Activity 3 KLS 9 3.4

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Activity 3

Complete the mind map below based on the video


I’m a sea turtle

General classification (what is going to be described ):

Turtles are reptiles and cold blooded. They .......


1. Characteristics:

Turtles are covered by a head box-like

shell ......................................................................................................................................................

2. Reproduction:

Female turtles lay their eggs in the sand on beaches.

Once .......................................................................................................................................................

Title: I’m a sea turtle

Turtles are sea turtles that are found in all oceans of the world. According to data from scientists,
turtles have existed since the end of the Jurassic period (145 – 208 million years ago) or the same age
as dinosaurs. At that time Archelon, which measures six meters in length, and Cimochelys had swam
in ancient seas like modern turtles.

Sea Turtles have a pair of forelimbs which are rowers’ legs which give them the agility to swim in the
water. Although all his life wandering in the water, occasionally animal groups of vertebrates, this
class of reptiles still have to occasionally rise to the surface of the water to take a breath. That’s
because turtles breathe with their lungs. Turtles in general migrate a long distance and not too long.
The distance of 3,000 kilometers can be covered from 58 to 73 days
Sea Turtles are characterized by large slender shells and irrevocable heads and limbs.
Depending on the species, the color of the turtle varies. They can be olive green, yellow, greenish
brown, or black.
A turtle cannot retract its limbs back into its shell like a tortoise can.
The large bony shell provides protection from predators. Turtles experience a variety of egg laying
cycles, from every 2
– 8 years. While male turtles spend their entire life at sea, females occasionally stop by land to lay
eggs. Female turtles like sandy beaches, devoid of humans and sources of noise and light, as nesting
grounds for the hundreds, in holes dug with a pair of hind limbs. When landing to lay eggs,
disturbances in the form of light or sound can make turtles discourage and return to the sea, also
turtles use Earth’s magnetism as an aid to return to their hometowns when they are still hatchlings,
and return when they are adults to lay

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