Text Message Analysis

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Text Message Analysis

What is the sender/message/receiver relationship?

How is this relationship impacted by stylistic decisions made by the sender?

Part 1: Vocabulary
Define the terms below.

Sender: Style:
Person who sends a messages The way of using language

Receiver: Analysis:
Person who receives a messages Detailed examination of the elements of

Message: Rhetoric:
verbal, written or recorded Art of effective or persuasive speaking or
communication left for someone writing through the use of compositional

Part 2: Examples
Get out your phones and spend some time looking for messages that seem to have made specific
rhetorical choices: punctuation, unusual typing or spelling styles, abbreviations, emojis, etc. Type
them in the left column, describe the choice in the middle column, and describe the effect on the
receiver’s perception or on the meaning of the text.

Text Stylistic Choice Effect on perception/meaning

Well cats are stupid no period
capitalizes first letter

P4: AP/IB Lang capitalizing Essay

Reminder: Submit the monkey emoji
masculinity Essay on explanation point
canvas before class and
bring two printed
It’s a FURRY All caps on furry

you are a monster no caps depends on sender, context

no period

im literally so no punctuation
inconceivable attractive “literally inconceivable
AAA All caps Panic, hurry
LIBRARY separate messages
Part 3: Altering Stylistic Choices
Rewrite three text messages from Part 2 and revise them to alter the intended or perceived
meaning. Explain the change you made and the desired effect on the receiver's perception or the
meaning of the text.

Original Text Revised Text Changes you made and the

desired effect on
Well cats are stupid Well cats are stupid I changed it to give a reason
because they smell. to why cats are stupid
you are a monster You are a monster. I added punctuation and
im literally so inconceivable I’m so inconceivably Fixed punctuation and made
attractive attractive. it more formal
Part 4: Apply your learning
Analyze the text message below, following all instructions in the prompt.

Context: My friend asked if he could interview me for a paper he was writing but he never
responded about a day and time. I sent him a text asking if he still wanted to interview me a
few days later and this is what he sent back:

Write a paragraph in the box below in which you analyze the rhetorical choices made by
the “speaker” of this text message. Be sure to address what the speaker’s purpose is, and
consider how the audience (receiver) may interpret the message based on the speaker’s
choices. Be sure to have a topic sentence!

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