The Cause and Effect of Not Complete Assignment

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The Cause and Effect of not Complete Assignment

In the present, most students stay at home and learn through online class.
There is different situation from each other such as doing their work, take care
their family, and some they learn and complete their challenge to archive the goal.
In the daily life, some students do not complete their assignment and impact on
the result of the education. According to the research students not completing
homework assignments can cause and effect in difference reasons.

The main reasons behind cause of student not finished assignment is

everything just takes so long to perform the homework. Because most students
require time to complete their assignments, the majority of students are able to
work and maintain their health. In reality, the busy timetable causes late
submissions, causing other students to give up. As a result, students should be
asked to keep track of how long it takes them to complete homework assignments
over the course of a week. Negotiate a daily homework completion goal time
using the record. When a reasonable time frame is established, the learner is able
to concentrate more on the subject at hand. The next reason is homework is
importance is misunderstood. Students mistakenly feel that homework is
primarily useful for academic purposes. As an example, when a teacher assigns
too complex homework, some students are unable to complete it because they
lack knowledge of the topic and the critical thinking skills required to
comprehend the assignments. Teachers use of homework went beyond the
traditional practice of academic material and advanced, according to a study.
Teachers, for example, describe homework as an effective tool (to measure
learning motivation, confidence, and ability to take responsibility).

As a consequence, if a student does not finish an assignment on time, they

will lose grade for each assignment. And will be alerted by the teacher if the
assignment is missing, and will then be responsible for completing and submitting
it. Due to the results of the midterm and final exams, students may fail because
all assignments given to students are graded by the teacher. Another effect is not
improving their ability in the course. If you not complete homework then you
going to miss understand or less productive in yours learning skills just as
grammatically, grammar rule, vocabulary because the main purposes of doing
assignment is to improve the ability.

In conclusion, the reason for not completing the assignment is that it takes
so long to finish it, the importance of homework is misunderstood, and the result
is that they will receive a failing grade for each assignment, rather than
strengthening their skill in the course. As a student, you should do the assignment
in order to receive the greatest grade and enhance your skills.

454 words

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