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is the first of three that deal with the respira ' se activities presented here, you explore cea Mf the respiratory tract. Lab Exercise 42—Dissction: aie Sistem deals with some aspect of respiratory function pe respiratory tract consists of the nose and nasal cavity, phar- sels, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. During ventilation, 2 ar includes respiratory cycles of inspiration and expira: Fe emores in and out ofthe respiratory tact, Dating inspira bape through the tact othe Tangs uring expiration it sat While inthe lungs, ar and blood exchange oxygen and dioxide in a process called gas exchange. Keep these impor aeons ofthe system iti mind a you explore the gross and Sgescopi structures presented inthis exercise BEFORE YOU BEGIN {Read the appropriate chapter in your textbook. Set our leaning goals. When you Snish this exereise: You should be able to: TD describe the major organs of the © 1 locate espiratory structures on a chart or model 1D demonstrate the structure of respiratory organs im @ preserved specimen B dace the movement of ar through the respiratory fact ea aroha) features of the trachea in # mierosSoP> respiratory system specimen D locate structural features of lung tissue in 2 microscopic ‘specimen 1 Prepare your materials: 1D chart or model of the human respiratory system 1D dissection tools and large tray 1D protective gear: gloves, safety eyeweas and apron p preserved specimen: sheep pluck compound light microscope D eslored penis or pens Benard microsite mammalian trached © Peepated micros: human lung es. the ditections and safety tips for th e starling any procedure. is exercise carefully respiratory Structures ee Study TIPS ‘Develop a schematic diagram tat lustre the area oy ace bbe aa ewan your diagram what happens to the aia passes each sue (warms, humid, ers, et). Obtain an unlabeled agra of = ‘oth the upper and lower respiratory acs, with your el pone, ‘hotograph your mode/specimen. After you cole ib exercise, abe your A. GROSS ANATOMY Usinga chart or model ofthe respiratory tract (perhaps deci ‘human head and torso), locate the structural features ofthe respi: tory tract listed (Figure 41-1). 1 Noseistheterm often reserved forthe external erage and tone forming the anterior wall of the nasal cavity, butt sho may refer to the entre cavity. Identiy these mas features: £5 'Nacal septum—Wall dividing the nasal cavity into ght and left portions 12 Narco Btemal nae, othe noi andthe intra voave, or openings, fom te poxienior mash ESM 3 the pharynx (singular of nares is nai) 12 Baternal nares (or nosis) Eternal opening the Earn pent ofthe nose singular of mares Mar 1D Taternal nares Openings, amie DSS exit he EI aly : 1D Hard palate —Floor ofthe nasal ca) a an the waned ridges extending fom each Tateral wall of the cavity: the supe tava onchae, ae inferior nail Tar of conchae is conch) 1 Paranasl sinuses —Aic filled APT that communicate withthe frontal, ethmoid, and phen ars fom 12 Nosolacrimal duet—Tbe that con rhe pareonjunctiva over he ee SE nasal cavity 402 LAB EXERCISE 41 Respiratory Structures ©) 2 Identify these features of the pharynx, or throat (Figure 41-2} 5 Nasopharynx—The upper of three regions of the phar- ynx, this one is posterior to the nasal cavity. The uvala is an extension of the floor of the nasopharynx, or soft palate, and serves as the inferior boundary land- mark of the nasopharynx. The pharyngeal tonsils are on = the posterior wall, and the lateral walls have the inferior opening of the auditory (eustachian) tube from the ~_ middle ear. OG Oropharynx—The middle portion of the pharynx, it is posterior to the oral cavity. The palatine and lingual tonsils are found here. pairs and 3 single piece wall of the larynx: thyroid, forms (pair), comiculates ( D Vestibular folds (false vocal ¢ pairs of ligaments stretched a the larynx cavity D Vocal folds (true vocal cord laryngeal ligaments) Seencidal 4 _ SHA pens or pencils to shade in both th masa RASOPHARVINE 2 ROPHARIY NIX » TARVNGOPHARVNX « TO UM ria Respiratory Anatomy rd he Figure an the labels. ach A Bear tlowing the appropriate label re andthe lbs Each red mimes in the figure comesponds to a ratory syste. une 44-2 Structural plan ofthe rspiatony TERNAL, ( REOPINATRON om BRONGHMIOLE 1» ALVEOLAR DUGT 1» ALYEOLUS 14 Lobes (Shade Lightly) RIGHT SUPERIOR LOBE RIGHT MIDDLE LOBE. RIGHT INFERIOR LOBE LEFT SUPERIOR LOBE. LEFT INTERIOR LOBE. 5 ee aa 404 LAB EXERCISE 41 Respiratory Stuttures © 4 The trachea, of windpipe, conducts air betwee the! above and the bronchi below. Ithas C-shaped cartilage rings ‘embedded in its anterior and lateral walls for support: At its = inferior end, the trachea divides into the left and right primary bronchi, each of which enters a lung ata hilum. D5 The lungs are divided, om a gross level, into lobes, which can be subdivided into lobules. The left lung has a superior lobe and an inferior lobe. The right ling has superior, mid- dl, and inferior lobes. The lungs are found in the pleural cavities in the leR and right portions ofthe thorax. A serous ‘membrane called the pleura covers each lung (visceral pleura), then folds back to line the pleural cavity (parietal pleura). The thin space between the visceral and parietal layers is filled with serous pleural fluid. 1 6 Once in lung. each primary bronchus branches to form a bronchial tree. The successive levels of bronchial branch- ing include: Secondary bronchi—Bach serves a separate lobe Bi Tertiary bronchi—Each is a branch of a secondary bronchus; each tertiary bronchus serves a lobule. 1 Bronchioles—Several levels of small branches of the airway exist within each lobule. Near the end of the branching, terminal bronchioles give rise to respiratory bronchioles, which in turn subdivide to form alveolar The duets that end as groups of air sacs called alve smaller bronchioles are not represented in many models but can be found in some charts and figures. D7 The diaphragm is a sheet of skeletal muscle just inferior to both Jungs. The diaphragm contracts during inspiration to reduce pressure inside the thorax, drawing. air into the respiratory tract. i 1 Examine a prepared cross-section ofan Identify these features: 1 Lining—It is composed of p epithelium. Locate cilia and goblet 1D Outer wall—It is composed of sm sorted connective tiswes. Locate cailage ii G2 Examine a prepared cross-section of human | Identify this feature: a 1D Alveolus—Itis an air sac that communicates with ratory bronchiole. Try to locate the the simple squamous epithelium forming of the connective tissue between alveoli specimen? 1 3 Tiy to locate pulmonary capillaries that alveoli In a cross-section, they appear as circles of squamous epithelium (and sometimes have blood within them), ‘anatomy and Pryology Lb Mal 4085 Date: ___Seetions ssa LAB REPORT 44 Respiratory Structures Specimet on — Peal Magibet Put in Order Enerrce ees salen ined asses during inspiration) primary bronchi respiratory bronchioles secondary bronchi terminal bronchioles tertiary bronchi trachea ab EXERCISE 42 toting whole preserved specimen : ae en tact and heat of a sheep. ue Ged the appropriate chapter in your textbook feSetyour learning goals. When you finish this exercise, you shoul beable to: BD isetthe respiratory anatomy ofa preserved ca, etl pig,or sheep £ identify the following in a diss D laymx BGitrchea and bronchial tee F Dres PD aiphragm 1 Prepare your materials Pi presened cat, fetal pig, or sheep pluck BD dissection tools and trays | Dprotecive gear: glow JB songs contains i B disection microscope (optional) Red the directions and safety tips fr ths exercise carefull before starting any procedure . sEFORE YOU BEGIN i sd mammalian specimen: safety eyewear, and apron 0 safety first (tse the usual precautions w fpenen Heed the safety avi yr apecmen, Use prctctve gow Bia dssecton toi. Use saety goog 10 Bins Dispose oor store your specimen a ins n working wi 2 preser pang preservatives wed i wile handling your specimen cid dingy cing is Study TIPS Pay popes cg ts dst, covere 1 spacinen vith a «reference, vse yout pone to tke 8 Scr ston ote hua erator to he ARP Sura Guide. You may want ose yur Bk pecimen and ue itt to ef he repeat TA RESPIRATORY ANATOMY OF THE CAT actviy challenges you to identify the maior respiaton Te ect Tae you hae already removed the ca kD Bese 10 The Shin) and opened the thoracic enh (AY he 40—Dinection, Cardiovascular and Lyphatie Sites < cont © 2019 pissection: Respiratory System you simply have to cut trough the mle ofthe neck and head to copes neal ores the ato aay eat th Ret repilny ctin human) Be cre rou do hi arid damagingthe specimen the ot atu ely anole where the stctures are nonally located in relation to one smother. Re- to carefully movethe viscera outofthe way without ting ‘or removing them) ose the rctures indicated inthis actin. 1D 1 Identify the extemal mae, the pening ofthe asl Notice that esl opie tl oa od air pasuages IF your ratctor dec you odo, nto thenose and mouth ofthe eats expose the nasal cavity nd ‘ary: nthe nal cavity yt enti the nasal tb tater (conchae) projecting from he late wal Can you “ent the hee major regions ofthe phism: naopha yr, otphan, and layngophanna? Locate and tent the lar, o voice box deep inthe neck. The epiglltis, thyroid eatlage, and eid eat Tage of th lance ely vile on the venta spect 1.3 Identify the trachea extending poster om the lm Notice th cartilage ings that soporte o2 C4 Identify the tightland let primary bronchi. Notice that cach extends ta different lung, where it splits to fem se eral secondary bronchi ach secondaty bronchus seves a distinct lobe of lung, Identify the flowing lobes in each hung of your specimen: 1B Anterior lobe (let and ight) as vo ie ntl , the wall ofthe thoraci cavity: issues other el Tocat the fllowing srctures of 1 Imtercostal muscles 1D Thoracic it Parietal pleura Visceral pleura D Pleural space 1D Diaphragm 1G Phrenic nene o Gionerates diaphragm) a gars Fight subclavian artery ‘Anterior vena cava (cut) Brachiocephalic ung, anterior ode (nominate) artery ‘Lung, mide lobe Left subclavian artery ‘Lung, posterior lobe Aone arch 3 Aurile of ight aim ae Heart Lung, mediastinal lobe SS Diaphragm FIQURE 42-1 Respiratory anatomy of the cat. Ventral view ‘ent © 2019 by Exar. lights eso RESPIRATORY ANATOMY THE FETAL PIG ‘hs activity challenges you to identify the major respiratory strc: tures ofthe fetal pig. Assuring you have already removed the ani, ial sin (Lab Exercise 10—The Skin) and opened the thoracic tay (Lab Exercise 40—Dissection: Cardiovascular and Lym- ic Sjstems), you simply have to cut through the muscles of | theneck and head to expose the intemal features ofthe anterior sine (equivalent to the upper respiratory tract in humans). Be careful as you do this to avoid damaging the specimen tothe point that you really cannot tell where the structutes ate normally Ipeted in relation to one another: Remember to careflly move the viscera out ofthe way (without cutting or removing them) to seethe structures indicated inthis activity ID) 1 Sdentify the external nares, the openings ofthe nasal cavity. Bestar anal septa digs tel ety atee Be poe verscos diver orto cyan Re ase a oath ofthe fl pigte corse Hee Fe seleteey ite veal oxy icy sae Ee coo ovcued ance Jaren et mar eon of he pon am harynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx? cd decay te lagen oc vorce box, deep ln the re ly from the I 1 3 Identify the trachea extending posteriorly from the lay a ese aga mopor th sh, Figure 42-2 ilvsttes many ofthe structs of he feta pig listed in this activ. o4 o7 Identity the right and left primary bronchi. cach extends to a diferent ang, where fps o calsccedey bend a Each secondary bronchus serves dine lobe of ang | dent thefllowing lobes in each lng of your specimen | 1D Anterior lobe (left and right) Middle lobe (right oni) 1D Posterior lobe (left and right) your instctor directs you to do so, slice int the tie of one ofthe lobes and remove a small section of ie Exam ine the intemal structure ofthis tse with a disetion metoscope or hand les to feveal ae pases that conte tute distal elements ofthe bronchial tre and tissues. You may make a deeper et into the labe to reveal other elements ofthe bronchial airways Locate the following structures ofthe wall ofthe thoracic cay 1 Intercostal muscles © Thorac inlet 1 Parietal pleura 1 Viseral pleura © Pleural space 1D Diaphragm (innerates diaphragm) Z Bee aU CR a a Geel ack coat . oe q Ra oF ceed Thymus Heat in pericardium Modiastinal membrane Diaphragm FIGURE 42-2 Respiratory anatomy of the fetal pig, Ventral view. SPIRATORY ANATOMY OF THE SHEEP Fisacivity challenges you to identify the major xespratory struc Iesina sheep pluck specimen. This specimen includes a portion ike respiratory system, the hear, and other nearby structures te- Heo fom the carcass ofa sheep. The organs of the sheep pluck D esnslarin sie to the adult human (depending on the particular 7 eepand the particular human, of course) 1D 1 Locate and identify the larynx, or voice bor, at the anterior end of the sheep pluck. 1D 2 Adentify the trachea extending posteriorly from the larynx. Notice the cartilage ings th iat support this structe te structures ofthe sheen DUK ‘igure 42-3 iusrates many of Asean this actiiy, (13 Identify the right and left primary bronchi Notice that o 4 5 [Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual 411 i hung, where it splits to form sev cach extends toa dif eral secondary bronchi Each secondary bronchus serves @ distinct lobe of a lung: Tdentfy the lobes in each lung of your specimen. How any ave therein each lung? How docs this compare the hum If you instructor drets you todo so, slic into the tssue of ‘one ofthe lobes and remove a small section oftisue. Exam Ine the internal structure of this tissue with a dissection teroscope or hand ens to reveal air passages that const tute distal elements of the bronchial tree and gasexchange anes, You may make a deeper cut into the Tobe t reveal other elements of the bronchial airway. LTR Me ea ANATOMICAL ATLAS OF Sr Mya Lt aa oo FIGURE 42-3. Respiratory ana rep. A, ry anatomy ofthe sh Ventral ral view. B, Anterior vie ‘Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual 41 Date: LAB REPORT 42 Section: Dissection: Respiratory System | Dissection Checklist an sa B, Fetal Pig Dissection Checklist eal ee al nasal septa sina (conchae) o eke (conchae) g pharm O pharynx 5 — a oh orphan 1B haingophanynx 1 aygophans Se 1D lanns a 1 trachea pens. a primary bronchi 1 evcoid cartilage Oa aa secondary bronchi bes ofthe ngs D primary bronchi 1D anterior lobe (left and ight) D lng mide lobe (ight nl) 1 secondary bronchi 1D posterior lobe (et and ht) DD lobes ofthe ungs 1D wall of the thoracie cavity 1 anterior abe (left and righ!) 1D mie lobe (left and sight 1 posterior lobe (left and right) intercostal muscles 1 thon inlet pave lew vise pleura 1D mediastinal lobe (right only) 1D mall ofthe thoracic cavity 1 pleural space 1 intercostal muscles 1 diaphragm 1 thoracie inlet ¢, Sheep Pluck Dissection Checklist / aaa 1D larynx “aaa Di epiglotis Been thyroid eatage diaphragm Di ericoid catilage phrenic nerve other features vibe 1D tachea 1G primary bronchi 1D hong secondary brane lobes ofthe tn Fw any ie Fwy NO a egpas rennet

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