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what are the goals of ASEAN as a way to regionalization?

According to the ASEAN Declaration, the Association's aims and purposes are to: (1) accelerate regional
economic growth, social progress, and cultural development through joint endeavors in the spirit of
equality and partnership, in order to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful
community of Southeast Asian nations, and (2) promote regional peace and stability through abiding
respect for justice and the rule of law in relationships among Southeast Asian nations. "Cooperative
peace and shared prosperity should be the core aim of ASEAN," the ASEAN Heads of State and
Government reaffirmed in 1995.

how does regionalism benefit Asia?

East Asian regionalization through free trade agreements is popular for a variety of reasons, some of
which are peculiar to certain nations. The worldwide trend toward membership in regional groupings,
better market access, and the predicted favorable impact on economic growth are all arguments.

You care about regionalism because it has been shown to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
local governments. Taxes and fees may be kept cheaper by having a more efficient government. Finally,
not every problem is better treated by a regional approach, and there are many cases when it just
cannot be done.

share your strong notion about this statement.

“our defeat was always implicit in the victory of others; our wealth has always
generated our poverty by nourishing the prosperity of others the empires and
their native overseers”.

Our failure was always inherent in the triumph of others; our money has always nourished the success
of others—the empires and their native overseers—and so has always resulted in our poverty. Gold
becomes scrap metal in colonial and neocolonial alchemy, and food becomes poison.

Answer the following questions as a proof of your understanding of the lessons.  
1. Why are the terms First World and Third World, and the Global North and
Global South used interchangeably? Is it justifiable to use them as such?  
Other names for the North and South exist. ... The North (also known as the First
World) and the South (also known as the Third World) emerged as terms in the 1970s
in recognition of the Third World's greater economic and political power, as well as in
response to growing dissatisfaction with earlier terms, which were increasingly seen as
2. How can Global South catch up with the Global North?  
In terms of gross domestic product and trade values, the Global South is catching up
to the North. The South has benefited greatly from the recent development of
regional trade agreements, which has been aided by improving macroeconomic
fundamentals such as savings and investment.
3. DO globalization and regionalization converge? How and when do they converge?  
Globalization has an impact on economic and political processes on a worldwide scale, while
regionalization takes into account a variety of factors, including current events and the requirements of
individual regions of the country.
As a result, globalization has significant economic, political, cultural, and social consequences for
sovereignty. Globalization has reduced national governments' ability to command and influence their
economies (particularly in terms of macroeconomic management) as well as dictate their political

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