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Name of Artifact: Comprehensive Discipline Management Plan

Date of Artifact: December 8, 2021

Course #: EAD 513

Standard Alignment Rationale

A major key to student success in a school is to have discipline and structure for each

class. As a future leader I will strive to help students succeed in their academics, but also in their

life skills of becoming great humans for the world. The standard reads that as a leader I must

build a school that promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in

an ethical manner to ensure a school system of accountability for every student’s academic and

social success by modeling school principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency,

and ethical behavior as related to their roles within the school. Creating a school discipline code

of conduct will help students succeed in following procedures, academics, but also in help them

grow in life to become good citizens by following state laws. During this assignment I was able

to interview teachers through my field experience, from the school I teach in to help build a

school code of conduct.


Summary of Evaluations

When asking around campus about a student code of conduct, I got many responses, the

first one was we do not have one, the second response was the district handbook may have one.

Working in this school has taught me different levels of trust, I mention this because at times I

can get the information I need from those who may have the information, and at times I will be

left alone to figure out where to find my new information. To find the students handbook I went

to the district page and there I found there’s also a parent, students, and teacher expectations. The

code of conduct is broken down into sections and seems to be more of a legal document. In the

code they state their statement as “We believe that every student has the potential to be

conscious, compassionate and constructive citizens who demonstrate behaviors that create an

inclusive and purposeful community. Through the use of a thoughtful and restorative student

code of conduct, we can assist every child in reaching his/her highest potential. They have also

listed grades, dress code, guiding principles, authority, and a discipline policy.

The Code of Conduct

During the interview’s I held the 3 teachers Mr. Wildes, Ms. Abayon, and Mrs. Vargas

agreed that the code of conduct is outdated. While reading the policy of discipline Mr. Wildes

mentions that the code of conduct states that the students should be expelled from the school and

that students are not. Usually, they get a school one-day suspension, at times it does go up to 3

days. The code of conduct in the disciplinary section mentions that for bullying “Repeated acts

over time that involve a real or perceived imbalance of power with the more powerful child or

group attacking those who are less powerful. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or psychological

in nature. Bullying also includes actions directed at another person because of that person's

physical appearance, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or handicapping condition.


Bullying can occur directly, in person, or electronically, as via social media, texting, or

telephone. This type of behavior leads to expulsion from the school. There are also different

levels of suspension which can be considered bias, the principal can assign different types to

different students. In the disorderly conduct section, there are consequences for disrupting

behavior such as loud talking, using inappropriate language etc. Students may receive In-school

suspension (1-5 days) means the student is removed (suspended) from class(es) but is kept on

campus under the supervision of a staff member. The student is usually given an appropriate

assignment during this time. Saturday or another day of detention may be employed as an


Alignment to Vision Statement

Because the code of conduct is through the district handbook the interviews, I held were looking

at the student/ parent handbook. The importance of the student code of conduct is to have “codes

designed to serve both the classroom and the individual. They outline students' rights, ensuring

that no student will be penalized or singled out based on anything but a violation of established

rules. They also outline students' responsibilities, thus letting individual students know that they

need to meet certain standards for their own sake and that of the entire class. It is used to A code

of conduct is a set of principles, expectations, and/or rules that are given to students and parents

to make sure that the expectations that the school has for behavior are clearly communicated to

them. Schools are responsible for creating safe and structured learning environments that will

promote the school’s goals for student learning. The code of conduct doesn’t not align with the

schools mission and vision, it aligns more with the school districts statement.

Codes of conduct can clarify an organization’s mission and values. They also indicate

how the adults will provide and enforce behavioral expectations (Codes of Conduct, 2014).

Some of the questions and responses I received read as the following

1. What are the objectives of a Code of Conduct? 

2. What is the Code’s relationship to the organization’s mission, vision, values, and culture?
3. Is the content and tone of the Code appropriate for the organization? 
4. How is the Code communicated and how are people educated in it?
Interview Responses: 12/6/21 a combination of Mr. Wildes, Mrs. Vargas, Ms. Abyom

1. Wildes: The consequences that the code of conduct has (an example is a fighting our
code of conduct shows that its expulsion, and I would rather have a school
suspension). Most of the consequences are outdated)
2. Ms. Abayon: The district has their own right can they work with having a more
aligned code of conduct by school?
3. Mrs. Vargas: It is not communicated as a new teacher and the system could be broken
to a point. It can be frustrating as a teacher because we deal with disciplinary issues,
but we do not feel the support as a teacher. It is not communicated to parents either.
4. Wildes: No there is no training to help support the code of conduct, there should be I
believe if the system didn’t. Not be as broken if we had some sort of training

PSEL Standard 3
The standard reads that as a school leader I must “ensure that each student is treated

fairly, respectfully, and with an understanding of each student’s culture and context. b)

Recognize, respect, and employ each student’s strengths, diversity, and culture as assets for

teaching and learning. c) Ensure that each student has equitable access to effective teachers,

learning opportunities, academic and social support, and other resources necessary for success.

Learning about what is done to complete a code of conduct and how some schools do not follow

one has me a little concern. This year alone has been difficult for our school with a lot of new

changes. I plan to integrate this standard in my future practice by first and most importantly

creating a code of conduct that will include respect for students, staff, and teachers. Procedures

for discipline that includes “student policies and address student misconduct in a positive, fair,

and unbiased manner”. It is said that students learn by attending class but also by having

champions who guide them. Making sure teachers get the training they need will also make a

huge difference in the expectations. It is important to include teachers when developing a school

students code of conduct because they are the main authority students are used to everyday.


O’Conner, A. 2014. Codes of Conduct.


Isaac School District.2021. Student Parent Handbook (Code of Conduct Section). https://core-


Sprick, R. Knight, J. Involving in Schoolwide. https://core-


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