Term II Practical Assignment Class 12: Section A

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Term II Practical Assignment

Class 12
Section A

1. Each node of a stack contains the information i. Pin code of a city ii. Name of city.
Write a program to implement following operations in above stack
a) Push() To push a node in to the stack
b) Pop() To remove a node from the stack
2. Write a program that depending upon user’s choice, either pushes or pops an element in a
3. Write a program to perform insert and delete operations on a stack containing Members details
as given in the following definition of itemnode.
MemberNo integer
MemberName string
Age integer

4. Design a Python application that fetches only those records from Students table of School
database where student type is “Integrated”

Student Table
RollNo StuName StuType MoblieNo City
1 Nish Kale Regular 9833422222 Pune
2 Amit Shah Integrated 9412345379 Wai
3 Narendra Puri Regular 8723467623 Mumbai
4 Neha Sharma Integrated 8645345455 Pune
5 Bina Pathak Integrated 9346743443 Sangli

5. Design a Python application to obtain a department name from user and then fetch records
based on department name from empl table of employee database.
Empl Table
EmpNo EmpName Department Salary City
1 Nishant Kale HR 34500 Pune
2 Karan Varma Production 78900 Wai
3 Vikas Lahe Quality 45600 Mumbai
4 Mohan Singh Production 78900 Pune
5 Omkar Gupta Production 23500 Sangli

Section B
6. Create above structure in MYSQL and insert records as displayed above.
7. Refer table Supplier and display total no of suppliers from each city.
8. Refer table Items and display records of item ‘Biscuit’.
9. Refer Shipments table and display total quantity shipped by supplier no ‘S1’
10. Refer Shipments table and display total quantity shipped by each supplier.
11. Increase price of all ‘Biscuit’ by 10.00
12. Delete record of supplier named ‘New Bakers’.

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