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Program: MBA 72 - E Class: 2-B

Course Name: Applied Research Methods Duration: 2.5 hours

Instructor’s Name: Dr. Sahar Awan Total Marks: 30 marks
Course Code: BA5501 Date: 8th June 2020

IMPORTANT instructions:
 Read all the questions carefully first and then ask for clarifications.
 Assessment related queries will not be entertained after 60 minutes for final assessment after the start of the
 Marks and word limitation of each question are mentioned at the end of each question.
 Students are not allowed to use any other email ID other than SZABIST.PK
 Write Name, Registration number, Class & Section, Course Name and Date on the Final assessment answer
 The submission has to be made on GOOGLE CLASSROOM for the course.
 Late submissions will be penalized
 Use of unfair means in assessment will lead to F grade in the course.

***Best of Luck***

Faculty signature Moderator’s signature

____________________ ___________________
Please read the questions carefully and ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS

Question 1

An automobile car manufacturer observes that the sales of its brand increase as per capita income
increases. Sales increases also happen when there are low interest rates, as low interest rates
make credit (loans) easily available. Other factor influencing sales are competitor advertising,
but this depends on the manufacturer’s own spending on advertising.

a. Draw a diagram to depict the relationship between these variables.

b. Write down the hypothesis in words (not in statistical terms) for each relationship

[8 marks]

Question 2

A marketing manager of an adult clothing brand thinks that the average age of their customers is
different in Lahore and Karachi. She thinks that their brand is purchased by younger adults in
Lahore as compared to the customers in their Karachi store. She wants to see if the marketing
strategy should be modified according to the consumer age.

a. Design a study to help the manager gather evidence for her claim. What would you
measure? How would you make sure it is a representative sample? What would be your
sampling technique?

b. Write down the null and alternative hypothesis (in statistical terms)

c. Specify which type of statistical test will be used (You do not need to do the statistical
test, just specify which one you will use and why)

d. If the results show that the null was rejected at 95% confidence level, interpret the results.

[12 marks]
Question 3

A researcher wanted to empirically find out the predictors of career success in individuals. The
predictors of career success identified in the prior literature include an individual’s 1)
perseverance, 2) intelligence, 3) initiative taking, 4) studying at a private school, and 5)
punctuality. He collects the data on these variables from a large group pf working professionals
and runs a regression. The results of the regression are:

Table 1: Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .545 .79 .680 1.22885
a. Predictors: (Constant), Perseverance, Intelligence, Initiative, Private
School, Punctuality

Table 2: Coefficientsa
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 6.431 1.084 5.933 .000
Perseverance 0.530 0.253 0.308 2.500 0.038
Intelligence -0.329 0.258 -0.129 -1.276 0.205
Initiative 0.359 0.15 0.201 2.112 0.025
Private School 0.241 0.258 0.094 0.931 0.354
Punctuality -0.111 0.050 0.228 2.213 0.029

a. Dependent Variable: Career success

a. Interpret the results of the Table 2

b. The Adjusted R2 of the model is 0.680 what does that mean?
c. Looking at the standardized coefficient column what which variable is the most important
predictor (most strongly linked) of career success?
d. In light of these results what advice would you give to individuals who are starting their

[10 marks]

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