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Emergence of zero modes in disordered solids under periodic tiling

R. Cameron Dennis∗ , Varda F. Hagh∗,† , Eric I. Corwin∗

Department of Physics and Materials Science Institute,
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403, USA

James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
(Dated: January 10, 2022)
In computational models of particle packings with periodic boundary conditions, it is assumed
that the packing is attached to exact copies of itself in all possible directions. The periodicity of
the boundary then requires that all of the particles’ images move together. An infinitely repeated
structure, on the other hand, does not necessarily have this constraint. As a consequence, a jammed
packing (or a rigid elastic network) under periodic boundary conditions may have a corresponding
infinitely repeated lattice representation that is not rigid or indeed may not even be at a local energy
arXiv:2201.02456v1 [cond-mat.soft] 7 Jan 2022

minimum. In this manuscript, we prove this claim and discuss ways in which periodic boundary
conditions succeed to capture the physics of repeated structures and where they fall short.

INTRODUCTION modes including d translations and d(d − 1)/2 rotations.

For infinitely large systems, the only trivial rigid motions
Periodic boundary conditions are a mainstay in the are the translations. Thereby, a d dimensional packing
theoretical and computational study of condensed mat- (or network) that is under periodic boundary conditions
ter systems as they ameliorate or eliminate many finite- or is infinitely repeated in space, can only have d floppy
size effects, allowing one to infer bulk behavior from modes when rigid.
small systems. In simulations of physical systems “peri- Note that the Maxwell-Calladine constraint counting
odic boundaries” treat the system under study as a unit rule is not a suitable proxy for measuring rigidity in all
cell interacting with exact copies of itself in every direc- types of physical systems. For instance, in second-order
tion. It is easy to take periodic boundary conditions for rigid systems, such as under-constrained networks that
granted and think of them as capturing all of the physics rigidify under tension, Eq. 1 cannot be used to describe
of a repeated tiling with infinite independent copies of the the rigidity [4–8]. Another example where this constraint
original system. But this misses a crucial distinction: a counting method fails is in systems with shear degrees of
system with periodic boundary conditions requires that freedom or special symmetries (such as square or Kagome
all of the particle images in a repeated tiling move in lattices), where the alignment of states of self-stress can
concert, whereas infinitely repeated structures have no lead to internal floppy modes that are not included in
such constraint. In this paper, we provide a set of math- the Maxwell-Calladine count [9, 10]. However, for all the
ematical arguments and proofs that demonstrate how the systems studied in this paper, including jammed packings
rigidity criterion for first-order rigid systems with peri- of soft particles and elastic networks, Eq. 1 is a sufficient
odic boundaries changes when the system is repeated in proxy for measuring rigidity.
space. In particular, in a marginally rigid system du- To show the impact of repeating a physical system on
plicating the system and considering the two attached its rigidity and how it compares to the rigidity under
copies as the new unit cell introduces new floppy modes periodic boundaries, we first examine the mathemati-
that can break the rigidity of the entire system. This im- cal structure of periodic boundary conditions in jammed
plies that by tiling space with such systems, one cannot packings of soft athermal particles and their underlying
produce an infinitely large system that retains its rigidity. spring networks. Note that in jammed packings of soft
For a finite-sized packing (or network), it is natural particles, there are almost always prestress forces present
to ask how many constraining contacts (or bonds) are in the system, while networks can be either stressed or
needed for rigidity. The Maxwell-Calladine rule provides unstressed. In the absence of any stress, the rigidity of
an answer [1–3]: a system can be fully captured by its rigidity matrix,
whose right null space represents the floppy modes in the
F = N d − Nc + S, (1)
system [1–3]. In the presence of prestress forces, how-
where F is the total number of floppy modes (or zero ever, one must compute the null space of the Hessian
modes), N is the number of particles (or nodes), d is matrix (that includes a negative definite prestress term)
the spatial dimension (making N d the total number of to find the floppy modes [1–3]. However, when the pre-
degrees of freedom), Nc is the number of constraining stress forces are small and the system is mechanically
contacts (or bonds), and S is the number of redundant stable, the nullity of the rigidity matrix can still show
constraints which is also equal to the number of states the number of floppy modes in the system.
of self-stress. For a physical system to be first-order Following the more statistical findings of Goodrich et
rigid [4], it must only have trivial rigid motions as floppy al. [11, 12], who show that infinitely tiled two-dimensional
modes. For instance, a d dimensional finite system is disk packings can lead to anomalously low-frequency
considered rigid if it only has F = d + d(d − 1)/2 floppy modes, we demonstrate that infinitely tiled jammed pack-


We proceed with a proof by contradiction. Imagine a

jammed packing with F = d trivial floppy modes and
S < d states of self-stress. Assume that the duplicated
system is jammed and therefore will also have F 0 = d
trivial floppy modes and S 0 states of self-stress. From
the Maxwell-Calladine constraint counting rule in Eq. 1,

N d − Nc = F − S (2)
and 2N d − 2Nc = F 0 − S 0 (3)
Figure 1. A packing of spheres that has been duplicated.
where N d is the number of degrees of freedom and Nc
The red lines display a state of self-stress. The thickness
of each line represents the magnitude of the stress on the is the number of contacts in the original packing. If we
corresponding bond. Replicating the state of self-stress for the substitute F = F 0 = d and solve for S 0 ,
original system gives a state of self-stress for the duplicated
system. S 0 = 2S − d. (4)

If we have a state of self-stress in the original system,

ings of soft spheres in any dimension can not only have we can simply replicate it to find a state of self-stress in
anomalously low-frequency modes but also new zero or the duplicated system [13] (as shown in Fig. 1). If ap-
even negative modes when they are sufficiently close to plying a set of stresses to the contact bonds of the origi-
critical jamming, i.e. with fewer than d states of self- nal packing leads to force balance, then replicating those
stress. With this goal in mind, we prove the following stresses to a duplicated packing must also lead to force
theorems and arguments: balance. Note that orthogonality of states of self-stress is
preserved in this doubling procedure. Based on this and
TI: A critically jammed sphere packing with periodic the fact that we may find additional states of self-stress
boundary conditions will not remain jammed after not captured by this trivial doubling procedure, S 0 ≥ S.
tiling space, Substituting this result into Eq. 4 gives:
TII: When there are S < d states of self-stress in a
2S − d ≥ S (5)
jammed packing or spring network, duplicating the
system across any boundary will introduce at least S ≥ d. (6)
d − S new zero modes to the system,
AI: Tilings of amorphous over-jammed packings of soft THEOREM II:
spheres, even with d or more states of self-stress,
typically have unjamming motions,
For a jammed packing or spring network with
AII: Unstressed networks with d or more states of self- S < d states of self-stress, duplicating the packing
stress typically do have a rigid infinite lattice rep- across boundary x produces at least d − S emer-
resentation, but we show that there exist special gent floppy modes in the system. This count is
counter-examples which do not, valid both for systems that carry stress and for
unstressed networks with redundant bonds.
TIII: The bulk elastic properties of an infinitely repeated
packing are fully captured by periodic boundary
conditions. Proof

To prove this stronger theorem, we first need to under-

THEOREM I: stand how the singular values of the rigidity matrix in a
duplicated system compare to the singular values of the
For a jammed packing, or spring network with rigidity matrix in the original system. To achieve this,
S < d states of self-stress, the corresponding pack- we introduce the following lemma.
ing or network that is duplicated across bound-
ary x, will not be rigid. Therefore infinitely tiled
packings can only be jammed if the unit cell has LEMMA I
S ≥ d states of self-stress. This is valid both for
systems that carry stress and for unstressed net- The rigidity matrix of any jammed packing (or
works with redundant bonds. network) under periodic boundary conditions can

be written as for RD with singular value σ. Note that these vectors are
  orthonormal. Shown explicitly,
Rc Rp
0 Rb2 + Rb1
1 T T ~v
~u ~u RD
 2 ~v
where 0 Rb2 + Rb1 corresponds to the contacts
Rc Rp 0 0 ~v1
  
crossing boundary x. This matrix has singular val- 1 T T  0 Rb2 0 Rb1  ~v2 

ues {σi } that correspond to the floppy modes of = ~u ~u 
2 0 0 Rc Rp  ~v1 
the system. The matrix defined as
0 Rb1 0 Rb2 ~v2
     
Rc Rp Rc Rp ~v1
RDHC ≡ 1 T T
0 Rb2 − Rb1 0 R b2 + R b1  ~v2 

= ~u ~u  
2  Rc Rp ~v1 
has singular values {i } . Duplicating the packing 0 Rb2 + Rb1 ~v2
across boundary x results in a system where the 1 T T  R~v
rigidity matrix has singular values {σi , i }. = ~u ~u
2 R~v
= σ.
This means {σi } are also singular values for RD . This
is not surprising, as these are modes that correspond to
Consider b contact bonds that cross boundary x, with
the particles moving in concert with their replicas. In
p particles involved in making these boundary contacts.
a similar fashion, consider ~x and w ~ to be the left and
We separate the rigidity matrix,R, into columns that do
right singular vectors for R
 DHC with singular
 value . We
not involve these p boundary particles and columns that  
x w
do. We further separate R into rows that do not involve can now show that √12 and √12 are left and
−~x −w~
these b contacts and rows that do. This gives
right singular vectors for RD with singular value . Again,

Rc Rp
 note that these vectors are orthonormal and consider,
R= (7)
0 Rb2 + Rb1  
1 T T
~x −~x RD
where Rc represents the contacts that are formed be- 2 −w~
tween non-boundary particles, Rp represents contacts 1 T T
 RDHC w ~
= ~x −~x
that involve the p boundary particles but do not cross 2 −RDHC w ~
the boundary themselves, Rb1 are the rows that involve
= ~xT RDHC w
boundary contacts where the rightmost vectors in each
row are zeroed out, and Rb2 are the rows of the bound- = .
ary contacts where the leftmost vectors in each row are
zeroed out. This means that {i } are also singular values for RD . To
Replicating the system across boundary x results in a complete the proof, notice that
new system with rigidity matrix RD , that can be written  
1 T T  ~xT
as ~u ~u =0
2 −~xT
Rc Rp 0 0
 
 0 Rb2 0 Rb1  and
RD =  . (8)
0 0 Rc Rp  1 T T w
0 Rb1 0 Rb2 ~v ~v =0
2 −w~T
~u1 ~v1 Since RD has precisely twice as many singular values as
If we consider ~u = and ~v = to be left and
~u2 ~v2 R and since the above orthogonality condition holds, all
right singular vectors (respectively) for R with corre- of the singular values for RD must be given by {σi , i } .
sponding singular value σ such that ~uT R~v = σ, then Now we can use this information to prove the theorem.
 
  From the rank-nullity theorem, we know that for a system
~u ~u  with d trivial rigid motions,
we can demonstrate that √2 1
= √2  2  and
1 
~u ~u1
~v rank(R) = N d − d
 

~v 1 ~ v2 
2 ~
= 2   are left and right singular vectors

On the other hand, the maximum rank that the RDHC
v ~v1
~v2 matrix can have is the minimum of its number of rows

and columns, max(rank(RDHC )) = min(N d, Nc ). We in calculations, we consider the interaction of a packing

later show how the rank of the RDHC can be computed with its neighboring replicas. Each unit cell has 3d − 1
in Lemma II. Replacing Nc with N d − d + S gives neighboring cells in a tiling. We consider the interaction
between a unit cell and its neighbor, i as Hi . If we let the
max(rank(RDHC )) = min(N d, N d − d + S). interaction between the unit cell and itself be H0 , then
the original Hessian, H(~0), can be written as
For a system with S < d states of self-stress,
max(rank(RDHC )) is N d − d + S. Thus rank(RDHC ) ≤ d
3X −1
N d − d + S. This means, H(~0) = H0 + Hi . (10)
rank(R) + rank(RDHC ) ≤ 2N d − 2d + S.
This can be simplified further. If Hj is the Hessian
We know from Lemma I that R and RDHC capture all of with respect to neighboring copy, j, and Hk is the Hes-
the behavior of RD in first-order rigid systems; it is thus sian with respect to the opposite neighboring copy, k,
trivial to show that rank(RD ) = rank(R) + rank(RDHC ). then Hk = HjT as shown in Fig. 2. This means that the
This gives
Hessian only needs to be split into (3d + 1)/2 parts and
rank(RD ) ≤ 2N d − 2d + S,
(3d +1)/2
H(~0) = H0 + Hi + HiT .

which implies (11)
nullity(RD ) ≥ 2d − S. (9)
In general, from Bloch’s theorem, we can conclude that
For the duplicated system to be fully rigid and jammed,
nullity(RD ) must be equal to d. However, Eq. 9 shows (3d +1)/2
Hi + HiT cos(~q · ~ri )
that there are at least d − S new zero modes appearing H(~q) = H0 +
in the system. This proves the result that for a jammed i=1
packing or spring network with S < d states of self-stress, Hi − HiT sin(~q · ~ri )
duplicating the packing across boundary x produces at
least d − S emergent floppy modes in the system. where ~ri is the d dimensional vector corresponding to the
position of cell i.
So far, we have proven that amorphous systems with We can determine if a tiled packing remains jammed
fewer than d states of self-stress (with or without pre- upon replication by looking at the eigenvalues of the first
stress) are not rigid upon replication. But what can we branch (lowest band of the momentum-space Hessian).
say about systems that are far from criticality and have For a packing that remains jammed when tiled, all of
more than d states of self-stress? In the following, we these eigenvalues should be greater than zero except for
first consider jammed packings of soft athermal spheres the trivial zero modes that come from H(~0). Looking at a
with prestress forces and show that the presence of pre- small jammed packing with N = 64 particles and S = 30
stress increases the probability of unjamming when the states of self-stress in 2D, we can see that the eigenvalues
system is repeated infinitely. We then consider the case in the first branch are negative for certain values of mo-
of unstressed systems and provide an argument for why mentum (see Fig. 3). A negative eigenvalue means there
these systems typically do remain jammed under tiling. is a direction in which the particles can be perturbed that
lowers the energy of the tiled system. This implies that
the tiled packing, while in force balance, is not jammed.
ARGUMENT I: Shear stabilized packings also may have negative modes
in their first branch. An example is shown in the lower
Nearly all amorphous systems with fixed panel of Fig. 3 with a shear stabilized packing of N = 64
boundaries and non-zero prestress will destabilize soft harmonic particles and S = 26 states of self-stress.
under a sufficient number of replications. These examples demonstrate that the tiling of an over-
jammed packing might unjam when the number of tiles
goes to infinity.
Reasoning The above argument concerns jammed packings of soft
spheres with non-zero prestresses. However, it turns out
It can be shown that jammed packings of soft parti- that in unstressed systems such as jammed packings of
cles with more than d states of self-stress, typically are hard spheres or elastic networks with zero prestress, du-
marginally stable [14] and thereby represent saddle points plicating the system is unlikely to break its stability when
on the energy landscape of the tiled system. We can show there are more than d states of self-stress. Remember
this by considering the Hessian in the momentum space, that in such systems, the rigidity can be explored using
H(~q), found through Bloch’s theorem [15]. For simplicity the null space of the rigidity matrix.

H1 H2 H3
H4 H0 H4

H3T H2T H1T Figure 3. Top Left: An over-jammed amorphous packing of

64 harmonic soft spheres at packing fraction φ = 0.90 with
30 states of self-stress.
Top Right: The eigenvalues in the first branch of the
Figure 2. The Hessian can be split into pieces corresponding momentum-space Hessian for this over-constrained packing.
to the interactions with neighboring copies of the unit cell. The blue and green colors represent the negative eigenvalues
There are (3d + 1)/2 independent Hessian pieces which are which corresond to perturbations that lower the energy.
shown in the center of their corresponding cells. Blue is used Bottom Left: A shear stabilized packing of 64 harmonic soft
to represent those particles that do not interact with neighbor- spheres at φ = 0.90 and 26 states of self-stress.
ing replicas, whereas the other colors represent interactions Bottom Right: The corresponding contour plot of the first
with neighboring replicas. The dark greens for example are branch eigenvalues of the shear stabilized system’s Hessian in
those particles that interact with particles in the cell labeled momentum space.
H2 . The magenta particle is the only particle that interacts
with particles in the cell labeled H3T . Notice that the orange
and brown particles would be in contact for an unreplicated change of the basis matrices such that
system. Therefore, we label the neighboring cells with H4T  
and H4 to account for this symmetry. Vc
W = α
ARGUMENT II: and X = β.
Now consider
For typical unstressed systems with S ≥ d states
of self-stress, the corresponding system that is du- ΣDHC = X T RDHC W
plicated across boundary x will be rigid and the  T  
system will typically remain rigid when tiled. Uc Vc
= βT RDHC α
Ub Vp
T Uc 0 0 Vc
=β R− α
Ub 0 2Rb1 Vp
Reasoning "  T   #
T Uc 0
=β Σ− α
Ub 2Rb1 Vp
Let the singular value decomposition of R be given
= β T Σ − 2UbT Rb1 Vp α.

Uc Vc
by R = Σ where Ub represents the b rows
Ub Vp
of the left unitary singular vector matrix which corre- Now we know that the rank of ΣDHC is the same as the
spond to boundary bonds across boundary x and Vp rank of RDHC and that α and β must be full rank because
represent the p rows of the right unitary singular vec- they are change of the basis matrices, so we have
tor matrix which correspond to particles that do not rank(RDHC ) = rank Σ − 2UbT Rb1 Vp .

have boundary bonds. Let X and W be left and right
unitary singular vector matrices for RDHC such that This result shows us that the rank of RDHC comes from
RDHC = XΣDHC W T . Further, consider α and β to be perturbing the rectangular matrix with a typically dense


The elastic moduli for a jammed packing are

the same as the corresponding packing that is du-
plicated across boundary x up to a trivial scaling
factor. This means that the stiffness matrix is
extensive when tiling the space.


The elastic properties of a packing can be understood

from the stiffness matrix, C, where

Figure 4. Top Left: A jammed packing of hard spheres with

~σ = C~ε (13)
more than d states of self-stress based on a triangular lattice
with a vertical line of particles that only have three contacts for the stress, ~σ , and the strain, ~ε. We can find this re-
each. lationship for the original packing by considering the ex-
Bottom Left: The corresponding duplicated packing which tended Hessian, which is found from the second deriva-
is not jammed. There is a floppy mode in which the red and tives of energy with respect to the positional and strain
blue particles move in opposite directions. degrees of freedom. Let H be the extended Hessian such
Top Right: Another jammed packing of hard spheres with that
significantly more than d states of self-stress. This packing is  
jammed when duplicated once in either direction. Hxx Hxε
Bottom Right: The packing from above but replicated in H= T (14)
Hxε Hεε
a 2 × 2 arrangement. This packing is not jammed as the red
and blue regions are free to move in opposition, creating a
where Hxx is the second derivatives of the energy with re-
new loppy mode.
spect to the positions, Hεε is the second derivatives with
respect to strain, and Hxε is the mixed second deriva-
tives. From Hooke’s law, we can conclude that
matrix. This means given an amorphous packing, it is
extremely likely for the rank of RDHC to be N d. If the −F~
original system is jammed and rank(RDHC ) = N d, then H = (15)
~ε ~σ

rank(RD ) = rank(R) + rank(RDHC ) = N d − d. where F~ represents the interparticle forces. If we want to

find the stress-strain relationship as in Eq. 13, we need
From the rank-nullity theorem, we know that the du- to ensure that through the process of applying a strain,
plicated system only has d floppy modes. This argument force balance is never lost. Therefore, when applying a
for duplicated systems can be applied repeatedly to show strain, we also need to apply a non-affine perturbation,
that typical unstressed systems with S ≥ d states of self- ~xna , so that
stress will remain rigid when tiled.    
~xna ~0
H = (16)
~ε ~σ
Hxx ~xna + Hxε ~ε ~0
Discussion T = . (17)
Hxε ~xna + Hεε ~ε ~σ

While we have explained why most amorphous, un- If we solve the first system of equations for ~xna and sub-
stressed systems with d or more states of self-stress are stitute the solution in to the second system of equations,
typically jammed upon replication, it is worth noting that we find that
this does indeed hinge on a statistical argument. It is pos- T −1
sible to create non-amorphous packings of hard spheres C = Hεε − Hxε (Hxx ) Hxε (18)
which are not jammed upon replication. In Fig. 4, we cre-
ate two packings based on the triangular lattice. These where (Hxx ) is the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse [19]
packings were proven to be jammed by using a linear for the singular matrix Hxx .
programming algorithm [16–18]. However, when these Now that we have an expression for the stiffness matrix
packings are tiled, one finds that novel floppy modes are of the original packing, we need to find the stiffness ma-
introduced. trix for the duplicated packing, CD . We can express the

positional second derivatives of the duplicated system, CONCLUSIONS

HDxx , as
Periodic boundary conditions are extensively used in

 the computational modeling of physical systems as they
HDxx = (19) reduce the impact of finite size effects. However, one
needs to be cognizant of the limitations and pitfalls of
the implementations of these boundary conditions. We
since the order in which we take the partial derivatives have demonstrated that in jammed packings of soft ather-
with respect to the positions of system A and B is incon- mal particles (or spring networks) when periodic bound-
sequential due to commutivity. The extended Hessian for ary conditions are implemented as a tiling, the resulting
the duplicated system is therefore tiling does not remain jammed or rigid if the original
system has fewer than d states of self-stress. We further

 develop this idea to show that when there are S < d
HD =  HB HA Hxε  . (20) states of self-stress in a jammed packing (or spring net-
Hxε T
Hxε 2Hεε work), duplicating the system across any boundary will
introduce at least d − S new zero modes. Both of these
results are true regardless of the existence of prestresses.
If we let ~x1 be the non-affine motion of the original system However, when there are prestresses, we show that, in
and ~x2 be the non-affine motion of the duplicated system, general, amorphous jammed packings of soft spheres typi-
then cally have unjamming motions even when S ≥ d. We then
argue that it is the over-constrained, unstressed systems

HA ~x1 + HB ~x2 + Hxε ~ε ~0
   (such as spring networks with zero prestress or jammed
 HB ~x1 + HA ~x2 + Hxε ~ε  = ~0  . (21) packings of hard spheres) that are interesting as they typ-
Hxε (~x1 + ~x2 ) + 2Hxx ~ε ically have an infinite lattice representation that remains

rigid when S ≥ d. Although there are atypical counter-
examples that we present in this paper. We conclude the
Adding the first two equations gives manuscript with a proof that the bulk elastic properties
of an infinitely repeated packing are fully captured by
periodic boundary conditions. Through these proofs and
(HA + HB ) (~x1 + ~x2 ) + 2Hεε ~ε = ~0. (22)
arguments, this work comprehensively outlines the ad-
vantages and pitfalls of utilizing periodic boundary con-
We can solve for ~x1 + ~x2 by using the fact that Hxx = ditions when studying rigidity.
HA + HB . Making this substitution into the third equa-
tion reveals that

CD = 2C. (23)
We thank Jayson Paulose for his perspective and use-
ful discussions. This work is supported by the Simons
This means that the stiffness matrix is extensive when Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem via awards
we tile space with a jammed packing. 454939 (EIC and RCD) and 348126 (VFH).

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