Annulus Conflagros: The Emporium of Uncanny Magic - Curious Rings

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“We had the target surrounded, but the captain

ordered us to stand down. Like he knew the

stories and wanted to prove them wrong. He
directed one of the war-mages, who cast
death magic that should have finished her.
But I saw the flash of gold at her finger, and then
suddenly the captain was down and a husk. All the life
drained from him when the war-mage’s spell was turned
on him, like a starved dog going for its master’s throat.”
— Report of a guard of Neldorild of the
failure to apprehend the bandit lord
Cas Kimer, called the Spell-Battler
The blades last for 10 minutes (no concentration re-
quired), or until you end the effect as an action. When
The Dungeon Masters’ Guide presents a wide range of
the effect ends, the ring drops to the ground and must be
magic items for your DUNGEONS & DRAGONS games,
including a number of vintage items familiar to players
of all editions of the game. But magic is mysterious, and
many unique and memorable items remain to be discov-
Ring, legendary (requires attunement)
ered by DMs and players alike.
One of the rings created for the rulers of the Shoon
Imperium, this band of twisted copper strands
is set with shards of ruby and topaz that glim-
mer like firelight. While you wear the ring, you
have resistance to fire damage.
Additionally, this ring has 5 charges, and it
regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
You can cast the following spells from the ring,
expending the necessary number of charges: burn-
ing hands (1 charge), fireball (2 charges), pyrotech-
nics* (1 charge), or wall of fire (3 charges). Spells cast
from the ring have a save DC of 15.
*From the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion.


The Emporium of Uncanny Magic — Curious Rings
Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
presents thirty-five intriguing rings from previous edi-
This ring is cast of interlocking bands of black steel and
tions of the D&D game, updated and revised for fifth edi-
white gold, and is said to have first been crafted for the
tion. Included in this collection are four nefarious cursed
legendary paladin Lady Aribeth de Tylmarande. While
rings, all of which take the form of other magic rings to
you wear this ring, you have advantage on saving throws
confound players and delight DMs.
against spells.
Like the rings found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide,
Additionally, this ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3
these new rings must be worn on a finger or similar dig-
expended charges daily at dawn. When you fail a saving
it in order to function. Rings often need to be attuned,
throw against a spell, you can use your reaction to expend
limiting the number of rings a character can wear at
1 of the ring’s charges and succeed on the saving throw.
one time.


Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
This plain white ring is carved of bone transmuted to a
First forged for the rulers of the Shoon Imperium, this
steel-like hardness, and has 3 charges. Whenever your hit
ring has the appearance of dozens of sword blades tight-
point maximum would be reduced by
ly entwined. While you wear the ring, you can use an
an attack, you can use your reaction
action to send it flying from you to any location you can
to expend 1 of the ring’s charges
see within 90 feet of you. At that location, the ring un-
and negate the reduction. The ring
furls to become a wall of razor-sharp magical blades, as
regains 1d3 expended charges daily
if you had cast the blade barrier spell (save DC 15). Once
at dawn.
used, this property of the ring can’t be used until the next


Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
CORMYR COMMANDER’S RING way, the two rings count as only one item for the pur-
Ring, legendary (requires attunement) pose of determining the number of magic items you
This steel band is set with a purple amethyst, and was can attune to.
first forged by the war wizards of Cormyr for the use of
that land’s greatest military leaders. While you wear the
Ring, rare
ring, you have advantage on saving throws, you have a +1
bonus to Armor Class, and you always know the distance This gnarled silver ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3
and direction to any Purple Dragon ring within 100 feet expended charges daily at dawn. While you are wearing
of you (see that entry, below).
Additionally, this ring has 5 charges, and it regains 1d4
+ 1 expended charges daily at dawn. You can cast the Ring Rarity
following spells from the ring, expending the necessary Akkabar’s battleblade ring Rare
number of charges: daylight (2 charges), feather fall (1 Annulus conflagros Legendary
charge), knock (1 charge), or wall of force (3 charges). Aribeth’s ring of spell resistance Very rare
A Cormyr commander’s ring can be worn on the same
Bone ring of resilience Very rare
hand as a Purple Dragon ring. When worn in this way, the
two rings count as only one item for the purpose of deter- Cormyr commander’s ring Legendary
mining the number of magic items you can attune to. Iron ring of the dwarf lords Rare
Purple Dragon ring Uncommon
Ring of blinking Rare
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
This ring is a solid band of gray-black iron scribed with Ring of brilliant escape Very rare
ancient Dwarvish runes. While you wear the ring, when- Ring of chameleon power Uncommon
ever you regain hit points at the end of a short rest by Ring of climbing Uncommon
spending one or more Hit Dice, you regain an extra 1d6 Ring of clumsiness Rare
hit points.
Ring of contrariness Rare
Additionally, whenever you are standing on the ground
and are subject to an effect that would move you against Ring of counterspells Very rare
your will, you can use your reaction to negate the move- Ring of delusion Rare
ment. Once used, this property of the ring can’t be used Ring of disease immunity Uncommon
until the next dawn. Ring of dragons Very rare
PURPLE DRAGON RING Ring of flight Very rare
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) Ring of force shield Uncommon
This brass ring is set with the symbol of the Purple Ring of friend shield Rare
Dragon knights, and was first worn by the members of Ring of humanoid influence Uncommon
that order as they protected Cormyr’s royal family. This
Ring of ironguard Very rare
ring has 5 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges
daily at dawn. You can cast the following cantrips and Ring of lore Rare
spells from the ring, expending the necessary number of Ring of might Uncommon
charges: detect poison and disease (2 charges) or light (1 Ring of nine lives Legendary
charge, save DC 13). Ring of shocking grasp Rare
A Purple Dragon ring can be worn on the same hand
Ring of spell-battle Legendary
as a Cormyr commander’s ring. When worn in this
Ring of sustenance Very rare
Ring of teleportation Rare
Credits Ring of the darkhidden Uncommon
WRITING, DESIGN, AND DEVELOPMENT Ring of true seeing Very rare
Scott Fitzgerald Gray Ring of truth Uncommon
EDITING AND PROOFING Ring of Velsharoon’s binding Rare
Gabriel Duclair Ring of weakness Rare
LAYOUT AND GRAPHICS Ring of wizardry (1st level) Uncommon
(studio)Effigy Ring of wizardry (2nd level) Rare
Interested in beta reading or playtesting upcoming Ring of wizardry (3rd level) Very rare
titles from Insane Angel Studios? Let us know. Ring of wizardry (4th level) Legendary


Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
the ring, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges, d10 Ring
magically teleporting yourself and any equipment you are
1 Iron ring of the dwarf lords†
wearing or carrying up to 40 feet to an unoccupied space
you can see. Before or after teleporting, you can make 2 Ring of brilliant escape†
one melee attack. 3 Ring of feather falling
4 Ring of free action
5 Ring of invisibility
Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
6 Ring of jumping
This band of black steel is set with a star opal that pulses
with a magical glow. While you wear the ring, your base 7 Ring of shocking grasp†
walking speed increases by 5 feet. 8 Ring of swimming
Additionally, as an action, you can magically teleport 9 Ring of warmth
yourself and any equipment you are wearing or carrying
10 Ring of water walking
up to 50 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. When
you complete the teleport, a brilliant explosion bursts

New ring from this supplement.
from the space you teleported from. All creatures within
Curse. This ring is cursed. The first time you use one
15 feet of that space must succeed on a DC 15 Charis-
of the ring’s normal functions in combat or some other
ma saving throw or take 4d8 radiant damage, or half
stressful situation (as determined by the DM), the curse
as much damage on a successful save. Once used, this
extends to you. As long as you remain cursed, you have
property of the ring can’t be used until the next dawn.
disadvantage on any d20 roll made using Dexterity, in-
RING OF CHAMELEON POWER cluding ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls.
Ring, uncommon Additionally, when casting any spell with a somatic
component, you must first succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity
While wearing this gold ring set with nondescript chips
check with disadvantage. On a failed check, the spell
of agate, you are able to magically blend in with your sur-
fails and has no effect.
roundings, gaining advantage on any Dexterity (Stealth)
While you are cursed, you cannot remove the ring until
check you make to hide.
you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar
Additionally, the ring has 3 charges, and it regains
1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While you wear it,
you can use an action to expend 1 of the ring’s charges RING OF CONTRARINESS
and cast the disguise self spell from it (save DC 13), but Ring, rare (attunement varies)
you can target only yourself. The spell ends if the ring is
This cursed ring appears to be some other sort of magi-
cal ring. It has the normal functions of the ring it resem-
RING OF CLIMBING bles (including that ring’s attunement requirements) until
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) its curse manifests.
When placing this ring in a campaign, the DM selects
While you wear this band of toughened leather, you have
the type of ring it resembles by rolling on or choosing
advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb.
from the following table.
Additionally, you can use an action to cast the spider
climb spell from the ring, but you can target only your- d10 Ring
self. This property of the ring can’t be used again until
1 Ring of animal influence
the next dawn.
2 Ring of counterspells†
RING OF CLUMSINESS 3 Ring of flight†
Ring, rare (attunement varies) 4 Ring of friend shield†
This cursed ring appears to be some other sort of magi-
5 Ring of humanoid influence†
cal ring. It has the normal functions of the ring it resem-
bles (including that ring’s attunement requirements) until 6 Ring of invisibility
its curse manifests. 7 Ring of lore†
When placing this ring in a campaign, the DM selects 8 Ring of might†
the type of ring it resembles by rolling on or choosing 9 Ring of shocking grasp†
from the following table.
10 Ring of spell turning

New ring from this supplement.

Curse. This ring is cursed. The first time you use one
of the ring’s normal functions in combat or some other
stressful situation (as determined by the DM), the curse


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extends to you. As long as you remain cursed, you auto- stressful situation (as determined by the DM), the curse
matically question, disagree with, or outright defy any extends to you. As long as you remain cursed, you and
plan or suggested action put to you by your allies. You any allies who can see you use the ring believe that its
can roleplay this contrariness, or the DM can direct your magic continues to function normally. Enemies and
character’s actions as need be. other creatures, as well as allies not present when a de-
The contrary nature imposed by the ring does not allow lusive effect of the ring is activated, do not share in your
others to trick you into taking specific actions. For exam- delusion.
ple, if allies aware of the ring’s power want to flee a com- For example, if you use a ring of delusion that has the
bat encounter, they might all insist that you should not flee initial normal function of a ring of djinni summoning, you
the encounter, hoping to incite the opposite response from and any allies present when you activate the ring after its
you. However, you are free to simply take an alternative curse extends to you collectively hallucinate the appear-
course of action within the encounter, and the DM might ance of the djinni you summon, as well as any effects of
impose such an action on you if you go along with other your commands to the djinni, as determined by the DM.
players trying to manipulate your contrariness. If you make use of a ring of delusion in the form of a ring
While you are cursed, you cannot remove the ring of regeneration or a ring of resistance, the DM will se-
until you are targeted by the remove curse spell or sim- cretly track your real hit points to ignore your imaginary
ilar magic. If anyone attempts to help you end the ring’s reduced damage or healing, with you and your allies
curse, the nature of the curse causes you to resist those perfectly convinced of the state of your health until you
efforts to the best of your ability. unexpectedly keel over in combat.
If you activate a ring of delusion that has the appear-
RING OF COUNTERSPELLS ance of a ring of invisibility, you and your allies will be-
Ring, very rare (requires attunement) lieve that you have become invisible — even as enemies
This gold band is set with arcane sigils that any wizard and other creatures see you clearly. Likewise, a ring of
recognizes as defining part of the formula for the coun- delusion masquerading as a ring of feather falling will
terspell spell. The ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 leave you and allies who see you fall convinced that you
expended charges daily at dawn. While you wear the descended at a safe speed, and wondering what unseen
ring, you can use your reaction to expend 1 of its charges magic or creature fatally bludgeoned you as you landed.
and cast counterspell from it. You make the spell’s ability While you are cursed, you cannot remove the ring until
check with a +4 modifier. you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar
Ring, rare (attunement varies) RING OF DISEASE IMMUNITY
This cursed ring appears to be some other sort of magi- Ring, uncommon
cal ring. It has the normal functions of the ring it resem- This ring is forged of copper and wound with silver wire.
bles (including that ring’s attunement requirements) until While you wear this ring, you are immune to contracting
its curse manifests. any disease. If you are already infected with a disease,
When placing this ring in a campaign, the DM selects the effects of the disease are suppressed while you wear
the type of ring it resembles by rolling on or choosing the ring.
from the following table. Additionally, as an action, you can touch a creature
and end one disease afflicting it. Once used, this property
d10 Ring of the ring can’t be used until the next dawn.
1 Ring of djinni summoning
2 Ring of feather falling
Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
3 Ring of force shield†
Cast of brass in the form of a dragon eating its own tail,
4 Ring of invisibility this ring is forged by agents of the Cult of the Dragon for
5 Ring of mind shielding the use of the cult’s leaders. While you wear this ring,
6 Ring of regeneration you are able to communicate verbally or telepathically
with any dragon you can see. As an action, you can also
7 Ring of resistance
telepathically send a nonverbal alert to any dracolich or
8 Ring of the darkhidden† evil dragon on the same plane as you whose name you
9 Ring of the ram know. The subject of the alert immediately knows your
10 Ring of x-ray vision location and identity, though it does not need to respond

New ring from this supplement. to your call unless it sees fit.

Curse. This ring is cursed. The first time you use one
of the ring’s normal functions in combat or some other


Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Additionally, you can use an action to create an illusion RING OF IRONGUARD
of any dragon you have personally seen, placing the il- Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
lusion anywhere within 60 feet of you. This effect is like This band of plain iron grows noticeably warm when
the minor illusion spell (save DC 17), except that it is not touched to any other metal. While you wear this ring,
limited by size. Once used, this property of the ring can’t you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slash-
be used until the next dawn. ing damage from nonmagical attacks made with metal
RING OF FLIGHT Additionally, you can use an action to make yourself
Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
and any equipment you are wearing or carrying wholly
A delicate band of silver, this ring is scribed with a pat- intangible to nonmagical metal for 1 minute. This grants
tern of interlocking birds’ wings. If you fall while wearing you immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
this ring, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from nonmagical attacks made with metal
damage from falling. weapons, and you have advantage on weapon attack rolls
Additionally, you can use an action to gain a flying you make against creatures wearing metal armor. You
speed equal to your base walking speed for 1 hour, and can move through objects made wholly of nonmagical
you can hover. Once used, this property of the ring can’t metal as if they were difficult terrain, including bars,
be used until the next dawn. gates, doors, and walls. If you end your turn inside a
metal object, you take 1d6 force damage. If this effect
RING OF FORCE SHIELD ends while you occupy the same space as a metal object,
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
you are shunted to the nearest unoccupied space. Once
This heavy iron ring is notched and scratched as if it has used, this property of the ring can’t be used until the next
been struck repeatedly, though it resists any attempt to dawn.
mar it. While you wear the ring, you can use a bonus
action to surround yourself with a shield of invisible mag- RING OF LORE
ical force, granting you a +2 bonus to AC that lasts until Ring, rare
the start of your next turn. This band of blue-gray steel is incised with arcane runes
of knowledge. The ring has 3 charges, and it regains
RING OF FRIEND SHIELD 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. You can cast the
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
following spells from the ring, expending the necessary
This broad ring has the appearance of two separate number of charges: detect magic (1 charge), identify (2
bands of gleaming silver separated by a narrow gap, charges), legend lore (3 charges).
though no amount of force can separate the two parts.
The ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended RING OF MIGHT
charges daily at dawn. While you wear it, you can use an Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
action to expend 1 of the ring’s charges and target one This heavy silver ring is embossed with the sigil of a
ally you can see. For the next hour, whenever the ally hammer, and was first forged by clerics of Tyr. While you
would take damage from an attack, it takes half the dam- wear the ring, your unarmed strike uses a d8 for damage.
age and you take half the damage. If either of you have Any creature hit by one or more of your unarmed strikes
damage resistance or vulnerability, that resistance or while you wear the ring bears a fist-sized imprint of a
vulnerability is applied after the damage is halved. hammer at the site of the first such strike, which lasts
You can end this effect early as a bonus action. until the damage is healed.
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) Ring, legendary (requires attunement)
This black lacquered ring is set with four chips of gleam- This ivory ring has been carved to resemble the visage of
ing white bone. While you wear the ring, you have advan- a cat. The ring has 9 charges. While you wear the ring, if
tage on Charisma checks made to influence or interact you ever drop to 0 hit points, you automatically expend 1
with humanoid creatures. of the ring’s charges (no action required) to instead drop
Additionally, the ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 to 1 hit point and target yourself with a heal spell cast
expended charges daily at dawn. You can cast the follow- from the ring.
ing spells from the ring, expending the necessary num- Alternatively, if you fail a saving throw, you can use
ber of charges: charm person (1 charge) or suggestion (2 your reaction to expend 1 of the ring’s charges to suc-
charges; humanoid target only). Spells cast from the ring ceed on the saving throw instead.
have a save DC of 13. When all the ring’s charges are expended, it becomes a
nonmagical ring worth 50 gp.


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Ring, rare (requires attunement) Ring, uncommon
This ring is crafted of twisted strands of gleaming cop- This tarnished silver band is set with inscribed images of
per. While wearing the ring, you can cast the shocking closed eyes. While you wear this ring in an area of dark-
grasp cantrip at will, dealing 1d8 lightning damage on a ness, you can use a bonus action to become invisible to
hit. When you make the spell’s attacks, you do so with an creatures that would normally see you with darkvision.
attack bonus of +5. This invisibility lasts until the start of your next turn. You
If your attack roll with the cantrip is successful, you become visible to such creatures if you are exposed to
can use your reaction to increase the damage to 4d8 any light, or if you attack or cast a spell.
lightning damage. Once used, this property of the ring
can’t be used until the next dawn. RING OF TRUE SEEING
Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
RING OF SPELL-BATTLE This ring is a band of carved quartz that seems to fade
Ring, legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster) from view when stared at. While you wear the ring, you
This gold ring is set with spheres of silver. It has 3 have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
charges, and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at Additionally, you can use an action to heighten your
dawn. While you wear the ring, you become automatical- senses for 1 hour. While your senses are heightened,
ly aware of all spellcasting that occurs within 60 feet of you have truesight, you notice secret doors hidden by
you as long as you are conscious, even if you cannot see magic, and you can see into the Ethereal Plane, all out to
the spellcaster. Further, you know the name and level of a range of 120 feet. Once used, this property of the ring
each spell being cast. can’t be used until the next dawn.
As a reaction, you can expend 1 of the ring’s charges
to cast the counterspell spell from the ring, attempting RING OF TRUTH
to interrupt the casting of one spell identified by the ring. Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
You do not need to see the creature casting the spell. You This ring is a band of clear crystal that becomes all
make the spell’s ability check with a +4 modifier. but invisible when worn. While you wear this ring, you
If the spell targets only you, you can instead expend automatically succeed on any Wisdom (Insight) check
2 of the ring’s charges as a reaction, allowing you to you make to determine the truth or falsehood of another
redirect the spell at any other target you can see within creature’s words. However, you are likewise incapable of
60 feet of you and within the spell’s range (including the speaking falsely while you are attuned to the ring, even if
spellcaster). The redirected spell uses the slot level, spell you are not wearing it. You cannot knowingly speak a lie
save DC, attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the or attempt to deceive another creature with your words,
caster. If the new target is an illegal target for the spell, and you automatically fail all Charisma (Deception)
the spell fails and has no effect. checks involving speech.


Ring, very rare (requires attunement) Ring, rare (requires attunement)
This white metal band feels cool to the touch. While you First created for the rulers of the Shoon Imperium, this
wear the ring, you don’t need to eat or drink. Additionally, ring is constructed as two bands of silver joined by a thin
you need only sleep or trance for 2 hours during a long silver chain. Though worn on two adjacent fingers, the
rest, allowing you to perform light activity for the dura- rings are treated as a single magic item.
tion of the rest. While you wear the ring, you have advantage on saving
throws against necromancy spells. You are also under
RING OF TELEPORTATION the constant effect of the protection from evil and good
Ring, rare (requires attunement) spell, but against only undead creatures.
When you aren’t looking at it, this ornately scribed plati-
num band has a habit of magically jumping from one of RING OF WEAKNESS
your fingers to another. While you wear this ring, you can Ring, rare (attunement varies)
use an action to teleport yourself and any equipment you This cursed ring appears to be some other sort of magi-
are wearing or carrying up to 30 feet to an unoccupied cal ring. It has the normal functions of the ring it resem-
space you can see. bles (including that ring’s attunement requirements) until
Additionally, you can cast the teleport spell from the its curse manifests.
ring. Once used, this property of the ring can’t be used When placing this ring in a campaign, the DM selects
until the next dawn. the type of ring it resembles by rolling on or choosing
from the following table.


Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
d10 Ring
Scott Fitzgerald Gray
1 Ring of blinking†
(9th-level layabout, vindictive neutral) is a writer
2 Ring of elemental command
of fantasy and speculative fiction, a fiction editor, a
3 Ring of evasion story editor, and an editor and designer of roleplaying
4 Ring of invisibility games — all of which means he finally has the job he
5 Ring of ironguard† really wanted when he was sixteen. Since 2004, Scott
6 Ring of nine lives† has worked on upwards of two hundred RPG rulebooks,
supplements, adventures, and articles for Wizards of
7 Ring of shooting stars
the Coast and other publishers, including all three core
8 Ring of spell-battle† rulebooks for fifth edition DUNGEONS & DRAGONS.
9 Ring of telekinesis He shares his life in the Canadian hinterland with a
10 Ring of teleportation† schoolteacher, two itinerant daughters, and a large

New ring from this supplement. number of animal companions. More info on Scott and
his work (some of it even occasionally truthful) can be
Curse. This ring is cursed. The first time you use one found by reading between the lines at
of the ring’s normal functions in combat or some other
stressful situation (as determined by the DM), the curse
extends to you. As long as you remain cursed, you have DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the
disadvantage on any d20 roll made using Strength or Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and
Constitution, including ability checks, saving throws, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names and their
attack rolls. Additionally, each time you finish a short or respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast
long rest, your hit point maximum is reduced by 1. This in the USA and other countries.
reduction cannot be ended by any effect until the curse is This work contains material that is © Wizards of the
removed. Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
While you are cursed, you cannot remove the ring until permission under the Community Content Agreement
you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar for Dungeon Masters Guild.
magic. All original written material in this work is copyright
2016 by Scott Fitzgerald Gray and published by Insane
RING OF WIZARDRY Angel Studios under the Community Content Agree-
Ring, rarity varies (requires attunement by a wizard) ment for Dungeon Masters Guild.
This platinum ring is set with a rough-cut chip of gem- Ring of clumsiness, ring of contrariness, ring of delu-
stone. While you wear the ring, the number of spell slots sion, ring of humanoid influence, ring of shocking grasp,
you have of one specific level are doubled. The type of ring of truth, and ring of weakness are adapted from the
gem in the ring indicates which level of spell slot is dou- first edition and second edition D&D Dungeon Master
bled, which in turn determines the ring’s rarity. Guide.
Ring of blinking, ring of chameleon power, ring of
Gemstone Chip Spell Slots Doubled Rarity climbing, ring of counterspells, ring of force shield, ring of
Garnet 1st level Uncommon friend shield, ring of sustenance, and ring of wizardry are
adapted from the third edition D&D Dungeon Master’s
Topaz 2nd level Rare
Guide (v3.0 and v3.5).
Emerald 3rd level Very rare Ring of ironguard and ring of teleportation are adapted
Ruby 4th level Legendary from the third edition D&D Forgotten Realms Campaign
Aribeth’s ring of spell resistance, bone ring of resilience,
Cormyr commander’s ring, ring of the darkhidden, ring
of disease immunity, ring of dragons, ring of lore, ring of
might, ring of nine lives, Purple Dragon ring, and ring
of spell-battle are adapted from the third edition D&D
Magic of Faerûn.
Akkabar’s battleblade ring, annulus conflagros, and
ring of Velsharoon’s binding are adapted from the third
edition D&D Player’s Guide to Faerûn.
Iron ring of the dwarf lords, ring of brilliant escape, ring
of true seeing, and ring of flight are adapted from the
fourth edition D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide.


Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.

The Unliving Light Lost Potions Vault of the Dracolich

Dead in Thay
Emporium of Uncanny Magic (with Mike Shea and Tomb of Horrors
FIFTH EDITION/D&D NEXT Teos Abadia) (with Ari Marmell)

Dead for a Spell The Spiral Gate The Splintered Spring Heathen
(Dungeon 206; (Dungeon 180) (Dungeon 179) (Dungeon 155)
with Chris Perkins)
Insane Angel

The Exile’s Blade Sidnye (Queen of the Universe)

A Prayer for Dead Kings We Can Be Heroes The Voices of the Dead Blackheath
and Other Tales


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