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Full name: ________________________ Student ID: ___________


Time allotted: 45 minutes Test taken: 22NOV2021

PART I: Choose the best answer (2.5 pts)

1. When is the St. David Day?
A. April 23 B. November 30 C. March 1
2. Who is the patron of England?
A. St. Patrick B. St. George C. St. Andrew
3. Which part of the UK is not represented in the Union Jack?
A. Wales B. Scotland C. Northern Ireland
4. Who gave England its name “Angle land”?
A. The Celts B. The Germanic tribes C. The Romans
5. Which of the following cities is not in Northern Ireland?
A. Belfast B. Cardiff C. Antrim
6. The population in the UK in 2006 was__________
A. 50.8 million B. 60.6 million C. 65.8 million
7. Who appears in hundreds of nineteenth century cartoons?
A. John Bull B. Albion C. Erin
8. Which prefix is used in Irish family names?
A. O’… B. Mac… C. Gil…
9. The United Kingdom consists of __________
A. England, Scotland, Wales.
B. Great Britain and Ireland.
C. Great Britain and Northern Ireland
10. The dominant culture of Irish, Welsh and people in Highland Scotland
A. Celtic B. Germanic C. Angles

PART II: Decide whether these following sentences are TRUE (T) or
FALSE (F). (2.5 pts)
11. Foxhunting was a legal traditional “sport” voted in 2004.
12. British normally form queues when they are waiting for something
because they are patient.
13. British think fondly of the traditional of “British breakfast” but they hardly
ever eat it.
14. Financial year in Britain is at the end of November.
15. “How tall?”, “How far?”, “How heavy?” are scales of measurement used in
both the UK and Europe.
16. Bird table is a raised platform on which birds can feed.
17. When people are “on duty”, they are expected to be formal.
18. “help-yourself” means you are not welcomed as a guest to the host’s home.
19. “Clever” is a word used to express a negative meaning to give a
compliment to someone.
20. The current Prime Minister of the UK is Angela Merkel.


1. Why does England dominate the UK? (There are 10 reasons)
2. How is the pattern of human settlement in Britain different from other nations?

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