Marketing: What Are The Goals of Marketing?

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Marketing is the management process involved in
identifying, anticipating and satisfying the
customers wants profitability.
Marketing is not just selling. It is about knowing and understanding your customers.
- includes activities such as public relations, sales promotion, advertising, social media,
distributions and many other functions.
The functions of Marketing are to communicate, deliver and create value to the customer.
Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a
product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers
or other businesses. Some marketing is done by affiliates on behalf of a company.
Professionals who work in a corporation's marketing and promotion departments seek to get the
attention of key potential audiences through advertising. Promotions are targeted to certain
audiences and may involve celebrity endorsements, catchy phrases or slogans, memorable
packaging or graphic designs and overall media exposure.

What Are the Goals of Marketing?

An important goal of marketing is propelling a company’s growth. This can be seen through
attracting and retaining new customers. 

 Companies may apply a number of different marketing strategies to achieve these goals. For
instance, matching products with customers' needs could involve personalization, prediction,
and essentially knowing the right problem to solve. 

 Another strategy is creating value through the customer experience. This is demonstrated
through efforts to elevate customer satisfaction and remove any difficulties with the product or

1. ORGANIC MARKETING -Marketing that occurs naturally as you build your brand. Organic
marketing, also referred to as inbound marketing, is advertising that costs little to nothing to
create and distribute to potential customers.

2. INORGANIC MARKETING - Inorganic marketing is the opposite of organic marketing in the

sense that it’s not free. It involves paying money for ads to digital platforms to showcase your
ads to the users when they are browsing through those respective platforms.

Digital Marketing
Any marketing that uses electronic devices to convey promotional messaging and measure its
impact. In practice, digital marketing typically refers to marketing campaigns that appear on a
computer, phone, tablet, or other device. It can take many forms, including online video, display
ads, and social media posts. Digital marketing is often compared to “traditional marketing” such
as magazine ads, billboards, and direct mail. Oddly, television is usually lumped in with
traditional marketing.
Types of digital marketing
1. Search engine optimization

S t. J ohn’s Academy I nc.

Junior High School
Grade 9 – (TLE- Entrepreneurship)

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is technically a marketing tool rather than a form of
marketing in itself. The Balance defines it as “the art and science of making web pages
attractive to search engines.”
2. Content marketing
SEO is a major factor in content marketing, a strategy based on the distribution of relevant and
valuable content to a target audience.

As in any marketing strategy, the goal of content marketing is to attract leads that ultimately
convert into customers. But it does so differently than traditional advertising. Instead of enticing
prospects with potential value from a product or service, it offers value for free in the form of
written material.
3. Social media marketing
Social media marketing means driving traffic and brand awareness by engaging people in
discussion online. The most popular platforms for social media marketing are Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram, with LinkedIn and YouTube not far behind.
Because social media marketing involves active audience participation, it has become a popular
way of getting attention
4. Pay-per-click marketing
Pay-per-click, or PPC, is posting an ad on a platform and paying every time someone clicks on
5. Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing lets someone make money by promoting another person's business. You
could be either the promoter or the business who works with the promoter, but the process is
the same in either case.
6. Email marketing
The concept of email marketing is simple—you send a promotional message and hope that your
prospect clicks on it. However, the execution is much more complex. First of all, you have to
make sure that your emails are wanted.
7. Influencer Marketing - At a fundamental level, influencer marketing is a type of social media
marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers–individuals who have
a dedicated social following and are viewed as experts within their niche.
The benefits of digital marketing
Digital marketing has become prominent largely because it reaches such a wide audience of
people, but it offers a number of other advantages as well. These are a few of the benefits.
1. A broad geographic reach
2. Cost efficiency
3. More connection with customers
4. Easy and convenient conversions

S t. J ohn’s Academy I nc.

Junior High School
Grade 9 – (TLE- Entrepreneurship)

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