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1/11/22, 8:25 AM How to read content repository attachments and convert mail sent from cl_bcs=>short_message to HTML message

message along wit…


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Janagar Sundaramoorthy
February 25, 2016
| 16 minute read

How to read content repository

attachments and convert mail sent
from cl_bcs=>short_message to
HTML message along with
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Original requirement:

Requirement is to retrieve the all the files attached in Content repository though GOS for a
particular document and pull formatted text from SO10 and attach those attachments
retrieved from Archiving and send it as a HTML mail , but before sending mail the client can
modify the content , add the receivers whoever needs the mail and also they can able to edit
the attachments (ie., delete or add whichever they need) .

Background to the issue:

Recently we had a requirement , where the client wants to edit the content of the mail being
sent and modify the attachments as they need on the go and send that mail in HTML mail

The following are the difficulties.

1. How to retrieve the contents from Archieve server(ie., Sharepoint /SAP content repository)?

2. How to enable the user to edit the attachments and edit the body of the mail on the go?… 1/11
1/11/22, 8:25 AM How to read content repository attachments and convert mail sent from cl_bcs=>short_message to HTML message along wit…

3. The last challenge is emerged from the solution given from the step 2 (No other go we found
in the short time , may be you viewers should able to provide it).

Despite of these challenges we faced some other issues , that i’ll be explain as and when we
move through the blog.

Detailed steps:

1. How to get the content repository archieve id:

1.   SELECT SINGLE archiv_id 

2.          FROM toaom 
3.          INTO lv_arc_id 
4.          WHERE sap_object = lc_objtype AND 
5.                ar_object = lc_object. 

2.How to retrieve the list of documents attached under a particular document

There are many blogs which says how to retrieve the normal attachments from GOS. But there
are only one or two blog which i found for retriving the archieved document(Stored in
Sharepoint (Via Gimmal setup) / SAP content repository.


2.           EXPORTING 
3.             objecttype    = lc_objtype 
4.             object_id     = lv_obect_id 
5.             client        = sy-mandt 
6.             archiv_id     = lv_arc_id 
7.             until_ar_date = sy-datum 
8.           IMPORTING 
9.             count         = lv_count 
10.           TABLES 
11.             connections   = lit_connections 
12.           EXCEPTIONS 
13.             nothing_found = 1 
14.             OTHERS        = 2. 

The above code helps in retrieving the all the document details attached to GOS ( attachments
through store business document) 3. How to Read the description of the Archived
attachment:Normally for Archive objects , we wont be able to track the actual name  of the
object and to enable this specific note 1451769 has to be implemented.It has to be queried
from the table TOAAT table by passing the ARC_DOC_ID obtained from LIT_CONNECTION
Table.… 2/11
1/11/22, 8:25 AM How to read content repository attachments and convert mail sent from cl_bcs=>short_message to HTML message along wit…

4.To read the individual attachment and move to Dynamic screen where the user can
able to edit the attachements and edit the body of the mail:

1.   LOOP AT lit_connections ASSIGNING <lfs_connections>. 

2.             IF <lfs_connections> IS ASSIGNED. 
3.               lv_doctype = <lfs_connections>-reserve. 
4. * Get the Content of each entry from GOS Archive attachment) 
6.                 EXPORTING 
7.                   archiv_id                = <lfs_connections>-archiv_id 
8.                   archiv_doc_id            = <lfs_connections>-arc_doc_id 
9.                   document_type            = lv_doctype 
10.                   length                   = lv_length 
11.                   offset                   = lv_offset 
12.                 IMPORTING 
13.                   binlength                = lv_length 
14.                 TABLES 
15.                   binarchivobject          = lit_data 
16.                 EXCEPTIONS 
17.                   error_archiv             = 1 
18.                   error_communicationtable = 2 
19.                   error_kernel             = 3 
20.                   OTHERS                   = 4. 
21.               IF sy-subrc EQ space. 
22.                 TRY . 
23.                     CALL METHOD
24.                       EXPORTING 
25.                         im_tab_1024 = lit_data[] 
26.                       RECEIVING 
27.                         re_tab_255  = lit_bdata[]. 
28.                   CATCH cx_bcs INTO lref_bcs. 
29.                     MESSAGE i022(zw2c) WITH lref_bcs->error_type. 
30.                 ENDTRY. 
31.                 CLEAR: lv_len,lv_len1. 
32. ***change done by Janagar (For file name Note:        1451769) 
33.                 READ TABLE lit_att_desc INTO lwa_att_desc WITH KEY arc_doc_id
= <lfs_connections>-arc_doc_id 
34.                  BINARY SEARCH. 
35.                 IF sy-subrc = 0. 
36.                   lv_att = lwa_att_desc-filename. 
37.                 ENDIF.… 3/11
1/11/22, 8:25 AM How to read content repository attachments and convert mail sent from cl_bcs=>short_message to HTML message along wit…

38. ***end of change done by Janagar (for file name Note: 1451769) 
39.                 DESCRIBE TABLE lit_bdata  LINES lv_len . 
40.                 lv_len = lv_len * 2 * 255. 
41.                 lv_len1 = lv_len. 
42.                 lref_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document( 
43.                                 i_type    = lc_a_type “lc_i_type “ changed by janagar 
44. ****added by janagar 
45.                                 i_length = lv_len1 
46.                                 i_hex = lit_bdata[] 
47. ****end of addition by janagar 
48.                                 i_subject = lv_att ). 
49.                 APPEND lref_document TO lit_attachments. 
50.               ENDIF. 
51.             ENDIF. 
52.           ENDLOOP. 
53.           UNASSIGN <lfs_connections>. 
54.           CALL METHOD lref_send_request->set_document( lref_document ). 
55.         ENDIF. 
56.         IF i_link = abap_true. 
57.           lwa_object = i_object. 
58.         ENDIF. 
59. *     Sender infor 
60.         lref_sender = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( 
61.                   i_sender ). 
62.         lref_send_request->set_sender( lref_sender ). 
63.         IF i_t_emails[] IS NOT INITIAL. 
64.           LOOP AT i_t_emails ASSIGNING <lfs_emails>. 
65.             IF <lfs_emails> IS ASSIGNED. 
66.               lv_mail = <lfs_emails>-smtp_addr. 
67.               lref_rec = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( lv_mail ). 
68.               lwa_recipients-recipient = lref_rec. 
69.               APPEND  lwa_recipients TO lit_recipients. 
70.             ENDIF. 
71.           ENDLOOP. 
72.           UNASSIGN <lfs_emails>. 
73.         ENDIF. 
74.         lref_send_request = cl_bcs=>short_message( 
75.             i_subject       = i_subject 
76.             i_text          = i_t_note 
77.             i_recipients    = lit_recipients 
78.             i_sender        = lref_sender 
79.             i_attachments   = lit_attachments… 4/11
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80. *          i_appl_object   = lwa_object 

81.             i_starting_at_x = 2 
82.             i_starting_at_y = 1 ). 
83.         COMMIT WORK AND WAIT. 
84.         e_send_request = lref_send_request->oid( ). 
85.       CATCH cx_bcs INTO lref_bcs. 
86.         MESSAGE i022(zw2c) WITH lref_bcs->error_type. 

I_T_NOTE is been populated by retriveing the text dynamically from the Standard text and
replace the variables in the standard text by usingTEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE function module.

Now we have done everything we want and now the main challenge here is how to read the
modified content and attachment done by the user.

I have debugged and managed to get the enhancement place , where i can get the attachments
dynamically.When we call the short message there will a FM called SO_DYNP_OBJECT_SEND ,
this will enable the popup to populate the values and edit the attachments dynamically and
also convert the Text contents to HTML contents. The original popup out of this code will be
like below… 5/11
1/11/22, 8:25 AM How to read content repository attachments and convert mail sent from cl_bcs=>short_message to HTML message along wit…

Now the attachments here are visible as BIN because if i keep it as JPG , when the user double
clicks on the attachments it gives the error and now in binary mode if the user prompts save it
to JPG as in our case it is only JPG attached to the GOS content repository.

Now the following archive document has to be sent as mail.

For converting the above contents to html the following enhancement has to be created. create
an implicit enhancement at the end of SO_DYNP_OBJECT_SEND function module and
following steps has to be followed.

a) Convert the text format internally , OBJCONT has the body of the text container.

1. * Convert RTF to RAW 

3.       EXPORTING 
4.         line_size   = 80 
5.       TABLES 
6.         objcont_old = objcont 
7.         objcont_new = objcont. 

b) add html tags to the existing content.

1. *Adding line break. 

2.       LOOP AT objcont ASSIGNING <lfs_objcont>. 
3.         CONCATENATE <lfs_objcont>-LINE ‘<br/>’ INTO <lfs_objcont>-LINE
SEPARATED BY space.… 6/11
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4.       ENDLOOP. 
5. *  Add Font and html tag at the start of the code 
6.       objcont-LINE = ‘<html><body> <basefont face=”Arial” size=”2″>’. 
7.       INSERT objcont INTO objcont INDEX 1. 
8. *Add the image or company logo at the end of end of the mail , just add the
following Tag 
9. * Add Image 
10.       cl_mime_repository_api=>get_api( )->get( 
11.       EXPORTING i_url = `/SAP/PUBLIC/xxx.jpg` 
12.       IMPORTING e_content = lv_current ). 
13. **** 
14. Add end tag to HTML. 
15.       objcont-LINE = ‘</body></html>’. 
16.       APPEND objcont. 

1. *Convert XString data to Itab 

2.       WHILE lv_current IS NOT INITIAL. 
3.         lwa_hex-LINE = lv_current. 
4.         APPEND lwa_hex TO lit_hex1. 
5.         SHIFT lv_current LEFT BY 255 PLACES IN BYTE MODE. 
6.       ENDWHILE. 
7.       DESCRIBE TABLE lit_hex1 LINES lv_img1_size. 
8.       lv_img1_size = lv_img1_size * 255. 
9. *  Attach HTML Data to Mail 
10.       lr_email_body = cl_document_bcs=>create_document( 
11.       i_type = ‘HTM’ 
12.       i_text = lit_data 
13.       i_subject = lv_subject ). 
14.       lv_object_id-objtp = objects-objtp. 
15.       lv_object_id-objyr = objects-objyr. 
16.       lv_object_id-objno = objects-objno. 
17.       . 
18.       lv_attachment = cl_document_bcs=>getu_instance_by_key( i_sood_key
= lv_object_id ). 
19. ***while doing the above step , there would be a text file which has contents
from the text container also passed as an attachment along with the image
and to segregate this we have to use the below logic. 
20.       CALL METHOD lv_attachment->if_document_bcs~get_body_part_count 
21.       RECEIVING 
22.       re_count = lv_count 
23.       . 
24.       lv_count = lv_count – 1.… 7/11
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25.       DO lv_count TIMES. 

26.         lv_count1 = sy-INDEX + 1. 
27.         CALL METHOD lv_attachment-
28.         EXPORTING 
29.           im_part       = lv_count1 
30.           receiving 
31.           re_attributes = lv_attrib. 
32.         . 
33.         lv_atta_size = lv_attrib-filename. 
34.         CALL METHOD lv_attachment-
35.         EXPORTING 
36.           im_part        = lv_count1 
37.           receiving 
38.           re_content     = ls_comment. 
39.         DESCRIBE TABLE ls_comment-cont_hex LINES lv_lines. 
40.         lit_att_size = lv_lines * sy-tleng . 
41.         lr_email_body->add_attachment( 
42.         EXPORTING 
43.           i_attachment_type    = ‘jpg’ 
44.           i_attachment_subject = lv_atta_size 
45.           i_attachment_size    = lit_att_size 
46.           i_att_content_hex    = ls_comment-cont_hex ). 
47.       ENDDO. 
48. *Attach Image to Mail 
49.       lr_email_body->add_attachment( 
50.       EXPORTING 
51.         i_attachment_type     =  ‘jpg’                  ” DOCUMENT CLASS FOR
52.         i_attachment_subject  =  ‘img1’                ” ATTACHMENT TITLE 
53.         i_attachment_size     =  lv_img1_size           ” SIZE OF DOCUMENT
54.         i_att_content_hex     =  lit_hex1 ). 
55.       . 
56.       lv_email = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ). 
57.       lv_email->set_document( lr_email_body ). 
58. *  Add Receivers 
59.       LOOP AT rec_tab. 
60.         IF rec_tab-adr_name IS NOT INITIAL. 
61.           lv_mail_address = rec_tab-adr_name.… 8/11
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62.           lv_receiver = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(

lv_mail_address ). 
63.           lv_email->add_recipient( i_recipient = lv_receiver ). 
64.         ENDIF. 
65.         CLEAR: rec_tab. 
66.       ENDLOOP. 
67. *  Add Sender 
68.       lref_sender = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
‘‘ ). 
69.       lv_email->set_sender( i_sender = lref_sender ). 
70.       lv_email->set_send_immediately( ‘X’ ).  “SEND EMAIL DIRECTLY 
71. *Send 
72.       lv_email->send( i_with_error_screen = ‘X’ ). 
73.       IF sy-subrc = 0. 
74. * Commit Work 
75. This part is to commit HTML mail and interupt the actual text mail 
76.         COMMIT WORK. 
77.         MESSAGE S001(00) WITH ‘Message Sent Successfully’. 
78.         LEAVE TO SCREEN 0. 
79.       ENDIF. 
80.     ENDIF. 
The mail looks like this.

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ABAP Extensibility my first blog.

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1/11/22, 8:25 AM How to read content repository attachments and convert mail sent from cl_bcs=>short_message to HTML message along wit…

read archieve document

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