Eapp Las - Q1 Week 5-8

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Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

Subject: EAPP Teacher: ________________________ Score: _________________

Lesson: Quarter 1 Week 5 LAS 1

Activity Title: Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique Paper
Learning Target: Discuss critical approaches in writing a critique; and critique academic texts
LAS Writer: Ivan T. Barroga

Through our critique, we do a deep evaluation of a text. A critique is a genre of academic

writing that briefly summarizes and critically a work or concept. When we critique a text, we
interrogate it. When we critique, our own opinions and ideas become part of our textual analysis.
Approaches in Critiquing Academic Texts thorough analysis of the text is important to write a
good paper. Remember the judgment you make about a work will reflect your own values, biases,
and experience; however, you must respect the author's words and intentions as presented in the
work. Do not analyze a work in terms of what you would like to see; analyze it in terms of what you
actually observe. Remember to clearly separate your assumptions from the author's assumptions.

The following are the approaches in critiquing academic works:

Formalism. It is a critical approach in which the text under discussion is considered primarily
in the meaning and the implications of the words. In practice, the critics have been very responsible
to the meaning and themes of the work in question, rather than adopting a linguistic approach.
Feminism. This approach is concerned with the ways in which the text reinforces or
undermines the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women. This looks at
how aspects of our culture are inherently patriarchal (male dominated) and aims to expose
misogyny in writing about women, which can take explicit and implicit.
How to Write a Critique Before you start writing, it is important to have a thorough
understanding of the work that will be critiqued. Here are the tips:
1. Study the work under discussion.
2. Take notes on key parts of the work.
3. Develop an understanding of the main argument or purpose being expressed in the work.
4. Consider how the work relates to a broader issue or context.

Activity. Complete Me! Direction: Complete the given phrases below.

1. Critiquing is…

2. Formalism approach in writing a critique is…


3. Feminism approach in writing a critique is…

5 points: Student explained the concept comprehensively.
3 points: Student missed some concepts.
1 point: The concept is not explained at all.
Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________
Subject: EAPP Teacher: ________________________ Score: _________________

Lesson: Quarter 1 Week 6 LAS 1

Activity Title: Writing a Critique Paper
Learning Target: Write an objective/balance review or critique of a work of art, an event or program.
LAS Writer: Ivan T. Barroga

A critique of an article is the objective analysis of a literary or scientific piece, with emphasis
on whether or not the author supported the main points with reasonable and applicable arguments
based on facts. It's easy to get caught up it. A good critique demonstrates your impressions of the
article, while providing ample evidence to back up your impressions. As the critic, take time to read
carefully and thoughtfully, prepare your arguments and evidence, and write clearly and cogently.
In writing a critique, it necessitates some in simply summarizing the points of an article
without truly analyzing and challenging active reading which constitutes the following: read through
the article once to get the main idea; mark up the text as you read through it again; create a legend
for your markings; take some longer notes during subsequent readings; and develop a preliminary
concept for your critique. These processes therefore made the writing of a critique to have at least
the required foundation to start with.

Activity. Write a critique about the caricature below observing the principles in critiquing. Write your
critique on the space provided below.


Rubrics for Scoring:

Mechanics………….…………..................20 pts.
Organization.…….………..............…...…15 pts.
Creativity and Presentation……….…......15 pts.
Total…………………………..............……50 pts
Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________
Subject: EAPP Teacher: ________________________ Score: _________________

Lesson: Quarter 1 Week 7 LAS 1

Activity Title: Concept Writing
Learning Target: Define what a concept paper.
LAS Writer: Ivan T. Barroga

Generally, a concept paper describes the idea, the need for the project, how it is to be
implemented, and a budget. It includes idea of the project, to submit to any number of funding
agencies and vary the format or content to fit the requirements of those agencies. It uses a clear
and concise language to best communicate the idea and to remember this is an overview or outline
form of the overall project. Moreover, a concept paper can be elucidated by definition, explication
and clarification.
Definition. This is essential in schoolwork as it serves as a form of references for
discussions. For example, concepts in your respective subjects are understood because the terms
are use in a specific concept of process.
Explication. In general, it refers to the process of drawing out the meaning of something
which is not clearly defined, so as to make explicit what is currently left implicit.
Clarification. It is an analysis of concept through investigation of examples and the
identification of critical and less critical attributes.

Activity: Let’s Propose and Plan! Direction.

Considering the lengthy processes of writing a concept paper, present an outline of your plan
to propose for a concept paper for the following assumptions:
1. Covid-19 Health Related projects;
-Main objectives
2. Proponents of the projects are the youth of a certain barangay;
-Name of Project
3. Target beneficiaries are the families of Covid 19 victims;
4. Project duration is at least 2 months;
-October to November
5. Limited foreign sponsors; and
-Name of Sponsor

Rubrics for Scoring:

Creativity and Presentation……….……...15pts.
Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________
Subject: EAPP Teacher: ________________________ Score: _________________

Lesson: Quarter 1 Week 8 LAS 1

Activity Title: Feature of a Concept Paper for Each Discipline
Learning Target: Identify the distinguishing feature of a concept paper for each discipline
LAS Writer: Ivan T. Barroga
Concept paper in various disciplines differ from one discipline to another. It requires different
format and organizational structure with a purpose of reaching a particular audience. They conform
to the expectations of their readers. They follow the certain methods and procedures as well as the
conventions of presenting their concepts.
Characteristics of Concept Papers
Concept paper writing is more of writing with a specific purpose. It is a kind of writing that
captures the interest of the funding agency and demonstrate that the idea they are proposing is
worthy of further consideration.
This time, the writing of concept paper is distinctive with various disciplines. Each concept
paper in the discipline has the following characteristics:
• Concept paper in the humanities is crafting texts, such as novels, short stories, and poems
that fall outside the bounds of professional, journalistic, academic, and technical discourse.
• Concept paper in the sciences focuses on informing the reader of new discoveries and
assisting readers in discovering truth through facts and solid data given in detail.
• Concept paper in the social sciences usually seeks to analyze, interpret, argue, and/or
explain and express thoughts, reactions, ideas, and emotions.
• Concept paper in business often means explaining a situation, event, or change in order to
compel the reader toward a very specific action.

Activity: Matching Boxes

Direction: Determine which boxes should be paired together so each numbered box or word would
match to the lettered box or meanings. Write your answer at the blank box provided.

_____1. Law A. It provides opportunities for active civic membership by giving young
people ways to make contributions to their community.
_____2. Arts B. It avoids the use of impressionistic or metaphorical language, or
language which appeals primarily to our senses, emotions, or moral
_____3. Philosophy C. It tries to demonstrate or refute provocative religious concepts, such
as the existence of God or the idea of reincarnation.
_____4. Religion D. It describes and predicts natural phenomenon in terms of
accumulative body of experimentally verifiable laws.
_____5. Business E. It includes traditional areas of food, nutrition, and clothing.
_____6.Home Economics F. It requires a constant monitoring of principles and a strong strategic
orientation based on a clear identification of societal challenges.
_____7. Politics G. It creates an abundance of new, state-of-the-art literature related to
all aspects of this expanding discipline.
_____8. Science H. It focuses one’s thinking so that the entrepreneur can identify the
specifics of his/her proposed venture.
_____9. Sports I. It provides an explanation of a philosophical concept and then either
support or refute that concept.
_____10. Agri –Fishery J. It provides an effective profession for enhancing legal empowerment.
K. It adapts or redesigns strategies to address the needs of workers and

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