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The Akkylanian Embassy in Cadwallon

Iraem, Akkylanian Ambassador

“You no doubt believe that there’s nothing I can do, but keep in mind that I represent an entire empire,
while your world is limited to a city.”


After years spent stalking the frontiers of the Empire in service to the Inquisition, magistrate Iraem
unmasked the founders of a heretical sect of the cult of Merin which had gangrened an entire region.
This sect, called the Radiant Faith, preached an extremist vision in which the sole possible authority was
that of Merin, and all those who agreed to take the role of that authority had to immolate themselves in
fire to purify the essence of the god. This heresy called into question the entire hierarchy of the Empire.
Iraem organized, with the greatest discretion, surveillance of the sect, before launching a lightning
expedition to eradicate the cult. The repression was brutal and all of the dissidents were executed. As a
reward for his efficiency, Iraem was appointed ambassador of the Empire to Cadwallon. He has since
served the greatness of the Griffin by all means necessary: whether in worldly pomp or in the darkness
of alleyways, the agents of Iraem execute his fearsomely efficient plans.

Protected by his diplomatic status, Iraem subtly undermines the efforts of Cadwallon. To him, the entire
city should be made to disappear, but, before that happens, the Empire must profit as much as possible
from the situation. Iraem is wise enough to never involve himself directly in compromising situations: he
doesn’t seek pointless glory and much rather prefers to incite other power players to that their plans
serve his own. The ambassador is thus meant to play a significant role in the Rag’narok, but he’ll
nonetheless remain in the shadows, safe in his salons and in his embassy.

For a few months now, however, this fine resolution has been turned upside down by an unexpected
situation which has not given a moment’s peace to Iraem and forces him to personally take part in
battles: during a particularly convoluted plot, he managed to flip a number of cadwe agents embedded
in his entourage, and to enroll them into his network of spies. Everything was done with such deftness
that the entire event happened without those agents’ employer ever finding out. Iraem can now
manipulate the militia and use its troops at his discretion. When he grasped the extent of his success,
Iraem has gripped the Conscience of his fearsome efficiency and became an incarnate. Since then, he’s
been seen in a number of battles, sometimes of the sides of the Cadwes, most often leading Akkylanian

Main divinities: Merin

Fief: Ogrokh (Cadwallon)
Commander: Ambassador Iraem
Allies of choice: Griffin, Immobilis, Lion, Boar

Playing the Akkylanian Embassy

The Akkylanian Embassy is a faction which belongs to no people. It recruits its warriors and chooses its
attributes from among those of the Immobilis and of the Griffin.
The player can choose any Griffin or Immobilis banner order to create their company, but they can only
use a single one at a time. The banner order of the Akkylanian Embassy benefits from the advantages
and penalties below.

Advantages of the Akkylanian Embassy: The company benefits from the support of its two
“motherlands”. It can use two army Gifts, that of the Griffin and of the Immobilis.
Gift of the Griffin: Any player of a Griffin company can put one of their cards in reserve before creating
their activation sequence. This reserve replaces the one they may normally use.
Gift of the Immobilis: Warriors with this Gift can, once per turn, reroll failures on one of their tests.

Penalty of the Akkylanian Embassy: Serving two masters at once is a hard task. The company must
contain as many Griffin units as Immobilis units. Iraem is the commander if he’s part of the company, no
matter the Authority value of any other Incarnate present in it.

Order of banners:
- Infantry unit (*) !
- Infantry unit (* / **)
- Infantry or War Machine unit (* / **)
- Infantry or Cavalry unit (* / **)
- Creature or War Machine unit (* / ** / ***)

! Priority unit. It must be selected first.


Iraem is a greatly talented commander as well as a fearsome warrior. Not satisfied to be merely a
remarkable strategist, he also has the excellent war gear available to the armies of the Griffin: a very
solid armor and a war hammer able to kill any opponent, even behind the best of protections. As an
ambassador, he can also call upon Immobilis units to reinforce his own company. He notably has a
weapon bearer, in the Cadwe fashion, which improves his combat abilites.

Formation of a unit

Iraem can join any unit of the Akkylanian Embassy, of the Griffin, or of the Immobilis. He doesn’t replace
a warrior from that unit, but is added to its effective. His cost is added to that of the unit’s.

Recruiting the Incarnate

Iraem: 200 AP
Resurrection / Duel: 4 Elixir points

Reach: A warrior equipped with a reach weapon can attack enemies within 3 cm.

Weapon bearer: Iraem is accompanied by a weapon bearer, which grants him an additional die in hand-
A weapon bearer always remains within 3 cm of its employer and in formation. It is removed from the
battlefield as soon as it gets into contact with an enemy or suffers a Strength test.
Weapon bearers are artifacts (Value 1) and warriors. They are not counted in the unit’s effective.

Strategist: Strategists roll an additional die when resolving any Authority tests. The player keeps the
best result.


Iraem has 2 points to purchase his artifacts. He can freely choose from among those of the Griffin and of
the Immobilis.

Dragon Head (1): Iraem can call upon his own weapon bearer, nicknamed “Dragon Head”. The combat
die granted by Dragon Head can be used on either a hand-to-hand Attack test, or on a Strength test.

Feat: Divine Edict

The player spends 1 Elixir point. Until the end of turn, Courage or Authority tests resolved by Iraem, as
well as those of warrior benefitting from his leadership, get an additional die.

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