A Collection of A Lyrical Mind Michael B. Molina: The Persistence

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A Collection of a Lyrical Mind

Michael B. Molina

the persistence

your eyes inviting,

and lips to which my lips hunger,
and smile a torrid, persist today;
with me, in concert they sleep tonight,
they stayed, not pray, tomorrow,
oh! they did;
for the you persist today.



the lecture

the greens do save

the reds in my heart’s eye.
a lecture does, mine torn
the chief intangible from even
the sweet lips.
the greens do save
most Powerful yet is this.

my guiltless Eyes have sinned today

my guiltless Eyes have sinned today when

your lips and scent and body forced me
to kiss and sense and touch them pleas’rab
-ly. Hard it is so tense constrict. Be
not moving so I wouldn’t pray- dab.

my guiltless Eyes have sinned today for

the eyes upon my eyes beheld, look!-
it pulls me though I so resist to.
the you in truth, I am attached- hooked.
to last this feel the most I ask to.

my guiltless Eyes have sinned today as

the mortal wrongly chose an equal
proscribed! denied! exiled! inopp’tune!
desire but I, it’s strongly sexual
be not my sinned and guiltless Eyes impugned.
the spirits

your coming is inflammatory

like bottles- slow- with plea sure- ah, some times
past- the sorry effect
pressing- a beneficial intoxication
paroxysmal- oops! –dead
the morning effect.

the scarlet bell

On a tree lengthy, closely climbed and clasped clever Michael

On the grass slept many of its red bells-fell
Hands on its bark clamped; strongly bound
A leaf fell on the green grassy thorny ground

Slowly, slightly he slouched on a hesitating branch

Facing South mouth had a gout of its juice and munched
He thrifty threw half of a three score apples and three on the mound
Two leaves fell on the green grassy thorny ground

Chanting and chewing and chuckling idle Michael

With scores of scarlet fresh apples his joy can’t tell
Straightened, thrusting his arms collecting fruits around
And three leaves fell on the green grassy thorny ground

With overmuch munching and chasing, he, without flaunting tired feelings
Virtually vied with risk for the virgin bells – harvested all the bearings
On the mound with thundering sound like of pounds a boy found
Michael fell on the green grassy thorny ground!

on the way

I saw. I saw –
A madman’s
Mind a mixed
That of.
I saw unplanned.


To a line
To you-

When an orchid from unbent a trunk its roots were held

-availed of active poison from the shaft of life.
If Account unbeknownst to commensal’s refuge
As a frog that shelters from a tree upon the wet- is
Unturned- ineffable sweet gains from the silent ignorance
-is fear and horror as the undergrowth decides.

one the mute

in truth, in vain
is this, the pierce the pain
to one the mute
to lover, to saint-disdain
'tis love a calf, the inwards remain
mum's the word, the beggar's gain
the littlest the distance
the most the pain
the bitter the inwards slain
'tis best, 'tis the sweetest regain
for alas! it's in, the feel-
the master's gain




to the fertile ground of endless length

to the elements bound;
an amorseko eyed by soil
cornered by firmament and solids
it lived by perfumed grass
It lived by earth
he's dead living by soul,
he's dead..
when i die

When i die, there shall no tears be

Pouring from my mother's eyes
There shall no wailing be
Drafted from my father's and sisters' and brothers' faces
Not a drop from who are not and friends.
No harm will in me to happen
To places shall my Lord bring me.
When i die it's my contentment
That i always seek to be sentenced
There shall no dark clouds in every mind
For when i die,
I shall myself come to find.

dearest Jane

How long, long my eager and carnal soul

That wherever death after, puts stay will
Is for you my love stands to thorough fall;
Oh! But my worthless body disappears.
Never I be will in finished despair
Heart shall forever dwell beyond confines
For the love I have the great fair and square.
Forbear to loving you prints me no signs.
My heart though yea marooned, your gate repelled
I’ll hope not a little neither warmth wane;
Naught short of God make my love be halted
For your soul – deathless to me Dearest Jane!

the little bird

Captured was my heed by a little bird

That flies and dives in the wind – nothing but a bird
Carry its little wings – little bird.
I wonder why alone the poor Pusiw bird
Sent little bird perched excitingly on a branch
A soft and a bony and a horizontal branch,
Swerves as the cold wind shoves - a branch.
Little bird in bliss tweets on the branch.
As it shoulders harder little bird sings happily
Holds the courage, faces the chance happily
For though half of life to fall and evanesce unhappily
Knows he the salutary wings to fly very happily.
I saw the bird not but by eyes but by my mind.
Come to count that if birds have the mind
And that man has the vast mind
Worry why the man though luckless of wings
have the One accords him the mind.

Rain it goes on days when hidden is the sun

Nor fair weather merely comes,
Dancing are the plants surprisingly sprung
Nowhere in the islands that are scattered over lands
On the side of the meadow once there was
Offshoot developed amazingly it was!
Behind is, herself when turned older
Unconditionally to give love and dream
And her humble lasting shades;
So to have wits, be fruitful and robust never to fade.
When unlikely,
The grown had her bidding to forever leave;
Leave her offshoot something to live!


Along the way I walked – feet naked;

Along the way carried by my feet undecided;
Thinking of many things while along the way;
I continued my straight steps anyway.
Had people strongly been part of my walks
Had people undoubtedly formed my body – wise it looks.
Everything to me could they drag let alone my thoughts.
For whoever, when mind been lost, he lost.
One can never take something aren’t them
Like wits of some
Wouldn’t be like yours - the same.

passing cars

I was sitting by the road on a bench cemented,

The drizzle that pours makes me and my mind suspended.
Inside of minutes it came partly abated
Like my love assumed has bubbled – ‘tis dead.
Peeping on the marshes exhibit cars passing so swiftly;
Better are them might’ve gone themselves fast verily.
Only if one’s feeling – severe – is alike
Many as the cars that passed forget and seen the light.
If only my love for HER is as quick as the running wheel
Hadn’t been I in this state so grave the way I feel.
Differing somehow, one may feel
When HE can’t get off the things wishes he to kill.
The drizzle has finally stopped
But love unceasingly never ended up.

about friends

Three mosquitoes in a mud hole where most they sojourn – friends.

In bliss they live, the best they are likely not part;
Make no place asunder from one.
The most side on the greenish watery mud on the brink of
Grasses circling it where they flock – shared blood!
Sudden, had a tempest punished and polished and perished
With all might cleared where it passed.
Maybe of earth’s inevitable roots creeping under; and
Juice of mosquitoes’ black blood, mushroomed with all catastrophes – the land.
Cleared and closed the clays had it brought
That the mosquitoes had fought – lives lifted long live they be!
Had the other embraced but one intimate to his heart,
When a big roll of tears
With its brows had run with a crying heart.
Left, the one convincing yet; knows he a place lest they die.
Been had they told – mind yet firm persuaded not.
Essayed he saving himself, but two,
In their affinity held – save selves both –
Let one his legs helped be of himself.
Ill-fated, die down the egotists; ceased root and branch!
The good survived of his soul courtly and benignant.
Came the lit emerged the King of Day!
They might friends be; proceeds real they but when come trouble!
Fingers are friends ever near at hand never at a same point,
May you call them friends; ever one close to one yet friends they are!
Be the thumb not far a friend but stands its own.

on face with blades

Odyssey – covered a path green.

Leaves lit a speck –
Silvers by the side leans
Confused feet seemed wreck.

Suffered unseen ways yet driven to reach.

Most sent felt – bended knees
On face with blades, of the contentment seek,
Seeking nectars hard yet enjoying for the bees.

On the sky hold, many though a slip;

In grim, light in mind need.
Darkened of stolid feelings jump not in cliff
God by the side ever succor – holy – feed.

the most command

Smile! Smile! Smile!

The moons in its half for though do!
Love! Love! Love!
Terra firma – in peace – green coated so do blue!
Guffaw! Guffaw! Guffaw!
The inspired thundered much with cheers!
Grin! Grin! Grin!!
Not but with enemies nor who provokes so the peers!
Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!
Like roofs graced with rains dropping an ocean of tears!
Chortle! Chortle! Chortle!
Roar and whistle and roll free – thrush away fears!
Screeching shrubs in wind with gusto it shows,
Wear worn wicked shoes yet fellows,
Been pressed and punched though
Smile it can when faced to foes!
Mask a clown paints full of hues;
Wearied perhaps by inside telling on visage never lose!
The Life’s Engineer in ecstasy but if you smile!
The pearls be shown, diamonds exhibited with happiness ‘til you cry!
Alas! But smile!
Till the lips of day close with darkness –
Hearts are young though inevitable to die!
Smile! Smile! Smile!

happiness on being sad

Let joys and grieves and sound merged be,

The night and day and the half line are same – I can see.
The but difference are difference of colors
That night is dark and day with light – changes my course
Sadness is father of happiness without it.
Comfortable though the seat, feel used long – will stand you the feet.
I – happy being in the sad
I’m not the happy so I’m glad.
So I’ll not feel any lonely when gusts swerve
Take the wheel ever positive.
If I’m happy being sad much happiness will I grab if happy I am.

a flower telling to me

Passed a ray of light on my toe,

Find where it came from; continued to follow.
‘Til caught – a flower – my attention
Fresh and pretty and frosted in its bloom!

I blushed and merrily jumped in joy

‘Til twilight and dews covered it with no coy;
Came I a day to look after it
Sudden, my flower was withered – I virtually quit!

Heavily it rained, passed many a day.

Long I waited till it gives flower to lay!
Glad by the bloom was I –
By its enchanting ornament almost I die.

I seized and cherished every moment

Needs it all I do in contentment.
But out of the blue came a day;
I saw my flower – nothing can I say!

But cry and cry and cry and;

Cry after a cry!
It was never dried yet again, ‘twas never waned
But harvested by gardener – not a little insane!

tree on a cliff

Most near to plummet - a tree!

The littlest cavalier move rushed.
But tree in stones held roots,
Bowed the gaping sea!
Long it sprouts –
Sun flashed!
Nowhere he is put feels suit.
Though insecurely lay
It glows with firmness!
With joys never quits.
Times blown with squall of snags
It feels with cheerfulness
Wherever put set feels fit!
It endures in cliff
Evermore lives with gift!

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