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Received February 28, 2020, accepted March 14, 2020, date of publication March 23, 2020, date of current version May 13, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982570

A New Sustainable Scheduling Method for Hybrid

Flow-Shop Subject to the Characteristics
of Parallel Machines
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
Key Laboratory of High-Efficiency and Clean Mechanical Manufacture, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
Corresponding author: Liming Wang (
This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation, China, under Grant 51805297, in part by the National Key Research
and Development Program, China, under Grant 2018YFB2002104, and in part by the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation,
China, under Grant ZR2017BEE018.

ABSTRACT Sustainable production for hybrid flow shop scheduling problem (HFSP) has attracted growing
attention due to the environment and economy pressure in industry. As the major source of energy-
consumption and cost, the selection of parallel machines for various jobs quite affect the sustainability in
HFSP. However, the characteristic of parallel machines in job shops have not been addressed in current
research, which hinder its practical application. Thus, in this work a novel sustainable HFSP model
considering the characteristics of the machines is proposed through evaluation of the power, production
efficiency and cost of the parallel machines. To solve this model, an improved genetic algorithm is developed,
in which the matching distance between the parallel machines and the weights of the optimization objectives
is introduced and integrated into iterations to accelerate the convergence. Finally, a case study is adopted to
verify the proposed model and algorithm. Based on the optimization results, three kinds of typical scheduling
modes, i.e., efficiency, energy-saving, and economic, are put forward to provide guidance for the sustainable
production of hybrid flow-shop scheduling.

INDEX TERMS Green manufacturing, hybrid flow-shop scheduling, characteristics of parallel machines,
improved genetic algorithm.

NOMENCLATURE ST(n, h, l) start time for the lth job of the nth
process at machine h
Notation Description
FT(n, h, l) completion time for the lth job of the
f objective function
nth process at machine h
fnorm (x) normalized objective function
PT(n, h, l) processing time for the lth job of the
T makespan
nth process at machine h
E energy consumption
PTunit (n, h, l) processing energy consumption per unit
C cost
time for the lth job of the nth
α weight of makespan
process at machine h
β weight of energy consumption
WTunit (n, h, l) waiting energy consumption per unit
γ weight of cost
time for the lth job of the nth
k the selected machine number
process at machine h
k’ the selected machine number for next stage
Dnh matching distance
T0 the maximum of makespan
machine_c the characteristics of parallel machines
E0 the maximum of energy consumption
pmachine process power of the selected machine
C0 the maximum of cost
tmachine process time of the selected machine
cmachine production cost per unit time of the
selected machine
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and w the weight vector of the optimization
approving it for publication was Guangdong Tian . objective

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
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L. Kong et al.: New Sustainable Scheduling Method for Hybrid Flow-Shop

I. INTRODUCTION corresponding to different energy consumption levels to

With the pressure of economy and environment, sustainable explore the potential for energy saving. Moreover, switch-
production has been pay much attention both in the industrial ing between different states of the machines can also real-
production and academic [1]–[3]. The sustainable production ize energy-saving. For instance, reference [21] proposed an
is generally defined as: the creation of goods and services emergency stop circuit methods for servo device on NC
using processes and systems that are non-polluting, con- machines, which can save 20% of energy consumption of
serving of energy and natural resources and economically standby state by shutting down the servo system. In addition,
viable. Sustainable production has non-polluting conserving reference [22] presented an ultra-low idle state of machines
of energy and natural resources; economically viable; safe by turning off some auxiliary parts in idle state, and a hybrid
and healthful for employees, communities and consumers; algorithm was developed by adjusting the state of various
and socially and creatively rewarding for all working people. NC machines. In summary, the existing studies have mainly
From the point view of industrial practice, the sustainability focused on reducing energy consumption through active con-
can be evaluated with three criterions, i.e., environmental trol of the processing state of machine tool. Note that the pro-
impact, production efficiency and cost. Generally, the most cess of machine tool state switching neglected the influents
environmental impact was owing to the energy consump- of time and cost, a trade-off must be made between all the
tion [4], which result in the Energy-related CO2 emission. objectives.
Production efficiency is closely related to processing time. From the perspective of sustainable production demand
Recently, researches on reduce energy consumption can be and multi-objective scheduling optimization, reference [23]
summarized into three aspects: the machine level, the product considering the production efficiency and electric power
level, and the manufacturing level [5], [6]. At the machine cost with the presence of time-of-use electricity prices
level, the energy-saving machines or reasonable parameters simultaneously in HFSP, a new ant colony optimization
for processing were developed to reduce the power and meta-heuristic was developed to reduce the energy con-
energy demands [7]–[10]. Unfortunately, it indicated that the sumption. Meanwhile, reference [24] developed a heuristic-
share of energy demand for removal of metal material is quite search genetic algorithm aiming at minimizing the maximum
small [11]. At the product level, the specific energy frame- completion time and minimizing the total weighted tardi-
works of product are developed [12], [13], which cannot be ness, respectively. Moreover, a large amount of improved
easily applied in small or medium enterprises because of the algorithms developed to improve the efficiency, e. g, back-
enormous investment of the simulation software. At the man- tracking search algorithm [5], teacher’s teaching-learning-
ufacturing level, optimal production planning and scheduling based method [28], [29], ant colony optimization [23], [30],
are developed to achieve energy conservation apparently [14], improved genetic algorithm [19], [31]. However, the selection
it is feasible in application and requires much less financial of machines for various jobs in HFSP was passively in current
investment than other methods. studies. It is noted that most of the researches focused on
Hybrid flow-shop scheduling problem (HFSP) refers to the accuracy model or the modified algorithm, they mostly
the optimal arrangement of production plan and resources to have lost sight of the relevant among them, which enlarge
satisfy the requirements of specific goals, by means of adjust- the scheduling solution space. To address this problem, few
ing of jobs processing sequence and allocating the parallel local search methods were designed, for instance, a forward
equipment reasonably [15], [16]. To this end, in this work, scheduling decoding method considering idle time [24], [25],
we proposed a sustainable production model for hybrid flow an extended NEH-Insertion procedure with an energy-saving
shop to reduce the production time, energy consumption and capability [26], strategy for improving the total weighted
production cost in the scheduling, that is consistent with the tardiness under fixed machine speeds, strategy for improving
current definition. the total energy consumption under a fixed schedule [27].
The parallel machines are the core equipment in HFSP Apparently, local search methods mostly optimized from the
and the main energy source in machining. Improving the perspective of single objective, which not applicable to sus-
energy efficiency of machines in production was an impor- tainable production.
tant strategy to improve the sustainability of job-shops. According to the No free lunch theorem [32], it indicated
Reference [16], [17] found that the non-bottleneck machines the importance of utilizing problem-specific information
consumed a considerable amount of energy when left idle. to guide the search process of general-purpose algorithms.
A turn-on and turn-off scheduling framework was proposed to Inspired by the local search methods and the characteristics
control the machines so as to reduce the idle energy consump- of machine tools, a sustainable production scheduling method
tion. However, the frequent turn on and off switches led to a was developed considering the goal of sustainable produc-
large amount of energy consumption and damage to the life of tion, which can accelerate the convergence speed. Specifi-
machines. To solve this problem, a new machine speed scal- cally, in the scheduling process of HFSP, the information of
ing framework was introduced, in which the machines were the characteristics of parallel machines can be exacted and
allowed to work at different speed when processing various incorporated into the selected meta-heuristic as a specialized
jobs [18], [19]. Based on this new framework, reference [20] local search module. To this end, this work established a sus-
leveraged the variable speed of machining operations tainable model of HFSP and proposed an improved genetic

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L. Kong et al.: New Sustainable Scheduling Method for Hybrid Flow-Shop

FIGURE 1. Work flow of hybrid flow-shop sustainable production.

algorithm method integrating the characteristics of parallel means that the parallel machines at each stage may perform
machines. It can realize active selection of machines. The differently for the same job operation. Besides, without loss
improved meta-heuristic algorithm could narrow the search of generality, the following assumptions are considered for a
scope to improve the efficiency of scheduling. Compared better description of the problem.
with the existing work, we make three contributions: (1) All machines and jobs are simultaneously available at
(1) A new sustainable scheduling mathematical model con- time zero.
sidering makespan, energy consumption, and cost reduction (2) All jobs are processed following the same production
was proposed for the hybrid flow shop. flow.
(2) The characteristics of parallel machines were defined (3) There is no precedence constraint among the operations
by the process time, process power and production cost. of different jobs.
By evaluating the matching distance between the character- (4) The machine cannot be turned off completely until it
istics of parallel machines and the weights of optimization has finished all operations assigned to it.
objectives to realize active selection of machines.
(3) To solve the multi-objective model of HFSP, B. SUSTAINABLE MODEL OF HFSP
an improved genetic algorithm was presented to integrate This work proposed a multi-objective sustainable optimiza-
the matching distance into each stage of genetic algorithm tion problem in hybrid flow shop. The process of pro-
including the mutation operations and elite strategy, which duction can be divided into two parts: (1) processing,
can accelerate the convergence. (2) waiting. Each part involved the corresponding consump-
The framework of the following work is organized as: tion of makespan, energy and cost. In this work, the assign-
Section II elaborated the sustainable production model of ment of machines and the sequence of operations on all
HFSP and described the characteristics of parallel machines. the machines were taken as variables to be solved. The
Section III gave a solution for multi-objective problem of makespan T , energy consumption E and cost C were taken
HFSP sustainable production based on improved genetic as optimization objectives to realize sustainable produc-
algorithm. Section IV presented the case study and com- tion. Intuitionally, the jobs were prioritized according to the
parison results, and three types scheduling schemes were weights (α, β, γ ) of each objective. The optimization model
analyzed to verify the model’s validity and practicability. equations are as follows:
Finally, a conclusion was drawn in section V.
min f = α · fnorm (T ) + β · fnorm (E) + γ · fnorm (C) (1)
II. PROBLEM FORMULATION where fnorm (x) is the normalized function of makespan,
A. HYBRID FLOW SHOP SCHEDULING PROBLEM energy consumption and cost; α, β, γ means the weight of
The hybrid flow shop scheduling problem (HFSP) is one each objective, the sum of each objective is 1.
of the typical NP-Hard problems in combinatorial problem. The multi-objective model in HFSP was also subject to
It can be briefly described as follows: a set of jobs has to the following constraints to ensure its integrity during the
be processed at several stages in series. Each job consists schedule optimization.
of a chain of operations, which are processes in the same (
1, if machine k is selected for operation
order. The operation should be processed at each stage with Xlnk = (2)
one machine, as shown in Fig.1. It should be point out that 0, otherwise
the parallel machines were not identical in this work, which FT (n + 1, k , , l) − FT (n, k, l) ≥ PT (n + 1, k , , l) (3)

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ST (n + 1, k , , l) − FT (n, k, l) ≥ 0 (4) of energy consumption can be obtained by summing up the

FT (n, k, l) − FT (n, k, l − 1) ≥ PT (n, k, l) (5) processing energy of all operations as Eq. (15).
1 ≤ k ≤ m, k , 6 = k (6) E = Ew + Ep (15)
PT (n, k, l) 6 = PT (n, k , l) (7)
where E means the energy consumption. EP refers to the
T ≤ T0 E ≤ E0 C ≤ C0 (8) energy consumption in machining. It was determined by
where constraint(2)defines the assignment of jobs and the processing time and the processing power per unit time
sequence of machines. Constraint (3) and Constraint (4) of machine. Ew indicates the idle energy consumption of
ensures that workpieces are processed according to sequence machines. It was determined by waiting time and the waiting
constraints. Constraint (5) governs that at one time a machine power per unit time of machine. Details are as follows:
can execute one operation and it becomes available for m X
X w X
other operations only if the previous operation is completed. Ep = Xlnh · PT (n, h, l) · Punit (n, h, l) (16)
Constraint (6) and Constraint (7) implies that the processing h=1 l=1 n=1
m X w X s
time of workpiece varied in different machines. Constraint (8) X
guarantees that the production processed meet the constrains Ew = Xlnh · (ST (n, h, l) − FT (n, h, l − 1)
of makespan, energy consumption and cost. h=1 l=1 n=1

The makespan, energy-consumption and cost of produc- · Wunit (n, h, l)) (17)
tion were elaborated in the following.
1) PRODUCTION MAKESPAN Cost is an important factor to obtain benefits for the sustain-
The makespan of machining include processing time and able development of enterprise. It included the consumption
waiting time. Generally, the processing time performed on of electricity, this type of cost is ignored in most existing
each machine was a constant value which was initially given studies. Thus, the cost was composed of the using cost of
by the HFSP. The waiting time WT means the idle time of machines CU and energy consumption cost CE .
machines, which was determined by the completion time of
the workpiece and the start time of the next workpiece on the C = CU + CE (18)
same machine, as shown in Eq. (9). where CU refers to the cost of material, labor, equipment
WT = ST (n, k, l) − FT (n, k, l − 1) (9) depreciation and management, which is mainly consists of
the process time and the cost per unit time of the selected
where n implies the stage (n = 1, 2, . . . , s). k means the machine. CE is generally means the electricity cost of total
selected machine. l represents the job (l = 1, 2, . . . , w). energy consumption. The value of the cost per unit energy
The makespan was the maximum completion time of each consumption was set as 0.75 RMB/kW·h in calculation. The
parallel machine in the last operation. It can be described in equations are defined below.
detail as shown in Eq. (10).
m X
X w X
T = max {FT (s, k, l)} (l = 1, 2, . . . , w) (10) CU = Xlnh · FT (n, h, l) · cmachine (19)
h=1 l=1 n=1
Completion time of the selected machine depended on CE = E · 0.75 (20)
the machining process. Noted that the first operation has
no waiting time, start time is equal to machine completion C. CHARACTERISTICS OF PARALLEL MACHINES
time. For the following operation, start time is equal to the For the HFSP, there are a series of production stages, and
maximum value of the machine completion time and the last each stage consists of several parallel machines. Machines
operation completion time of the workpiece. Consequently, at each stage can be identical, somewhat related, or unre-
the model was provided as follows: 1)The first operation of lated at all. The scheduling problem is to assign each oper-
machines (n = 1) ation to a proper machine among a set of given parallel
ST (1, k, l) = FT (1, k, l − 1) (11) machines, whereas the scheduling sub-problem is to sequence
FT (1, k, l) = ST (1, k, l) + PT (1, k, l) (12) the assigned operations on all machines with a satisfactory
objective value. The selection of machine for operations from
2) nth operation of machines(n ≥2) all parallel machines is an important decision-making process
for scheduling optimization. Hereby, a matching distance
ST (n, k, l) = max {FT (n − 1, k , , l) , FT (n, k, l −1)} (13) method was developed to guide the selection of machines for
FT (n, k, l) = ST (n, k, l) + PT (n, k, l) (14) various jobs assignment. The matching distance means the
similarity between two individuals. In this work, the charac-
2) PRODUCTION ENERGY CONSUMPTION teristics of parallel machines were matched with the weights
Energy consumption in job-shops was generally viewed as of optimization objectives. By evaluating the matching degree
the impact of the environment indirectly. The total amount between machines and production requirements to achieve

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L. Kong et al.: New Sustainable Scheduling Method for Hybrid Flow-Shop

FIGURE 2. Matching process of the characteristics of parallel machines and objectives.

efficient selection and scheduling optimization of HFSP. as dnh = {dn1 , dn2 , . . . , dnm }, which would be used in the
In general, the closer matching distance indicated that the following genetic algorithm iteration processes.
machine is more suitable for the production requirement.
There were two main aspects to determining the match- III. AN IMPROVED GENETIC GLGORITHM BASED
ing distance: (1) definition of the characteristics of parallel ON MATCHING DISTANCE
machines, (2) evaluation of matching distance. Inspired by the matching distance between the characteristics
of parallel machines and the weights of optimization objec-
1) DEFINITION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF tives, an improved genetic algorithm (IGA) was developed
PARALLEL MACHINES to solve the hybrid flow-shop sustainable scheduling. In this
According to the proposed model of makespan, energy approach, the matching distance was integrated into iterations
consumption and cost, as well as the research on the of the genetic algorithm to improve the convergence.
characteristics of machines by Sutherland and other schol-
ars [33], [34], machines show different characteristics in
machining. In order to correlate the characteristics of parallel
machines with optimization objectives effectively, a multi-
level characteristic model of process time, process power
and production cost were established to describe the parallel
machines: machine_c = {tmachine , pmachine , cmachine }. In addi-
tion, the normalized evaluation matrix fnorm (machine_c)
is obtained by eliminating the influence of parameter

fnorm = (machine_c) = {fnorm (tmachine ) , fnorm (pmachine ) ,

FIGURE 3. Chromosome encoding.
fnorm (cmachine )} (21)

2) EVALUATION OF MATCHING DISTANCE The specific process can be described as follows:

Based on the normalized evaluation matrix fnorm (machine_c),
Euclidean distance was used to calculate the matching dis-
tance between the characteristics of parallel machines and the The encoding representation of the HFSP is consist of three-
objectives, as shown in Eq. (22). For the sake of convenience layer. As shown in Fig.3, the first layer means the sequence
in the computation, the weights of optimization objectives are of workpiece, which adopts integer encoding to represent the
expressed as matrix w = [α, β, γ ]. order of workpiece entering the manufacturing system. The
processing sequence of the workpiece is 2,1,3. The second
dnh = k(fnorm (machine_c)) · wk (22) layer represents the job operation. By scanning the chromo-
some from left to right, the appearance of a job number refers
where dnh represents the matching distance of hth machine to the operation sequence of this job. The third layer is the
for the nth stage with the objectives. the machine selected by each operation. It is noted that the
As shown in Fig. 2, the matching distances for all the par- machines in the third layer could be encoded by the matching
allel machines in HFSP can be formed an vector represented distance order. In Fig.3, the matching distance order of the

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L. Kong et al.: New Sustainable Scheduling Method for Hybrid Flow-Shop

FIGURE 4. Mutation intervention.

FIGURE 5. Elite strategy.

parallel machines M12, M11, M13 for the first operation criteria were set as follows: on the basis of the matching
is 3,1,2. distance of all the selected machines, the offspring and pater-
nal individuals were re-selected into the next generations.
B. HEURISTIC MUTATION BASED ON It can be seen in Fig.5, in the third layer of chromosome,
MATCHING DISTANCE the matching distance of each gene was accumulated to cal-
A heuristic mutation method was proposed based on the culate the score of the whole chromosome shown in Eq. (23).
matching distance. The mutation operation mainly focused on The chromosome with low score means more suitable for
the third layer of the chromosome. As shown in Fig.4, several machining, which can enter the next generation population.
mutation points were randomly selected in the chromosome, Algorithm 2 describes how to obtain reasonable ones via
then the matching distance of the selected machines were screening all populations.
calculated according to Eq. (22). The mutation operation of L X
the machine tends to happen for the minimum value of the X
G= Xlnh · dnh (23)
matching distance in the parallel machines. The improvement
i=1 h=1
machine-selection process following the matching distance is
described on Algorithm 1. This operation could force the GA where G means the total score of chromosome. i is the
to select the most suitable machine in the mutation process gene on chromosomes. L ensures the number of chromosome
according to the scheduling objectives. genes.


An elite strategy was proposed according to the matching dis- Meeting one of the following conditions can exit the
tance, which reserves the optimal individual. The evaluation iterations.

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L. Kong et al.: New Sustainable Scheduling Method for Hybrid Flow-Shop

Algorithm 1 Improved Machine-Selection Process

Following the Matching Distance
Input: (n, l), mp//(n, l) represents the nth job of the lth
stage; mp is the mutation points.
Output: M_select(n, l)// M_select(n, l) means the selected
machine for the nth job of the lth stage in the mutation
(1) For mp=1 To h
(2) For n = 1 To s
(3) l = 1;
(4) While (l ≤ w) Do
(6) Calculate the parallel machines’ matching
degree for the nth job of lth stage dnh (n, l) via Eq.(22)
(7) [∼, M_d] = sort(dnh (n, l));
(8) M_selected(i, j) = M _d(1);
(9) l + +;
(10) End While
(11) n++ ;
(12) End For
(13) mp++ ;
(14) End For FIGURE 6. Flow chart of the IGA.

Algorithm 2 Elite Strategy Based on Matching Distance

Input: M_select(n, l), pop(gen), r// pop(gen) means the
populations after genetic operation; r represents the num-
ber of all individuals.
Output: pop(gen+1)// pop(gen+1) is the populations
which can enter next generation.
(1) For r = 1 To p
(2) Calculate the matching degree of the selected
machine for the nth job of lth stage dnh (n,l) via Eq.(22)
(3) Calculate the score of the individuals Score(r)
via Eq(23).
(4) [∼, Rank]=sort(Score(r));
(5) S_seq = Rank (1:r/2);
(6) pop(gen+1) = Score(r)( S_seq); FIGURE 7. Simplex lattice method.
(7) p++ ;
(8) End For Step2: Genetic operation was carried out orderly based on
three-layer encoding.
Step3: Heuristic mutation of the selection of machine was
1) Maximum iterations. implemented based on matching distance.
2) There is no improvement in continuous iteration results. Step4: An elite strategy based on the evaluation chromo-
It can be expressed as: k1f k ≤ ε. some matching distance was carried out.
Step5: Repeat steps 2-4 for a predefined stopping condi-
u v
u1 X 2
k1f k = t fi − f (24) Step6: Report the best individual outcome as the optimal
v solution.

where v means the iterations. fi refers to the fitness value of IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
the ith generations. f¯ is the average fitness value. An example was presented to testify the feasibility and
In summary, the improved GA entails several key steps effectiveness of the proposed methodology. In this case,
shown in Fig. 6: 12 machines and 5 workpieces were prepared for production.
Step1: Initialize the population, i.e., workpieces and Each workpiece require 4 steps operations. There were 3 par-
machines. allel machines in each process. To increase the problem scale,

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L. Kong et al.: New Sustainable Scheduling Method for Hybrid Flow-Shop

TABLE 1. The parameters of HFSP.

FIGURE 8. Gantt chart for different modes.

each workpiece was processed twice. So, it forms the 10 × 12 different machines for the 21 weights were shown in Table 3.
hybrid flow shop scheduling problem. All the data were listed For each instance, we ran the algorithm 50 times indepen-
in Table 1. The process time and process power was measured dently and took the average value. The solutions obtained
by Yokogawa, Japan CW240. The using cost per unit time by the IGA was shown in Table 4. It can be seen that the
was determined by the cost accounting of the industry. variation of weights agrees with the trend of the objectives,
The program was implemented in MATLAB 2010 on a which denoted the effectiveness of the proposed IGA.
computer with intel core i5, 2.39 GHz, 4 GB RAM, and a To further assess the versatility of the proposed sustain-
windows 8 operating system. The range of the three indicators able model and algorithm, this work defined three produc-
were respectively set as follows: makespan [100,300], energy tion mode, that is, economic mode, energy-saving mode and
consumption [150,350], cost [700,1200]. The parameters of efficiency mode. The corresponding data were set as case
the IGA were set listed in Table 2. 1, case6 and case21. The Gantt chart of each mode were
generated respectively shown in Fig.8.
TABLE 2. Parameters of the IGA. The economic mode was illustrated in Fig.8(a). For this
instance, the machines were selected with different proba-
bilities in parallel machines. Besides, it was noted that the
machines M1, M5, M7 and M10 were allocated with more
tasks. Those machines were generally defined as economic
machine based on its machining features described in Table 1.
Similar conclusions can be drawn for the other production
modes solved with the proposed IGA. To demonstrate the
details of matching methods, the selected machines with high
utilization rate for 3 production modes were listed in Table 5.
Simplex lattice method [35] was used to distribute the It can be seen that the selected machines with high utilization
weights of the HFSP reasonably and evenly in the design rates were quite agree with the matching distance order.
space. In this work, 5-order lattice points were selected to In other words, if the machine features were coincident with
determine the 21 sets of data. The matching distance of the objectives of HFSP, the machines would be selected with

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L. Kong et al.: New Sustainable Scheduling Method for Hybrid Flow-Shop

TABLE 3. Matching distance of machines.

TABLE 4. Optimized results of the IGA.

high probability. It could be explained that the IGA could What’s more, to further test the performance of the
perform intelligently in the machine selection of HFSP based proposed method, this work compared the quasi-optimal
on the matching method. solutions (in brief, q-o-s), convergence time (in brief, c-t),

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L. Kong et al.: New Sustainable Scheduling Method for Hybrid Flow-Shop

TABLE 5. Selected machines with high utilization rates for different modes.

TABLE 6. Simulation results.

standard deviation (σ ), and iterations of the proposed method The standard deviation of IGA is significantly better than
with traditional genetic algorithm and particle swarm opti- PSO, which showed strong robustness. Therefore, the pro-
mization (PSO). Each experiment conducted 20 independent posed method based on machining distance can ensure the
runs and the average value was selected for each case. The effective of the solution and improve the convergence rate
comparison results were shown in Table 6. efficiently.
According to the simulation tests in Table 6, it can be In summary, according to the simulation tests, Gantt chart
seen that the IGA superior to the PSO and traditional GA for different modes, and comparison study, it is demonstrated
in terms of the evaluation of q-o-s, c-t, σ and iterations. that the proposed IGA base on the matching distance is effec-
Although, the quasi-optimal solutions of all algorithms tive, efficient, and robust in solving the HFSP. It could provide
were consistent and close. The IGA performs better in more candidate scheduling schemes for decision-makers.
convergence time and iterations than the traditional GA. In addition, the scheduling schemes can be reasonably

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L. Kong et al.: New Sustainable Scheduling Method for Hybrid Flow-Shop

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discrete artificial bee colony,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat., vol. 15, no. 4, sity, Jinan, China, in 1991 and 1994, respectively,
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parts manufacturing system using an ultra-flexible job shop scheduling in 2003.
algorithm,’’ Int. J. Precis. Eng. Manuf.-Green Technol., vol. 6, no. 2, He was a Visiting Scholar with The University
pp. 349–365, 2019.
of Texas at Austin, USA, from September 2007
[29] Z. Deng, L. Lv, W. Huang, and Y. Shi, ‘‘A high efficiency and low carbon
to September 2008. He is currently a Professor
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Int. J. Precis. Eng. Manuf.-Green Technol., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 23–41, and a Doctoral Supervisor with the School of
Jan. 2019. Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University (SDU). His research inter-
[30] G. Zhou, ‘‘An effective artificial bee colony algorithm for multi-objective ests include green design, life cycle assessment, green manufacturing, and
flexible job-shop scheduling problem,’’ in Advanced Intelligent Computing remanufacturing. He is a member of the American Society of Mechani-
Theories and Applications. With Aspects of Artificial Intelligence. Berlin, cal Engineers. He also won five national and provincial awards. In addi-
Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 1–8. tion, he serves as a Frequent Reviewer for more than ten international
[31] J.-Y. Ding, S. Song, and C. Wu, ‘‘Carbon-efficient scheduling of flow journals, including the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS, PACKAGING, AND
shops by multi-objective optimization,’’ Eur. J. Oper. Res., vol. 248, no. 3, MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS
pp. 758–771, Feb. 2016. PACKAGING MANUFACTURING. He has hosted five projects supported by the
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theorems in the continuum,’’ Theor. Comput. Sci., vol. 600, pp. 98–106, Technology Research and Development Program, one sub-project by the
Oct. 2015. National 863 plan, and one sub-project by the National 973 plan. He has
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force system in the gear broaching process,’’ Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf.,
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software copyrights and 30 national invention patents
[34] M. Ç. Arslan, B. Çatay, and E. Budak, ‘‘A decision support system for
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pp. 101–109, Jan. 2004.
[35] L. Yin, X. Li, L. Gao, C. Lu, and Z. Zhang, ‘‘Energy-efficient job shop
scheduling problem with variable spindle speed using a novel multi-
objective algorithm,’’ Adv. Mech. Eng., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1–21, 2017. GENG WANG received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
in mechanical engineering from Qingdao Techno-
logical University, Qingdao, China, in 2012 and
2015, respectively. He is currently pursuing the
LIN KONG received the B.S. degree in mechan- Ph.D. degree with the School of Mechanical Engi-
ical engineering from the Qingdao University of neering, Shandong University, Shandong, China.
Science and Technology, Qingdao, China, in 2015, He was a Visiting Scholar with Purdue Uni-
and the M.S. degree in mechanical engineering versity, USA, from September 2018 to Septem-
from Shandong University, Jinan, China, in 2018, ber 2019. His research interests include life cycle
respectively. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. assessment, green design method of mechatronic
degree with the School of Mechanical Engineer- product, and work shop optimization scheduling.
ing, Shandong University, Shandong, China.
She worked with Qingdao Hisense Electric
Company, Ltd., for one year. Her research interests
include low carbon manufacturing, green design, and work shop optimization
scheduling. YAN FU received the B.S. degree in industrial
engineering from Shandong Technology and Busi-
ness University, Yantai, China, in 2018. He is
currently pursuing the M.S. degree in industrial
engineering with Shandong University, Shandong,
LIMING WANG received the B.S. and M.S. China.
degrees from Shandong University, Jinan, China, His research interests include green design and
in 2007 and 2010, respectively, and the Ph.D. life cycle assessment of mechatronic product.
degree from Concordia University, Canada,
in 2014.
He is currently an Associate Professor with
the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shan-
dong University (SDU). His research interests
include modeling, optimization, and scheduling JING LIU received the B.S. degree in industrial
for production manufacturing systems, efficient, engineering from Northeast Agricultural Univer-
and effective resource utilization of manufacturing system, sustainable sity, Harbin, China, in 2018. She is currently pur-
manufacturing including clean and high-efficient manufacturing processes, suing the M.S. degree in industrial engineering
the power consumption model of machine tools, workshop optimization with Shandong University, Shandong, China.
scheduling, and CAD/CAE/CAM. He has published more than 50 articles Her research interests include process life
and participated in three academic monograph. He has hosted one project cycle assessment, green design, and optimization
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, two sub-projects by scheduling.
the National Key Technology Research and Development Program, and two
provincial projects.

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