Physeal Arrest of The Distal Radius: Review Article

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Review Article

Physeal Arrest of the Distal Radius

Joshua M. Abzug, MD Fractures of the distal radius are among the most common pediatric
Kevin Little, MD fractures. Although most of these fractures heal without complication,
some result in partial or complete physeal arrest. The risk of physeal
Scott H. Kozin, MD
arrest can be reduced by avoiding known risk factors during fracture
management, including multiple attempts at fracture reduction.
Athletes may place substantial compressive and shear forces across
the distal radial physes, making them prone to growth arrest. Timely
recognition of physeal arrest can allow for more predictable
procedures to be performed, such as distal ulnar epiphysiodesis. In
cases of partial arrest, physeal bar excision with interposition grafting
can be performed. Once ulnar abutment is present, more invasive
procedures may be required, including ulnar shortening osteotomy or
radial lengthening.

From the Department of

T he physes of long bones are rela-
tively prone to injury. Fractures of
the distal aspect of the forearm are one
centrally located in the AP and lateral
planes. Except for the distal radioulnar
joint (DRUJ), the physis of the distal
Orthopaedics, University of Maryland
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD of the most common injuries in chil- radius is entirely extracapsular.3 The
(Dr. Abzug), the Department of dren, and a substantial number of these distal radial and ulnar physes con-
Orthopaedic Surgery, University of injuries involve the growth plate of tribute approximately 75% and 80%
Cincinnati College of Medicine,
Cincinnati, OH (Dr. Little), and the the distal radius. Despite the frequency of longitudinal growth, respectively.4
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, of physeal fractures, growth arrest is The physis derives its blood supply
Temple University School of rare, with rates as low as 1% to 7%.1,2 from the epiphysis and, as a result,
Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Although fractures account for most vascularity is rarely compromised by
(Dr. Kozin).
of the damage to the growth plate, a physeal fracture, even with consid-
Dr. Abzug or an immediate family ischemia, infection, irradiation, tu- erable displacement. Complete phys-
member serves as a paid consultant
to AxoGen. Dr. Kozin or an immediate
mors, and repetitive stress can all eal closure occurs at approximately
family member serves as a paid inflict irreparable damage. As a result, age 17 years, occurring sooner in
consultant to Checkpoint Surgical and the growth of the distal radius can girls than in boys. During upper
serves as a board member, owner, be altered, impaired, or completely extremity use, the distal radius typi-
officer, or committee member of the
American Society for Surgery of the
stopped. If the ulnar physis is unin- cally receives approximately 80%
Hand. Neither Dr. Little nor any jured, a growth discrepancy between of the stress placed across the wrist
immediate family member has the radius and ulna can become joint with neutral ulnar variance.
received anything of value from or has readily apparent. However, as positive ulnar variance
stock or stock options held in
a commercial company or institution
increases, increased stress is placed
related directly or indirectly to the across the distal ulna, leading to
subject of this article. Anatomy impaction of the ulna against the
J Am Acad Orthop lunate and triquetrum, wrist pain and,
Surg 2014;22:381-389 The epiphysis of the distal radius be- ultimately, degenerative changes in the
gins to ossify between ages 8 and 18 carpus and triangular fibrocartilage
JAAOS-22-06-381 months. Typically, the physis is ori- complex (TFCC).5
ented transversely and progresses The physis is arranged in distinct
Copyright 2014 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. toward a shallow dome during skeletal zones that have different mechanical
maturation, with the distal aspect and biologic properties.4 The resting,

June 2014, Vol 22, No 6 381

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Physeal Arrest of the Distal Radius

or reserve, zone of the physis is injuries involve a substantial com- Figure 1

immediately adjacent to the epiphysis; pression injury to the physis and
pluripotent chondrocytes reside here in have a high rate of posttraumatic
preparation for proliferation. Injuries growth arrest;6,7 however, these in-
at this level lead to complete cessation juries are typically found only at
of longitudinal bone growth. The follow-up after altered growth has
physeal vasculature passes through this been detected. Growth arrest of the
layer and branches out at the junction distal radius has also been noted
between the reserve and proliferative after pure metaphyseal fracture8 and
zones. The hypertrophic zone is adja- has been attributed to concomitant
cent to the proliferative zone and is physeal crush injury (Salter-Harris
divided into three separate layers: type V) that was not noted on initial
maturation, degeneration, and pro- radiographic assessment.
visional calcification. In the provisional Other causes of physeal arrest
calcification layer, chondrocyte apo- include vascular ischemia associated
ptosis occurs, leaving a relatively weak with compartment syndrome and
extracellular matrix. The weak extra- frostbite; these conditions can result
cellular matrix leads to increased injury in tissue necrosis that may lead to
through this zone, and most growth loss of the reserve layer of the
plate fractures occur in this area. This physis.9 Sickle-cell disease, thalas-
layer is far from the reserve zone, semia, or purpura fulminans can
which is the main reason why most lead to local arterial occlusion
growth plate injuries do not cause and subsequent growth arrest. In
permanent growth arrest. younger children, infections com-
monly occur at the physis as a result
of the low blood flow in the vas-
PA radiograph of the distal radius
Etiology cular loops of the primary spon- demonstrating physeal growth arrest
giosa, where bacterial cells can in a 6-year-old boy following an
Injury to the reserve or proliferative accumulate. In general, the infec- infection years earlier. (Courtesy of
zones of the physis can result in per- tion remains in the metaphysis and Shriners Hospital for Children,
Philadelphia, PA.)
manent damage to the physis. Frac- hypertophic zone and does not
tures through the physis account for cause permanent growth arrest;
most cases of physeal arrest in the however, if the infection progresses Repetitive stress to the physis can
distal radius. Salter and Harris4 ini- toward the reserve zone, destruction lead to growth disturbance and is fre-
tially described fractures through the of cells in the reserve zone can occur quently seen in gymnasts who bear the
growth plate in 1963. Type I frac- (Figure 1). A subperiosteal abscess full weight of their bodies through
tures extend through the hypertro- or septic arthritis in the adjacent their upper extremities (gymnast
phic zone of the physis, and type II joint can lead to compression or wrist). The Heuter-Volkman principle
fractures extend through both the destruction of the epiphyseal blood states that compression across the
hypertrophic zone and the metaph- supply, leading to growth arrest.10 physis will impair growth, whereas
ysis. Following these types of frac- External beam irradiation also can tension across the physis will increase
tures, the rate of growth arrest is lead to growth arrest secondary growth.11,12 In gymnastics, weight
approximately 1% to 7%1,2 and has to direct damage to the rapidly bearing can impart up to 10 times
been linked to repeated, forceful proliferating cells of chondrocytes body weight through the wrist, which
fracture manipulation as well as re- and small arterioles or from ische- likely explains why female gymnasts
manipulation .10 days after the mia caused by vascular compro- tend to have increased ulnar variance
original injury.6 Type III and type IV mise. Tumors, especially malignant compared with non-gymnasts.13 The
fractures traverse the reserve zone lesions, can invade physeal struc- plausibility of this relationship was
and have an increased risk of per- tures and cause direct damage to confirmed in a large meta-analysis of
manent growth arrest, especially in proliferative chondrocytes. Surgical the literature that included animal
the setting of malunion and bridging resection of periphyseal benign studies; however, there was insuffi-
from the epiphysis of one fragment tumors may result in growth arrest cient evidence to completely confirm
to the metaphysis of another. Type V if aggressive curettage is used. the causality.14

382 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Joshua M. Abzug, MD, et al

Presentation and Figure 2 Figure 3

The presentation of growth arrest of
the distal radius can vary. Physeal
arrest may be discovered on routine
radiography performed at follow-
up for previous trauma. Alterna-
tively, the patient may present
with ulnar-sided wrist pain and/or
deformity such as prominence of the
ulnar head. The patient should be
queried regarding previous history
of trauma to the affected extremity
and previous treatment for infec-
tion, tumor excision, radiation
therapy, or thermal injury. Previous Coronal CT scan of the wrist
surgery on the extremity should be demonstrating physeal arrest of the
ulnar half of the distal radius. Note
noted, as well. Physical examination
the early arthritic changes
of the affected extremity often demonstrated by the cystic lesion
demonstrates a prominent ulnar (arrow) on the lunate caused by ulnar
Clinical photograph of the hand and abutment. (Courtesy of Joshua
head and angular deformity of the wrist demonstrating a prominent M. Abzug, MD, Baltimore, MD.)
wrist, with occasional loss of fore- ulnar head following physeal arrest
arm pronation/supination and of the distal radius. (Courtesy of
radial/ulnar deviation of the wrist Shriners Hospital for Children,
Philadelphia, PA.) Classification
(Figure 2). DRUJ stability should be
assessed in full supination, full pro- Once growth arrest is identified, it
nation, and neutral rotation as well as useful. CT has been used success- can be classified based on the location
through compression of the DRUJ fully to discern the nature of the and size of the physeal bar. The most
though the entire range of motion. bony bar;18 however, this modality common classification is based on
The contralateral limb should be used is not a first-line tool for diagnosis anatomic location. Central growth
as a base for comparison. of physeal injury because of con- arrest with a bony bridge surrounded
Plain radiography is the preferred cerns regarding radiation exposure by normal physeal cartilage is the
method of evaluating physeal in- and limited usefulness for evalua- most common type (Figure 4). Based
juries.15 Traditional PA and lateral tion of soft tissues (Figure 3). The on the size and location of the
views obtained with the forearm in use of MRI has been advocated physeal bar, growth may be halted
neutral rotation will demonstrate because of its ability to delineate completely or an angular deformity
most physeal abnormalities and allow concomitant soft-tissue injury to may develop at eccentric locations.
adequate assessment of ulnar vari- the wrist (eg, TFCC injury) or When growth stops completely on
ance.16,17 Following physeal injury, a nonossified cartilage bar that may one side of the physis (peripheral
repeat radiography is recommended require further intervention.19,20 arrest), angular deformity often
every 3 months until normal growth Three-dimensional MRI also has develops as a result of continued
resumes, as demonstrated by evidence been used to assess the physis growth on the opposite side of the
of a parallel Park-Harris line through and allows for an accurate deter- physeal bar. A linear physeal bar,
the metaphysis of the distal radius, mination of the size of the physeal which is most often seen in Salter-
the presence of a physeal bar, or bar.21 MRI and CT findings have Harris III and IV injuries, traverses
noticeable changes in ulnar vari- been shown to correlate with the the physis along the line of the pre-
ance. Because discerning the pres- histology of physeal injury in ani- vious fracture, with normal cartilage
ence of a physeal injury or the mal models, but no direct correla- found on either side.
size and location of the physeal tion between these two imaging Four distinct radiographic grades
bar on plain radiography is often techniques has been published to have been identified for gymnast
difficult, advanced imaging can be date.22 wrist. In grade 0, wrist pain is reported

June 2014, Vol 22, No 6 383

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Physeal Arrest of the Distal Radius

Figure 4 Figure 5

Coronal (A) and sagittal (B) T1-weighted magnetic resonance images of the
wrist showing a central bar (arrows) traversing the distal radius physis. (Courtesy
of Shriners Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA.)

PA radiograph demonstrating
during activity but no abnormality is whether surgical intervention is widening of the physis in a 10-year-
old gymnast. (Courtesy of Shriners
detected on radiography, whereas warranted. If minimal growth re-
Hospital for Children, Philadelphia,
grade 1 is characterized by mild mains, then observation is warranted. PA.)
irregularity or the loss of definition of If .2 mm of growth remains, we
the physis on radiography. Grade 2 is typically recommend surgical inter-
characterized by at least one of the vention because relative shortening sected; however, alternatives such
following findings: cystic changes, of the distal radius by as little as as methylmethacrylate have been
metaphyseal sclerosis, striations, or 2.5 mm substantially increases the used. Identification of the exact
beaking of the metaphysis. Grade 3 is load transmitted across the distal location of the bar is key to resec-
characterized by widening of the ulna. This increased load can lead to tion. This typically requires the use
physis12,13 (Figure 5). wrist pain, disordered kinematics, of advanced imaging such as CT or
and early arthritis24 (Figure 3). Sur- MRI. Kang et al25 recommended
gery is also warranted in patients with the use of intraoperative computer-
Management progressive deformity or in those with assisted navigation to appropri-
symptoms such as ulnar-sided wrist ately identify the bar.
Nonsurgical pain or limited motion. Physeal bar resection is a relatively
Asymptomatic patients with physeal demanding surgical procedure. Ob-
arrest of the distal radius are treated taining access to the bar and gauging
based on the amount of growth re- complete resection can be challeng-
maining in the physis. Paley et al23 Physeal Bar Resection and ing. In addition, the surrounding
described a multiplier method for Interposition physis may be unhealthy and unre-
predicting length discrepancy in the Management of a physeal bar is sponsive to untethering following bar
upper extremity. This tool can be easier when it is identified early, resection. All of these factors prohibit
used to predict ultimate limb-length before deformity develops. The goal predictable results following resec-
discrepancy, timing for epiphysiod- of early surgical intervention is to tion; therefore, we do not routinely
esis, and the amount of growth re- remove the fibrous or bony bar and perform this procedure in older chil-
maining in the radius and ulna. place interposition material into the dren. However, in the young child
Predicting the amount of remaining void to permit the remaining with substantial physeal growth
growth and assessing the child’s ulnar growth. Typically, local fat is placed remaining, bar resection can be
variance are crucial for determining into the void after the bar is re- attempted.

384 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Joshua M. Abzug, MD, et al

Epiphysiodesis posttraumatic growth arrest of the Figure 6

In cases of partial physeal arrest of the distal radius, Waters et al26 performed
distal radius, epiphysiodesis of the an ulnar epiphysiodesis in 14 pa-
distal radial physis can be performed tients, including 3 who underwent
to arrest the remaining growth and concurrent radial epiphysiodesis. Of
prevent angular deformity. In cases of this group, two patients had persis-
complete physeal arrest of the distal tent ulnar growth that required
radius, ulnar epiphysiodesis should a repeat epiphysiodesis in one patient
and an ulnar shortening osteotomy
be performed simultaneously to pre-
(USO) in the other.
vent a difference in length between the
radius and ulna (positive ulnar vari-
Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy
ance). Based on the patient’s age and
Ulnar shortening can provide sub-
the type of deformity, these proce-
stantial pain relief when the ulna is
dures may be performed in isolation impacting upon the lunate or trique-
or in combination with a radial and/or trum. Shortening can also restore Intraoperative fluoroscopic image of
ulnar osteotomy. DRUJ alignment and stability, nor- the wrist demonstrating the use of
Epiphysiodesis is a straightforward malize wrist mechanics, and alleviate a cannulated drill to perform an ulnar
procedure that can reliably arrest the epiphysiodesis. (Courtesy of Joshua
pain caused by a tear of the TFCC. In M. Abzug, MD, Baltimore, MD.)
growth of either the distal radius or the adult population, Kim and Song27
distal ulna. Multiple techniques can be showed that USO alone or combined
used to accomplish physeal arrest, with arthroscopic débridement of osteotomy to preserve the osseous
including percutaneous drilling, open the TFCC resulted in substantial blood supply and to enhance the
curettage, and open burr resection with improvement of wrist function and likelihood of union. Once the area is
or without the use of supplemental reduced pain compared with arthro- exposed, the desired amount of bone
bone graft. scopic débridement of the TFCC is removed. We prefer to use a USO
We perform epiphysiodesis with alone. Furthermore, no significant system that maintains rotational
the aid of a cannulated drill system. A differences in function and pain were control, allows the osteotomy to be
direct radial or ulnar approach is noted with the addition of arthro- performed obliquely, and permits an
used to gain access to the physis of the scopic débridement as long as the accurate amount of bone removal.
distal radius or ulna, respectively. A TFCC flap was stable. USO alone is Alternatively, a transverse, step-cut,
small longitudinal incision is made the preferred treatment method for or Z-osteotomy can be performed.
and blunt dissection to bone is per- ulnar impaction syndrome in skele- Once the bone is removed, the os-
formed. Under fluoroscopic guid- tally mature patients.27 If a sub- teotomy site is compressed and
ance, a guidewire is then placed stantial amount of physeal growth fluoroscopy is used to assess the
manually into the physis, and place- remains, we perform a USO with wrist, ensuring that the desired
ment is confirmed. Subsequently, the a distal ulnar epiphysiodesis. amount of correction is achieved. If
cannulated drill is placed over the USO is performed via a direct any potential for growth remains, we
guidewire to create a tract, with care approach to the ulna between the supplement the USO with a distal
taken to ensure that no significant extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor ulnar epiphysiodesis.
torquing occurs to break the wire. carpi ulnaris. The osteotomy is per- In their retrospective series, Waters
The wire is then removed and the drill formed as distal as possible to limit et al26 performed 18 USOs, with no
is advanced along the tract across the the risk of nonunion and to ensure nonunion reported. Two patients had
entire physis (Figure 6). While the drill that the osteotomy is distal to the irritation that necessitated removal of
is on, it is moved in a dorsal-to-volar central band of the interosseous instrumentation. Ulnar length was
direction and a proximal-to-distal membrane; however, the location of shortened an average of 6 mm (range,
direction. Fluoroscopy is used inter- the osteotomy is limited by the need 3 to 12 mm). Preoperatively, ulnar
mittently to ensure accurate drilling. to obtain fixation of the distal frag- variance was an average of 4.5 mm
A small burr can be inserted into the ment.28 We prefer to place the plate positive (range, 9 mm negative to
drilled tract to ensure complete on the volar aspect of the ulna to 12.5 mm positive) and decreased
epiphysiodesis. decrease the likelihood of hardware postoperatively to an average of zero
In a retrospective review of 30 ado- irritation (Figure 7). The periosteum (range, 6 mm negative to 3 mm pos-
lescents with deformity following is incised only at the level of the itive).26 In our experience, attempting

June 2014, Vol 22, No 6 385

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Physeal Arrest of the Distal Radius

Figure 7

A, Preoperative fluoroscopic image of the distal radius demonstrating physeal growth arrest and ulnar abutment.
B, Intraoperative photograph showing the volar placement of the ulnar shortening osteotomy plate. C, Postoperative
fluoroscopic image of the radius and ulna demonstrating placement of the osteotomy plate following an ulnar shortening of
15 mm. Note the oblique cut and placement of the lag screw. (Courtesy of Joshua M. Abzug, MD, Baltimore, MD.)

to shorten the ulna .12 to 15 mm is to hardware irritation. However, Distraction Osteogenesis

technically challenging and can yield several osteotomy procedures (eg, Distraction osteogenesis with the
a higher rate of nonunion. opening wedge, closing wedge, use of a circular external fixator permits
dome) can be performed based on simultaneous bone lengthening and
Radial Osteotomy the type of deformity. Typically, the three-dimensional correction of defor-
Radial osteotomy can be performed osteotomy is fixed with a plate and mity. The benefits of this technique are
to correct any angular deformity that screw construct, with care taken to the ability to correct large limb-length
occurs following partial growth ensure that volar tilt, radial inclina- discrepancies, the opportunity to per-
arrest. Acute lengthening of the tion, radial length, and DRUJ align- form an osteotomy of either the radius
radius also can be performed, if ment are restored (Figure 8). or ulna (typically the radius) without
necessary. Radial osteotomy with or In a series of 30 patients with the need for an osteotomy of the other
without acute lengthening can be progressive deformity following bone, and the capability to fine-tune the
performed alone or in combination radial growth arrest, Waters et al26 correction of the deformity during the
with any of the previously described performed 7 radial osteotomies, lengthening process.29,30 However,
techniques. Sagittal and coronal including opening wedge, closing this technique is technically challeng-
alignment should be corrected. Wa- wedge, and Z-lengthening osteoto- ing and requires that the surgeon
ters et al26 recommended the use of mies. Complications included one be familiar with the anatomy and
radial opening wedge osteotomy to refracture through the osteotomy nuances of the procedure.
correct angular deformity of the site that was initially fixed with pins Page and Szabo29 and Gündeş et al30
wrist in any patient with ,10° of but eventually required revision to described the use of distraction osteo-
radial inclination. a plate and screw construct. One genesis in a total of eight patients
A standard volar or dorsal patient required removal of instru- with physeal arrest of the distal radius.
approach to the radius can be used mentation secondary to hardware Page and Szabo29 reported complica-
based on the deformity present. We irritation. All patients healed and tions in three of four patients, includ-
prefer to use a volar approach radial inclination improved from an ing unplanned returns to the operating
whenever possible because dorsal average of 8.5° preoperatively to room in two patients. Additional
placement of the plate may lead 15.5° postoperatively. complications included multiple pin

386 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Joshua M. Abzug, MD, et al

Figure 8

Preoperative PA (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of the

distal radius demonstrating physeal arrest in an 11-year-
old boy following a fracture. C, Intraoperative photograph
showing a corticocancellous iliac crest autograft used to
perform an acute radius lengthening. Postoperative PA (D)
and lateral (E) radiographs demonstrating the plate and
screw construct. (Courtesy of Shriners Hospital for
Children, Philadelphia, PA.)

tract infections, skin tenting around resection and interposition for physeal lent results, with decreased pain and
a pin that necessitated release, and arrest of the distal radius. One patient increased activity level.
dermatitis around a pin. Gündeş et al30 treated with excision of a physeal bar
also reported complications associated and ulnar epiphysiodesis was reported Prevention and Monitoring
with distraction osteogenesis. One to have an excellent outcome, including
patient developed a superficial pin a postoperative modified Mayo wrist Prevention of physeal arrest of the
tract infection and all four patients score of 100.26 In a series by Waters distal radius is difficult in most cases;
experienced pain during the first 3 et al,26 18 of 30 patients underwent however, certain factors increase the
weeks of lengthening, which required multiple concomitant procedures to risk of growth arrest. We recommend
1- to 3-day breaks from distraction. achieve correction. In 24 symptomatic one or two gentle attempts in the
patients, the average Mayo wrist score emergency department, followed by
Outcomes improved from 82 preoperatively to one or two gentle attempts in the
Little evidence exists in the literature 98 postoperatively (maximum score: operating room. If closed reduction is
with regard to the success of physeal bar 100). All patients had good or excel- unsuccessful, open reduction should

June 2014, Vol 22, No 6 387

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Physeal Arrest of the Distal Radius

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