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Lesson 9


Importance and functions management

The Physical Education Department is one of the key centers in the school plant. A well- managed office of
Physical Education can affect the program, facilities, public relations, and other factors if the conduct of the
office is neglected or given scant attention the aforementioned factors will be adversely affected. Office
management is important because of the following functions;
• It is a strategic place for first and lasting impressions.
• It provides central setting for communication
• It is the central point or focus for the entire departmental organization
• It provides a point or contact for administration
The office space
The office space for Physical Education Department like any other office of the academic
departments should be located in in a readily accessible position in school.
The office should consists of 3 main divisions:
1. General reception area
2. Clerical Space
3. Office Space

Lesson 10

“A process aimed at encouraging people to want to be healthy, to know how to stay healthy, to do
what they can individually and collectively to maintain health and to seek help when needed.” (Alma-Ata
declaration, 1978)


The behaviors to be adopted or modified may be that of individuals, groups (such as families,
health professionals, organizations or institutions) or entire community.
Strategies designed to influence the behavior of individuals or groups will vary greatly depending upon the
specific disease (or health problem) concerned.
Health education can help to increase knowledge and to reinforce desired behavior patterns.

Historically health education has been committed to disseminating information and changing human
behaviour. Following the Alma-Ata Declaration adopted in 1978, the emphasis has shifted from :
Ø Prevention of disease to promotion of healthy lifestyles;
Ø the modification of individual behaviour to modification of “social environment” in which the individual
lives ;
Ø community participation to community involvement; and
Ø promotion of individual and community “self- reliance”.


1. To encourage people to adopt and sustain a health promoting life style and practices.
2. To promote the proper use of health services available to them.
3. To arouse interest, provide new knowledge, improve skill and change attitudes in making rational
decisions to solve their own problems.
4. To stimulate individual and community self-reliance and participation to achieve health development
through individual and community involvement at every step from identifying problems to solving them.

Roles of the Health Care Provides :

Ø To provide opportunity for people to learn how to identify and analyze health related problems and how
to set their own target and priorities.
Ø Make health and health related information easily accessible to the community.
Ø Indicate to the people alternative solutions for solving the identified health and health related problems.
Ø People must access the proven preventive measure

Approach to Health Education 4 well known approaches to health education:

Ø Regulatory approach
Ø Service approach
Ø Health education approach
Ø Primary health care approach Regulatory approach
Ø It is either directly or indirectly by governmental intervention designed to alter the human behavior.
Ø For Example : The child marriage restraint in India. Compulsory wearing of seat belt and helmet. Ø No
govt. can pass legislation to eat a balanced diet or not to smoke.
Ø The congress defeat in 1977 elections is due to enforcement of sterilization campaign in 1976. Service
Ø This approach was tried by Basic Health Services in 1960’s.
Ø It aimed at providing all the health services needed by the people at their door steps but this approach
proved a failure because it was not based on felt-needs of the people.
Ø Eg. When water seal latrines were provided by government, free of cost, many people in rural areas did
not make use of them. Health Education Approach
Ø People must be educated through planned learning experiences what to do and to be informed,
educated and encouraged to make their own choice for healthy life.
Ø Problems like cessation of smoking, use of safe water supply, fertility control can be solved by health
Ø Health education should be started among children and young population.

Primary Health Care Approach This is a new approach started from the people with their full participation
and active involvement in the planning and delivery of health services. Eg. Community involvement and
intersectoral coordination.

Lesson 11

Definition of planning

Planning: - is an anticipatory decision making about what needs to be done, how it has to be done, and with
what resources. It is central to health education and health promotion process.

Purposes of planning

Best use of scarce resources

Avoid duplication and wasteful expenditure
Helps for problem prioritization
Develop a best course of action

Principles of planning

 Based on careful analysis of the situations

 Relate to basic needs and interests of the people
 Planned with the people who are involved in its implementation
 Flexible enough to meet long time situation.
 Should be a continuous process
 Should be achievable considering such factors as finance, personnel, time etc.
Step I. situational analysis 

The local situation is the bench mark from where people should start the process of program planning. 
After assembling the facts pertaining to local situations, it is important to analyze these facts in such away
that they will be useful to individuals or planners.

Information for situational analysis

The information collected may include:

 Community and its topography
 Demographic and socio-economic characteristics Conduct need assessment

Community need assessment

• Assessment: is the process of identifying and understanding a problem or set of problems and later
planning a series of actions to deal with the problems.
Identify ;
 What is the problem
 Magnitude/size of the problem
 Severity of the problem
 community practice, service/resources, cultural practices/social influences with regard to the problem.

Lesson 12


• It is the process of putting the plan of action into operation.
• A long term plan of action to meet the goal

Implementation strategies
• Implementation of plan of action involves a network of various activities
• Those activities need special techniques to be applied
• Those techniques are known as strategies of implementation

Importance of strategies in PE program implementation

• Any HEP programme must fit within the structure and function of the community/setting which it intends to
• That calls for a strategic implementation

Major strategies of implementation of HEP Programme

1. Building commitment
2. Training the human resource
3. Mobilizing and utilizing resources
4. Organizing community
5. Monitoring 6. Supervision
7. Recording and reporting

Building Commitment
• Commitment is the feeling of need, responsibility and willingness to cooperate
• Targeted towards the local leaders (political and non-political) as well as the staff to be involved

Training the human resource

• Training is the organized teaching of new knowledge, attitudes and skills
• Basic and refresher (pre-service and inservice/OJT)
• Varied duration- need dependent
• Participatory approach A
• Process of collecting and analyzing information about the implementation
• Regular checking at frequent intervals
• Deviation identification so that immediate actions can be taken
• Done through: a) Discussion b) Checklist c) Interview d) Observation

Steps of Monitoring
• Planning and scheduling
• Determining what and how to monitor
• Conducting monitoring
• Submitting report with recommendations

• Process of enabling workers to learn better skills and perform responsibilities well
• Supervision is an educational process
• Not the same as inspection (fault-finding and punishing)

Ways of supervision
• Interview
• Observation
• Record and report review

Recording and reporting

• System of documentation of information regarding program activities (progress and problems)
• Need to be accurate, valid and updated
• Recording and reporting help in making decisions and better planning for improvement

“Evaluation is the process of determining the amount of success in achieving the predetermined
objectives.” - American Public Health Association

Stages of Evaluation
• Evaluation of Programme
• Evaluation of Achievement

Methods of Evaluation
• Interview • Observation
• Review of records and reports
• Meeting and discussion

Criteria of Evaluation Criteria are standards by which actions are measured

• Adequacy • Relevance • Efficiency • Appropriateness

• Strategic implementation is needed in order to meet the intended goals of an HEP Programme
• Strategies range from the steps involved in implementing the Plan of Action as well as assessing how
they are implemented.

Activity 1. (50 points)

1. Make a sketch of physical layout of an office space for a PE office.

Activity 2.(50 points)

1. List the equipment and supplies that should be readily available in average physical education office.

Activity 3. (50 points)

1. List possible rules of administrative routine in order to achieve a successful Health Education
Program. Eg. Zumba Actvity, Emergency Work Plan, Emergency Situations, Marathon etc.
Activity 4. (75 points)

Complete the Table below.

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