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1.) Sigmund Freud shared to us the stages of psychosexual theory.

These stages
include: Infantile period (oral phase, anal phase, phallic phase), latency
period, and genital period. First, infantile period, based from the term it is the
period of infants. It is the start of personality formation of babies according to
their surroundings. The things that surrounds the infant deliberately influence
the attitude of the child. Infantile period ranges from 0-5 years old. At this
period, infants are starting to suck, droll, chew and other movements they can
perform as they grow. Infantile period is like the starting phase wherein the
infant is still dense and clue less about sex. Second, latency period. It range
from 6 years to puberty. It is the phase wherein parents refrain their children
to feel sexual drives. They usually lead and dominate their children to distract
their sexual drive and to focus more to thing that children can be interested
with. Last, genital period. It ranges from puberty to adulthood. During these
phase, puberty mainly affect the sexual drive of the child. Through this stage,
children develop sexual and intimate relationship to others. From this period,
we now say that children are now knowledgeable enough about sex.

2.) Displacement- as a child who had a little brother, I often felt jealous on how
my parents sometimes differently treat me compare to my brother. I keep all
this jealousy that I feel to myself, because I am afraid that if I say my opinion
to them, they might think that I am a selfish child who didn't understand the
situation. Due to this experience I can now manage my negative feelings and
on how to suppress it, but i also feel stressed due to this experience.

3.) The me-self concept is based on our own experiences in life. The 'me'
represents learned behaviors, attitudes, and expectations of others and
society. Basically, the me-self is the collaboration of the things that happen to
us everyday. It includes our basic needs, social relationship and our emotions.
The me-self is the perfect description for us to use to represent our life to

4.) Cultural standards of individuals nowadays varies from beauty and not brains.
White skin and pretty face is the description now of the word beauty. For me, each
one of us have our own personal perspective in terms of standard of becoming a
beautiful and handsome individual. For example, I say that the girl who just passed
by is cute and beautiful. Others might find the girl normal than how I look at it. For
instance, cultural standards of each one of us varies depend on how we look at
things. Beauty nowadays define also our personality. If you didn't look that pleasing,
others instantly think that you are bad people, while if you are blessed with a pretty
face they instantly say you are blessing that is rare to look at.

5.) As a student, I personally think that sex change is a hard issue to think at. For
me, sex change is a bit severe actions of an individual. I am okay with the idea that
we have different sexual orientation but changing your genital is an absurd and
excessive thing to do. (This is only my personal opinion).

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