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Nama: Merllyn Marsya Olivia


★Activity 1

1.A large group of the same type of animal living together.(B)

2. Cannot Fly (A)
3. Protect by interposing material that prevents the loss of heat (E)
4. To or on the shore from direction of the sea (F)
5. Extreme Cold ( C )
6. Seriously at risk of extincition (D)


★Activity 2
Check your understanding. Cross the best option to answer the questions!
1. Penguins are flightless. It means they …
A. can fly
B. cannot fly
C. are excellent in fly
D. can fly and swim

2. Penguins spend so much time in the water, that we say they are …
A. excellent swimmers
B. excellent divers
C. aquatic
D. warm blooded

3. There are about … different species of penguins of varying sizes in the world.
A. seventy
B. seventeen
C. seven
D. eleven

4. What do the smallest species of penguins weigh? They weigh a bit over …
A. 2,5 kilograms
B. 1,5 kilograms
C. 5 kilograms
D. 3 kilograms

5. Something interesting about penguins is that they cannot taste their food, because they …
A. chew their food finely
B. swallow their prey whole
C. eat too much
D. have no tongue

True or False
•Penguins are prehistoric animals.(False)
•Penguins are prehistoric animals.(False)
•Penguins’ feathers are not waterproof, thus they treat them well.(False)
•Penguins lay eggs more than 100 at a time.(False)
•Camouflaging is done to encounter walruses and sharks.(False)

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