
managed? She must think that he/she needs to be an energetic teacher and
While the teacher is discussing there are only soft noise come ready for the question of his/her students.
the students because most of the students are listening. 3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the
10. If a learner is not following instruction or is off-task, behavior of the learners? In motivating students?
what does the resource teacher do? Having a good discussion and enjoyable activities because it can
While the teacher is discussing to the students is too noisy, she attract the students to be attentive in class.
will stop the discussion & after a few seconds the learners are
11. What does the resource teacher do to reinforce positive
The teacher reinforces the leaners by giving a positive feedback
to students’ answers. Reflect
1. Imagine yourself organizing your room in the future, in
what grade year level do you see yourself?
Observe I imagine myself to assign teaching grade 11 students in high
Classroom Management Matrix school. I do some routine and procedures and practices that can
Aspects of the Effect on the ready them in their coming college years.
Description 2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement to this
classroom Learners
1. Specific areas The areas of the This is the effect level. Why?
in the classroom are well on the learners  Eating during class hours are not allowed.
classroom. organized. that they will be  Male student must observe proper haircut.
easy to locate their  Female student must the hair in ponytail or put some
diff instrument hairclip.
they needed such  Always observe your personal hygiene & neat at all times.
as books and  Students are not allowed to speak in chorus.
others.  Always copy the lecture not necessary to copy all but list the
2. Classroom The classroom This is the effect important keywords sentences and so on. So that my students
rules. rules are posted on on the learners will be a responsible to take down notes on their lesson.
wall, at the same that they will be 3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules?
observedNo opportunity to
Effective Classroom Management

Not observed
Definitely yes, to know about their thinking/thought and

suggestion in the rules. Strategies
(BTLED ICT those pass face to face
FIELD STUDY 1: EPISODE 6 (check () the following)
Checklist on Classroom Routine
Model to the students how to act in 
(BTLED ICT those pass face to face days)
different situations.
Check () if observed and () if not Not
Observe Establish classroom guidelines. 
observed. observe
d Document the rules. 
Refrain from punishing the entire class. 
Movement into the classroom. 
Encourage initiative from class. 
Transition in classroom activities. 
Offer praise and rewards. 
Movement out of the classroom. 
Use non-verbal communication. 
Use of comfort room/ lavatories/ 
washroom. Take time to celebrate group effort. 
Passing of papers.  Let student work in groups. 
Passing of books.  Interview student to assess their needs. 
Working w/ pairs or a group.  Address bad behavior quickly. 
Tardy students  Consider peer teaching. 
Absent students  Continuously engage the students. 
Submission/collection of materials  Assign open-ended project. 
Submission of projects  Write group contacts. 
Asking question during class 
discussion FIELD STUDY 1: EPISODE 7
Asking for assistance  Observe
Joining class activities  Aspect of Classroom Management Ye
Lining up  (BTLED ICT those pass face to face days) s
Walking in line  Personal Classroom Management
Fire drill/ emergencies   Is the teacher well-groomed that he/she

demands respect from the learners?
Reflect  Is the teacher voice modulated and can be

1. What classroom management strategies do I need to heard entire class?
employ to respond to diverse types of learners?  Was the teacher present in class? 
2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom  Did the teacher arrive in class? 
discipline?  Does the teacher exude a positive attitude

The teachers’ punctuality & behavior reflect on the students towards in teaching?
because if the students see that their teacher is punctual, they Physical Classroom Management
will try their hardest to follow the teachers’ behavior. But, if a  Is the classroom well ventilated? 
teacher is mostly late and slow in the classroom, it will have a  Is the lightning good enough? 
bad impact on classroom discipline and manage.  Is the classroom free from noise? 
3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of  Does the seating arranged provide better
classroom management? 
We need to understand the physical features of classroom
 Is the physical space/ learning station clear
management to ensure a smooth flow of discussion and study 
from obstruction?
skills for both teacher & learners. The best of these physical
classroom aspects in the learning environment would ensure
that the class is safe and well organized.

Reflect 1. How does the teacher whom you observed compare to
1. What does this statement mean to you as a future ideal characteristics or competencies of global quality
teacher? Explain. “No amount of good interaction will teacher?
come out without effective classroom management”.  He encourages and facilitates student learning and creativity
If a teacher in a particular classroom does not know how to so that all students succeed in today’s world.
properly manage a classroom, he/she will be unable to create  He collaborates with his students to develop new learning
and deliver effective education, which may result in the possibilities.
students’ failure to learn.  He uses statistics to help students learn and improve.
2. What are your plan in ensuring your effective classroom
management? In this quotation “within and around us, we learn about &
To ensure effective classroom management, we must first interact with the world. Outside the school, and it is a lifetime
acquire all of the qualities of good teacher, as well as all of the job”
personal classroom management elements, such as to personal 2. Was the lesson implemented as planned? Describe.
grooming, attendance, and others. Also to make sure the  Yes, b4 it is used in his class, the lesson are planned.
physical classroom is well-maintained, with good  It also shows how the primary curriculum components in the
air/ventilation, lightings and learning area, including other course interact and relate to one another.
things.  An activity checklist (or lesson outline) is utilized in addition
to the lesson plans. He had made a list of the activities he
will d0 throughout the lesson.
3. Can you describe the disposition of the teacher after the
lesson was taught? Happy and Eager? Satisfied and identified?
contented? Disappointed and exhausted?  Instructional- what kind of activities in and out of
 It demonstrates that the teachers is content and happy. class will reinforce my learning objectives and
Because he was confident in his ability to deliver the lesson prepare students for assessments?
as prepared with the students actively participating in class.
 He represented the professional attitudes and behaviors that FIELD STUDY 1: EPISODE 9
improve student learning while also projecting a positive FIELD STUDY 1: EPISODE 10
picture of the teaching profession. FIELD STUDY 1: EPISODE 11
4. Can you describe the majority of students reaction after FIELD STUDY 1: EPISODE 12
the lesson was taught? Confused? Contented? No FIELD STUDY 1: EPISODE 13
reactions at all. FIELD STUDY 1: EPISODE 14
1. Are the 3 components constructively aligned? Explain. FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 1
Yes, because effective alignment involves coordinating
predetermined competencies, learning and teaching activities,
and assessment methods. It is one of higher education’s most FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 3
important principles. FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 4
To consider the ff. 3 questions while planning course FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 5
a) What should students know or master after the FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 7
course / the course unit? In other words, which FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 8
objectives (learning outcomes/ course FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 9
competencies) do you aim to reach these students? FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 10
b) Which educational and teaching activities are FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 11
required to teach the students these competencies? FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 12
c) How can you evaluate if students truly master the FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 13
intended competencies? FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 14
2. Will the outcomes be achieve with the teaching method
used? Why?
3. What component would tell if the outcomes have been
Questionnaires, surveys, interview, observations, assessment FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 18
and participant portfolios of current work are some of the most FIELD STUDY 2: EPISODE 19
common evaluation approaches. A learning experience should
include evaluation tools so that both trainers and the participants
can see if the learning objectives have been reached.

1. What lesson have you learned in developing or writing a
lesson plan?
A teacher’s guideline to facilitating a lesson is called a lesson
plan. It is usually includes the goal (what student should learn),
how the goal will be attained (the delivery method &
procedure), and a technique to assess how well the goal was
met (usually via a homework assignment or testing). This plan
outlines a teacher goals for what students should learn and how
they will learn it.
2. What value will give it to the teacher if the 3 components
are align?
Assessment should show how well students have learned what
we want them to learn and instruction should ensure that they
do. Assessment learning objectives, and instructional styles
must all be closely matched to reinforce one another for this to
To ensure that these 3 components of your course are
aligned, ask yourself the ff. questions:
 Learning objectives- what do I want students to
know how to do when they leave this course?
 Assessments- what kind of tasks will reveal whether
students have achieved the learning objectives I have

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