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User manual of formicaries with a house (arena) +

settling by ants Messor barbarus

Preparation of ants to place the formicarium

One of the most common breeding errors is the attempt to colonize the formicarium with a
small colony of ants.
Minimum colony size for colonization is :
• for formicarium Green House: queen plus 15 workers.
• for formicarium Spring House: queen plus 20 workers.

If your colony is smaller, breed the ants in the test tube before you let them into the
prepared formarium.
Feed the ants with the same food that you will serve in the formarium with that difference
that it will be done in a test tube. Provide the ants with water.

One of the most common breeding mistakes is placing too small colony to the nest
that is too big for them!

Placing the ants to the arena (house):

1. If you bought the ant colony by internet (it was shipped to You bu courier)- we
suggest You not to open the tube for 1-2 days as the ants are after the journey. Do not
stress them immediately with resettlement.

2. Water the gypsum part on the nest - 1- injection of the pipette.

3. We raise the cover of the arena and decorate the arena with the sand, litter, elements
of natural decor.

Attention !
Please do not pour all the sand out of the bag.
The amount of sand in the arena should be max. 2-3 mm thick on the „floor”.
Spilling the whole amount of the sand may result in that the ants can hide and we will
not be able to observe them.

Too much sand combined with moisture is able to cause irreversible changes in the
joints connecting the walls of the arena.
The remaining sand can be used after some time when You will want to refresh the

4. Take the cotton wool of the test tube and put the tube to the arena.
Close the arena.

5. Cover the nest with something for the time of collonization, so that the ants are in the
dark (as if they are in natural environment)

Do not heat the formicarium with a lamp !

Do not set the formicarium on a windowsill or on any other sunny place.

Now the ants have the time for settlement - it can take up to 2 weeks, usually it takes
within 24 hours, but each colony is different.
The most important thing is that the queen Messor Barbarus should move to the nest.
If the queen has moved to the nest, we can enjoy observation 😊


Do not exaggerate with water, the water is not allowed to stand in a plaster pot, or pour out
the sides.
Gypsum part is to be changed to a darker color. The amount of water instilled depends on the
temperature, season and evaporation.
We recommend one gradual injection of the pipette for 3-4 days.

Feeding of ants:

Messors are fed with a mixture of seeds (grass seeds, linseed, poppy) and protein food.
Protein food can be: millers, cockroach, banana cricket or other worms.
Protien food is necessary for the queen to produce offspring and allows the colony to grow.
We serve worms cut in half, we do not make "battles" between living ants and other live
worms - this may end badly for the ants.
The food is placed into the arena, the workers should move food to the nest.
Remember - ants are not vegetarians!


1. Let's remember about watering the gypsum part.

You can buy a watering dish separately - it is useful when the owner is away for a long
2. Remove impurities from the arena, do not lead to the growth of mold or other
3. Choose a good place for the formicarium, not to stressfull for the ants (not next to the
television, not on the dining table)
4. Let the ants have some intimacy - let the nest part be covered in 2/3.
5. Let the ants get the right temperaturę- minimum 22-23 degrees Celsius.

More about ant breeding:

1) Instructions:
2) AntCenter channel on YT:
3) Breeding tips by phone:
2. +48 728 215 422- between 14-16 on business days.
4) AntCenter forum on FaceBook.
5) Blog about ants:

Remember that animals mean responsibility !

We wish you a successful breeding

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