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HK Prji,

Once Dvts said to SP in Sans Francisco,"Oh!SP U r so beautiful".

Sp replied humbly,"I am an old man, ur eyes see beautifully, so u think I am
Jai SP!!

HK Prji,
Once in Surat, SP's face was red, nose waterng & dvts thought he had cold.But as d
group of dvts left SP confidentially said 2 his secretary, "They think I am
sick.They do not know what spiritual ecstasy is."
Jai SP!!

HK Prji,
once SP was going in 1st class comapartment & dvts were anxious to serve SP. SP was
just pushing d knob on d window.One dvt asked hurriedly,"would u like d window
down?" SP said, "No, I m just seeing the mechanics of how the window works."
Then he chkd d fans swiching on & off.
Expert Micro Management.
Jai SP!

HK Prji,
Once dvts saw SP in amazement, who in all seriouness, looked 20yr old.It was
unbeleivable.He had no wrinkles in His beutiful face.
One dvt gasped,Oh Prabhupad,U look so young 2dy!"
Sp cunningly smiled & said,"Oh,Sm1 has said I am old?"
Jai SP!!

HK Prji,
Once a distressd mother came & said,"U hv taken her my son away from Me."
SP said simply,"Your son is happy why would you object?"
She understud & bcm pleasd.

HK prji,
SP had VISA prblm in USA. He said,"I prefer it in the USA & heard dt if smbody
adopts me as a child,I cn get permanent VISA.He laughed & said VISA dpt will
laugh,"What will u do with an old child?"
He then suggestd dvts to chk if thre is possiblity to adopt old father.

HK Prji,
once a State law discouragd food distributn,w/o permission,and to get permission
requird a lot of red tape. SP then said,"Do not say we r distributng FOOD,say we r
distributng PRASDAM.There ws no prblm henceforth.
HK Prji,
once a man askd SP,"Can we see K and teh Gopis actually in our impure state?"
SP replied cleverly,"Yes,if They wish to come, who will check Them?If I want to see
the king & queen it is vry difficult afair.Bt if they wish to see me, where is d
Jai SP!!

HK Prji,
Once a dvt ws in confusion whether to buy a place or rent.He said to SP,"If we rent
then we'll pay 1/4th of the buying price in a short time."
SP said,"That is no calculatn. Suppose frm ur birth u hv eaten $10K worth foods,U
shuld nt lament 4 wht is gone;rent a nice place."
Jai SP!!

HK Prji,
Once in San Francisco agirl challengd SP,"When I eat meat it becomes a part of
me,so i don't kill."
SP said,"then why don't U eat ur father?"
She ws stunned 7 said she loved Him.
SP said,"Ur love is restirctd if u eat animals bt nt ur fathr/friend.We love all
Jai SP!!

HK Prji,
When the last msg MATAJI heard SP she became very furious and said,"If u eat
vegetables, U also kill."
SP retorted,"Yes,dt is the d law of nature, one entity kills another for
survival,bt we eat veg bcz we love K and He says to offer fruits water leaf to
Him.So we eat veg."
Jai SP!!

HK Prji,
once in MUM dvts were little worried 4 conductng BHAGVAT DHRMA COURSE.
SP said boldly,"If u r going to hunt, hunt rhinocerous, and if u r going to plunder
then plunder govt treasury.If u r successful all will say,'Oh how Great' & if faild
then.'It ws an impossible thing to do."
Jai SP!

HK Prji,
Once a girl ws vry fearful of a flying insect.Other student askd,"Why we r afriad
of such small insect even, when we r so large & intelligent than them?"
SP said,"Sleeping,eatng,mating,fearing r propensities of this conditional existence
and by surrendering to K only we can overcm them."
Jai SP!!
HK Prji,
Once a Taxi driver askd SP,"Do U sleep on a bed of nails"
Sp replied,"It is not a great thing to overcome pain,and that pain could be
overcome by drugs.Bt a real SWAMI is one who is self-controlled jst like one who
could sit in a room full of beautiful women and not be agitated."
Jai SP!!

HK Prji,
Sp was very fond of mangoes.
Once a dvt said,"The only thing wrong in going to Russia now, is dt mango season hs
come and I know how much u like mangoes."
SP replied,"Don't u knw dt preaching in the snows of Russia is far more sweeter
than any mango?"
Jai SP!

HK Prji,
There were many who didn't understud KC principles & were against it. Dvt asked SP,
how could our work go on in such situations?"
Sp smiled & said,"When the elephant caravan passes by, the dogs will bark.So, PUSH
on this movement even when difficulties arise."
Jai SP!!

HK Prji,
Once sm people were nt respectful to KC priciples. A dvt askd SP,"Why people do not
understand the beauty of KC?"
SP laughed & said,"If U make a dog a king, and he is sitting on a throne, and u
throw him a shoe, he will run off the throne & bite the shoe."
Jai SP!

HK Prji,
Dvts were asking SP not to come to london due to snow fall.
SP said,"Weather is no concern."
When he 1st saw the snow in NY, he thought, it was lime being thrown off the roof.
It ws actually SP's poetic forebearing nature.
Jai SP!!

HK Prji,
Once a dvt askd SP,"If K is teaching morals & right action, why did He have
relationships with other men's wives;Is that nt adultery?"
SP ws most compassionate & said,"Every1 is K's wife,therefore u r an adulterer."
Jai SP!!
HK Prji,
Once a man who ws instructd to look after SBs & SP's mail, opened his mail
seceretly & stole 2K/-.
One student caught Him & askd SP,"If he is not dealt with will he hv to suffer 4
the ofefnse at d lotus feet of a pure dvt?"
SP said,"There's only one thing to do.".Student said,"Hv Him arrested?"
SP said,"No, 4gv Him."
Jai SP!

HK Prji,
Once a dvt said SP,"Sometimes I feel concern for the miserable conditions of
humamity, sometimes I feel sadness when I wish 4 people 2b deliverd."
SP relied gravely,"Why sometimes? Just follow my instructions."
Jai SP!!

HK Prji,
Once dvts askd SP,"What gift can we give 2u?"
SP said,"I wnt nothing 4 Myself." Dvts again askd 4 sm opportunity."
SP replied,"U can bcm KC, that's Your Gift."
Jai SP!!

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