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What is the SI unit for temperature?

What is the SI unit for pressure?

What is the SI unit for volume?

What is the value of R constant in L.atm/K.mol?

Give the unit of R constant with numerical value 0.08206.

What is the value of R constant in J/K.mol?

What is the value of molar volume at STP?

Give 3 properties of gas.

What is the unit for expressing gas density?

Give 3 properties of gas being measured.

At what state is ideal conditions met?

What law depicts PV relationship?

What law depicts PT relationship?

What law depicts VT relationship?

What law depicts Vn relationship?

What law depicts PVT relationship?

What happen to P when you doubled V?

What happen to V when you tripled T?

What happen to V when you halfed T?

What happen to V when you doubled P?

What happen to P when you halfed T?

What happen to P when you quadrupled T?

Give 3 value with its units equivalent to 1 atm.

What are the two types of manometer?

Give 1 postulate of KMT.

Give the conditions for STP.

Give the conditions for SATP.

Give the equation for ideal gas.

What parameters are corrected by van der Waals equation?

At what states do gases behave non ideally?

Give the value of g constant in determining barometric pressure.

What parameters are being relate by Charles’ Law?

What parameters are being relate by Gay-Lussacs Law?

What parameters are being relate by Avogadro’s Law?

What parameters are being relate by Boyle’s Law?

What is the method used to collect gas over water?

What formula is used to calculate Pdry in water displacement method?

In what unit is height expressed in barometric formula?

In what unit is R constant expressed in barometric formula?

What is the formula in calculating vrms?

What is the formula in calculating KE?

Give one relationship using Graham’s Law.

Give the three types of chemical bonds.

Give one example of compound with ionic bonds.

Give one example of compound with covalent bonds.

Give one example of compound with polar bonds.

Give one example of compound with nonpolar bonds.

Give one example of element with metallic bonds.

Ionic bond is formed upon reaction with what two types of elements?

Covalent bond is formed upon reaction with what two types of elements?

What groups of element in the PT doesn’t usually follow rules of stability?

Elements that lose valence electron to achieve stability.

Elements that gain valence electron to achieve stability.

Positively charged element is known as__________.

Negatively charged element is known as__________.

This is the energy involved in the formation of cations.
This is the energy involved in the formation of anions.

What are the three energy required in the formation of ionic bond?

What group of elements in the PT is the basis of rule of stability?

Alkali metals lose how many electrons?

Alkaline earth metals lose how many electrons?

Halogens gain how many electrons?

What ion is formed from oxygen?

What ion is formed from bromine?

What ion is formed from magnesium?

What ion is formed from potassium?

What do you called the ionic networks formed by ionic bonds?

What are the two factors determining the strength of lattice energy?

What do you called the series of steps used to describe the formation of
ionic compounds?
These are the electrons found on the outermost shell of atom.

Dipole moment is measured in what unit?

1.60×10−29C.m is equivalent to how many debyes?

Ionic component of polar covalent bond can be determine by calculating

what parameter?
Predict the bond type in I2.
Predict the bond type in KBr.
Predict the bond type in C2H6.

Predict the bond type in H2O.

How many electrons are there in one covalent bond?

Three lone pairs are equivalent to how many electrons?

Give one exemption to the octet rule.

Give three molecular shapes.

Give three molecular geometries.

How many domains are there in CO2?

How many domains are there in O3?

How many domains are there in PCl5?

How many domains are there in N2O?

What is the bond angle in a linear geometry?

What is the bond angle in a trigonal planar geometry?

What is the bond angle in an octahedral geometry?

What are the bond angles in a trigonal bipyramidal geometry?

What shape can be deduced from linear geometry?

What shapes can be deduced from trigonal planar geometry?

What shapes can be deduced from tetrahedral geometry?

Give two shapes that can be deduced from trigonal bipyramidal
What is the shape of water?

What is the shape of BF3?

What is the shape of NH3?

How many lone pairs are there in water?

How many bond are present in a trigonal bipyramidal shape?

How many single bond are present in an octahedral shape?

How many lone pairs can be found in a bent shape, tetrahedral

How many lone pairs can be found in a t-shaped, trigonal bipyramidal
How many lone pairs can be found in a linear, trigonal bipyramidal
How many lone pairs can be found in a seesaw, trigonal bipyramidal
Give one example of compound with linear shape.

Give one example of compound with bent shape.

Give one example of compound with trigonal pyramidal shape.

Give one example of compound with tetrahedral shape.

Give one example of compound with trigonal bipyramidal shape.

Give one example of compound with octahedral shape.

Give the number of domains for square planar shape.

Give the number of domains for square pyramidal shape.


Explain the Boyle’s law using the postulate of KMT.

Explain the Charles’ law using the postulate of KMT.

Explain the Gay-Lussac’s law using the postulate of KMT.

Collisions with each other and with the walls of the container are
perfectly elastic. Explain what is meant by this.
Explain real gases and the limitation of KMT.

Explain the limitation of ideal gas equation. How it was corrected by the
van der Waals equation?
Why do mountain climbers need to wear breathing apparatus at the tops
of high mountains? Explain this observation using gas law.
-atmospheric pressure is low at high altitudes. The volume of air increases and the air becomes less
dense because volume is inversely proportional to density. Hence, a lesser volume of oxygen is
available for breathing.
One observable property of gases is the variability of density based on
conditions. Use this observation to explain why hot air balloons rise.
-the hot air inside of the balloon is less dense than the surrounding air (cooler air) causing it to rise up
and float (use hot air to create buoyancy)
Why should temperature always be converted to kelvins when working
with gases in problem solving?
Why is it dangerous to store compressed gas cylinders in places that
could become very hot?
-exposure to heat cause pressure inside the cylinder to build up. This may weakened or crack the
container’s shell and eventually explode.
Why do heavier gases move more slowly than light gases at the same
Why is the Na2+ ion not found in nature?

Why do nonmetals tend to form anions rather than cations?

Why do metals tend to form cations rather than anions?

Which pair will form a compound with the larger lattice energy: Na and F
or Mg and F? Why?
Describe the difference between a covalent bond and an ionic bond.
Coulombic forces are often used to explain ionic bonding. Are coulombic
forces involved in covalent bonding as well? Explain.
Can fluorine atoms ever carry a partial positive charge in a molecule?
Why or why not?
Why is it impossible for hydrogen to be the central atom in the Lewis
structure of a polyatomic molecule?
Is the element with the most valence electrons in a period also the most
electronegative? Explain
Why must the structures of the reactants and products be known in order
to estimate the enthalpy change of a reaction from bond energies?
Why is it important to draw a correct Lewis structure for a molecule
before predicting its geometry?
Can a nonpolar molecule contain polar covalent bonds?

Sometimes leaving a bicycle in the sun on a hot day will cause a blowout.
Explain this observation using gas laws.
-as temperature increases, pressure increases. The volume of tire can only expand so much before the
rubber gives and releases the buildup of pressure.
Explain how the volume of bubbles exhausted by scuba diver change as
they rise to the surface using gas laws.
-as the bubbles rise, pressure increases and the volume increases via Boyle’s law.
Must a polar molecule contain polar covalent bonds? Why or why not?

Why are sharp knives more effective than dull knives? Explain this
observation using the concept of pressure.
-the cutting edge of a knife that has been sharpened has a smaller surface area than a dull knife. Since
pressure is force per unit area, a sharp knife will exert a higher pressure with the same amount of
force and cut through material more effectively.
Why should you roll or belly-crawl rather than walk across a thinly-frozen
pond? Explain this using the concept of pressure.
-lying down distributes your weight over a larger surface area, exerting less pressure on the
ice compared to standing up. If you exert less pressure, you are less likely to break through
thin ice.
Can the speed of a given molecule in a gas double at constant
temperature? Explain your answer.
-increasing pressure or particle collisions
Deep sea fish died when brought to surface of the ocean. Explain this
phenomenon using gas law.
-gases in their blood expand as they are raised and eventually pop.
Using the postulates of the KMT, explain why a gas uniformly fills a
container of any shape.
-IMFs are negligible so molecules are constantly moving independently in random motion and expand
Along a take-off in an airplane, your ears pop or feel uncomfortable.
Explain this phenomenon using gas law.
-as you take off, air pressure decreases. The air trapped in your inner ear will cause eardrums to push
Put marshmallow inside the syringe. Observe what happen as you pull in and pull out
the plunger of the syringe. Explain the observations using gas law.
-PV relationship, Boyle’s Law
Boil certain amount of water. Add dented pingpong ball on it and observe what will
happen. Explain the observations using gas law.
-VT relationship, Charles Law
Light up your matchstick and fired a piece of paper, then put it inside the bottle
container. Place immediately the boiled egg at the opening of the bottle and observe
what will happen. Explain the observations using gas laws.
-PT relationship, Gay-Lussac’s Law
Place balloon pumped with air at boiling water and observe what will happen. After
your observation, place the balloon immediately to ice water and observe again.
-VT relationship, Charles Law
Ammonia and water are both from tetrahedral geometry. Explain using VSEPR why
they have different bond angles.
How do you express bond strength in terms of bond order (single, double, triple

CO2 and water are both triatomic molecules. The shape of water is bent while CO 2 is
linear. Explain this on the basis of dipole moment.
Explain the concept of polar covalent bond. Give specific example as reference of
your discussion.
Explain why BeCl2 molecule has zero dipole moment although Be-Cl bond is polar.

Which pair will form larger lattice energy: CaBr2 or MgO? Explain why.

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