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“You no longer have a place among the living.”

Equipment: Leather armor, Sanction Dagger

Skills: Fanaticism, Fencer, Assassin, Bravery, Conscience.

Rank: Special Champion of the Griffon


Executor affiliated to the Akkylanian embassy in Cadwallon, Shanys is the last argument of the Griffon
when negotiations are impossible. It is said that the dagger she takes with her to perform her morbid
tasks traps the souls of all the damned whose lives she has claimed….

At the beginning of each game turn, Shanys can choose one, and only one, of the three powers below.

- Caress of the Reaper: until the end of the turn, the STUNNED inflicted by Shanys in Hand to
Hand are considered to be Light Wounds.
- Quicksilver Elixir: until the end of turn, on each of her Initiative tests, Shanys will roll an extra
die and will keep the result of her choice.
- Final Sentence: a warrior who has taken a Wound from Shanys in Hand to Hand loses 1 RES at
the end of each game turn. As soon as the accumulated penalty reaches higher than the RES
value written on their reference card, the victim is KILLED OUTRIGHT.

The Blade of the Damned is reserved to Shanys.


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