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75, 1969] 195



By J. P. Weiner, F.R.I.C., and L. Taylor, B.Sc, F.R.I.C.

(Courage, Barclay & Sitnonds Limited, London)

Received 20th August, 1968

Methods in common use for the determination of metals in beer and wine are
often time consuming and difficult to apply for routine quality control. Atomic
absorption spectrophotometry provides a rapid and accurate means for examining
a large number of samples. The application of the technique for estimating the trace
metals Cu, Fe, Zn and Pb in beers and wines is described. A survey of the magnesium
content of beer and brewing materials is also included.

Introduction improving the resistance of beer to light-

The technique of atomic absorption spectro struck odours, has also been recommended.12
photometry is finding increasing application Frey, DeWitt & Bellomy have applied
for the determination of metallic elements atomic absorption spectrophotometry for
in many laboratories since the method is the determination of a number of trace
rapid, specific and sensitive. For most metals in beer, wort and yeast,8 and they
elements, it is superior to emission measure have also used the technique during the
ment, being less dependent on flame temper investigation of the effect of several trace
ature and spectral interference. The degree metals on fermentation.4
of accuracy compares favourably with most In the present paper, the determination of
other analytical instrumental methods. Cu, Fe, Zn and Pb in beers and wines for
The theory of atomic absorption and the routine quality control examination is de
factors affecting practical performance have scribed. Included in the report is the result
been dealt with in several publications.4'9 of an investigation into the magnesium
Briefly, the element being determined is content of beer and brewing materials.
passed through a flame to produce an atomic
vapour of the particular element in its
unexcited "ground" state. It is then capable Experimental
of absorbing radiation, usually provided by a Apparatus.—Unicam SP 90 Atomic Absorp
hollow-cathode lamp, resulting in excitation tion Spectrophotometer (Unicam Instru
of the atom. The amount of radiation ments Ltd.); Servoscribe Potentiometric Re
absorbed is proportional to the concentration corder (Kelvin Electronics Company).
of atoms in the flame. Standard instrumental conditions.—The
The importance of trace metals in beer and operating conditions for the respective metals
wine is now well recognized and is subject are given in Table I.
to legislation in the case of lead, copper Reagents.—
and zinc. The Lead in Food Regulations
(a) Ammonium pyrollidine dithiocarba-
limit the lead content of beer to 0-5 p.p.m.
mate solution (APDC). Dissolve 1 g. APDC
and of wine to 1-0 p.p.m., whilst the Food
in distilled water and dilute to 100 ml.
Standards Committee recommend limits of
Prepare fresh daily.
7-0 p.p.m. copper and 6-0 p.p.m. zinc for
both beer and wine. The association of (b) Methyl isobutyl ketone. Saturate
certain metals with beer stability has been by shaking with distilled water.
shown in a number of publications,8-8-7'8'10
(c) Acetic acid (Analytical Grade).
and the addition of small quantities of metal
salts has been advocated to improve the (d) Standard copper solution. Dissolve
quality of beer foam.1'13 The supplementa 3-93 g. of CuSO4.5HaO (Analytical Grade)
tion of zinc-deficient worts with zinc ions, and dilute to 1 litre with distilled water.
as a means of stimulating fermentation and 1 ml. = 1 mg. Cu.
Operating Conditions for Determination of Metals

Copper Iron Zinc Lead Magnesium

Sample None Treatment None Treatment None

treatment with APDC* with APDC
& extraction & extraction

Fuel Propane- Acetylene- Propane- Acetylcnc- Acetylene-

air air air air air

Wavelength ni/i 324-8 248-3 213-0 283-3 285-2

Slit width mm. 0-08 0-2 0-4 0-2 0-1

Burner height cm. 1-5 1-3 1-2 1-0 1-0

* APDC = Ammonium pyrollidine dithiocarbamate solution.

(e) Standard iron solution. Dissolve 0-100 stoppered centrifuge tubes, add 2 ml. of
g. of pure iron metal in the minimum quantity APDC solution, mix and add by pipette
of hydrochloric acid (Analytical Grade) and 10 ml. methyl isobutyl ketone. Shake
make up to 100 ml. with distilled water. vigorously for several minutes and centrifuge
1 ml. = 1 mg. Fe. to separate.
(/) Standard zinc solution. Dissolve Take 25 ml. of decarbonated beer in a
4-398 g. of ZnSO4-7H,O (Analytical Grade) stoppered centrifuge tube, and treat as above.
and dilute to 1 litre with distilled water. Using single scale expansion, aspirate the
1 ml. = 1 mg. Zn. solvent layer of the blank and standard
solutions followed by the sample solutions.
(g) Standard lead solution. Dissolve 1-600 Use pure methyl isobutyl ketone solvent as
g. of Pb(NO8)2 (Analytical Grade) in distilled reference, adjusting while aspirating to
water, add 10 ml. of nitric add, S.G. 1-42
obtain a stable non-luminous or slightly
(Analytical Grade) and dilute to 1 litre.
luminous flame. Plot a calibration graph
1 ml. = 1 mg. Pb. of iron concentration against recorded peak
(h) Standard magnesium solution. Dis height and read the iron concentrations
solve 0-100 g. of oxide-free magnesium ribbon in the beer samples.
in the minimum quantity of hydrochloric Zinc.—Freshly prepare standards by add
acid (Analytical Grade) and make up to ing suitably diluted standard zinc solution
100 ml. with distilled water. 1 ml. = 1 mg. to decarbonated low zinc beer to obtain
MB. beer standards containing 0, 0-5, 1-0, 1-5 and
2-0 p.p.m. zinc.
Aspirate the blank and standard beer
Copper.—Freshly prepare standards by the solutions followed by the decarbonated
addition of suitably diluted standard copper beer samples being examined. Plot a cali
solution to decarbonated low copper content bration graph of zinc concentration against
beer to obtain beer standards containing recorded peak height and read the zinc
0, 0-5 and 1-0 p.p.m. copper, respectively. concentrations in the beer samples.
Using a two-times scale expansion on the Lead.—Prepare standards in distilled water
instrument, aspirate the standard beer containing 0, 0-2 and 0-5 p.p.m. lead. Take
solutions followed by the decarbonated beer 50 ml. of each solution, add 5 ml. of acetic
samples under test. Plot a calibration acid followed by 2 ml. of APDC solution,
graph of copper concentration against re mix and add by pipette 10 ml. methyl
corded peak height and read the copper isobutyl ketone. Shake vigorously for
concentrations in the beer samples. several minutes and centrifuge to separate.
Iron.—Prepare standards in distilled water Take 50 ml. of decarbonated beer; add
containing 0, 0-5, 1-0, 1-5 and 2-0 p.p.m. 5 ml. acetic acid. Bring to boiling and boil
iron. Take 25 ml. of each solution in 50-ml. for about 2 min. Cool, add 2 ml. of APDC

solution, mix and add by pipette 10 ml. 120

methyl isobutyl ketone. Shake vigorously

for several minutes and centrifuge to separate. 100
Using a two-times scale expansion, aspirate
the solvent layer of the blank and standard
solutions followed by the sample solutions.
Use pure methyl isobutyl ketone solvent as
reference, adjusting while aspirating to obtain
a stable non-luminous or slightly luminous
flame. Plot a calibration graph of lead
concentrations against recorded peak heights
and read the lead concentrations in the beer
Magnesium.—Freshly prepare standards
in distilled water containing 0, 0*5, 1-0, 1-5
and 2-0 p.p.m. magnesium. 05 1-0 IS 20
Copper (mg/litre)
Aspirate the blank and standard solutions
followed by the beer samples suitably diluted Fig. 1.—Enhancement of response for copper due to
with distilled water. Normally 1 in 50 or alcohol strength of beer. The figures along
1 in 100 dilutions of beer are suitable. Plot side the lines indicate amounts of added
alcohol (%).
a calibration graph and read magnesium
concentrations in the diluted beer samples.
standards and for this reason copper standards
are best prepared by addition to beer. The
Results and Discussions effect of dissolved sugar solids is negligible,
Recoveries obtained for various metals at least up to a concentration of 2%. The
added to beer are given in Table 11. use of propane as fuel gives slightly better
The calibration curve for low levels of sensitivity than the use of acetylene. The
copper is a straight line. Direct aspiration sensitivity (1% absorption) for the deter
of beer shows enhancement of response mination of copper is about 0-05 p.p.m.
for copper compared to aqueous standards. If a greater sensitivity is required, an
The extent of this enhancement is roughly extraction procedure similar to that described
proportional to the alcoholic strength of the for iron may be employed. It has been
beer (Fig. 1). It has been found that this observed that slightly low and more erratic
effect may yield results 10-25% high if results are obtained with unfiltered beers
the instrument is calibrated to aqueous containing yeast in suspension.
The sensitivity of the method for iron is
lower than for copper and direct aspiration
of beer is only suitable for use as a sorting
Determination by Atomic Absorption Spec-
trophotometry of metals added to beer test for levels above 0-5 p.p.m. Using the
extraction procedure given, a greatly im
proved sensitivity can be obtained, not only
metal 0/ because of the concentration involved but
(p.p.m.) Detected also owing to enhancement caused by the
use of an organic solvent. The acetylene-air
Copper 05 100
flame is preferred because of the greater
10 05
Iron 0-5 100
1-0 00 TABLE III
Zinc 0-5 110 Zinc Contents of Bottled and Canned Beers
1-0 110 by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
Lead 0-2 05
0-4 100
00 03 Zinc (p.p.m.)
0-8 00 Range Average
1-0 01
Magnesium 50 00 Bottled beers 0-1-1-6 0-33
100 05 Canned beers 0-1-4-4 0-87

usually originates from the end scaling

0.5 p.p.m. standard "y compound used.
Determination of lead in trace amounts is a
r time-consuming and laborious operation using
1.0 p.p.m. standard the usual colorimetric methods, which in
volve wet or dry ashing and complicated
I Beer control preparation procedures to isolate the lead
in solution. The atomic absorption tech
I Added 0.2 p.p.m. nique offers a rapid and sensitive alternative.
Our investigations indicate that a simple
2^jAddcd 0.4 p.p.m.
boiling procedure with acetic acid is sufficient
r to break down possible lead complexes in beer,
Added 0.6 p.p.m.
resulting in the complete recovery of very
c small amounts of lead. The extracted lead
Added 0.8 p.p.m.
complex is not very stable and it is therefore
necessary to complete the determination with
Added 1.0 p.p.m. the minimum delay after extraction. Fig. 2
shows recorder traces demonstrating the
recovery of added amounts of lead from beer.
If it is required to determine iron in the
Fig. 2.—Recovery of added amounts of lead from
beer sample, the same extract as was used
for lead may be aspirated and compared to
suitable standards as described under the
stability of the flame. The calibration method for iron.
curve is a straight line for low levels of iron. Of all the metals magnesium is the most
The atomic absorption method for zinc sensitive to detection by atomic absorption
is very sensitive and is successfully carried and considerable dilution of beer is necessary.
out by direct aspiration of beer. The The calibration curve obtained is somewhat
calibration curve obtained is slightly curved curved. Using an acetylene-air flame, no
towards the concentration axis. A survey interferences were noticed. The method
of zinc levels in bottled and canned beers has been used in an investigation of
gave the results shown in Table III. These magnesium levels in beer and brewing
results confirm the findings of Frey et al.6 materials. Table IV gives the figures ob
that canned beers contain relatively higher tained for mashing liquors, worts and beers.
levels of zinc than bottled beers. Our The changes occurring in the magnesium
experience is that when zinc is present it content of wort during fermentation were
investigated with the results shown in Table
TABLE IV V. Determination of the magnesium content
Magnesium Contents of Mashing Liquors, of yeast after wet oxidation of the organic
Worts and Beers by Atomic Absorption matter with nitric and sulphuric acids gave

Magnesium Changes Occurring in the Magnesium Content
Material analysed (p.p.m.) of Wort During Fermentation by Different
Yeast strains
Mashing liquor C-4-7-8
Malt—soluble hot extract (calculated
to original malt) 620-850 Magineshim (p.p.m.)

Yeast strain W (») («)
Bottled pale ale (O.G. 1032) 70 Initial wort
Draught pale ale (O.G. 1040) 86 (O.G. 1040).. .. 82 82 82 82
Bottled pale ale (O.G. 1050) 105 After 1 day .. .. 70 72 76 74
Bottled pale ale (O.G. 1068) 158 After 2 days .. .. 69 70 68 65
Strong ale (O.G. 108S) 190 After 3 days .. .. 66 68 73 71
Pilsner lager (O.G. 1032) .. 69 After 4 days .. .. 67 69 75 70
Pilsner lager (O.G. 1045) .. 89 After 7 days .. .. 72 75 78 75

TABLE VI account of the much higher levels normally

Determination op Several Trace Metals in present.
Table Wines by Atomic Absorption Spectro- Standards may be prepared by the addi
tion of the metal solutions to the wine sample,
but for routine control purposes the use of
White Rose Red a 10% alcohol solution for the preparation
Metal (p.p.m.) wines wines wines
of the standards is found convenient and
Copper satisfactory.
range 0-2-1-7 0-4-1-1 0-25-1-4 Some typical trace metal figures obtained
average 0-71 0-73 0-74 on a selection of wines are given in Table

range 2-8-9-4 3-5-10-0 0-6-150

average S-26 6-87 016
Zinc Acknowledgements.—The authors thank the
range 0-4-2-2 0-6-1-5 0-8-4-5 Directors of Courage, Barclay & Simonds
average 10 00 21
Limited for permission to publish this
range 0-10-0-28 0-05-0-08 paper.
average 0-16 007
1. Brenner, M. W., U.S. Patent No. 3,266, 902,
0-35 to 0-41% magnesium on the dry weight Aug. 16th, 1000.
2. Chapon, L., this Journal, 1065, 290.
of the yeast.
3. Clark, A. G., this Journal, 1960, 318.
The results in Table IV indicate that most 4. Elwell, W. T., & Gidley, J. A. F., Atomic
of the magnesium present in wort is derived Absorption Speclrophotometry, 2nd Ed.,
from malt and that the contribution from Pcrgamon Press Ltd., 1066.
5. Frey, S. W., DeWitt, W. G., & Bellomy, B. R.,
other sources is negligible. The results Proc. A. M. Amer. Soc. Brew. Chent., 1966,
suggest that there is ample magnesium 172.
in wort to satisfy requirements of yeast 6. Frey, S. W., DeWitt, W. G., & Bellomy, B. R.,
growth and metabolism and that magnesium Proc. A. M. Amer. Soc. Brew. Chew., 1967.
deficiency is unlikely to occur.
7. Hudson, J. R.. this Journal, 1955, 127.
8. Hudson, J. R., this Journal, 1958, 157.
Examination of wines 0. Kahn, H. L., /. Chem. Educ, 1966,43, A7 and
The application of atomic absorption 10. Michel, G., Gagnairc, B., & Lebrcton, P.,
spectrophotometry to the analysis of table Bull. Soc. Chem. Biol., 1056, 931.
wines for trace metals has been very success 11. Nassan, A., Amer. Brewer, Feb. 1957, 49.
ful. The methods used are similar to those 12. Stone, I., U.S. Patent, 3, 164, 472, 6th Jan.,
detailed for beer, except that direct aspiration 13. Stone, I., U.S. Patent, 3, 223, 529. 14th Dec,
of the sample is satisfactory for iron on 1066.

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