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Balayantoc, Marriz Ann E.
Camanga, Anjelyn M.
Escueta, Levita M.
Saludes, Maica E.
Sangcap, Kristal Mae D.
Sequitin, Noimie B.
Urgelles, Mylene
 Appetizer – Urgelles, Mylene P.
Rabas (Aros De Calamar) Fritas – Fried Calamari Rings Recipe
Rabas Fritas (Aros de Calamar) Featured in
Squid is a typical ocean resident local to the waters of Argentina. The squid fishing
season in the country starts from February 1st. From this time a “boom” of the popularity of
this mollusk begins among local restaurateurs.

2 lbs. squid body meat; cleaned and sliced into ½ inch rings
1 ½ cups flour
1 ½ cups beer
2 teaspoons corn starch
¼ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
2 cloves garlic; minced
2 tablespoons flat-leaf parsley; finely chopped
Extra flour
1. Preheat oil in a deep fryer to 180º C (375º F).
2. Combine flour, corn starch, baking powder, and salt in medium or large bowl. Add beer,
garlic, and parsley, and whisk well. Lay out rings on a flat surface or cookie sheet and dust all
sides with extra flour. Working in batches of 5-6 rings, dip and coat each ring in batter–
separately–and gently drop into deep fryer. Immediately after, use a metal fork or cooking tongs
to separate pieces in order to prevent them from sticking together. Cook for 4 minutes. Drain and
set aside*. Serve with lemon wedges.
 Soup – Camanga, Anjelyn M.
Canadian Cheese Soup

Canadian Cheese Soup is one of the best soups of all time in Canada. And even snuck a
leak into it this time. This hearty soup is so filling and satisfying. It’s thick and chunky because
of the vegetables and smooth and creamy because of the cheese and cream. It’s not overly
seasoned either yet it tastes superb.

3 cups chicken broth
4 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
2 celery ribs, diced
6 ounces Canadian bacon, trimmed and diced
2 tbsp. butter
2 tbsp. all – purpose flour
1 cup whole milk
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1/8 tsp. pepper
1. In a Dutch oven or soup kettle, combine the first 5 ingredients; bring to a boil. Reduce heat;
cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until vegetables are very tender. With a potato masher, mash
vegetables several times. Add bacon; continue to simmer.
2. Meanwhile, melt butter in a small saucepan; stir in the flour and cook, stirring constantly, for 1
minute. Bring to a boil; boil and stir for 2 minutes (mixture will be thick). Add vegetable
mixture, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat; add cheese and pepper. Stir just until cheese
is melted.
 Salad – Escueta, Levita M.
Tomato and Onion Salad (ensalada criolla)
A simple salad known as ensalada criolla is usually made with finely chopped
vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers. The veggies are coated in olive
oil, red wine vinegar, pepper flakes, and seasonings, then topped with chopped parsley. This
refreshing salad perfectly pairs with traditional Argentine grilled meats and puchero dishes.


6 ripe tomatoes
thinly sliced
2 red onions
thinly sliced 60 ml (2 fl. oz/¼ cup)
extra virgin olive oil 60 ml (2 fl. oz/¼ cup)
apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. dried oregano
Sitting time: 1 hour
1. Arrange the tomato and onion decoratively on a serving plate.
2. Combine the olive oil, vinegar and salt in a bowl or jug and pour over the tomato and onion
just before serving, or add the dressing and set aside at room temperature for about 1 hour for the
flavours to develop.
3. Sprinkle over the oregano and serve.
 Vegetable – Saludes, Maica E.
Poutine (poo-TEEN) is a Canadian dish of fries, cheese curds, and gravy. The hot
and crispy fries are the perfect base for the melty gravy and cheese. It was created in the
1950s in Quebec and is now celebrated as the national dish of Canada. Canada’s northern
neighbors also adore this savory dish, and have adapted it to make it their own. Depending
on the region, the gravy and/or the cheese is totally different.

3 large russet potatoes
3 tbsp olive oil
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
6 tbsp butter
1/4 cup flour
2 1/2 cups beef stock
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
3 tbsp corn starch
2 tbsp water
1 1/2 cups cheese curds
1. Cut the potatoes into fries and place in a bowl. Drizzle the olive oil on the potatoes, 1 tsp. salt,
and 1/2 tsp. pepper. Mix well. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes at 450 degrees
2. In a sauce pan, combine the butter and flour on medium-high heat and whisk until they are
mixed well and the butter starts to turn brown.
3. Add the beef stock, 1/2 tsp. salt, and 1/2 tsp. pepper and stir. Bring to a simmer.
4. Create a corn starch slurry by combining the corn starch and water. Slowly pour into the gravy
and continue stirring until the gravy becomes a thick consistency. Add the cheese curds to the
baked fries. Pour the gravy on top and mix well.

 Starches – Sequitin, Noimie B.


• 200g pappardelle
• 1 Tbsp butter
• 1 small onion, chopped
• 2 cloves garlic, crushed
• 200g chicken livers, cut into 3cm pieces
• 1 Tbsp fresh thyme leaves
• ¼ cup brandy
• ½ cup cream
• ½ tsp brown sugar
• ½ cup chopped parsley
• ¼ cup shaved parmesan
• Salt and freshly ground pepper
1. Cook the pappardelle in a large pot of salted water as per packet instructions.
2. While the pasta is cooking, make the sauce. Heat the butter in a frying pan. Add the onion and
garlic, cooking for 2 minutes. Turn the heat up and add the chicken livers, cooking quickly for 3
or 4 minutes. Stir through the thyme and brandy, cooking for 2 minutes. Add the cream, sugar,
parsley, salt and plenty of freshly ground pepper. Bring to a boil for 1 minute.
3. Drain the pasta, fold through the sauce and liver and serve hot with a sprinkle of parmesan.

 Dessert (Hot & Cold) – Balayantoc, Marriz Ann E.

Coconut Brazilian Pave Dessert (Cold Dessert)

Pavê. This is a popular dessert among Brazilians, it is not like tiramiso which is added with
wine or coffee, the pave is a combination of biscuits and a mix of coconut milk and condensed.
There are different types of pave in Brazilians with strawberry pave, chocolate pave, coconut
pave. The pave I will make is the coconut pave. The pave does not need to be baked, it is just
mixed with the ingredients and the biscuits or cookies are laid out in a rectangular mold. Making
pavê is a very simple method for Brazilians. Pavê is a multilayered cake that is among the cold
desserts in Brazil. Brazilians love to bake but this pavê is simply by a mixture of ingredients such
as coconut milk, condensed milk, eggs it is placed on top of layered biscuits crispy crackers, and
chocolate. They traditionally serve it every Christmas and it is the most coveted dessert of them
all. You can’t call it a proper Brazilian Christmas without mouth-watering pavê.


2 egg yolks

400 ml coconut milk

300 condensed milk (397 ml)

2tbsp corn flour

1tsp vanilla

Milk for (soaking)

Desiccated coconut


1. In the saucepan add 2 egg yolks, corn flour, vanilla, milk, and add the coconut milk lastly
add the condensed milk.

2. On the medium heat whisk continuously until thickened

3. Add one cup to the mixture, and place 1 layer of the biscuits. Repeat the process until
have 3 layers

4. Spread evenly and sprinkle with Desiccated coconut

5. Place in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 hours


PUDIM DE LEITE MOÇA (MILK PUDDING) is also one of the popular desserts among
Brazilians, it is among the hot desserts but can also be used as a cold dessert when they put it in
the refrigerator. PUDIM DE LEITE MOÇA It is made of eggs, milk and sugar Just as the name
of these desserts suggests, the main ingredient is sweet condensed milk. There is a version of the
pudding. The chocolate version of this pudding is called “Brigadeirão”.


For the caramel sauce:

• 200 g sugar

• 50 ml water

For the pudding:

• 300 ml sweetened condensed milk

• 300 ml milk

• 3 large eggs

• ring mold (1,2 liters)


Preparation of the caramel sauce:

1. Melt the sugar over low heat in a saucepan.

2. When melted sugar turns golden in color, add the water and boil. When all the melted
sugar is dissolved the caramel is ready to line the mold. This caramel may be stored and used
in other desserts such as “panna cotta”.

3. Another faster way to make caramel is to melt 150 g sugar into the ring mold over low
heat until golden brown, turning the mold to spread the caramel evenly. Using a fork makes it
easier to spread caramel evenly.

4. You may also make individual portions.

Preparation of the pudding:

1. Blend all the ingredients together and pour the mixture into the caramelized ring mold (1,2
liters). Cover with a lid and bake (in oven) at 180°C in a bain-marie for about one hour and a

2. Another faster way to cook the pudding is in a bain-marie over the cooker, covered with a
lid. It takes about 20 minutes. Make sure no boiling water splashes into the ring mold.

3. Insert a small knife in center of pudding; it is ready if there is no more liquid.

4. Let cool and unmold on a deep serving plate.

 Sandwich (Open & Close) – Sangcap, Kristal Mae

 X – Tudo Brazilian Burger (Close Sandwich)
X-Tudo (translated as ‘cheese-everything’) is a TALL Brazilian burger with many
toppings. In fact, it is so tall that it can’t get your mouth, no matter how big, around the
whole burger. In Brazil, X-tudo is available at snack bars and on the streets. This is an
outrageously delicious, tall burger with beef patty, melted cheese, fried egg, shoestrings
potatoes, and fresh veggies. This mammoth of a burger is typically served in paper trays, and
eating it is no easy feat – most people can't get their mouth around it because it's so huge, which
makes for a messy eating experience.


 1 1/2 pounds ground beef 80 percent lean

 1/2 teaspoon salt
 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
 3/4 teaspoon granulated garlic powder
 1 pinch cumin
 1-1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil
 4 slices mozzarella cheese
 4 hamburger buns split and toasted, if desired
 Mayonnaise I like to use Hellman's lime mayonnaise
 4 lettuce leaves
 4 tablespoons steamed corn kernels
 4 slices tomato large slices
 4 fried eggs
 4 slices deli ham or hard salami I used hard salami on mine
 8 strips of smoked bacon cooked
 Shoestring potatoes
 Ketchup and either deli or Dijon mustard


1. Prepare the burger patties: In a large mixing bowl, combine together the ground beef, salt,
pepper, garlic powder, and cumin. Mix until well incorporated. Divide the ground meat into
4 equal portions of 6 ounces each. Form each portion loosely into an approximately 3/4-
inch-thick burger patty.
2. In a large cast-iron griddle pan, spread and heat the oil until just beginning to shimmer.
Cook the burger patties for about 3 minutes or until slightly charred on the first side. Then,
flip over the burger patties and cook for 3 minutes or until slightly charred on the second
side. Top each patty with one slice of cheese and cover the pan so cheese can melt (about 1

3. To assemble the X-Tudo: Spread mayonnaise on the inside of the buns. Top the bottom
part of the bun with one lettuce leaf, 1 tablespoon of cooked corn kernels, one slice of
tomato, one burger patty with melted cheese, one fried egg, one slice of ham or salami, a
sprinkle of crushed or ground black pepper, 2 strips of bacon, and shoestring potatoes.
Squeeze on ketchup and deli mustard, and then top with the other half of the bun. Serve x-
tudo immediately with guaraná soda or beer.

 Brazilian Hot Dog (Cachorro Quente) (Open Sandwich)

A plump sausage link smothered with well-seasoned and saucy ground beef, melted
cheese, and a huge range of outrageous toppings. Cachorro quente is the Brazilian version of
a hot dog consisting of a bread roll filled with sausage links, ground beef in a chunky tomato
sauce with green peppers and onions, and melted cheese. The dish is traditionally served with a
wide variety of accompaniments such as mashed potatoes, corn, grated carrots, fries, peas,
or pico de gallo, depending on the customers' preference. The toppings are virtually endless, and
each region in Brazil has its own preference.


 1pound (about 450 g) ground beef I made mine with lean beef)

 Salt to taste

 ground black pepper to taste

 1 good pinch cumin

 8 hot dog links on each sausage, make a lengthwise cut that goes from one end to
the other.

 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
 1 medium yellow or white onion small diced

 1 green pepper small diced

 3 cloves garlic minced

 2 tablespoons tomato paste

 2 cups water or beef broth/stock

 1 teaspoon dried thyme

 Juice of 1/2 lime

 8 loaves of French rolls or hot dog buns

 Shredded mozzarella for topping

1. In a bowl, season ground beef with salt, pepper and cumin.  Reserve.

2. In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, add the sausage and just enough water
to cover.  Once the water comes to a boil, remove pan from heat.  You will notice
that the sausages have nearly doubled in size (plumpness technique).  Reserve.

3. In a medium stainless-steel saucepan over medium-high heat, heat the oil.   Sauté
both the onion and bell pepper.  When the onion becomes translucent, add the garlic
and let it cook, stirring constantly, for 30 seconds.  

4. Add the ground beef and let brown. Stir in the tomato paste.  Then add either water
or broth/stock and thyme, and bring to a boil. 

5. When it begins to boil, reduce heat to medium-low and let the meat cook, partially
covered, for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.  

6. Remove from heat, stir in the lime juice, and cover the pan.

7. To assemble the hot dog, put a warm or hot sausage link into each roll/bun, and
then on top of it spoon about 2-4 tablespoons of the prepared, hot ground beef.  Top
with shredded mozzarella cheese (only assemble the hot dogs right before serving,
in order to prevent the bread from becoming soggy).  

8. Mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise are the preferred choices for condiments in
Brazil.  The hot dogs can be served with the following accompaniments: steamed
corn, steamed peas, pico de gallo, grated Parmesan cheese, shoestring potatoes,
shredded lettuce, chopped parsley, chopped olives, grated carrots, mashed potatoes,
requeijão cheese, etc. Typical accompaniments vary from one region of Brazil to the

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