Combining Theory and Experiment in Electrocatalysis Insights Into Materials Design

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◥ ticularly those that involve water, hydrogen,

REVIEW SUMMARY and oxygen. The combination of theoretical
and experimental studies working in concert has
proven to be a successful strategy in this
respect, yielding a framework to understand
catalytic trends that can ultimately provide
Combining theory and experiment rational guidance toward the development
of improved catalysts. Catalyst design strat-

in electrocatalysis: Insights into egies that aim to increase the number of active
sites and/or increase the intrinsic activity of each
active site have been successfully developed.
materials design The field of hydrogen evolution, for example, has

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seen important breakthroughs over the years in
Zhi Wei Seh, Jakob Kibsgaard, Colin F. Dickens, Ib Chorkendorff, ◥
the development of highly
ON OUR WEBSITE active non–precious metal
Jens K. Nørskov, Thomas F. Jaramillo*
Read the full article catalysts in acid. Notable
at http://dx.doi. advancements have also
BACKGROUND: With a rising global popula- ates, and ammonia) by coupling to renewable org/10.1126/ been made in the design of
tion, increasing energy demands, and impend- energy. Electrocatalysts play a key role in these science.aad4998 oxygen reduction and evo-
ing climate change, major concerns have been energy conversion technologies because they lution catalysts, although
raised over the security of our energy future. increase the rate, efficiency, and selectivity of there remains substantial room for improve-
Developing sustainable, fossil-free pathways to the chemical transformations involved. Today’s ment. The combination of theory and exper-
produce fuels and chemicals of global impor- electrocatalysts, however, are inadequate. The iment elucidates the remaining challenges in
tance could play a major role in reducing carbon grand challenge is to develop advanced elec- developing further improved catalysts, often
dioxide emissions while providing the feed- trocatalysts with the enhanced performance involving scaling relations among reactive inter-
stocks needed to make the products we use on needed to enable widespread penetration of mediates. This understanding serves as an ini-
a daily basis. One prospective goal is to develop clean energy technologies. tial platform to design strategies to circumvent
electrochemical conversion processes that can technical obstacles, opening up opportunities
convert molecules in the atmosphere (e.g., water, ADVANCES: Over the past decade, substantial and approaches to develop higher-performance
carbon dioxide, and nitrogen) into higher-value progress has been made in understanding sev- electrocatalysts for a wide range of reactions.
products (e.g., hydrogen, hydrocarbons, oxygen- eral key electrochemical transformations, par-
OUTLOOK: A systematic framework of com-
bining theory and experiment in electrocatalysis
helps to uncover broader governing principles
that can be used to understand a wide variety of
electrochemical transformations. These principles
can be applied to other emerging and promising
clean energy reactions, including hydrogen perox-
ide production, carbon dioxide reduction, and
nitrogen reduction, among others. Although
current paradigms for catalyst development have
been helpful to date, a number of challenges
need to be successfully addressed in order to
achieve major breakthroughs. One important
frontier, for example, is the development of
both experimental and computational meth-
ods that can rapidly elucidate reaction mech-
anisms on broad classes of materials and in a
wide range of operating conditions (e.g., pH,
solvent, electrolyte). Such efforts would build
on current frameworks for understanding ca-
talysis to provide the deeper insights needed
to fine-tune catalyst properties in an optimal
manner. The long-term goal is to continue im-
proving the activity and selectivity of these
catalysts in order to realize the prospects of
using renewable energy to provide the fuels
and chemicals that we need for a sustainable
Electrochemical energy conversion. Schematic showing electrochemical conversion of water,
carbon dioxide, and nitrogen into value-added products (e.g., hydrogen, hydrocarbons, oxygenates,
energy future.

and ammonia), using energy from renewable sources. The combination of theoretical and exper-
imental studies working in concert provides us with insight into these electrochemical transfor- The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
*Corresponding author. Email:
mations and guides the development of the high-performance electrocatalysts needed to enable Cite this article as Z. W. Seh et al., Science 355, eaad4998
these technologies. (2017). DOI: 10.1126/science.aad4998

Seh et al., Science 355, 146 (2017) 13 January 2017 1 of 1


◥ where electrification is much more challenging

REVIEW (5). Projections indicate that energy demand for
light-duty transportation will likely remain rela-
tively flat in the coming decades; however, energy
ELECTROCHEMISTRY use for commercial transportation is projected to
grow by approximately two-thirds between 2010

Combining theory and experiment and 2040, from 1.9 to 3.2 TW (5). Because chem-
ical fuels are a more natural fit for this sector,
there is strong interest in the development of
in electrocatalysis: Insights into sustainable pathways to such fuels.
Similarly, the current energy demand for the

materials design production of industrial chemicals in 2010 was

8% (1.5 TW) of global energy, almost all of which

Downloaded from at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology on December 29, 2021
was derived from fossil fuels (5). To meet world-
Zhi Wei Seh,1,2,3 Jakob Kibsgaard,1,2,4 Colin F. Dickens,1,2 Ib Chorkendorff,4 wide demand for products such as plastics and
Jens K. Nørskov,1,2 Thomas F. Jaramillo1,2* fertilizers, energy use in the chemical industry is
also expected to rise by about two-thirds between
Electrocatalysis plays a central role in clean energy conversion, enabling a number of 2010 and 2040, to 2.5 TW (5). A sustainable, fossil
sustainable processes for future technologies. This review discusses design strategies fuel–free path to producing industrial chemicals
for state-of-the-art heterogeneous electrocatalysts and associated materials for several of global importance, such as hydrogen (50 Mt
different electrochemical transformations involving water, hydrogen, and oxygen, using theory year−1), hydrogen peroxide (2.2 Mt year−1), ethyl-
as a means to rationalize catalyst performance. By examining the common principles that ene (115 Mt year−1), propylene (73 Mt year−1),
govern catalysis for different electrochemical reactions, we describe a systematic framework methanol (40 Mt year−1), and ammonia (175 Mt
that clarifies trends in catalyzing these reactions, serving as a guide to new catalyst year−1), could play a substantial role in reducing
development while highlighting key gaps that need to be addressed. We conclude by extending carbon dioxide emissions while providing the
this framework to emerging clean energy reactions such as hydrogen peroxide production, chemicals needed to make the products used
carbon dioxide reduction, and nitrogen reduction, where the development of improved catalysts globally on a daily basis (6–8).
could allow for the sustainable production of a broad range of fuels and chemicals. Figure 1 shows possible sustainable pathways
for the production of important fuels and chem-

icals, including hydrogen, hydrocarbons, oxy-
reating a global-scale sustainable energy the chemical industry. In 2010, transportation genates, and ammonia, by either replacing or
system for the future while preserving our accounted for 19% (3.3 TW) of global energy (5). working in concert with conventional energy
environment is one of the most crucial chal- Although approximately 43% (1.4 TW) of transpor- production. Earth’s atmosphere provides a uni-
lenges facing humanity today (1–3). Ac- tation energy demand involved light-duty vehicles, versal feedstock of water, carbon dioxide, and
cording to the International Energy Agency, where electrification is already playing a role to nitrogen, which can potentially be converted
global energy demand reached 18 TW in 2013, help decarbonize the system, the remaining 57% into the aforementioned products via electro-
the vast majority (~80%) of which was derived (1.9 TW) was used for commercial transportation— chemical processes coupled to renewable energy
from fossil resources (coal, oil, and gas) (4). With marine, aviation, rail, and heavy-duty road vehicles— if electrocatalysts with the required properties can
a growing world population and expanding in-
dustrialization, global energy demand is projected
to further increase from 18 TW in 2013 to 24 or
26 TW in 2040 under the “new policies” or “cur-
rent policies” scenarios, respectively, with a cor-
responding rise in carbon dioxide emissions from
32 Gt year−1 in 2013 to 37 or 44 Gt year−1 in 2040
(4). As a result, major concerns have been raised
over the energy supply, particularly in regard
to climate change associated with the use of fos-
sil fuels. Thus, a serious impetus exists to diver-
sify our energy sources, reducing our reliance on
fossil fuels by turning to renewable energy such
as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.
Greater penetration of renewable electricity
is important, as overall the electricity sector ac-
counts for approximately 12% of global energy
demand (2.1 out of 17.6 TW in 2010) (5). Other
key energy sectors requiring the development of
sustainable pathways include transportation and
SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis,
Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 2SUNCAT Center for Interface
Science and Catalysis, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory,
Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. 3Institute of Materials Research
and Engineering, Agency for Science, Technology and
Research (A*STAR), Innovis, 138634 Singapore. 4Department
of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
*Corresponding author. Email: Fig. 1. Sustainable energy future. Schematic of a sustainable energy landscape based on electrocatalysis.

Seh et al., Science 355, eaad4998 (2017) 13 January 2017 1 of 12


be developed. For instance, the water-splitting We begin by presenting theoretical results with binding energies of reactive intermediates on a
reaction, which consists of the hydrogen and oxy- a focus on understanding catalytic trends using a surface is the key to designing materials with
gen evolution half-reactions, has attracted great at- descriptor-based approach: a framework that aims improved performance. The volcano shown in
tention as a sustainable source of hydrogen (9, 10). to establish a select few, key properties of a cat- Fig. 3A is the first of several described in this
Hydrogen is an attractive energy carrier that can alyst surface that are necessary but possibly not work, each representing a different electrochem-
be used to produce clean electricity in fuel cells, sufficient for high activity. We describe how this ical reaction, and represents a broader frame-
where the hydrogen oxidation and oxygen reduc- relatively fast, simple, and straightforward ap- work by which catalysts across a wide range of
tion reactions convert chemical energy into elec- proach has been implemented successfully in chemical reactions can be viewed.
trical energy (11, 12). Hydrogen peroxide, an essential recent years to develop advanced catalysts. The Although these volcanoes provide insight into
chemical in the pulp- and paper-bleaching and next major step would be to extend the modeling the optimum catalyst for a given class of catalyst
water treatment industries, can potentially be capabilities to capture greater complexities re- materials, there are additional factors not pres-
derived from the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) garding the catalyst and the electrode-electrolyte ent in the simple descriptor-based model that are
as well (13). Carbon dioxide captured from the interface in a manner that does not require ex- needed to quantitatively determine absolute re-

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atmosphere or directly from point sources could cessive time and resources. Developing modeling action rates—for instance, variations in the size
become a feedstock for fuels, commodity chem- approaches that use minimal resources to rapidly of kinetic barriers from one class of materials
icals, fine chemicals, and precursors to polymers and accurately predict reaction mechanisms and to the next. This is why MoS2 is observed to have
and plastics via preliminary electroreduction rate data across a broad range of catalyst mate- lower exchange current densities than the pre-
(14). Likewise, the electroreduction of nitrogen rials and reaction conditions represents an impor- cious metals shown in Fig. 3A, even though it has
to ammonia would allow for the production of tant aim for future work. The same holds true for a DGH value near the optimum. Kinetic barriers
fertilizers sustainably and locally at the point of the development of more advanced experimental can also change as a function of pH for a given
application and at the required concentration, methods that are capable of providing atomic- potential versus the reversible hydrogen electrode
eliminating distribution costs stemming from and molecular-scale depictions of the electrode- (RHE), which results in an observed pH depend-
the inflexibly large-scale, centralized Haber-Bosch electrolyte interface under operating conditions. ence of current density (21). Despite possible
process (15). Crucial to enabling this vision is the At this point, we can provide a description of variations in the processes involved (e.g., re-
development of improved electrocatalysts with current theoretical approaches to further these garding pH or kinetic barriers), we note that
the appropriate efficiency and selectivity for the types of insights (e.g., on reaction rates and mecha- the activity volcano does not shift left or right,
chemical transformations involved. nisms) with more detailed calculations performed but rather only up and down, meaning that the
There are generally two strategies to improve using microkinetic models. The combination of descriptor still serves its purpose of identifying
the activity (or reaction rate) of an electrocatalyst the descriptor-based approach to cover a broad set the binding characteristics of optimal HER cat-
system: (i) increasing the number of active sites of systems coupled to detailed studies of single alysts (22). However, for a full quantitative un-
on a given electrode (e.g., through increased load- systems has proven fruitful. Future efforts to derstanding of these effects, more detailed and
ing or improved catalyst structuring to expose advance both theory and experiment will allow efficient methods of calculating electrochemical
more active sites per gram) or (ii) increasing the for a more detailed picture of catalysis on surfaces. barriers are required for proton transfer reactions
intrinsic activity of each active site (10). These involving both hydroxide and hydronium ions
strategies (Fig. 2) are not mutually exclusive and Hydrogen evolution/oxidation reactions (20, 23–28), an important goal for future mod-
can ideally be addressed simultaneously, leading Active catalysts are required to minimize the eling efforts.
to the greatest improvements in activity. At the overpotential necessary to drive the hydrogen Platinum sits very near the top of the hydro-
same time, there are physical limits to how much evolution reaction (HER; 2H+ + 2e− → H2) (9, 10). gen volcano, with an almost thermo-neutral DGH,
catalyst material can be loaded onto an electrode The HER is a classic example of a two-electron and is well known as the best-performing catalyst
without affecting other important processes, such transfer reaction with one catalytic intermediate, for the HER, requiring negligible overpotentials
as charge and mass transport (10). For this reason, H* (where * denotes a site on the electrode sur- to achieve high reaction rates in acidic solutions
Fig. 2 shows a plateau effect observed in practice face), and may occur through either the Volmer- (Fig. 3, B and C) (10). However, the scarcity and
at high catalyst loadings. On the other hand, in- Heyrovsky or the Volmer-Tafel mechanism (9, 10): high cost of Pt could limit its widespread tech-
creasing intrinsic activity leads to direct increases nological use. This has sparked a search for
in electrode activity in a manner that mitigates Volmer step: H+ + e– + * → H* (1) Earth-abundant catalysts that potentially could
transport issues arising from high catalyst load- replace Pt—a search where the development of
ings; with improved intrinsic activity, the catalyst Heyrovsky step: H* + H+ + e– → H2 + * (2) MoS2-based HER catalysts serves as an excellent
loading can be decreased, which also saves on example of theory-guided discovery and design
catalyst costs. Moreover, catalyst activity is mea- Tafel step: 2H* → H2 + 2* (3) of new electrocatalysts (10).
sured across many orders of magnitude; the differ- For decades, MoS2 was believed to be inactive
ence in intrinsic activity between a good catalyst The rate of the overall reaction is largely deter- for the HER (29). However, inspired by hydrogen-
and a poor catalyst can be more than 10 orders of mined by the hydrogen adsorption free energy, producing enzymes such as hydrogenases and
magnitude, whereas the difference between a DGH (16, 17). If hydrogen binds to the surface too nitrogenases in nature, DFT calculations were
high-loading and a low-loading catalyst might weakly, the adsorption (Volmer) step will limit performed on the Mo(1010) edge of MoS2, re-
only be one to three orders of magnitude (10). the overall reaction rate, whereas if the binding vealing that at 50% hydrogen coverage, it pos-
The field of electrocatalysis has seen much is too strong, the desorption (Heyrovsky/Tafel) sesses a DGH of 0.08 eV, near the optimal value
progress in recent years, as evidenced by the rap- step will limit the rate. Thus, a necessary but in- of 0 eV (Fig. 3A) (30). In stark contrast, the basal
idly increasing number of publications on this sufficient condition for an active HER catalyst is plane exhibits a DGH of 1.92 eV, which explains
subject. This review focuses on several quintes- DGH ≈ 0 (16, 17). In plotting experimentally mea- the poor activity of bulk MoS2 crystals (31). These
sential case studies of electrocatalysis for different sured exchange current densities for a wide range calculations led to the synthesis of MoS2 on a
energy conversion reactions, surveying state-of- of catalyst materials against DGH at the appropri- carbon black support to expose the edge sites
the-art catalyst materials and using theory as a ate coverage calculated from density functional and its subsequent examination in a membrane
means to rationalize trends in performance. By theory (DFT), a volcano relationship emerges—a electrode assembly setup (30). A geometric area–
examining multiple reactions involving water, quantitative illustration of the so-called Sabatier normalized current density of 10 mA cm−2geo was
hydrogen, and oxygen, we describe a framework principle (Fig. 3A) (18–20). An active catalyst achieved at ~175 mV overpotential, which at the
that reveals broader trends in electrocatalysis for binds reaction intermediate(s) neither too strong- time was the most active non–precious metal
clean energy conversion. ly nor too weakly. Understanding how to control HER catalyst reported in acid.

Seh et al., Science 355, eaad4998 (2017) 13 January 2017 2 of 12


Soon after, it was confirmed experimentally alyst activity (Figs. 2 and 3D). It was suggested all electrode activity is still limited, as generally
that the edges of MoS2 are indeed the catalytic that the enhanced activity of 1T-MoS2 over sim- only a small fraction of sites (edge sites) contrib-
active sites for the HER (32). Upon depositing ilarly prepared 2H-MoS2 was due to an increase ute to the reaction rate (Fig. 3, B to D) (10, 32).
a single monolayer of MoS2 nanoparticles on in the number of active edge sites, as well as a This has led to the design of molecular clusters
a Au(111) surface, the nanoparticle areas and decrease in the charge transfer resistance (38). with undercoordinated sulfur at the surface that
edge lengths were measured using scanning Another study further proposed that the edges of resemble the edges of MoS2, such as [Mo3S4]4+
tunneling microscopy, and the HER activity was 1T-MoS2 were not the main active sites and that cubanes (46, 47), MoIV-disulfide (48), and thiomo-
found to scale linearly with MoS2 perimeter the basal plane could be catalytically active lybdate [Mo3S13]2– complexes (49) (Fig. 3D). Fur-
length and not with MoS2 surface area (Fig. 3, instead (39). Most recently, it was shown that ther loading of catalyst material is another
B and D). The combination of theoretical and vacancies in the MoS2 basal plane also exhibit means of increasing the number of active sites,
experimental studies provided the key insight high activity that can be tuned by straining the but such an approach would eventually result
that only the MoS2 edges are active, thereby mo- MoS2 sheets (41). in limitations from mass and/or charge trans-
tivating the development of MoS2 catalysts with Amorphous molybdenum sulfide has also been port (Fig. 2). This has spurred the development

Downloaded from at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology on December 29, 2021
a substantial fraction of exposed edge sites. shown to possess high HER activity, primarily of other catalysts with higher intrinsic activity,
One promising approach to achieving this ex- due to its high surface area (Fig. 3D). Amorphous leveraging the theoretical framework of a de-
posure is by nanostructuring the MoS2 catalysts molybdenum sulfides can be prepared using scriptor based on DGH ≈ 0. These include tran-
(Fig. 2). To this end, a three-dimensional meso- electrodeposition (42) or wet chemical synthe- sition metal phosphides (50–59), selenides (60),
porous MoS2 nanostructure with a double-gyroid sis (43) without any thermal treatment, which borides (61), carbides (61, 62), and nitrides (63),
morphology was explored (Fig. 3D) (33). The nano- makes them attractive for certain applications some of which exhibit HER activities closer to
scale curvature of the double-gyroid structure min- where avoiding high-temperature sulfidation that of Pt in terms of the overpotential to reach
imizes the formation of extended basal planes, is desired—for example, in the fabrication of 10 mA cm−2geo. However, because of high catalyst
exposing a high density of active edge sites. As photoelectrochemical devices. The composition loadings and large surface areas, the non–precious
a result, the turnover frequency averaged across of the as-synthesized amorphous molybdenum metal systems are still orders of magnitude behind
all surface sites (TOFavg) of double-gyroid MoS2 sulfide materials was determined to be close to Pt in terms of TOFavg under acidic conditions
exceeded that of MoO3-MoS2 nanowires prepared MoS3, but upon applying reducing potentials in (Fig. 3, B to D). In alkaline media, state-of-the-
using a similar sulfidation technique by a factor an electrochemical cell, the surface transformed art non–precious metal catalysts have also been
of 2 to 4 (Fig. 3D) (33, 34). A shortcoming of the to MoS2, as evidenced by in situ studies (43, 44). developed, some of which (e.g., Ni-Mo systems)
double-gyroid structure, however, was the long Amorphous molybdenum sulfides can be fur- exhibit low overpotentials to reach 10 mA cm−2geo
electron transport distance from the active site to ther doped with transition metals such as Fe, (64–66). However, such systems also exhibit TOFavg
the conductive substrate, which led to increased Co, and Ni, improving their activity substan- values that are substantially lower than that of Pt,
resistive loss because the electron mobility per- tially (45). Under acidic conditions, the improve- values that are similar to those of non–precious
pendicular to MoS2 basal planes is lower than ment was largely due to an increase in surface metal systems in acid, hence leaving much room
the in-plane electron mobility by about three area, whereas TOFavg was improved in neutral for improvement (64–66). Homogeneous cata-
orders of magnitude (10). In an attempt to al- conditions. lysts with high TOFavg have also been developed,
leviate this problem, vertically aligned MoS2 The extensive engineering of MoS2-based cat- although they typically require large overpoten-
nanostructures were synthesized, which not only alysts over the years to increase the number of tials to reach appreciable current densities (Fig.
exposed a large number of edge sites at the sur- active sites has been remarkable, but their over- 3B) (67–69).
face but also enabled facile elec-
tron transport to the conductive
substrate (Fig. 3D) (35, 36).
Another attractive approach in
catalyst development is to dis-
perse nanoparticles on supports
with high surface area (Fig. 2).
For instance, MoS2 nanoparticles
were prepared on reduced graphene
oxide (RGO) nanosheets (37). Rel-
ative to the RGO-free synthesis,
use of the RGO support led to
better dispersion and reduced ag-
gregation of MoS2 nanoparticles,
resulting in superior activity due
to an increased number of edge
sites and enhanced charge trans-
port (Fig. 3B).
Intercalation of lithium ions
into the van der Waals gap of
MoS2 has also been investigated
as a means to increase the HER
activity by tuning the electron-
ic properties of MoS2 (Fig. 2)
(38–40). Lithium intercalation
leads to chemical exfoliation of
MoS2 and a phase transition from
the 2H semiconducting polymorph
to the 1T metallic polymorph, Fig. 2. Catalyst development strategies. Schematic of various catalyst development strategies, which aim to increase
another means to engineer cat- the number of active sites and/or increase the intrinsic activity of each active site.

Seh et al., Science 355, eaad4998 (2017) 13 January 2017 3 of 12


Developing non–precious metal analogs to Pt As a result, the search continues toward Earth- The free energies of all the above intermediates
for the HER in both acid and base remains an im- abundant materials with metallic conductivity have been calculated on a variety of close-packed
portant challenge. In addition to catalyst activity, and almost-invariant DGH that can open up new metal surfaces, and a volcano plot was con-
long-term stability is an equally important metric opportunities in the design of high-performance structed relating the theoretical ORR activity
and should be reported in conjunction with activity. electrocatalysts for both the HER and the HOR. and DEO, with Pt near the top (Fig. 4A) (71). For
Helpful approaches to assessing catalyst durability metals that bind oxygen too strongly, the ac-
include accelerated cyclic voltammetry tests, long- Oxygen reduction/evolution reactions tivity is limited by proton-electron transfer to
term stability studies that quantify the amount of The four-electron ORR (O2 + 4H+ + 4e– → 2H2O) O* or OH*. On the other hand, for metals that
catalyst leached into the electrolyte, and the use requires improved electrocatalysts to increase its bind oxygen too weakly, the activity is limited
of thin-film catalyst morphologies (10, 66). rate and efficiency (11, 12). Generally, the ORR by proton-electron transfer to O2* (associative
The hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR), which involves either four proton-electron transfers to mechanism) or splitting of the O-O bond in O2
involves the same reaction steps as the HER ex- reduce oxygen to water, desirable for fuel cells, (dissociative mechanism), depending on the ap-
cept in reverse, has received much less attention or a two–proton-electron pathway, attractive for plied potential (71).

Downloaded from at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology on December 29, 2021
in the context of non–precious metal catalyst the production of hydrogen peroxide (see below) Although the volcano framework presented
development (21, 70). According to theory, an (13). The four-electron pathway can proceed via in Fig. 4A is similar to that discussed above for
optimal HOR catalyst should also exhibit DGH ≈ 0 several mechanisms. A direct four-electron mech- the HER/HOR in Fig. 3A, there is a substantial
and reside at the top of the same volcano in Fig. 3A. anism can either be dissociative or associative difference. Unlike in the case of the HER/HOR
As such, we would expect Pt to be the best pure in nature, depending on the oxygen dissociation with one reaction intermediate, the four-electron
metal catalyst for both the HER and HOR in acid, barrier on the catalyst surface (71). An indirect ORR involves multiple intermediates (OOH*,
which is in fact observed experimentally (21, 70). four-electron mechanism involves first the two- OH*, O*), the binding energies of which are
However, this is not true for MoS2 catalysts, which electron pathway to hydrogen peroxide, followed strongly correlated and cannot be decoupled
show much poorer HOR activity relative to the by further reduction to water (71): easily because of scaling relations (71). In fact,
HER (32). Understanding the differences between the scaling relation DGOOH = DGOH + 3.2 ± 0.2 eV
precious metal and non–precious metal catalysts Dissociative: O2 + 2* → 2O* (4) was found to apply universally to both close-
for the HOR remains a frontier in research. One packed (111) and open-packed (100) facets of
distinction involves coverage effects in catalysis: 2O* + 2H+ + 2e– → 2OH* (5) face-centered cubic (fcc) metals and their alloys
The DGH of metallic Pt has little dependence on (Fig. 4B) (72, 73). As a result of this nonideal
hydrogen coverage, whereas that of MoS2 shows 2OH* + 2H+ + 2e– → 2H2O + 2* (6) scaling between OOH* and OH*, even a catalyst
substantial variation (31). Surface oxidation can calculated to be at the top of the ORR volcano
also play a role for some catalyst systems; for ex- Associative: O2 + * → O2* (7) plot with optimal DEO will have a nonzero the-
ample, with non–precious metals and metal alloys, oretical overpotential of 0.3 to 0.4 V (71–73).
the metallic surface expected during HER con- O2* + H+ + e– → OOH* (8) This is the origin of the observed overpotential
ditions is quite different from the metal oxide/ among even the very best ORR catalysts, in-
hydroxide surface that can form during HOR OOH* + H+ + e– → O* + H2O (9) cluding the extensively studied Pt-based sys-
conditions (20). Accurately modeling expected tems (Fig. 4C) (74).
surface structures and stoichiometries of the cat- O* + H+ + e– → OH* (10) In the development of Pt-based catalysts, con-
alyst material during different operating condi- siderable effort has been devoted to shape-controlled
tions represents a broader challenge in catalysis. OH* + H+ + e– → H2O + * (11) synthesis to tailor the ORR activities (Fig. 2). In

Fig. 3. The hydrogen evolution reaction. (A) HER volcano plot for metals and MoS2. [Reproduced with permission from (20, 32)] (B) TOFavg plots with
linear sweep voltammograms of various HER catalysts. Data obtained from (10, 32, 37, 51, 52, 59). State-of-the-art Ni-based homogeneous catalysts are
also included for comparison (67–69). (C) Chronological trend in overpotential of MoS2-based and phosphide HER catalysts. Data obtained from (10, 50–59)
and references therein. (D) Representative microscopy images of HER catalysts. [Reproduced with permission from (10, 32–34, 36, 39, 42, 49, 50)]

Seh et al., Science 355, eaad4998 (2017) 13 January 2017 4 of 12


nonadsorbing electrolytes such as perchloric acid, catalyst was enhanced by a factor of 1.5 to 1.8 reported to further enhance their ORR activities
the ORR activity of low-index facets in single- and that of the Pt3Y catalyst by a factor of 6 to (Fig. 4D) (104). In particular, doping with Mo led
crystalline Pt is known to follow the order (110) > 10 (97). This scheme has been expanded to in- to improvement in specific activity and mass ac-
(111) > (100) facets (75). When adsorbing electro- clude alkaline earth metals and the lanthanide tivity by factors of 81 and 73, respectively, relative
lytes such as sulfuric acid are used, the (100) facets series (98). To leverage the effects of nano- to commercial Pt/C catalysts. Computational re-
exhibit higher activity than their (111) counter- structuring, size-selected PtxY nanoparticles 4 sults indicate that Mo preferentially occupies
parts instead, as sulfate anions strongly adsorb to 9 nm in diameter were also prepared, the surface vertex and edge sites in the presence of
onto the (111) facets, blocking sites (76). These best of which exhibited a mass activity exceed- adsorbed oxygen, where it forms relatively strong
trends have inspired the development of Pt-based ing that of Pt nanoparticles by a factor of 3 (99). Mo-Pt and Mo-Ni bonds to stabilize both Pt and
catalysts with different morphologies and exposed The activity of the catalysts was found to in- Ni atoms against dissolution (104). Despite the
facets, including nanocubes (77), nanotubes (78), crease with decreasing average Pt-Pt distances, notable improvement in activity, the Mo-doped
nanowires (79), nanodendrites (80), and nano- indicating that compressive strain exerted on the Pt3Ni system still requires ~280 mV overpoten-
cages (81) (Fig. 4D). surface Pt atoms by the alloy core led to im- tial to reach 2 mA cm−2Pt, which is far from the

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Support effects can also play a role in catalyst proved catalytic activity, which is supported by equilibrium potential for the ORR, leaving sub-
activity and stability (Fig. 2). Currently, carbon further studies on mass-selected PtxGd nano- stantial opportunity for catalyst improvement
black is the most common support for Pt-based particles (99–101). (Fig. 4C).
catalysts (82–92). However, the instability of car- Another alloy found to outperform pure Pt is As discussed above, Pt is the best pure metal
bon black under high potentials related to weak Pt3Ni (95, 96). Extended single-crystal surfaces of catalyst for both the HER and HOR in acid,
Pt-C interactions has prompted the search for Pt3Ni(111), with a Pt-rich outermost layer caused essentially as a result of microscopic reversibil-
more stable supports that can anchor Pt catalysts by thermal annealing and restructuring in the ity: Both reactions involve the same steps, ex-
firmly, including Ti0.7Mo0.3O2 (93) and tin-doped near-surface region, were prepared (102). These cept in opposite directions. According to the
indium oxide (94), which have been shown to so-called Pt-skin structures showed a specific same reasoning, one might expect Pt, which is
enhance catalytic activities as well. activity 10 times that of Pt(111) and 90 times the best pure metal ORR catalyst, to perform as
Alloying is another extensively used strategy to that of state-of-the-art Pt/C catalysts. Subse- well for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER);
enhance the ORR performance of Pt-based cat- quently, three-dimensional Pt3Ni nanoframes however, this is not the case observed experi-
alysts (Fig. 2). Alloying can decrease the oxygen were synthesized from structural evolution of mentally (105). One reason is that microscopic
adsorption energy of the top Pt layer of Pt3M PtNi3 polyhedra in solution (Fig. 4D) (103). These reversibility only holds for a process taking place
alloys (M = Ni, Fe, Co, Ti) (95, 96). Pt3Sc and nanoframes with large, highly accessible surface close to equilibrium. When large overpotentials
Pt3Y were predicted theoretically to be promis- areas exhibited improvement in specific activity are needed to drive the reaction in the two
ing and stable Pt-based alloys for the ORR (97). and mass activity by factors of 22 and 36, respec- directions, the requirements for catalysis in each
This was confirmed experimentally using bulk tively, relative to state-of-the-art Pt/C catalysts, direction could be substantially different (106).
polycrystalline Pt3Sc and Pt3Y catalysts; rela- even after 10,000 potential cycles. Recently, dop- In addition, at the high positive potentials re-
tive to pure Pt, the specific activity of the Pt3Sc ing Pt3Ni octahedra with transition metals was quired for the OER, metals including Pt generally

Fig. 4. The oxygen reduction reaction. (A) ORR volcano plot for metals. [Reproduced with permission from (71)] (B) ORR theoretical limiting potential
plot for fcc (111) and (100) facets of metals and alloys. [Reproduced with permission from (73)] (C) Chronological trend in overpotential of Pt-based ORR
catalysts. Data obtained from (74, 82–92, 98, 104) and references therein. (D) Representative microscopy images of ORR catalysts. [Reproduced with
permission from (79, 82, 83, 103, 104)]

Seh et al., Science 355, eaad4998 (2017) 13 January 2017 5 of 12


undergo oxidation, which presents a different

type of surface than that pertaining under ORR
conditions (107, 108). Again, an important fron-
tier in catalysis research is the development of
improved methods, both experimental and the-
oretical, that can rapidly and accurately ascer-
tain the surface structure and stoichiometry of
the catalyst material during different operating
conditions. Such information is essential to gain
a full understanding of the reaction kinetics and
would put the community in a position to develop
the best possible catalyst materials.
Because catalyst materials for the OER are

Downloaded from at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology on December 29, 2021
generally metal oxides, volcano plots for the OER
have been constructed for a wide variety of metal
oxide surfaces (including rutile, perovskite, spinel,
rock salt, and bixbyite oxides) using DGO – DGOH Fig. 5. The oxygen evolution reaction. (A) OER volcano plot for metal oxides. Experimental and theo-
as the descriptor (109). Experimental overpoten- retical data were respectively obtained from (118) and (126) for CoOx-(a), NiCoOx, and CoFeOx; (118) and
tials at 1 mA cm−2cat are seen to overlay well on (123) for NiOx and NiFeOx; (129) and (130) for LaMO3 perovskites (applied +0.21 eV reverse solvation correction
the theoretical overpotential volcano when plotted to DGO – DGOH for consistency with other data); (113) and (117) for IrO2(110); (113) and (119) for IrO2(100); (107)
against this simple descriptor (Fig. 5A). A more and (109) for PtO2 [calculation assumes beta-(CaCl2) phase, which is more stable than the rutile phase
complete model would incorporate, among other according to (108)]; (119) for IrOx/SrIrO3 (calculation assumes IrO3/SrIrO3 active site); and (131) for FeCoW
things, more precise depictions of the catalytically (calculation assumes FeW-doped CoOOH as active site). Current densities (extrapolated at constant
active surfaces involved; for instance, it has been Tafel slope where necessary) were normalized to surface area by capacitance in (118) and by Brunauer-
observed that some of the perovskites (of chemical Emmett-Teller measurements and scanning electron microscopy in (129, 131). IrO2 and IrOx/SrIrO3 films
formula ABO3) in Fig. 5A undergo leaching of were found to be flat by atomic force microscopy. PtO2 (10−9 mol cm−2 loading) was assumed to be flat.
either A or B metal cations and surface amor- The volcano itself corresponds to DGOOH = DGOH + 3.2 eV (109). (B) Chronological trend in overpotential of
phization under OER conditions (110–112). In various OER catalysts in acid and alkali. Data obtained from (65, 105, 114–116, 118, 119, 122, 131) and
the absence of fully elucidated surface structures references therein. Data points marked with asterisks are normalized to oxide surface area.
for the resulting catalytically active surfaces, binding
energies from the ideal, stoichiometric terminations
were used in the construction of Fig. 5A. All surfaces surface area were prepared (Fig. 5B), exhibiting OER catalysts that possess both high activity and
studied among these broad classes of metal oxide low overpotential (191 mV at 10 mA cm−2geo) for stability in acidic media (e.g., for proton exchange
materials were found to obey a scaling relation the OER in alkaline electrolyte (131). When normal- membrane fuel cells and electrolyzers) remains a
between OOH* and OH* that is not ideal (DGOOH = ized to the catalyst surface area, many non–precious serious challenge (135). To achieve progress in this
DGOH + 3.2 ± 0.2 eV), similar to the case of metals metal oxide catalysts for the OER are at least as direction, a deeper understanding of the working
investigated for the ORR, again hindering the active as precious metal–based systems in alkali state of these catalysts and the nature of their
development of a catalyst with zero theoretical (65, 118). Some of these catalysts show bifunctional active sites is needed so as to control and tailor
overpotential (109). For OER catalysis in acid, activity for both the ORR and OER in alkaline their properties in the appropriate manner. A
IrO2 is a reasonably active metal oxide catalyst, media as well. By studying a series of perovskites, a combination of theory, computational studies,
as has been theoretically explained on the basis volcano-type relationship was established between and sophisticated in situ/in operando character-
of reasonable binding energies to reaction inter- ORR/OER activity and the filling of eg orbitals in ization techniques will help to address these
mediates (113–117). Although this catalyst has in- the surface metal cations, which can serve as critical issues.
deed been shown experimentally to be among the another descriptor of activity (128, 129). Optimal Although the thermodynamic limiting poten-
better OER catalysts today, based on activity and activity was found in the case of eg occupancy tial volcanoes as in Fig. 4A have been helpful in
stability under reaction conditions, it is far from close to unity, with high covalency of the tran- elucidating trends in ORR/OER catalysis, it is
an ideal OER catalyst in terms of activity and is sition metal–oxygen bond. desirable to move toward volcanoes derived from
not completely stable under high oxidative po- Metal-free catalysts have also recently emerged microkinetic modeling. In addition to the reac-
tentials (65, 105, 118). Recently, thin films of as a promising class of ORR/OER catalysts under tion energies of the elementary steps used in con-
IrOx/SrIrO3 were reported to show extremely high alkaline conditions (e.g., heteroatom-doped car- structing the thermodynamic volcano, such a model
OER activity in acid (270 mV at 10 mA cm−2oxide, bons) (132–134). By doping carbon with more requires information about the size of kinetic
normalized to oxide surface area) along with electronegative atoms such as nitrogen, a net barriers for each elementary step. Whereas the cal-
promising stability (119). The associated geomet- positive charge is created on adjacent carbon culation of kinetic barriers for non-electrochemical
ric area–normalized activity is also exceptional atoms (C+), which facilitates oxygen adsorption steps is well understood, the calculation of elec-
(Fig. 5B) despite the low surface area of the films; and charge transfer, resulting in enhanced trochemical kinetic barriers (including their po-
leveraging the excellent intrinsic activity with ORR/OER activity (132). This strategy has also tential dependence) is much more difficult with
formulations that provide higher surface area been extended to dopant atoms that are less current techniques (20, 23–28). In large part, this
(Fig. 2) could lead to further improvements in electronegative than carbon (such as boron), difficulty arises from the inherent restriction of
overall electrode activity. which create similar charge sites (such as B+) to DFT to calculations at constant charge rather than
Owing to the high cost and scarcity of precious facilitate the catalytic process (133). To exploit constant potential, which results in a changing
metals such as Pt, Ru, and Ir, non–precious metal synergistic effects of different dopant atoms, co- potential across the reaction coordinate. One
oxide catalysts such as nickel oxides (120–124), doping of carbon catalysts has been demonstra- scheme to circumvent this limitation involves
cobalt oxides (125, 126), manganese oxides (127), ted with success as well (134). extrapolation to the limit of an infinite unit
and multication perovskites (128–130) have also A typical shortcoming of non–precious metal cell, where a single charge transfer has negli-
been vigorously studied, although they are stable oxide and metal-free catalysts, however, is their gible impact on the simulated potential and thus
only under alkaline conditions. Recently, elec- poor stability in an acidic environment (65, 118). the reaction energy and barrier are obtainable at
trodes of ternary FeCoW oxyhydroxides with high Overall, the development of Earth-abundant ORR/ constant potential. By performing calculations

Seh et al., Science 355, eaad4998 (2017) 13 January 2017 6 of 12


with progressively larger unit cells, it has been relations among reactive intermediates involved (7, 13). The electrochemical reduction of oxygen
possible to extrapolate to the infinite cell size in the ORR/OER. Overcoming this particular lim- to hydrogen peroxide has generally been explored
limit, where a kinetic barrier of 0.26 eV was itation requires decoupling the binding energies in acidic environments because hydrogen perox-
found at zero driving force and a charge trans- of different intermediates—for instance, by sta- ide decomposes under alkaline conditions (7, 13).
fer coefficient of 0.5 for the reduction of OH* to bilizing OOH* with respect to OH* (109, 143). Overall, the production of hydrogen peroxide
H2O on Pt(111) (25). Although the volcano framework has helped to from oxygen involves two coupled electron-proton
Further studies have incorporated these kinetic elucidate this key concept, its implementation will transfers and one reaction intermediate (OOH*),
parameters for all four coupled proton-electron require substantial effort. A deeper understanding making it similar in complexity to the HER (13):
transfer steps of the ORR into a steady-state of the electrode-electrolyte interface and the
microkinetic model to study Pt(111) (136). Addi- associated kinetics would allow for more detailed O2 + * + H+ + e– → OOH* (12)
tionally, the reaction energies and barriers used strategies to design ORR/OER catalysts with truly
in the model were calculated in the presence of low overpotential. Developing a means to engi- OOH* + H+ + e– → H2O2 + * (13)
an explicit solvation bilayer of water and at the neer a catalyst material around known scaling

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most stable coverage that has been found both relations is just the first step in opening up oppor- As such, it is possible to find a catalyst with zero
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi and theoretically: a honeycomb tunities to create near-ideal ORR/OER catalyst theoretical overpotential that has an optimal
ð 3  3ÞR30 pattern with 2/3 monolayer H2O systems that would substantially increase the DGOOH, binding OOH* neither too strongly nor
and 1/3 monolayer OH (137–140). The formation efficiency of a wide range of energy conversion weakly (13). Although several catalysts, such as
of the two-electron product H2O2 was also con- devices. Pt (144), Ag (145), Au (146), Au-Pd alloys (146),
sidered, as shown in the free energy diagram nitrogen-doped carbon (147), and hierarchically
(Fig. 6A). Figure 6B compares the experimental Emerging reactions of interest porous carbon (148), have been explored, they
(black/gray) and simulated (pink/blue) polariza- Beyond the aforementioned reactions involving were found to exhibit only modest performance
tion curves (141, 142). With the additional con- the HER, HOR, ORR, and OER, there are a multi- in the production of hydrogen peroxide. Suitable
sideration of diffusion steps (pink), remarkable tude of other emerging energy conversion re- electrocatalysts would need to possess high se-
agreement is achieved between experiment and actions that are relatively less explored. Several lectivity toward the two-electron as opposed to
theory for both onset potential and saturation of them could potentially be game-changing if the four-electron pathway.
current density. Finally, the scaling relationships electrocatalysts with the right properties could DFT calculations have established a volcano
were used to generalize the model over a binding be developed. Although these reactions may in- framework that relates the theoretical overpoten-
energy descriptor space and thus create a theoret- volve a different set of reaction intermediates, tial to DGOOH for the two-electron reduction of
ical volcano derived from microkinetic modeling mechanisms, and number of electrons trans- oxygen to hydrogen peroxide (13), and experi-
(Fig. 6C). This study demonstrates progress in ferred, the concepts of descriptors and volcanoes mental overpotentials at 1 mA cm−2 are over-
the modeling of multistep electrochemical re- to assess activity and selectivity also represent a laid on this plot (149) (Fig. 7A). For metals that
actions at the complicated electrode-electrolyte first important step in gaining the understand- bind OOH* strongly, the four-electron ORR will
interface, but the path forward requires even ing needed to accelerate catalyst development dominate over the two-electron pathway. On the
more detailed and efficient methods of deter- in these areas. other hand, in the case of weak OOH* binding,
mining electrochemical barriers, an important the two- and four-electron volcano plots overlap
frontier ahead. Hydrogen peroxide production each other, which indicates a compromise in ac-
Despite extensive research over the years to The development of an electrochemical process tivity for hydrogen peroxide selectivity with weak-
develop ORR/OER catalysts in both acids and to directly reduce oxygen to hydrogen peroxide er OOH* binding (13, 149). As a result, the most
bases, most state-of-the-art catalysts still require (O2 + 2H+ + 2e– → H2O2) would be advantageous promising catalyst with both high activity and
far-from-ideal overpotentials of 0.25 to 0.4 V to because it could replace the conventional, energy- selectivity toward hydrogen peroxide would be
reach current densities of interest (Figs. 4C and intensive anthraquinone process with a protocol found at the apex of the two-electron volcano plot.
5B) (74, 105). The theoretical framework presented directly coupled to renewable electricity for safer Theoretically predicted Pt-Hg, Pd-Hg, and Ag-Hg
above shows that this is largely due to scaling deployment in a modular, decentralized fashion alloys showed not only impressive mass activity but

Fig. 6. Microkinetic modeling for the oxygen reduction reaction. (A) Free curves on Pt(111) at room temperature in 0.1 M HClO4 at a rotation speed of
energy diagrams for O2 reduction to H2O and H2O2 on Pt(111) at 0.9 V versus 1600 rpm are shown for comparison (141, 142).The inset shows a Tafel plot with
RHE, showing the pathway for reduction to H2O2 and the dominating pathway to a slope of 59 mV/decade indicated. [Reproduced with permission from (136)]
H2O proceeding through electrochemical reduction of OOH*A. [Reproduced with (C) Simulated kinetic volcano at 0.9 V versus RHE compared to the limiting po-
permission from (136)] (B) Simulated polarization curve and kinetic current tential volcano and experiments on (111) facets, with experimental labels for
density on Pt(111) at a rotation speed of 1600 rpm. Experimental polarization Cu/Pt(111), Pt(111), Pt3Ni(111), and Pd(111). [Reproduced with permission from (136)]

Seh et al., Science 355, eaad4998 (2017) 13 January 2017 7 of 12


also high selectivity (>95%) in the synthesis of broadly classified according to their selectivity to- cies, promoters, and hydrogen bond donors or
hydrogen peroxide (13, 149). The rational design ward their major product of reaction: (i) carbon acceptors (153, 157).
approach in this work has uncovered impor- monoxide (e.g., Au, Ag), (ii) formate (e.g., Pb, Sn), The formation of C2+ species is yet more com-
tant concepts to begin screening and identify- (iii) hydrocarbons (e.g., Cu), and (iv) hydrogen plex, as C-C bond formation is another reaction
ing more attractive catalyst candidates for this (e.g., Pt, Ni). On the basis of the combined theo- step to consider. Two pathways have been iden-
reaction, in particular to bypass the toxicity of retical and experimental framework described tified. In one pathway, carbon monoxide is first
Hg. Building on the thermodynamic-based frame- above, an initial volcano plot was constructed to hydrogenated, which makes the formation of the
work and extending it to understand kinetic understand catalytic trends in carbon dioxide C-C bond more facile (158). In the other path-
barriers and interfacial processes in greater de- reduction. Figure 7B consists of DFT calculations way, adsorbed carbon monoxide dimerizes first
tail, across a broader range of materials and re- that relate the theoretical limiting potential to (159–161). For ethanol formation, acetaldehyde
action conditions, would help to provide further DFT-calculated DECO (154), and overlaid are ex- was recently identified as an important intermed-
insights for the development of scalable catalysts perimental onset potentials for the formation of iate (162). Given the complexity of the carbon di-
that are selective to hydrogen peroxide while methane and/or methanol, the earliest potentials oxide reduction reaction, more computational

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operating at low overpotentials. at which either product is detected (155). In the and experimental work is needed to elucidate
case of metals that bind CO* too strongly, the the underlying reaction mechanisms and inter-
Carbon dioxide reduction reaction overpotential is dictated by the protonation of mediates. Further insight can also be gained by
Another important energy conversion reaction CO* to CHO*, whereas for metals that bind CO* studying the related carbon monoxide reduction
involves the electroreduction of carbon dioxide to too weakly, the overpotential is dictated by the reaction, which is similar to carbon dioxide re-
value-added products using renewable energy as protonation of CO(g) to CHO*, where CO desorp- duction but avoids potential catalyst-poisoning
an input (14). Like the ORR, this is a multielectron tion is the competing reaction (154). For the for- effects from the formation of formate (161–163).
reduction reaction involving a number of different mation of methane/methanol, Cu was found to
surface-bound reaction intermediates (150–153). reside near the top of the volcano plot with op- Nitrogen reduction reaction
However, unlike the ORR (which has only two timal DECO, albeit with a substantial theoretical Inspiration for the electroreduction of nitrogen
major end products, water or hydrogen perox- overpotential of ~0.8 V due to limitations from (N2 + 6H+ + 6e– → 2NH3) can be drawn from
ide), there are a vast number of possible carbon scaling relations (154, 155). This is unsurprising, the nitrogenase enzymes in bacteria that per-
dioxide reduction products, including carbon mon- given the many reaction steps and intermedi- form nitrogen fixation at room temperature and
oxide, formate, formaldehyde, methane, metha- ates involved for each product; several of the atmospheric pressure (15). Early studies demon-
nol, and C2+ hydrocarbons and oxygenates; many intermediates are C1 species that likely bind to strated the feasibility of this process in a synthet-
of these products require a large number of the metal in a similar manner (e.g., between the ic context (164, 165), helping to motivate the
protons and electrons transferred, and possibly carbon atom and the metal surface) (156). Again, development of catalysts including Pt (166), Rh
proceed through different intermediates as well this points to the imperative of breaking the (167), and Ru (167, 168). As with carbon dioxide
(150–153). Thus, steering catalyst selectivity among scaling relations among the various reaction reduction, the nitrogen reduction reaction in-
the many carbon-based products is a major chal- intermediates—a necessary although perhaps volves multiple intermediates, and the HER is
lenge, compounded by the fact that the equilib- insufficient condition for a carbon dioxide reduc- a major competing reaction, making selectivity
rium potentials for most of the carbon dioxide tion catalyst that produces methane/methanol a great challenge (15). Experimental results so far
reduction half-reactions are close to 0 V versus with increased activity by many orders of magni- show extremely poor performance (high overpo-
RHE, making the HER an additional competing tude. Theoretical guidance suggests that strength- tentials, low current densities, and low selectiv-
reaction beyond those toward unwanted carbon- ening the binding energy of CHO* (or, more ity); there is much room for improvement (15).
based by-products (150–153). Therefore, for carbon precisely, the transition state energy for the To provide theoretical guidance, a volcano
dioxide reduction to be commercially viable, elec- coupled proton-electron transfer to adsorbed CO) plot was constructed using DFT calculations to
trocatalysts would need to possess both high ac- relative to that of CO* would enable the proto- relate the theoretical limiting potential to DEN
tivity and high selectivity toward the particular nation of CO* to CHO* at a less negative poten- on a variety of metal surfaces (Fig. 7C) (169, 170).
product of interest. tial and lead to substantially lower overpotential This framework again provides a means to un-
In the 1980s, carbon dioxide reduction was (153). This can potentially be achieved through a derstand some of the key points to consider
investigated on a wide variety of heterogeneous number of strategies, including alloying, electro- involving elemental metal catalysts for this reac-
elemental surfaces (150). The catalysts studied were lyte additives, ionic liquids, tethering surface spe- tion: Metals that bind nitrogen too weakly are

Fig. 7. Emerging reactions of interest. (A) Volcano plot for hydrogen peroxide production on metals and alloys. [Reproduced with permission from (149)]
(B) Volcano plot for carbon dioxide reduction on metals. [Reproduced with permission from (154, 155)] (C) Volcano plot for nitrogen reduction (NRR) on
metals, with that of HER overlaid for comparison. [Reproduced with permission from (170)]

Seh et al., Science 355, eaad4998 (2017) 13 January 2017 8 of 12


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Combining theory and experiment in electrocatalysis: Insights into materials
Zhi Wei SehJakob KibsgaardColin F. DickensIb ChorkendorffJens K. NørskovThomas F. Jaramillo

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Science, 355 (6321), eaad4998. • DOI: 10.1126/science.aad4998

Better living through water-splitting

Chemists have known how to use electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen for more than 200 years.
Nonetheless, because the electrochemical route is inefficient, most of the hydrogen made nowadays comes from
natural gas. Seh et al. review recent progress in electrocatalyst development to accelerate water-splitting, the reverse
reactions that underlie fuel cells, and related oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide reductions. A unified theoretical
framework highlights the need for catalyst design strategies that selectively stabilize distinct reaction intermediates
relative to each other.
Science, this issue p. 10.1126/science.aad4998

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