Auer1984 Article TheDistributionOfHypoglycemicB

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Acta Neuropathol (Berl) (1984) 64: 177-191 Neuropathologica

9 Springer-Verlag1984

Original Works
The Distribution of Hypoglycemic Brain Damage
R. N. Auer 1, T. Wieloch 1, Y. Olsson z, and B. K. Siesj61
1 Laboratory of Experimental Brain Research, University Hospital, S-221 85 Lund, Sweden
2 Neuropathology Laboratory, Dept. of Pathology, University of Uppsala, S-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden

Summary. Rats were exposed to insulin-induced hy- ventricles. The cerebellum was affected first near the
poglycemia resulting in periods of cerebral isoelectricity foramina of Luschka, with damage occurring over the
ranging from 10 to 60 min. After recovery with glucose, hemispheres in more severely affected animals.
they were allowed to wake up and survive for 1 week. Purkinje cells were affected first, but basket cells were
Control rats were recovered at the stage of E E G damaged as well. Rare necrotic neurons were seen in
slowing. After sub-serial sectioning, the number and brain stem nuclei. The spinal cord showed necrosis of
distribution of dying neurons was assessed in each brain neurons in all areas of the gray matter. Infarction was
region. Acid fuchsin was found to stain moribund not seen in this study.
neurons a brilliant red. The possibility is discussed that a neurotoxic sub-
Brains from control rats showed no dying neurons. stance borne in the tissue fluid and cerebrospinal fluid
F r o m 10 to 60 min of cerebral isoelectricity, the number (CSF) contributes to the pathogenesis of neuronal
of dying neurons per brain correlated positively with necrosis in hypoglycemic brain damage.
the number of minutes of cerebral isoelectricity up to
Key words: Hypoglycemia - Cerebral damage -
the m a x i m u m examined period of 60 min.
Cerebrospinal fluid - Interstitial fluid - Neuronal
Neuronal necrosis was found in the major brain
regions vulnerable to several different insults. How-
ever, within each region the damage was not distributed
as observed in ischemia.
A superficial to deep gradient in the density of
neuronal necrosis was seen in the cerebral cortex. More
severe damage revealed a gradient in relation to the
subjacent white matter as well. The caudatoputamen The distributions of hypoglycemic brain damage and
was involved more heavily near the white matter, and in ischemic brain damage have long been considered to be
more severely affected animals near the angle of the identical in the various cortical laminae and nuclei of
lateral ventricle. The hippocampus showed dense neu- the brain. Neuroanatomic and, by implication, meta-
ronal necrosis at the crest of the dentate gyrus and a bolic differences among different neuronal types [71]
gradient of increasing selective neuronal necrosis me- have been considered in explaining the distribution of
dially in CA1. The CA3 zone, while relatively resistant, brain damage, as have blood supply differences [63].
showed neuronal necrosis in relation to the lateral Other factors contributing to the distribution have
ventricle in animals with hydrocephalus. Sharp de- received little attention in discussions on hypoglycemic
marcations between normal and damaged neuropil brain damage, probably because it was assumed that
were found in the hippocampus. The periventricular the distribution was identical to that seen in ischemia
amygdaloid nuclei showed damage closest to the lateral [15, 16]. Pathologic material from human cases can only
be interpreted with the caveat that the damage cannot
with certainty be ascribed sotety to hypoglycemia, due
* Supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (projects to the omnipresent specter of possible hypotension,
12X-03020 and 14X-263) and the National Institutes of Health of
the United States Public Health Service(grant no. 5 R01 NS07838) ischemia, hypoxia, or epilepsy, which hypothetically
Offprint requests to: Dr. R. N. Auer, Research Dept. 4, E-Blocket, could aggravate or even be solely responsible for the
University Hospital, S-221 85 Lund, Sweden damage.
178 R.N. Auer et al. : Hypoglycemic Brain Damage

Experimental studies using short recovery times [3] mixture. Two tail veins and the tail artery were then cannulated and
give an indication of the topography of neuronal injury continuous paralysis maintained via an i.v. infusion of suxa-
methonium, BIood pressure was held at 150 + 10ram Hg through
within the brain, but unless time is allowed for un- controlled exsanguination and rein fusion of blood. The arterial POz,
equivocal pathologic features of neuronal necrosis to PCO2, and pH were maintained within the physiologic range. A
develop, it cannot be stated with certainty whether the rectal temperature of 37.5 • 0.5~ was maintained by means of a
observed cellular changes representing this injury are 60 W light bulb 4 0 - 5 0 cm from the semi-prone animal. A bipolar
interhemispheric electroencephalogram (EEG) and blood pressure
reversible or irreversible.
were monitored continuously. After operation, the animal was
To circumvent the interpretative limitations im- ventilated on a 2:1 N20:O2 mixture, and cerebral isoelectricity was
posed by clinical material and by short recovery times awaited.
prior to pathologic examination, a model was de- Arterial blood glucose levels during the isoelectric period were
veloped in the rat, which allowed a pure primary determined fiuorometrically using the hexokinase method [30]. After
10 to 60min of EEG isoelectricity, recovery was induced with an
hypoglycemic insult to be delivered to the brain, with infusion of 0.2 ml of 50 % glucose, given by hand over 1 min. A 50
long term survival and study of neuronal necrosis 1 glucose infusion at 1.5 ml/h was then tapered over the ensuing hours
week later. The aim was to study the distribution of and substituted with a 1:1 mixture of 50% glucose and Krebs-
purely hypoglycemic brain damage both between the Henseleit solution overnight to maintain a plasma glucose level of
between 5 and 10 mM/1. Following extubation, usually 1 - 3 h after
two hemispheres and within each hemisphere.
glucose induced recovery, blood glucose, blood gases, and pH were
Secondary aims were to compare the resulting distri- checked finally in the awake, conscious animal before removal of the
bution with that seen in the same species in ischemia, tail catheters. The animals were weighed and examined daily, and
and to analyze the distribution with regard to possible they were allowed to survive for I week. Separate experiments
mechanisms of neuronal death. Initial examination of allowed different survival intervals and greater durations of
sections revealed the surprising result that although the
cerebral cortex and deeper telencephalic gray matter
structures were vulnerable to both hypoglycemic and Histologic Procedure
ischemic damage, the distribution within each brain The rats were killed by the intra-aortic perfusion of 4 ~ phosphate
region in hypoglycemic animals was found to be quite bnffered formaldehyde solution at pH 7.4, warmed to 37~C. This was
different from that seen in a rat model of ischemia [621. performed via thoracotomy on the tracheostomized or reintubated
rat while on a respirator and under 0.8 % halothane. Heparin, 90 IU,
Hence regional quantitative analysis was performed in
was given into the left ventricle just prior to insertion to the perfusion
several brain regions after sub-serial sectioning. cannula. The descending aorta was clamped, except in some animals
Initially, necrotic neurons were considered to be with 60 min of isoelectricity, where the spinal cord was examined.
only those neurons subsequently removed from the After a 30 s washout of the vasculature with isotonic saline, 400 ml
brain tissue in separate experiments studying the time fixative was allowed to perfuse through from a height of 2 m, taking
approximately 20 rain. The brain was allowed to fix in situ and was
course of the tissue damage. However, it soon became removed the following day.
apparent that all neurons which demonstrated a pro- Brains were sectioned coronally into 2.8mm thick slices and
nounced affinity for acid dyes were moribund. Acid processed in graded ethanols and xylol. Following embedding in
fuchsin was found to stain these neurons a brilliant paraffin and sub-serial sectioning at 8 gm, they were stained with
0.1% cresyl violet and then 1% acid fuchsin fortified with a few drops
of glacial acetic acid.
The model itself and the quantitation of whole brain Sub-serial sectioning intervals were adapted to obtain specific
damage in relation to the period of EEG isoelectricity standard levels of the cerebral cortex (Fig. 2), hippocampus (Fig. 4),
have been presented elsewhere [9]. The present report and caudate nucleus (Fig. 8) for regional quantification of brain
concerns the distribution of neuronal necrosis in hy- damage. The hippocampal level chosen corresponds to level 5 from
the hippocampal series used for whole brain quantification as
poglycemia. The temporal evolution of hypoglycemic described previously [9].
brain damage in the rat and correlation of brain
damage with psychometric behavioral deficits will each
be reported separately. Quantification of Brain Damage
Quantification of dying neurons was performed by direct visual
counting by one of us (R.N.A.) at a magnification of 320 x, using a
two-channel laboratory cell counter (Clay Adams, Parsippany, N J,
Materials and Methods
Experimental Model Initial pilot studies allowing longer than 1 week survival dem-
onstrated that all aeidophilic neurons were removed subsequently
A previous publication describes more completely the model used [9]. from tM neuropil through simple cytolysis or phagocytosis. Hence,
Briefly, male Wistar rats weighing between 285 and 425 g were fasted these were considered either dead or lethally injured in the present
the night before the experiments, with free access to tap water. Forty study. The possibility of the earliest tinctorial alterations being
to 60min prior to operation, the rats were given 9 - 2 2 IU/kg of reversible in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum is discussed below.
regular insulin (Actrapid, Novo Industri A/S, Copenhagen, Acid fuchsin stained necrotic cells a brilliant red (Fig. 1). Either
Denmark). They were immersed in 3 % halothane, intubated, and nuclei or cytoplasm could stain more intensely acidophilic, and the
mechanically ventilated with 0.8% halothane in a 2:1 N20:O2 shape of the nucleus varied from triangular to oval (Fig. 1). Due to
R. N. Auer et al. : Hypoglycemic Brain Damage 179

Fig. la--e. Appearance of neurons from cerebral cortex (a), anterior horn (b), and dentate crest (e) when stained with acid fuchsin. Either
cytoplasmic (a, e) or nuclear acidophilia develops. Nuclei are either round (a, c) or triangular (b). Acid fuchsin/cresyl violet
] 80 R.N. Auer et al. : Hypoglycemic Brain Damage

60-min isoelectricity

Cerebral cortex

L 2140 890 18 13 2
R 1940 788 16 23 35

L 1688 685 157 49 2

R 1950 740 200 69 20

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the cerebral hemispheres at the level of

the subfornieal organ, chosen for laminar cortical quantification. The
numerical counts from the six animals with 60 min cerebral isoelec-
tricity are tabled. Although the cortex was quantified from the corpus
callosum to the rhinal sulcus, the density of neuronal necrosis is
represented schematically over the entire hemispheres. No pre-
dilection of damage for the watershed zones is seen after this dose of
insult. Damage was sparse in the cingulate gyri (see also Fig. 3)

shrinkage of the dying cells during necrosis, the average diameter of

the acidophilic neurons approximated the average diameter of only Fig. 3. Parasagittal neocortex. Acidophilic neurons are rendered dark
the nucleus in the remaining normal neurons, being approximately and punctate in black and white at this magnification (arrowheads).
30 gm in each case. Thus, nuclei only were counted in the normal Note the affectation of the superficial cortical laminae over the
neurons, but red, acidophilic nuclei or cytoplasm were counted in the convexity (narrow arrowheads). There is a relative sparing of the
dying cells. Small fragments of acidophilic dendritic processes, even if apposed cingulate (CING) gyri. However, their inferior portions
undergoing phagocytosis, were not counted, however. Since the exposed to the supracallosal cistern, superior to the corpus callosum
Abercrombie correction factor [1] for counted objects of unequal size (CC), are affected (broadarrowheads).Acid fuchsin/cresyl violet. Bar
would be identical for normal and dying neurons, when counted as = 250gm
roughly similar sized objects in this way, each of the raw cell counts
was taken as is for statistical purposes.
The cerebral cortex was quantified at the level of the subfornical p r e v i o u s l y [9]. S u r v i v a l was 100 ~o i n all g r o u p s u p to
organ (Fig. 2), from the cingulate cortex above the corpus callosum, 40 m i n isoelectricity, w i t h o u t i n t e n s i v e care c o n s i s t i n g
over the lateral hemispheric convexity, to the rhinal sulcus. In the o f m a n u a l w a t e r i n g a n d feeding. T h e 60 rain g r o u p ,
60-min group, the individual cortical laminae were counted.
h o w e v e r , s h o w e d a p p r o x i m a t e l y 50 ~ m o r t a l i t y , due to
The hippocampus was quantified at seven levels throughout its
septotemporal extent (Fig. 4). To assess regional damage within CAI, a p n e a i n the a w a k e a n d b e h a v i n g a n i m a l b e t w e e n 8 a n d
three microscopic fields were counted individually in the 60 min 24 h o f recovery.
group, each containing a stretch of pyramidal cells 380 gm in length.
Field A was at the most superior point of CA1, field C was adjacent to
the CA1/CA3 border, and field B was midway in between (Fig. 4). Neocortex
The caudate nuclei were quantified at the level of the septal nuclei
at their widest point (Fig. 8). To assess the regional distribution of D a m a g e b e g a n i n the s e c o n d a n d t h i r d cortical l a m i n a e
damage within the caudate, five high-power fields (magnification a n d p r e d o m i n a t e d in these layers after all isoelectric
320 x ) were counted, located beneath the white matter and deep periods. L a m i n a 2 was clearly m o r e d a m a g e d t h a n
within the nucleus.
l a m i n a 3 (Fig. 3). Several o f the m o s t severely affected
h e m i s p h e r e s s h o w e d , i n a d d i t i o n , areas o f n e u r o n a l
Results n e c r o s i s i n layer 6 a n d s o m e t i m e s i n layer 5, this p a t t e r n
b e c o m i n g d i s t i n c t i n a r a t e x p o s e d to 2 h o f isoelec-
Experimental Model
tricity, w i t h 1 d a y o f s u r v i v a l o n a r e s p i r a t o r .
R e s u l t s p e r t a i n i n g to the a n i m a l m o d e l , p h y s i o l o g i c T h e s u p e r o l a t e r a l aspect o f the h e m i s p h e r e was
parameters, and EEG correlation with quantified a l w a y s affected first. I n c r e a s i n g cortical d a m a g e in-
w h o l e b r a i n d a m a g e h a v e b e e n d e s c r i b e d i n detail v o l v e d p r o g r e s s i v e l y m o r e c o r t e x over the c o n v e x i t y ,
R. N. Auer et al. : HypoglycemicBrain Damage 18J

both superomedially and inferiorly. After 60rain of (Fig. 3). The cortex of the induseum griseum, located
isoelectricity, cortical damage extended uniformly from below the supracallosal cistern, showed acidophilic
the superior parasagittal region to the inferior surface neurons as well (Fig. 3).
of the entorhinal cortex. However, the apposed surfaces
of the cingulate gyri were relatively spared, except for Hippocampus
the inferior portion open to the supracallosal cistern
The earliest and most consistently affected portion of
the hippocampus was the subiculum, followed by CAI
and the crest of the dentate gyrus (Fig. 1 c). The medial
60omin isoelectricity
portion of the subiculum facing the velum interpositum
and cisterna ambiens was affected first. Sharp demar-
CA1 (Level 5) n : 6
cations were seen in the subicular band of cells, between
the fused and open portions of the hippocampal fissure.
With increasing damage, CA1 became affected, first
363 medially (Fig. 4). A striking gradient was seen along
A = 87% (4-'~cells)
CA1, with the border between affected and unaffected
cells located progressively laterally as the amount of
R = 72% (4-'~ cells) damage increased. However, even after 60min of
isoelectricity, the portions of CA1 adjacent to CA3
C : 39% (~"~cells) were spared (Fig. 5). Wallerian degeneration of the
axons from the affected septal nuclei was seen in the
distal stratum radiatum (Fig. 5).
The dentate gyrus was regularly involved first after
20 min of isoelectricity. At the septal end of the gyrus,
where the whole gyrus was open to the subarachnoid
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the cerebral hemispheres at the level
space of the velum interpositum, the entire band of cells
chosen for regional hippocampal quantification. CA1 is represented
by open circles, CA3 by asterisks. There is a gradient of increasing was uniformly necrotic (Fig. 6). A few sections pos-
damage as one progresses medially teriorly, where increased bulk of the gyrus caused

Fig. 5. Hippocampus after 60-minisoelectricityand 6-day survival. There is destruction of the crest and outer blade of the dentate gyrus (D), with
a relativesparing of the internal blade. Degeneratingneuropil in the dentate hilus, and degeneratingmossyfibers (betweenCA3 lettering and cell
band) are acidophilic. The border between CA1 and CA3 is indicated by an arrowhead, and CAI is spared near the border. Wallerian
degeneration of the axons from the septal nuclei is visible in the distal stratum radiatum of CA1 (asterisks), beneath the hippocampal fissure
which contains large veins. Acid fuchsin/cresyl violet. Bar = 250 ~tm
182 R.N. Auer et al.: Hypoglycemic Brain Damage

Fig. 6. Septal end of hippocampus, showing CA3, dentate gyrus (D), corpus callosum (CC), and hipi~ocampal comissure (HC), or psalterium. All
of the dentate granule cells are necrotic, but there is a sharp border between affected medial CA3 cells and spared lateral cells. The appearance
suggests a neurotoxic substance penetrating CA3 medially. Acid fuchsin/cresyl violet. Bar = 250 gm

Fig. 7. Hippocampus, in an animal with hydrocephalus. Most of the dentate gyrus is affected, except for the end of the internal blade. There is
consequent Wallerian degeneration of mossy fibers which are rendered acidophilic (thin arrows). In addition, the portions of CA3 and CA1
beneath the distended lateral ventricle show neuronal necrosis. The proximal stratum radiatum adjacent to affected CA3 is doubly acidophilic
due degeneration of apical dendrites as well as mossy fibers (thick arrows). The border between CA1 and CA3 is indicated by an arrowhead. Acid
fuchsin/cresyl violet. Bar = 250 gm

a p p o s i t i o n o f the m e d i a l surfaces, the d e n t a t e g r a n u l e b l a d e o f the g y r u s b e i n g m o r e affected t h a t the i n n e r

n e u r o n s were n o r m a l b e n e a t h the a p p o s e d p o r t i o n s o f b l a d e as d a m a g e w o r s e n e d (Fig. 5). A t m o r e t e m p o r a l
t h e gyrus. A t m i d s e p t o t e m p o r a l levels, the crest o f the levels, the p o r t i o n o f the cell b a n d f a c i n g the c i s t e r n a
g y r u s was c o n s i s t e n t l y affected first (Fig. 1 c), the o u t e r a m b i e n s was selectively affected (Fig. 6). C A 4 was
R. N9Auer et al. : HypoglycemicBrain Damage 183

involved near the most severely affected portions of the

dentate (Fig. 5).
CA3 was the last hippocampal area to be affected.
Damage to these cells presented as geographically
demarcated areas of acidophilic neurons and acido- = 26~ (~1~ cells)

philic intervening neuropil (Fig. 6), with the affected

side medially. When hydrocephalus was present, dam-
age occurred in the portion of the cell band facing the
hydrocephalic ventricle (Fig. 7). Degenerating mossy
fibers and apical dendrites both contributed to tissue ~ O = 0% (0 c e i l s )
~ i6% (& cells)

Caudate Nucleus
Figure 8 shows the density of neuronal necrosis in each MODERATE (n = 12)
of the five individually counted fields in the caudate
nucleus for mildly, moderately, and severely damaged
animals. The regional distribution changed with pro-
gressively increasing damage to this nucleus, and hence 9 .475
A = 56% t~g'~ cells)
the neuronal counts were pooled into three groups:
mild, moderate, and severe. Five of seven rats in the 683
S = 82% ( ~ ' ~ cells)
10 min group showed no pathology whatsoever in the
caudate nucleus. In the mildly affected animals, all C = 79% ( 6 9 6

from the 10 rain and 20 min groups, damage was

present in the four microscopic fields adjacent to the D = 25% (~--~ cells)

subcortical whiter matter, most prominently those

E = 41% (33~2 cells)
subjacent to the neocortex (Fig. 8, upper). No acido- 810
philic neurons were seen in the central microscopic field
(D) in any animal from this group9
~SEVERE (n = 6)
As the damage increased (Fig. 8, middle), the pro-
portion of acidophilic neurons increased markedly in
the two lateral microscopic fields (B, C), with lesser
damage in the remaining fields adjacent to white matter 9 411
'A = 93% ( ' ~ ' ~ c e l l s )
(A, E). Damage now appeared in the central field of the
nucleus (D). These moderately affect animals were B = 87% (~-~-~ ce s)
seen in the 30 min, 40 min, and 60 min groups.
As the damage increased further (Fig. 8, lower), in a C = 90% ( 3 - ' ~ c e l l s )

pattern seen in the most severely affected animals ,184

D = 48% ~3~'~ c e l l s )
whatever the isoelectric period (30 rain, 40 min, or
60 rain groups), the distribution changed. All these E = 69%
animals showed more severe damage in the superior
white matter field nearest the superolateral angle of the
lateral ventricle, unlike the less affected animals.
Fig. 8. Schematic diagrams at coronal level (widest point of septal
~Neuronal necrosis was virtually 1 0 0 ~ in the field nuclei) chosen for regional quantification of caudate nucleus. The
nearest the ventricle in all of these rats. The gradient of location of the counted fields are given on the left, and the
damage superiorly was more striking histologically corresponding cell counts on the right for brains with mild (upper),
than is apparent from the tabulated neuronal counts, as moderate (middle), and severe(lower)damage9The shifting gradient
a dense macrophage infiltration imparted to the tissue a from lateral to vertical argues against a neuroanatomic or vascular
basis for the damage. Corresponding histology pictured in Fig. 9
gradient of hypercellularity toward the superior por- and 10
tion of the nucleus and near the white matter (Fig. 9).
Numerous normal neurons still persisted in the central
Remaining Telencephalon
field (D). The subependymal portion of the caudate
devoid of bundles of white matter (Fig. 10) showed no The periventricular amygdaloid nuclei were selectively
necrotic neurons, even in the most severely affected affected, the lateral and basolateral nuclei [52] con-
nuclei with macrophage infiltration (Fig. 9). taining patches of acidophilic neurons subjacent to the
184 R.N. Auer et al. : HypoglycemicBrain Damage

Fig. 9. Animal showing asymmetricdamage, 1 week after 30 min of isoelectricity.The caudate nucleus on one side demonstrates severedamage,
seen as a dense gradient of infiltrating macrophages. Damage is worse near the white matter laterally and near the angle of the lateral ventricle
superiorly. The subventricular zone is spared. The contralateral caudate shows only moderate neuronal necrosis. Cresyl violet. Bar = 1mm

ependyma of the lateral ventricle. Rare acidophilic involved in all animals of the 60 min group. Damage
neurons were seen in the thalamus and globus pallidus was worst in the thoracic cord. Although the anterior
in animals showing the most severe damage. The septal horn cells were most often affected (Fig. 1 b), there were
nuclei contained acidophilic neurons, especially in the acidophilic neurons in the nucleus of Clarke and all
60 rain group. A selective vulnerability was seen es- regions of the posterior horn as well (Fig. 12).
pecially in the olfactory tubercle, with sparing of the
adjacent neurons and supraoptic nucleus.
Cerebellum Moderate to severe hydrocephalus was present in most
of the brains. Small, normally inconspicuous portions
Although occasional acidophilic Purkinje cells were
of the ventricle above the hippocampus were more
seen after 40rain of cerebral isoelectricity or less,
prominent than in control animals (Fig. 5). In two
cerebellar damage occurred in all animals first after
animals marked hydrocephalus was present 5 and 6
60 min isoelectricity. All animals showing cerebellar
days, respectively, after 60rain of isoelectricity. This
damage had acidophilic Purkinje cells adjacent to the
did not appear to be due to hydrocephalus ex vacuo.
foramena of Luschka (Fig. 11). Two animals out of six
The lateral ventricles had the appearance of distension,
in the 60 rain group, and some animals after shorter
and subjacent cell bands of the hippocampus showed
isoelectric periods, showed acidophilic Purkinje cells
neuronal necrosis near such ventricles (Fig. 7).
over the surfaces of the cerebetlar folia as well. Such
neurons were rare in the deep portions of the cerebel-
lum. Individual necrotic neurons were seen in the Symmetry of Brain Damage
granule cell layer after 60 min isoelectricity.
Seven animals showed prominent asymmetry of brain
damage, concordant among the hippocampus, caudate
Brain Stem and Spinal Cord
nucleus, and cerebral cortex in these animals. Such side
Scattered individual acidophilic neurons were seen in differences were visible at low power by dense mac-
multiple nuclei in the brain stem, most often related to rophage infiltration on one side, with the other side
vacuolated white matter tracts. The spinal cord was showing far less damage (Fig. 9).
R. N. Auer et al. : Hypoglycemic Brain Damage 185

Fig. 10. Caudate nucleus, moderate damage, near the angle of the lateral ventricIe. Same animal as in Fig. 9. Necrotic neurons are seen as black
punctate spots, and are more numerous superiorly and laterally. The large neurons (white arrows) are relatively spared. There is no neuronal
necrosis in the white matter-free zone subjacent to the ependyma. Acid fuchsin/cresyl violet. Bar = 250 gm

Fig. 11. Cerebellopontine angle near the foramen of Luschka. The choroid plexus protruding from the outlet foramen is seen. Acidophilic
Purkinje cells are seen near the foramen. Acid fuchsin/cresyl violet

It is p e r h a p s n o t e w o r t h y t h a t i n f a r c t i o n w a s n o t Discussion
seen in the p r e s e n t study, e v e n w i t h s e v e r e d a m a g e a n d
3-week survival. This produced only dense and com- A l t h o u g h s o m e a u t h o r s h a v e e x p r e s s e d the o p i n i o n
p l e t e n e u r o n a l necrosis, w i t h a v i g o r o u s e n s u i n g glial that hypogtycemic brain damage and anoxic-ischemic
r e a c t i o n . N o c a v i t a t i o n was seen. b r a i n d a m a g e h a v e a d i f f e r e n t d i s t r i b u t i o n [10, 49], the
186 R.N. Auer et al. : HypoglycemicBrain Damage

Fig.12. Spinal cord, demonstratingshrunken, acdophilic

neurons in the nucleus dorsalis of Clarke (whitearrow),
and in the dorsal horns (circled).Acid fuchsin/cresylviolet.
Bar = 250 gm

prevailing view is that the distribution is similar, if not different from that in ischemia. This conclusion re-
identical [15, 16, 22]. ceives support from a comparison with published data
The classic notions of selective neuronal vulnera- on localization of ischemic neuronal damage in gerbils
bility are based on the neuroanatomic connections and and rats [37, 42, 54, 62, 67, 68]. Our present results give
cytologic features of each brain region, be it a nucleus the surprising finding of a relationship of the neuronal
or a cortex. The logical implication is that the neurons necrosis to the white matter and to ventricular and
of a given type within the same nucleus or in a similar subarachnoid CSF pathways.
position within a cortex, having their distinctive Nissl We shall discuss the present results under three
pattern reflecting protein metabolism and their com- headings. First, a review will be given of earlier
mon neuroanatomic connectivities, constitute an anat- experimental and clinical studies which were aimed at
omic and metabolic unit, and are endowed with a demonstrating possible brain damage resulting from
similar selective vulnerability to various diseases. the then current "insulin shock" treatment for psy-
At first sight, the distributions ofhypoglycemic and chiatric illnesess. These data will be correlated to those
anoxic-ischemic neuronal damage might be explained obtained in the present study, and to results obtained in
by the phenomenon of selective vulnerability and by the models of ischemia. Secondly, we shall discuss the
fact that both insults lead to similar metabolic per- possibility that the characteristic features of hypo-
turbations. Like anoxia-ischemia, hypoglycemia of glycemic brain damage are due to a toxin borne by CSF
sufficient severity to cause cessation of EEG activity and tissue fluid, briefly reviewing the current knowl-
leads to extensive energy failure, cellular depolarization edge on CSF and tissue fluid dynamics. Thirdly, we
and massive release of neurotransmitters, and to influx shall speculate on the possible nature of the hypotheti-
of Ca 2 + into cells, with an associated lipolysis and cal toxin.
accumulation of free fatty acids [2, 4, 34, 73]. However,
other events are distinctly different in the two con- Earlier Experimental and Clinical Studies
ditions. For example, hypoglycemia is associated with
anunabated supply of oxygenated blood, with oxidation Only the salient features of those early publications
of cellular redox systems, and with a shift of in- containing adequate pathology will be briefly sum-
tracellular pH in the alkaline direction [51, 53]. Many of marized here, with reference to their common themes in
the neurochemical effects of hypoglycemia must be due the distribution of hypoglycemic brain damage. This
to continued oxidation of endogenous carbohydrate distribution will be compared to that seen in the present
and amino acid substrates; notably, this leads to study for the major regions of the CNS.
reduction of the tissue stores of many amino acids and
to massive accumulation of aspartate. Cerebral Cortex. Traditionally, ischemia is considered
The present study shows unequivocally that al- to affect pyramidal cells in laminae 3 and 5 - 6 [16, 54].
though hypoglycemia affects cells in the classically At first sight, neocortical damage due to hypoglycemia
vulnerable brain regions, the distribution of damage is has a similar distribution [16]. However, a superficial
R. N. Auer et al. : HypoglycemicBrain Damage 187

distribution of hypoglycemic damage in the cerebral moderate duration of ischemia, the whole CA1 sector
cortex has been noted by numerous authors in animal may become necrotic, with sparing of CA3 pyramids
[33, 65] and human [19, 39, 40] material. One infantile and dentate granule cells.
case with long term survival even demonstrated se- As in the cerebral cortex, damage in the hip-
condary calcification selectively localized to cortical pocampus has been consistently present in hypoglyc-
laminae 2 and 3 [10]. This superficial distribution and emia, but in a pattern distinct from that seen in
the severe affectation of layer 2 are characteristic for ischemia.
hypoglycemic brain damage. Involvement of the dentate gyrus has been found
Two additional findings should be recalled. First, a before in experiments with rabbits [72] and rats [38, 75].
perivascular distribution has been striking in some Dentate involvement is pictured from human autopsy
published photomicrographs, with a virtual clearing of material in a standard textbook of neuropathology [16,
neurons from a circular area surrounding cortical Fig.2.46], but this is mentioned in neither the caption
vessels ([65], Fig. 4). Second, hypoglycemic cortical nor the text. Weil et al. [72] first noticed in 1938 that the
damage can be quite asymmetric. Grayzel [3], after portion of the dentate gyrus facing the ventricle was
administering large doses of insulin to rabbits, illus- selectively affected, and first hypothesized a CSF borne
trated severe neuronal loss (his Fig. 4) in layers 2 and 3 neurotoxin in hypoglycemia. The consistent involve-
in one hemisphere, with a normal control pictured (his ment of the crest of the dentate gyrus in the rat in
Fig. 5) from the opposite side of the same animal. hypoglycemia is not explicable on the basis of either its
Finley and Brenner ([29], their Fig. 14) showed a similar blood supply [6, 23] or its neuroanatomic organization
pair of photomicrographs, with an affected and a [6, 11, 31, 36, 76], which have been well studied.
control region, from corresponding portions of the The CA1 pyramidal cell band, or Sommer's sector,
right and left frontal lobes of the monkey. Apposed or has been selectively involved in a study on monkeys [49]
touching gyri, and the bases of sulci [66] however, show and another on human autopsy material [46], but all
symmetry in contrast to the asymmetry often seen over regions of the hippocampus have been involved in other
the cerebral convexities. Finley and Brenner ([29], their human cases [7, 44] and in experimental material [38].
Fig. 24) and Cammermeyer ([19], p. 623) commented on The present results confirm and extend those pre-
the remarkable symmetry in the apposed occipital viously reported. Notably, dentate granule cells were
lobes. More recently, in a study of protein synthesis affected following hypoglycemia of 20 rain duration or
during hypoglycemia, a symmetric relative sparing of longer, with the crest of the dentate gyrus showing
the apposed parasagittal neocortex was seen [41]. dense necrosis. Furthermore, the border between affec-
The present study, in which a pure hypoglycemic ted and unaffected CA1 pyramidal neurons shifted
insult was delivered, corroborates the superficial corti- laterally with increasing damage, arguing against a
cal distribution of the neuronal damage incurred. In neuroanatomic basis for the demarcation. Finally,
fact, in all animals studied, damage to layer 2 markedly when CA3 cells were affected this occurred in the form
exceeded that to layer 3. Furthermore, the number of of sharply demarcated zones near the hydrocephalic
affected cells in layers 5 and 6 was small, some animals ventricles.
in the 60 min group having either no or only very few
acidophilic neurons (Fig. 2). Our results also cor- Caudate Nucleus. Ischemia is known to affect small to
roborate the occasional occurrence of unilateral dam- medium sized striatal neurons in the dorsolateral por-
age, since seven animals demonstrated marked asym- tion of the nucleus, with a well defined frontier between
metry, concordant in the cerebral cortex, caudate normal and damaged tissue [54]. Although the caudate
nucleus, and CA1 zone of the hippocampus. is neurochemically heterogenous, with organization
into islets of tissue, the acetylcholinesterase poor,
Hippocampus. This structure is one of the selectively peptide rich striosomes [32], this does not correspond
vulnerable regions. Results obtained in rats suggest that to the intrastriatal distribution of damage in ischemia.
cells in the subiculum, CA1, and C A 3 - 4 are also Selective affection of the small and medium sized
susceptible to ischemic damage [54]. In the gerbil, pleomorphic neurons of the caudate nucleus seems to
though, CA1 pyramidal cells were found to be par- be a practically ubiquitous finding following severe
ticularly prone to ischemic necrosis [42, 67]. Our own hypoglycemia [7, 39, 44]. In the present study, the
data, obtained in rats, corroborate those observations gradient of damage was positive toward the lateral
[62]. Thus, with short periods of ischemia damage was white matter in all animals. Unlike ischemia, sharp
inflicted upon CA1 and CA4 cells, and those in the demarcations of damage were not seen, except for the
subiculum, while more prolonged ischemia was re- white matter free zone beneath the lateral ventricle
quired to damage CA3 cells, and even longer to affect (Figs. 9, 10), which was spared. Also unlike ischemia,
dentate granule cells. It is of importance that, with a the less severely damaged caudate nuclei showed a
188 R.N. Auer et al. : HypoglycemicBrain Damage

decreasing gradient along the white matter superiorly, tomic basis. As stated, one previous group of workers
whereas the most severely damaged animals showed an speculated that the localization of hypoglycemic neu-
increasing gradient superiorly approaching the ven- ronal damage adjacent to CSF pathways was due to
tricle (Fig. 9). This and the shift of the gradient of toxic substances contained in the CSF [72]. The present
damage with varying densities of insult speak against a results support this notion.
neuroanatomic basis for the distribution of damage The flow of CSF is classically from choroid plexus
seen within the caudate. As in ischemia, the distribution through the ventricular system and subarachnoid space
does not correspond to the striosomes [32] of the into the venous system, and, as has been recently
caudate. demonstrated, into the lymphatic system through the
base of the skull [I3, 14, 20]. However, tissue fluid of the
Cerebellum brain is produced at the capillary-glia complex [26], and
molecules in the labyrinthine, 200 ~ wide gray matter
In hypoglycemia, the cerebellum suffers a less severe extracellular space [17] move by a combination of
metabolic insult than neocortical and limbic areas [2, 5, diffusion and bulk flow [56]. Flow is from gray matter
55]. This may explain why cerebellar damage is in- to white matter [21,43, 64], and around blood vessels, in
frequent in the experimental and clinical literature. the Virchow-Robin spaces [20]. Upon reaching the
Nonetheless, autopsy reports in man have noted in- white matter, the mechanism appears to be chiefly by
volvement over the crests of the cerebellar folia [39]. The bulk flow, as indicated by tracers of widely varying
present study shows that following prolonged hy- molecular size and charge [43, 75]. Although some
poglycemia slight cerebellar involvement was present, resorption must occur on the venular side of the
and with a novel localization. Thus, cerebellar damage microcirculation in accordance with the Starling forces,
appeared first around the outlet foramina of the fourth a net flow of superfluous fluid into the CSF, analogous
ventricle. All animals in the 60 min group showed to peripheral lymph formation, is likely. In the present
damage around the foramina of Luschka, and two context, it is of importance that the cerebral white
showed damage over the cerebellar hemispheres as well, matter is known to selectively transmit tissue fluid
involving the more superficially located folia. Some of much more easily than the gray matter.
the Purkinje cells demonstrating only minimal acido- These two systems, the interstitial fluid system and
philia cannot with certainty be described as moribund the CSF system, are parallel, but not completely
at present. This would require a longitudinal temporal isolated from one another [25]. The tissue fluid of the
study. However, the intensely acidophilic neurons with brain communicates with the CSF, and vice versa, due
shrinkage of the cytoplasm, blurring of cytologic to the lack of a brain-CSF barrier [12]. Radiolabeled
details, and degeneration of the dendritic tree can be albumin introduced into the subarachnoid space enters
safely regarded as undergoing necrosis. the superficial cerebral cortex over its entire convexity
[45]. Tracer substances introduced into the lateral
Spinal cord. Numerous authors have reported spinal ventricle in hydrocephalus label the white matter near
cord damage in hypoglycemia [48, 61, 69, 70, 74], often the angle of the lateral ventricle [47]. Horseradish
with a delayed clinical onset of lower motor neuron peroxidase (HRP) injected into the subarachnoid space
paresis [48, 61, 70]. In the present study, the motor labels the outer blade and crest of the dentate gyrus
neurons of the anterior horns were the commonest cells selectively [27]. As HRP is actively taken up and
affected, chiefly in the thoracic, but also cervical spinal transported by dentate granule cells, both intracellular
cord, although necrosis of all neuron types in the cord and extracellular routes of spread of CSF borne sub-
was seen. stances should be considered. The intracerebral pat-
terns of tracer uptake from CSF in the above men-
tioned studies resembled the intracerebral patterns of
Tissue Fluid Dynamics damage in the present study.
and Hypoglycemic Neuronal Damage The pathologic course of intracerebral tissue fluid
Recurrent themes in the distribution of hypoglycemic has not been studied in hypoglycemia, although several
brain damage present in the literature include left-right models associated with either an intact or an open
asymmetry, symmetry around the bases of sulci and blood-brain barrier have demonstrated a flow of gray
between apposed gyri of opposite hemispheres, a matter tissue fluid to the subjacent white matter [35, 43].
superficial cortical distribution, a relationship to the From the CSF, tissue fluid is free to enter the brain
ventricles and subarachnoid cisterns, a perivascular parenchyma [28] via the Virchow-Robin spaces, with
distribution, and a relationship to the white matter. The unimpeded access to the intercellular spaces of the gray
present study demonstrates these patterns as well. It is matter, including synapses [18]. Even neuronal uptake
difficult to explain solely on a vascular or neuroana- of horseradish peroxidase tracer occurs [18, 27]. The
R. N. Auer et al. : Hypoglycemic Brain Damage 189

p o t e n c y o f a b r o a d a r r a y o f toxic substances is in- A. Brun, K. Sturesson, and E. Andersson in the histologic metho-
c r e a s e d by h y d r o c e p h a l u s , with e n t r y into b r a i n sub- dology and for free access to photomicroscopy. The expertise of the
stances b y e x p a n d e d V i r c h o w - R o b i n spaces giving rise staff of the photography department of Lunds Lasarettet is greatly
appreciated. Dr. Auer is the recipient of a Medical Research Council
to p e r i v a s c u l a r i n f l a m m a t o r y r e a c t i o n s [8, 58]. of Canada Fellowship.

Is There a Fluid-borne Toxin ?

G i v e n these facts on C S F a n d tissue fluid d y n a m i c s one
1. Abercombie M (1946) Estimation of nuclear population from
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A l t h o u g h we recognize the speculative n a t u r e o f the bolic changes in profound, insulin-induced hypoglycemia and
issue, we find the l o c a l i z a t i o n o f h y p o g l y c e m i c b r a i n in the recovery period following glucose administration.
J Neurochem 31 : 1135 - 1142
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tration. Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 50:31-41
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4. Agardh C-D, Chapman AG, Nilsson B, Siesj6 BK (1981)
spinal cord, for example. I n the h i p p o c a m p u s , the Endogenous substrates utilized by rat brain in severe insulin-
n a t u r a l l y o c c u r r i n g e x c i t a t o r y a m i n o acids, a n d their induced hypoglycemia. J Neurochem 36:490-500
s t r u c t u r a l a n a l o g u e s [24] fulfill this criterion, as in- 5. Agardh C-D, Kalimo H, Olsson Y, Siesj6 BK (1981) Hypo-
t r a h i p p o c a m p a l injection o f a s p a r t i c acid a n d N - glycemic brain injury: Metabolic and structural findings in rat
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m e t h y l a s p a r t i c acid c a n cause d a m a g e to d e n t a t e and in the recovery period following glucose administration.
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[50]. A l s o , injection o f N - m e t h y l a s p a r t i c acid into the 6. Andersen P, Bliss TVP, Skede KK (1971) Lamellar organization
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