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A Narrative Report
Presented to
Faculty Member of Cavite State University – Imus
Campus Imus, Cavite

Project Requirements in

Professional Development and Applied Ethics BSHM 70

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

Prepared by:

Lailanie P. Acoba

Prepared to:

A.Y 2021-2022


Good day! I'm Lailanie P. Acoba, a student from BSHM-3D at Cavite State University
Imus Campus. Currently residing at Bacoor city, Cavite. I’m 21 years old. I live with my
mother, aunty and my cousin in a compound. My Hobbies are listening to music, watching
movies or anime and dancing. I believe that if you want to be somebody someday, be
someone now. Our life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life, the
reasons you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior,
shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is
connected to vocation, meaningful, satisfying work.


First and foremost I would like to thank God, for giving me strength and enough
knowledge to finish this project. Without him, it wouldn't be possible and successful.

I respectfully express my gratitude and appreciation to the individuals who patiently

assisted me in the completion of this Narrative and to those who became a big part of my
college life.

To our Teacher in this subject, Mr. Ronald Prince Kyle M. Francisco, thank you for
your patience and enthusiasm to teach us and guide us with this project. His comments,
insight, and encouragement also inspire us to continue my project.

To my classmates and friends, who were a source of motivation for me. For
motivating me to push myself to greater levels and make the best of every circumstance.
To the university where I am enrolled, Cavite State University, where I was molded into the
person I am today.

To my parents for their consistent love and support in supporting all of my financial
and moral requirements, as well as their patience and understanding. For their pieces of
advice and for always being available.


Title page……………………………………………………………………….……………..1
Introduction about the student……………………………………………………………...2
Table of contents……………………………………………………………………………..4-5

Title of the lesson…………………………………………………………………………….6
Introduction of the lesson……………………………………………………………………6
Importance of the lesson…………………………………………………………………….7
Summary of the lesson……………………………………………………………………….8-10
Conclusion of the lesson……………………………………………………………………..11

Title of the lesson…………………………………………………………………………….12
Introduction of the lesson……………………………………………………………………12
Importance of the lesson…………………………………………………………………….12
Summary of the lesson……………………………………………………………………….13-14
Conclusion of the lesson……………………………………………………………………..15

Title of the lesson…………………………………………………………………………….16
Introduction of the lesson……………………………………………………………………17
Importance of the lesson…………………………………………………………………….18-19
Summary of the lesson……………………………………………………………………….20-24
Conclusion of the lesson……………………………………………………………………..25-26

Title of the lesson……………………………………………………………………………..27
Introduction of the lesson…………………………………………………………………….27
Importance of the lesson……………………………………………………………………..28
Summary of the lesson……………………………………………………………………….28
Conclusion of the lesson……………………………………………………………………..29

Title of the lesson…………………………………………………… …… ………………….30
Introduction of the lesson………………………………………… …… ……………………31
Importance of the lesson…………………………………………… … …………………….32
Summary of the lesson……………………………………………… ……………………….33
Conclusion of the lesson……………………………………………… ……………………..34



Personality Development Is the development of the organized pattern of behaviors

and attitudes that makes a person distinctive. Personality development occurs by the
ongoing interaction of temperament, character and environment. Personality development is
a systematic and continuous attempt to create and promote key work-related personality
traits within you so that you become effective and efficient.

Personality development helps in the improvement of self-confidence and

self-esteem. Personal development is also said to enhance one's communication abilities
and the way he views the world. In simplest form, personality refers to a set of characteristics
that distinguish one individual from another. The word 'personality' comes from the Latin
word 'persona,' which literally means "mask." In ancient Latin-speaking theatre, the mask
was simply a standard method for representing or portraying a specific character.


Personality development helps with the development of a positive view on life. A

person with a gloomy mentality sees a problem in everything. Rather than stealing ideas and
criticizing those around you, analyze the matter as a whole and try to come up with a
suitable solution. Keep in mind that if there is a problem, there must also be a solution. Keep
your calm at all times. It would worsen the problem.

It is essential for people to act appropriately when they are around other people.
Being polite to others will not only make you popular, but it will also earn you respect and
pride. You can't demand respect if you're rude to the people around you. Personality
development is essential for the development of not only your outer but also your inner self.
Humans are a social species. One requires the company of others. An individual must
possess the magnetic power that draws people to them. You must have that charisma that
you obtain. Personality development assists you in obtaining recognition and acceptance
from society and the people around you.


Personality is what differentiates one person from another, and it is recognizable

even before birth. personality has several components: temperament, environment, and
Temperament is the set of genetically determined traits that determine the child’s approach
to the world and how the child learns about the world.
Environment influences the development of a person’s personality the most.
Character – the set of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral patterns learned from experience
that determines how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.

Stages of development

An infant goes through the first stage of development during the first two years of life:
learning basic trust or mistrust (Hope). When an infant is well-nurtured and loved, he or she
develops trust, security, and a basic optimism. When an infant is mistreated, he or she
becomes insecure and learns "basic mistrust."
Infant - newborn development
•Physical - such as fine motor skills
(holding a spoon, pincer grasp) and gross motor skills
(head control, sitting, and walking)

The second stage occurs during early childhood, between about 18 months to two
years and three to four years of age. It deals with Learning Autonomy or Shame (Will).
Well-parented, the child emerges from this stage with self confidence, elated with his or her
newly found control.

The third stage occurs during "play age," or the last three years of preschool before
starting formal school. Learning Initiative or Guilt is a phase in the development of a kid
(Purpose). The youngster learns to use his or her imagination, to broaden skills through
active play and fantasy, to collaborate with others, and to both lead and follow. If the child is
unsuccessful, he or she gets scared, unable to join groups, and harbors guilt; the child
becomes overly reliant on people; and the child's play abilities and imagination are limited.

School age
Learning Industry or Inferiority (competence) is the fourth stage, which occurs during
school, up to and maybe including junior high school. More formal skills are learned by the
• relating with peers according to rules
• progressing from free play to play that is structured by rules and requires teamwork (team
• learning basic intellectual skills (reading, arithmetic)

From the ages of 13 to 14, the fifth stage, Learning Identity or Identity Diffusion
(Fidelity), occurs during adolescence. During this period, the young person develops
self-assurance rather than self-doubt, and experiments with many constructive roles rather
than acquiring a negative identity such as delinquency. The well-adjusted teenager looks
forward to success, and in later adolescence, a distinct sexual identity emerges.
Adolescence wants leadership (someone to inspire him or her) and develops a set of ideals
to live by over time.


Infants as little as a few weeks old differ in terms of how active they are, how
attentive they are to change, and how irritable they are. Some babies cry all the time, while
others appear to be content and remain quite quiet. Researchers in child development have
identified nine temperamental qualities that can make a child's personality development
complex or difficult:
• Activity level (how active the child is generally)
• Distractibility (degree of concentration and praying attention when the child is not
particularly interested)
• Intensity (how loud the child is)
• Regularity (the predictability of biological functions like appetite and sleep)
• Sensory threshold (how sensitive the child is to physical stimuli: touch, taste, smell, sound,
• Approach/withdrawal (characteristic responses of a child to a new situation or to strangers)
• Adaptability (how easily the child adapts to transitions and changes such as switching to a
new activity)
• Persistence (stubbornness, inability to give up)
• Mood (tendency to react to the world primarily in a positive or negative way)

Parental Concerns
The majority of children develop their personalities in a healthy way. Some parents,
on the other hand, are concerned about whether their infant, child, or teenager has a
personality condition. Parents are often the first to notice whether their child is having
emotional or behavioral issues that could indicate a personality disorder. Children that suffer
from personality disorders have a hard time interacting with others. They are inflexible, rigid,
and unable to adjust to life's changes and stressors, making it difficult for them to engage in
social activities.


Personal development is a collection of activities that can be done to improve one's

consciousness and identity. It entails the development of talent and potential, the
development of human capital and employability, increasing the quality of life, and, last but
not least, contributing to the realization of hopes and dreams. Personal development does
not just refer to self-improvement; it also includes formal and informal efforts aimed at
helping others grow.

As a person's circle of self awareness widens, not only is he or she consciously

aware of a larger piece of himself or herself, but the boundaries of his or her awareness
have also increased, bordering on a broader area of future discovery and development. The
more doors a person opens, the more he or she knows how many more are waiting to be
opened. Self-awareness is the starting point for personal development. In fact, it might as
well be the final chapter. An individual can grow and improve his or her relationships,
education, happiness, health, and career through the major impact of personal growth.


Different influences on Personality

The combination of qualities and patterns that impact a person's behavior, thoughts,
motivation, and emotions is considered to be their personality. It leads people to think, feel,
and act in predictable ways; in essence, it is what makes each person unique. Over time,
these patterns have a significant impact on personal expectations, perceptions, beliefs, and
attitudes. Personality is defined as a person's combination of behavior, emotion, motivation,
and mental habits. The goal of personality psychology is to examine the similarities and
differences in these patterns among individuals and groups.

People spend lots of time wondering about their personalities. When we meet new
people, whether at work, school, or at social events, we often focus on their personality right
away. We evaluate the people around us based on a variety of factors, including whether
they are kind, helpful, talkative, or shy.


The importance of this lesson is to know what are the personality traits we have so if
there's a problem we can point it out right away. Also we can help others when they have a
problem with their personality. And to show and see that we have different personalities.
Example when your friend has a family problem, you can help your friend by listening to
his/her rants and thoughts and you can cheer him/her up. Stop invalidating others' feelings
by saying that they’re “madrama” instead of comforting them.


The psychological classification of different types of people is known as personality

type. Personality characteristics and personality types are occasionally separated, with the
latter encompassing a smaller range of behavioral inclinations.

5 major of personality types

Conscientiousness- The most conscientious individuals are efficient, well-organized,

dependable, and self-sufficient. They prefer to plan ahead of time and set lofty goals for
themselves. Persons with a low conscientiousness score may perceive those with this
personality attribute as stubborn and obsessive.

Extroversion- is a measure of how energetic, sociable and a friendly person. They're
talkative and outgoing, and they're at ease in front of the camera. Others may perceive them
as bossy and wanting attention.

Agreeableness- They're known for their generous traits and are frequently involved in
volunteer work and altruistic activities. Others could think they're gullible and overly timid.

Openness to Experience- Intellectually curious, creative, and imaginative people are "open
to experience." People with a high openness score are noted for their diverse interests and
vivid imaginations. They're curious and creative, and they appreciate variety to task lists.
They're known for seeking self-actualization through euphoric experiences such as
meditative retreats or living abroad. Others may think of them as impulsive and distracted.

Neuroticism- is a personality attribute that leads to negative emotions such as rage,

anxiety, self-consciousness, irritability, emotional instability, and sadness.

Different Influences of Personality

There are three main influences on personality development:

Hereditary- The impacts on your personality that you are born with are referred to as
heredity. They are ingrained in your DNA, and there isn't much you can do to change them.
They could include your temperament, which influences how you react to circumstances and
how specified you are. It may have an impact on how well children get along with others. Of
course, genetics has a role in how someone appears.

Environment- The nurturing component of our life is our environment. It is the type of
environment in which we grow up and live. Environments include things like languages,
religion, and other places where you spend a lot of time. Environmental elements also
include things like home, school, work, and other locations where you spend a lot of time.

Situation- These are the kinds of things that each person goes through. People's
experiences will leave imprints on them and contribute to the improvement of their
personalities. Divorce, death, trauma, and even joyous times all fall into the "situations"
category when it comes to forming one's personality. You've probably heard someone
mention that people are "products of their environment," which means that the three factors
we just discussed have had a significant impact on their personalities. They were born with
certain characteristics, and their background and any traumatic experiences all added to who
they are.


Overall, we looked at important individual characteristics that influence employee

attitudes and behaviors in this chapter. Our choices and the conditions in which we relax and
enjoy are defined by our values and personalities. While our personalities can influence our
actions, the circumstances in which they occur should not be overlooked. Many people
employ personality tests to hire new employees, however the practice is unpopular due to
issues including faking and the low predictive value of personality for job success.

Perception refers to how we understand our surroundings. Although it has a

significant impact on our behavior, many systematic biases color our perception and lead to
mistakes. The study of human personality is a hard process. Human nature is complex, and
each person has a unique combination of natural abilities, preferences, and acquired
reactions. Aside from that, any personality researcher has a certain personality, which
necessitates them "baring their soul" in order to understand themselves and others.



Personality is a distinct set of patterns that influence a person's behavior, thought,

motivation, and emotion. The combination of qualities and patterns that impact a person's
behavior, thought, motivation, and emotion is referred to as their personality. It can be useful
to begin with a definition of personality theories. To start with, a theory is a representation of
reality that enables us in comprehending, explaining, predicting, and controlling that reality.
These models are usually verbal in the study of personality. Someone comes out with a
graphic model, with symbolic illustrations, a mathematical model, or even a computer model
every now and again. Words, on the other hand, are the most basic form.
When we talk about a person's personality, we usually mean what makes them apart from
others, perhaps even making them exceptional. Individual differences refer to this feature of

It is the central issue in certain ideas. These theories frequently focus on types,
features, and tests that can be used to categorize or compare people: some people are
neurotic, while others are not; some people are more introverted, while others are more
extroverted; and so on. Freud not only theorized about how personality develops during
childhood, but he also constructed a framework for how personality is constructed generally.
The libido, according to Freud, is the essential driving factor of personality and conduct. This
libidinal energy fuels the id, ego, and superego, the three components that make up

The Fourfold Function of the mind

MEMORY: The mind is presented with a variety of choices when it comes to memory and
perceptions from our prior experiences. Chitta is the name given to this storage facility. The
good and harmful impressions of our ideas and deeds are stored in this storehouse. Our
character is determined by the totality of these impressions. This chitta is what is referred to
as our subconscious mind.

DELIBERATION AND CONCEPTUALIZATION: Uncertain, the mind examines the several

choices available to it. It discussed on a number of issues. This mental ability is known
as'manas.' The'manas' are also responsible for imagination and notion development.

DETERMINATION AND DECISION-MAKING: Buddhi is the faculty that is responsible to
make decisions. It has the ability to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of various situations in
order to determine what is more desirable. It's also a person's ability to distinguish between
the real and the unreal, between what should be done and what should be avoided, and
between what is ethically correct and what is bad. It is also the seat of willpower, which is
crucial for personality development, therefore this component of the mind is of particular
significance to us.

CONSCIOUSNESS: Assigning all physical and mental activity to oneself, such as 'I eat,' 'I
see,' 'I talk,' 'I hear,' 'I think,' 'I am confused,' and so on. This is referred to as 'ahamkara' or 'I'
consciousness. Human life is determined by events and circumstances of the world as long
as the 'I' identifies with the undisciplined body-mind complex; we become happy with
pleasant happenings and dissatisfied with unpleasant ones. The more one's thinking is
developed and disciplined, the closer one comes to understanding the true source of 'I'
consciousNess. As a result, a person's daily life becomes more balanced. Any event or
circumstance in life has no effect on such a person.

Personality Locus of Control

The locus of control is a psychological term that describes how firmly people believe
they have control over the events and experiences that shape their life. Locus of control is a
term used in education to describe how pupils perceive the causes of their academic
success or failure.

Students who have an "Internal Locus of Control" feel that their success or failure is
determined by the amount of effort and hard work they put into their studies.
The External Locus of Control is possessed by a person who believes that his or her fate
is determined by other forces (other people, situations, luck, etc.).

MACHIAVELLIANISM-is a personality trait that defines how much a person is concerned

with obtaining and utilizing power to achieve his or her own goals, regardless of the
consequences for others. It's a personality trait characterized by a tendency to manipulate
others for personal gain.


To live a comfortable and stress-free existence, it is critical to maintain a balance

between both lifestyles. Positive attributes such as timeliness, flexibility, readiness to learn,
kind disposition, eagerness to help others, and so on can be instilled through personality
development. Psychologists may predict how people will react in various situations and what
they enjoy and value by understanding their personalities. It will be beneficial to understand
more about some of the most influential personality theories in order to have a sense of how
researchers examine personality psychology.

Personality encompasses not just inborn characteristics, but also the development of
cognitive and behavioral patterns that shape how people think and behave. Temperament is
an important aspect of one's personality that is influenced by biological factors.Character is a
component of one's personality that is shaped by life experiences and evolves over time.
While personality changes throughout time as a result of life's influences and experiences,
most of it is dictated by inborn characteristics and early childhood events.


Mind (or Antahkaran) is made up of four functions or parts. Sensory-motor mind,
memory bank, ego, and intellect are the most common translations. Buddha, by the way, is
derived from the common root of Buddhi (budh-to-know) and refers to the enlightened one.
Manas is typical, ad hoc thinking – simply being aware that something exists and
instinctively recording the facts that the senses detect. Chitta is responsible for
subconscious actions, memories, and so forth. Chitta's function is chinta (contemplation), the
faculty by which the Mind, in its broadest meaning, raises and dwells on the subject of its
thinking. Buddhi determines, decides, and comes to the logical conclusion that something is
this or that. Another part of the psyche's operation is buddhi, or intellect. Ego, affirmation,
assertion, 'I know.' Ahamkara is a Sanskrit word that means 'I know.' "I'm aware that
something is in front of me, and I'm also aware that I'm aware." This form of validation given
to one's own identity is the work of ahamkara, also known as egoism.

A Type A personality is prone to stress, is always in a hurry, irritable, and moves
quickly in whatever they do. A person with a Type B personality is less stressed, laidback,
easygoing, and lacks a sense of urgency. Type A people are usually sensitive and proactive.

LOCUS OF CONTROL- Your locus of control can influence not only how you react to life's
events, but also how motivated you are to take action. If you believe you have control over
your destiny, you are more likely to take action to improve your situation when it is
necessary. If, on the other hand, you believe the outcome is beyond your control, you may
be less motivated to make changes.

SELF ESTEEM- Your decision-making process, relationships, emotional health, and overall
well-being are all influenced by your self-esteem. It also affects motivation, since people who
have a healthy, positive self-image are more aware of their capabilities and may be
motivated to take on new challenges.

SELF EFFICACY- Almost everyone can think of goals they'd like to attain, changes they'd
like to make, and things they'd like to change. Most individuals are aware, however, that
putting these plans into effect is not so simple. Bandura and others discovered that a
person's self-efficacy influences how they approach objectives, projects, and challenges.

SELF MONITORING- Humans experience a wide range of emotions. We are always acting
and reacting to what is going on around us. When we are in charge of our behaviors, we are
self-monitoring. People who self-monitor are acutely aware of how others see their behaviors
and frequently change their behavior to achieve the desired public image.

MACHIAVELLIANISM- a lack of feeling in interpersonal relationships a disregard for

traditional morals - a lack of ideological commitment.


Personality theories are useful in achieving a better understanding of the human

condition. Interactions and behavior Psychological understanding is crucial in shaping how
an individual behaves. Played a significant influence in the development of a number of
psychological concepts There have been significant advancements that have resulted in a
revitalized understanding of the overall impact that personality theories have had on
psychology. In order to construct integrated personality theory, this study will focus on
gaining a deeper knowledge of the various notions developed under theories of personality.
I'll also concentrate on the seven key concepts and characteristics that I believe are
essential to comprehending theories of personality.

Each person has their own personality. Understanding human behavior as it is

portrayed in the media. From a psychological standpoint, personality theories play a vital role
in a highly competitive workplace.It's simple to comprehend human behavior from several
angles. Personality refers to the distinct patterns of ideas, feelings, and behaviors that
characterize a person. Personality develops from within and is generally accurate throughout
one's life. Consistency, psychological and physiological qualities, impact on behaviors and
activities, and multiple expressions are some of the basic elements of personality.

The idiographic perspective assumes that each individual has a unique psychic structure,
that some traits are possessed by just one person, and that there are occasions when
comparing one person to others is impossible. Case studies are frequently used to gather
The nomothetic view, on the other hand, emphasizes individual similarity. This perspective
considers traits to have the same value as have great for everyone.
The id is the aspect of personality present at birth. It is the most primal part of the personality
and drives people to fulfill their most basic needs and urges.
The ego is the aspect of personality charged with controlling the urges of the id and forcing it
to behave in realistic ways. The superego is the final aspect of personality to develop and
contains all of the ideals, morals, and values imbued by our parents and culture. This part of
personality attempts to make the ego behave according to these ideals. The ego must then
moderate between the primal needs of the id, the idealistic standards of the superego and

Allport was one of the first modem trait theorists. In 1936, Allport and Henry Odbert
worked through two of the most comprehensive dictionaries of the English language
available and extracted around 18,000 personality-describing words which were reduced to
around 4000 words. Raymond Cattell decreased the number of major personality traits from
over 4,000 in Allport's original list to 171 by removing unusual features and combining
common ones. He next found closely related terms using a statistical technique known as
factor analysis, whittling down his list to only 16 important personality traits. Cattell collected
data from a range of people through three different sources of data.

Hans Eysenck was a personality theorist who focused on temperament, or

personality traits that are innate and genetically rooted. He believed that biology has a big
role in personality, and that persons have 2 different personality dimensions: extroversion vs.
introversion, and neuroticism vs. stability. He added a third dimension to this concept after
interacting with his wife and fellow personality theorist Sybil Eysenck: psychoticism vs.
socialization. Extraversion is concerned with focusing attention outward on other people
and the environment, whereas introversion is concerned with focusing attention inward on
inner experiences. So, a person with a high level of introversion may be quiet and reserved,
whereas someone with a high level of extraversion may be sociable and outgoing.
Psychoticism/Socialization is Individuals that perform high on this dimension are
considered to have trouble dealing with reality and may be antisocial, angry, non-empathetic,
and manipulative. People that have a high level of socialization have better self - control and
are more altruistic, empathic, cooperative, and traditional.

The Authoritarian personality is a hypothetical personality type defined by intense

obedience, unquestioned regard for, and surrender to the authority of a person external to
the self, which is supposedly accomplished through the oppression of subordinates.
Prejudice is a judgment or opinion about someone based solely on their membership in a
certain group. People may be biased against someone of a different ethnicity, gender, or
religion, for example.


Manas, or sensory-motor mind, is similar to the sensory/motor cortical processes of

the brain in that it not only registers inputs but also executes actions. It is in charge of the ten
Indriyas (5 senses and 5 action-oriented faculties). It's crucial to remember that Manas
performs both stimulus and response functions, though it's the first in terms of stimulus
processing (registering the stimulus) and the last in terms of executing responses/actions (it
blindly executes the action that has been selected / chosen upstream). Chitta, or
memory-prospecting mind, is often associated with the brain's association cortex. Many
people speak of chitta as a memory or impressions bank, but they overlook the portion about
the future.

Buddhi, or the knowing-deciding mind, is the last step on your spiritual journey.
Buddhi is related to the abilities of knowing, discriminating, judging, and determining. I
believe that knowing/ discriminating (among stimuli/ actions/ attending to a stimuli) is a
stimulus route function, whereas judging/ deciding (among actions/ responses/ attending to a
stimuli) is a response path function. Ahamkara, or the experiential-agentic self, is sometimes
confused with consciousness/consciousness and the ego-driven self. It recognizes itself and
declares, "I am." Conscious creatures have two functions: experience and agency. It's an
experience to be that aware being, and the entity has volition or the ability to do things
(agency). For this concept of ahamkara, the concept of self as a conscious entity with
experience (in the stimulus path) and agency (in the response/action path) is crucial.


The amount to which people believe they have control over the events that affect
their lives is referred to as locus of control.
Do you believe you have control over the outcome when confronted with a difficulty in your
life? Or do you believe you're merely a victim of things beyond your control?
If you think you have control over what happens, you have an internal locus of control, as
defined by psychologists. You have an external locus of control if you believe that you have
no control over what happens and that external variables are to blame.

Our conduct and attitudes are influenced by our expectations of specific outcomes. In
other words, if someone has been rewarded for similar efforts in the past and believes they
can affect their odds of future success, they are more motivated to pursue it.

Internal Locus of Control

● Are more likely to take responsibility for their actions
● Tend to be less influenced by the opinions of other people
● Often do better at tasks when they are allowed to work at their own pace

External Locus of Control

● Blame outside forces for their circumstances
● Often credit luck or chance for any successes
● Don't believe that they can change their situation through their own efforts

TYPE A PERSONALITY - A high sense of competitiveness and a constant feeling of

working against the clock characterize Type A personalities. Individuals with a Type A
personality are more stressed, dislike failure, and find it difficult to quit working even when
they have met their objectives.

TYPE B PERSONALITY- The Type B personality is known for being laid-back, patient, and
easygoing. Individuals with a Type B personality work consistently and enjoy their
accomplishments, yet they do not become stressed when their goals are not met.

A person's overall subjective sense of personal worth or value is referred to as
self-esteem. To put it another way, self-esteem can be described as how much you value
and like yourself regardless of the situation. Many variables influence your self-esteem,
● Self-confidence
● A sense of safety
● Identity
● a feeling of kinship
● Feeling of mastery

SELF EFFICACY- A person's self-efficacy is their belief in their own ability to achieve in a
given situation. These ideas, according to Bandura, are predictors of how people think,
behave, and feel.

SELF MONITORING- Self-monitoring is a personality attribute that involves the ability to

keep track of and regulate one's own appearances, feelings, and behaviors in response to
social situations.It entails being conscious of your actions and how they affect your
surroundings. It also refers to your ability to change your behavior in reaction to external,
situational, or social factors.

MACHIAVELLIANISM- Machiavellianism is a psychological trait that signifies cunning,

manipulative ability, and a desire to obtain power by any means necessary.


What you're seeing here is "poor me"

(or "poor you") in the midst of great
forces. History, society, and culture
are at the top of the pyramid, and
they influence us primarily through
our education, which is mediated by
our families, peers, the media, and so
on. At the very bottom, we have
evolution, genetics, and biology, all of
which influence us through our
physiology (including
neurotransmitters, hormones, and so
on). Instincts, temperaments, and health are some of the most important aspects of
psychology. As the lovely, thick arrows show, these two powerful forces have a strong and
constant influence on us, from conception to death, and occasionally threaten to tear us
apart. If you look closely, the thin arrows (a) and (b) can be seen (b). These examples show
how biology drives our learning and how society influences our physiology in unexpected

The arrow labeled (a) could reflect an aggressive personality that leads to a violent
reaction to certain media messages, resulting in a misunderstanding of those messages. Or
(b) could relate to being raised with a certain set of nutritional habits that subsequently
contribute to a physiological deficiency. There are an infinite number of difficulties.
These are unintentional physiological or experiential effects. Not everything that occurs in
our surroundings is a result of some grand historical or evolutionary trend! Things just
happen from time to time. You could be in the wrong place at the wrong moment, or you
could be in the right place at the right time: hear a brilliant speaker who steers your life away
from the typical path, or have a cell struck by stray radiation in the wrong way.

I conclude that The Fourfold Function of mind ,There are four basic functions of the
human mind. For example,Let's imagine I run into someone I've met somewhere around 5
years ago. I attempt to recall when and where I met him, as well as who he is. A process of
scanning, as it were, begins in the recesses of my mind to see if there are any incidents
associated with the individual stored there. Suddenly, I recognize the individual as such and
so, and I can say things like, "He's the same person I met in such and such a place," and so
on. I now have a solid understanding of the individual. Our mind remembers or thinks of that
specific happening in our life even though it was long ago.

Locus of Control is a significant percentage of workplace behavior, such as work

performance, job satisfaction, and turnover intention, that can be predicted using locus of
control. Such linkages, it is said, can be better understood in terms of other factors like
self-efficacy, which is significantly connected not just with locus of control, but also with the
industrial variables it predicts, such as work performance. It's also worth noting that the
linked workplace constructions can have an impact on one's impression of her power to
govern her life, just as they can have an impact on them.
Also people with type A personality qualities like hostility and competitiveness are more
likely to develop high blood pressure, heart disease, and related heart issues, according to
research. People with Type B personalities, on the other hand, had a lower risk of
cardiovascular disease.
To conclude, research findings suggest that positive self-esteem has favorable effects on
mental well-being, happiness, adjustment, success, academic achievement, and
contentment. It's also linked to a faster recovery from serious illnesses.
Self-efficacy as I gathered information should refer to your views about your ability to
effectively accomplish the actions required to achieve a desired outcome, and it has a wide
range of implications in your daily life. Adolescents who are self-confident do better in
school, while adults who are self-confident do better at work.
Self monitoring In a self-diagnosis situation, self-monitoring can aid in the identification of
any symptoms or behaviors so that they can be reported to a doctor. Many people have no
understanding what their triggers or actions are. Self-monitoring can assist you in gathering
such data first.



After a person has entered employment, professional development refers to

continuing education and career training to assist them gain new skills, stay current on
current trends, and progress their careers.
There are methods in Professional Development such as:

college studies - A college is a place where students can continue their education after they
have completed secondary school, or today's senior high school.

online training programs- is a type of instruction that takes place entirely through the
internet. It consists of a range of multimedia elements, such as graphics, audio, video, and
online links, all of which may be accessed via a web browser.

industry certification -The formal attestation or confirmation of particular features of an

object, person, or organization is known as certification.

Coaching- is a performance-enhancing method that focuses on the "now and now" rather
than the distant past or future. Coaching is the process of maximizing a person's own
performance potential. Rather than instructing them, it assists them in learning.

Mentoring -Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own

learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve
their performance and become the person they want to be.

Consultation -When making decisions, consult involves asking for and considering the
opinions of personnel.Employees' engagement with their jobs can improve if they are
consulted on crucial workplace decisions.


Many people, in fact, do not invest in their professional development. One-third of

students and employees say they don't do anything to develop or update their current skills.
These individuals are unconcerned about their future employment prospects. Many people
are competent in their work, but they are either comfortable with where they are or are
unconcerned about their professional future. This means you've already gotten a leg up on a
third of your peers by investing in professional development, continuing education, and
career planning. You're much more likely to accomplish success and meet your goals if you
go for it and take control of your job.

As a student we should improve our skills to gain more and while we are young we should
know what can be done to increase what we know. Employees will improve as workers as a
result of their professional growth. Students will be more productive and efficient if they gain
the necessary skills for their job, which will help the company they work for prosper. Finally,
professional growth can provide employees with new opportunities.


Professional development is the process of setting goals and acquiring new abilities
in order to advance and succeed in work. Professional development might lead to a
promotion or a career change, or it can just help you perform better in your existing role.
Professional development involves the following parts, regardless of where it leads you.
developing a vision of success, understanding the skills required to succeed, formal or
informal assessments, and an individual growth plan.

The methods in professional development can be helpful to us not just students but also
people who're looking for something to add to his / her achievement in life. Also to be more
knowledgeable about something he/she lacks.


In reflecting on my professional development, I consider that my skills and

competencies have developed significantly and that my level of responsibility has developed
to reflect this. I also believe that my experience at my previous school really helped me a lot
with my skills. Also it enabled me to start to develop the wider generic skills during our
assessment in senior highschool.This will provide a strong basis from which to develop my
future career within the sector in tourism and hospitality and effectively respond to change.


is an individual's or a group's ability to influence and lead followers or other members
of an organization. Leadership is a social influence technique that maximizes the efforts of
others in order to attain a goal.

7 Leadership Style

Autocratic - leader feels that he or she is the brightest person at the table and that he or she
knows more than everyone else. They make all of the choices without consulting the rest of
the team. Authoritative - is the mark of self-assured leaders who chart a course and
establish goals for their followers while engaging and energizing them along the way.
Pacesetting - As in racing, this style describes a highly motivated leader who sets the pace.
Pacesetters raise the bar and encourage their teammates to rush to the finish line.
Democratic - Democratic leaders are more likely to ask, "How do you see it?" and to share
information that impacts employees' work obligations with them whenever possible. Before
reaching a final choice, they also solicit input from staff.

Coaching - When you lead with a coaching manner, you're more likely to take a "consider
this" approach. People are viewed as a reservoir of talent to be developed by a leader who
coaches. The leader who takes a coach approach aims to help people reach their full
potential. Affiliative - The most up close and personal style is affiliative leadership. A leader
who uses this style pays attention to and supports team members' emotional needs. The
leader aspires to create a channel that connects him or her to the rest of the team.
Laissez-Faire - A leader who is more laissez-faire may appear to trust his or her followers to
know what to do. When taken to its logical conclusion, though, a hands-off leader may
appear aloof. So, while it's beneficial to give individuals room to run, managers must strike a
balance to ensure that they stay focused on the organization's critical goals.

Authoritative leadership - The term "authoritative leadership" refers to a management

style in which the leader has entire authority over the situation. With little or no input from
team members, an authoritarian leader defines the goals, determines the processes, and
oversees all activities necessary to achieve those goals.

Coaching Leadership - It enables leaders to perform at their best. Coaches develop a
beneficial relationship with the leader that reveals hidden assets and shortcomings. ...
Reflective sessions with a coach enable a leader to fully appreciate their achievements and
the work they have put in to achieve those objectives. Collaborative Leadership - is a
management strategy in which members of a leadership team collaborate across
departments to make decisions and keep their company running smoothly. Embracing
collaboration at this level illustrates to employees that they, too, should approach their work
in a collaborative, team-oriented manner. Engaged Leadership - When engaging leaders
inspire their team by setting high expectations, connecting the team goal to larger, more
meaningful (organizational) goals, and presenting a good future vision, this may produce
positive affect and enhance team motivation. Observant Leadership - This leadership style
necessitates a manager's ability to see beyond the surface to see underlying trends. This
could entail being able to recognize someone's true potential at work, even if their abilities
aren't fully developed.


Although there are as many diverse leadership styles as there are leaders, they may
generally be divided into two categories: people-focused and task-focused. Leadership is the
ability of an individual or a group to influence and lead followers or other members of an
organization. Guidance entails training, informing team members about the organization's
vision or goal, and ensuring that no deviation from the vision or goal occurs, even if it
necessitates corrective action. It also includes the leader's capacity to provide guidance that
allows team members to grow and develop.Leadership performs a variety of duties that are
critical to an organization's success. One of the most crucial roles of a CEO is to set the
company's vision. The leader outlines the organization's vision and what members must
accomplish to attain it.

The natural tendency of people is to follow a leader. You can achieve more regardless of
your degree of expertise and experience in a certain subject if you report to a higher
authority. This is because a leader gives you direction and assists you in minimizing potential
dangers to your productivity. A leader doesn't have to be older or younger to help you
succeed by providing effective mentorship, accountability, and distribution of
responsibilities.To encourage fresh ideas, good leaders set aside their egos and allow their
subordinates to express themselves.


The greatest leaders can adapt their approach depending on the scenario. For
example, turning around a failing organization may necessitate a more upfront approach
than growing an established successful organization. It's also worth remembering that a
leadership style isn't a flexible, adjustable 'toolkit,' but rather a strictly focused description of
a specific sort of leadership. Unlike leadership models, the goal of leadership styles is to
define the many types of leadership rather than to assist people become better leaders.

Engaging leaders take the initiative to solve problems when others can't or won't.
They energise others by spreading contagious optimism and keeping people focused on
their mission and goal. They listen, keep calm, and bring individuals together to link and
stabilize groups. Leadership is important for the success of an organization because it
provides guidance, purpose and helps others understand the long-term strategies and goals.
Leaders may learn the pulse of what is going on at their school by taking a step back and
using their senses to hear, see, and feel what is going on.


Though there has been much debate on the subject, it is clear that democratic
leadership is the best form of management for the modern workplace, as proven by the fact
that employees have become increasingly educated and competent over the last century, as
well as a growing emphasis on independence, creativity, and free thought, implying that team
members are realizing that they have something valuable to contribute that could help
businesses succeed.

Knowing which leadership style suits you best is an important element of becoming a
good leader. Developing a signature style that allows you to expand into others when the
occasion calls for it might help you be more effective as a leader. Know who you are. Begin
by identifying your present dominating leadership style. Request feedback from trustworthy
friends about your leadership style's strengths. You can also take a test to determine your
leadership style.A clear vision of what the group can accomplish is established by effective
leadership. Leaders develop a plan that outlines the processes and resources that their firm
will require to reach the desired destination. Effective leaders oversee employees' work to
ensure they fulfill their roles effectively once they know what they need to accomplish to
deliver on projects. For increased efficiency, leaders ensure that staff actions are aligned
with organizational goals.

In all cases, leadership makes the best decision for the organization. Leaders are
masters at making the best decisions possible given the circumstances. They consider their
company's strengths and weaknesses to guarantee that their decisions will benefit them now
and in the future. Leaders are inspired by their vision and infect others with their desire to
see it realized. Effective leadership motivates others to believe in the company's goals and
provides a compelling reason for everyone to stay focused on their responsibilities.


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