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What is Presentation?

A well planned way of expressing your ideas

systematically and effectively.

Presented by
Usha V. Kaushik
Associate Professor
Ganpat University, Gujarat
Speaker Audience

Message Support
 To inform

 To Teach

 Monologue Presentation:
The Speaker speaks without being
interrupted; deals with question-answer at
the end.

 Guided Discussions:
The speaker presents the questions or
issues that both speaker and audience have
agreed in advance.
Sales presentations:

The speaker speaks, the audience asks

questions that raise their curiosity for the
product, removes negative assumption and
persuades them.
 Who is going to listen you?
 What is their age group?
 Are they general or specific?
 What is the size of audience?
 What is their interest?
 Are they familiar with the topic?
 White Boards
 Hand out
 Flip charts
 OHP Slides
 LCD Projectors
 Video files
 Any other as per the content

“Use the support material for your assistance

and comfort”
 Be sure your visual aids can be seen and
understood by everyone.

 Use clear, simple visuals. Don’t confuse the


 Don’t overload your slides with too much text

or data.

 Use reasonable font size.

 Use maximum 6 lines per slide

 Use maximum 6 words per line.

 Let the picture or graphic tell the story. Avoid


 Proof read everything, including visuals, numbers

and text.

 Don't use too many colors

 Use contrast colors: light on dark or dark on

 The titles and subtitles should be the same

color from slide to slide.

 Alter the color of an occasional word for


 Only use visuals as reference points to keep

you on track.
 Gather material in the light of the
theme from the resources
(Internet, library, company files, interview
with knowledgeable persons, formal and
informal surveys ..etc.)
Structure your presentation in three parts:


Main Body

 Introduce yourself
 Give outline of the presentation
 State your aim
 Organizing the facts into main point
and sub points in the body

Be sure that presentation is not lengthy

The points should be presented in logical

 Planning the conclusion in advance

To brief

First “What is to be told”

Then “It is told”
 Know your subject well

 Know what you are talking about

 Practice

 More practice

 More reharsal
- infront of the mirror
- infront of a family
- infront of colleagues or friends
 Believing in yourself
 Know your opening by heart
 It can be
 Manuscript ; Reading word to word
 Memorized; Reciting out of memory

 Extemporaneous; Planned with broad

ideas but not written or memorized
 Impromptu; Which is unexpected or
sudden and on the spot.
To attract audience use some attention getters

Asking a question
Telling a small story
Quoting some authority
Telling a joke
➢ I am glad to present my views on this topic

➢ It is my privilege to present my views on this


➢I am delighted to present my views

 Start by checking audibility

 Speak loud to be heard, neither soft not


 Speak in enthusiastic and vivid voice

 Be more alert and aware of your voice

 Do proper voice modulation and vary your
voice according to situation
 [ Speed , Tone ,pitch]

Don’t repeat words like

• “ Like”
• “ Totally”
• “ Means”
• “ You know”
 Dress up effectively to look smart, formal
office wear

 Don’t wear goggles, caps , sport wears, pile

of ornaments.
 Keep eye contact with the audience.

 Give natural smile to the audience.

 Use natural gestures.

 Don’t turn your back to the audience.

 Avoid looking at your notes.

 Talk, don’t go on only reading slides.

 Don’t move hands excessively.

 Don’t keep hands in a pocket.

 Don’t use pen or pencil as pointers.

 Don’t touch face while giving presentation.

 Don’t fidget
Thank you

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