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“I go when my footsteps take me…”

Equipment: Chest plate - Isateph War blade

Ability: Born Killer, Fencer, Survival Instinct, Vivacity.

Rank: Special Wolfen Champion

The Walker of Yllia

Behind her, a dozen Tigers of Dirz were letting out long guttural roars laden with an insatiable
carnivorous hunger. If Ashan'Tyr slowed, she would fall under the claws and fangs of these
creatures born of the folly of men. Blood beating in her temples, she rushed into the canyons of
Bran-Ô-Kor, hoping that the hereditary hatred of the Orcs towards the masters of the desert
would be greater than their desire to stand in her way. It wasn’t the first time she spied on the
Scorpion people, but this time, she saw something really important. These degenerate humans
had modified nature and transgressed the laws decreed by the gods. The time of peace was now
over, the children of Yllia had to prepare as fast as they could.
Leaping over a boulder, the Wolfen gained a few meters on the pursuers, but her breath was
coming in short. They had been tracking her for many days now, and since dawn, the Tigers had
found her trace again. A noise then rang out behind her, then a sound she knew well, that of
claws opposing metal.
Without a glance back, Ashan'Tyr gave a silent prayer to Yllia, for the souls of the Orcs who
were dying between the fangs of these creatures. Each second passing was precious, the packs of
Diisha had to be informed: the Rag•Narok had just begun.

Once per turn, Ashan'Tyr can increase her Movement characteristic by 2,5. She will then no
longer be able to use the Born Killer Ability until the end of that turn.
The Amber Saber

Third daughter of pack leader Kaïgan, Ashan'Tyr left the pack quite young. Avid for knowledge
and travels, she left her peers behind her and threw herself on the roads of Aarklash. Many
years later, the Wolfen has become an experienced traveller, as dangerous as the other members
of her people. From the summits of the Zoukoï Mountains to the frozen lands of the Barony of
Allmoon, through the plains of Avagddu, she has visited practically all of the kingdoms of the
Ashan'Tyr discovered this saber in the heart of the Syharhalna desert, in the ruins of a city.
Inhabited by a powerful magic, this artifact has an ethereal blade able to pass through certain
metals, going through the defenses of her enemies.

Attacks made by Ashan'Tyr using the Amber Saber are particularly difficult to block. Once per
turn, during the opponent’s Defense test, if at least one Attack was defended against, that
opponent still suffers a Wound Roll. The Strength of that roll is equal to the difference between
the first parried Attack and the result of the Defense Roll. For example, if Ashan'Tyr makes an
Attack with a difficulty of 7, and that her opponent gets a final result of 10 on their Defense test,
they suffer a Strength 3 Wound roll (7 – 10). The Wound thus inflicted cannot go over Light. In
Rag•Narok, this roll cannot inflict more than one Wound to the target.

Only Ashan'Tyr can use the Amber Saber.

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