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° 7 sidbi LetsEndorse oS MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs Small Industries Development Bank Of India sidbi > rh > prep b> > People LetsEndorse BS IDEASACTIONIMPACT Showcasing Emerging Job Creators People be , : 7 sidbi Letsendorse eS Foreword lam pleased to launch the first compilation of enterprising movers under Mission 10000 Swavalambis ~ an initiative of SIDBI under its umbrella program ‘Mission Swavalamban': These dream2reality stories bring out those audacious individuals, who while overcoming their personal challenges, blossomed into Swavalambis, overcoming odds. Each story not only gives us a glimpse of passionate Swavalambi but is also a reflection of our own evolution under the Mission. To witness the outcomes of this mission, even during covid challenges, is satisfying moment. Simply put, when our Swavalambis emerge, we asa nation shine. Mission 10000 Swavalambis had its genesis in the desire to empower individuals towards entrepreneurship, i.e.- Swavalamban. Our objective has been to create a mindset shift and gradually build a culture of Swavalamban where the vocation of entrepreneurship is seen as aspirational rather than optional. The importance of Swavalamban couldn't be emphasized more in the present scenario where with the onset of Covid 19 pandemic, skilled people suddenly found themselves without work and job holders without jobs. They looked for job giver’ avenues but lacked direction. Here the hand holding and walking with them in their journey to do something of their own, needed proper support. Swavalamban Connect Kendras with their footprints in the districts were well placed to assist them. During such a climate of uncertainty, the Mission upped its ante and supported distressed people and aspirant Swavalambis by providing them with right directions and paths that are easier to navigate. lam proud of our emergent Swavalambis featured in this publication, who overcame setbacks and took firm steps to build their future. They have shown us the true meaning of resilience, courage and determination in the face of adversities. They are the ambassadors of SIDBI for other aspirants. As you go through these stories, | am sure many would connect with their own dreams and success stories which represent and embody the realities of creating an enterprise. | can only assure you that for those who have stood up to walk a MILE, we will do our best to ring in the SMILES. We look forward to helping more aspirational youth turning inspirational, Sivasubramanian Ramann Chairman & Managing Director, SIDBI poe bee People sidbi .tstndorse MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs INTRODUCTION: ‘Mission 10000 Swavalambis' is a dream2enterprise initiative being implemented by LetsEndorse under SIDBI umbrella Mission Swavalamban. Mission Swavalamban carries an ambition of 'Each House, One Entrepreneur’ and towards this it undertakes & supports multifarious activities to kindle entrepreneurship culture, Pan India The seeds of economic self-reliance and self-sufficiency that "Atmanirbhar" movement has sown, form the very inspiration of Mission 10000 Swavalambis, a SIDBI's initiative under umbrella mission SWAVALAMBAN Our mission is to pull at least 10000 families out of the vicious cycle of poverty by fostering self- employment and boosting livelihoods. Simply put, we are on a mission to transform 10000 individuals into empowered entrepreneurs or Swavalambis, 100 from each of the 100 districts where the mission is live, These 100 districts are spread across the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Telangana and are strategically selected in cluster formats. The intervention broadly covers identifying, nurturing, and enabling young women and men to start and grow their nano/micro-enterprises from where they are based while serving local communities and boosting local economies. In a way, our attempts also designed to counter urban migration and make self-employment aspirational and most importantly, sustainable. The mission largely impacts UN SDG 1 (No Poverty) and UN SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). OPERATING MODEL: This Mission has a very unique operating model. LetsEndorse, the implementing agency, works on a strategic model shaped by SIDBI. It ropes in one grassroots organization that is handpicked from every district of operation, on the basis of their community penetration, outreach prowess, experience with driving livelihoods in the region, among other factors. Till date, LetsEndorse has deputed hundreds of such organization partners to lead the mobilization and awareness creation in each of the focal districts and with our ground teams in place, we are set on a road to make a dent in the economic situation of genuine and committed individuals in villages, Tier 2, 3 and 4 cities ‘An MoU is signed with the selected grassroot organization, they are trained on key aspects of the mission, their teams are made comfortable with the usage of the SWAT! platform of LetsEndorse and continuous capacity building exercises keep taking place. np People sidbi .tstndorse MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs A Swavalamban Connect Kendra (SCK) is established in the respective partner office which acts as the hub of all the operations and aggregation at the district level. There are effectively 20 clusters with each cluster comprising 5 adjoining districts. Each cluster is led by a qualified and trained Program Officer of LetsEndorse and all the clusters of the state are led by a State/Zonal Manager of LetsEndorse. The Central Program Management Unit (PMU) is based in Bangalore and New Delhi and comprises the Mission and Vertical Heads who develop the necessary strategies, liaison with stakeholders, and ensure implementation by the ground team, the partners! vertical (for onboarding and relationship building with SCKs), finance vertical (for necessary and timely incentives, salaries and reimbursements distribution to the Program Team and SCKs), technology vertical (for continuous development of the SWATI platform and peripheral technologies), data analysts (for scripting, reporting and data analysis), content, design and communication vertical. This intervention became all the more critical and relevant in COVID times when there occurred a need for building the necessary mechanism for future-proofing and for averting backsliding of the low- income households (LIHs) of reverse migrants and jobless into destitution. During the COVID-period, LetsEndorse received over 85000 calls from those who wanted to start a nano/micro- business on their own. LetsEndorse has accelerated its efforts tremendously and continues to build pace to empower thousands of people. THE APPROACH: The mission starts with mobilizing and generating interest from aspirants (through online/offline methods of outreach) and nurturing them through the journey of Swavalamban. From identifying fitting business models to connecting them to state-sponsored skill-training programs (even digital trainings in many cases, since the COVID-19 lockdowns impacted offline program deliveries and most training centres remained shut), impart an entrepreneurship readiness diligence, fostering value-chain linkages, generating a comprehensive business plan (for 150+ business ideas), enabling access to micro-credit under befitting state/central Government schemes, hand-holding in establishing the business and ensuring support for 365 days after start tll stability. LetsEndorse works closely with skill development institutions, Public Sector Banks, custodians of several state and central government schemes and local administrations, to build the necessary convergence, ° People sidbi .tstndorse MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY: The mission is powered by LetsEndorse proprietary technology platform called SWATI (Swavalamban Technology Interface) which follows a systematic, data-driven and maturation process of identifying, nurturing, and enabling people from weaker economic sections to become self-employed through this nano/micro-entrepreneurship movement. The platform captures the entire maturation journey of an aspirant to an entrepreneur, which allows for automated strength rating, segmentation, prio! and digitization of the minutest aspect. THE CORE VALUE PROPOSITIONS: A part of LetsEndorse's work involves attuning people to the concept of entrepreneurship and helping them make informed choices. As thousands of people-in-need stand on their feet as confident and enable nano/micro-entrepreneurs, with secured livelihoods and stable income levels, their economic statuses would improve. Growth in economic status shall have a tremendous multiplier effect in the overall community health and education levels. A macro-economic trend that can harbinger is reduced migration to cities for laborious jobs and the emergence of microcosms of self-sufficient clusters of economically-empowered communities. MODE OF DELIVERY: When the mission started, LetsEndorse started by leveraging the modes of physical outreach and meetings to connect with various stakeholders from time to time. However, with the COVID-19 induced movement restrictions, LetsEndorse had to remodel its approach to become digital-first. Since the middle of 2020, it has been connecting with aspirants digitally (through voice, video and conference calls) as the first touchpoint. In cases where itis required to address a group of aspirants or assist them in person, its team makes the necessary travel arrangements. The various officials of the aforementioned Government departments and banks also prefer conversations over digital means first. Whenever possible and required, its teams meet the LDMs and officials and attend the Block/District level meetings, self-employment fairs, and other seminarsin person. COVERAGE AND SCOPE: The mission's goal is to enable creation of 7000 new micro-enterprises and foster first-time formal credit linkage for 3000 existing micro-enterprises (for scaling up) across 100 districts of India. These enterprises span across trading, services and manufacturing/ processing. The stated scope of the mission involved- ° People sidbi .tstndorse MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs Obtain dedicated call lines to receive missed calls and allocate them to SCKs through the platform for further action Conversion of calls into informed leads Mapping gaps for suitable engagement Hand-holding for enterprise setting-up Credit inkage support On 1st Nov 2019, two dedicated Toll-free channels (with IVRS in Hindi, Odiya and Telugu) 1800-121- 1265 and 1800-200-1265 were set-up to generate interest from the aspirants, Upon entering the pin- codes, the candidates get automatically allocated to the respective SCK, who then becomes responsible for completing the online registration and onboarding process. However, over a period of time, we have leamt by working closely with the communities on how interconnected the various steps in the journey from an aspirant to an entrepreneur are. Today, LetsEndorse, under this mission, provides the following support to aspirants at various stages of their journeys wherever required, Please note thatnotall aspirants seek supportiin all the below-mentioned aspects: 1 General Counselling and Guidance about Entrepreneurship and the commitment, 2. Business Idea Generation and Recommendation (for those who are still looking for the right business) Selection of appropriate Location for starting the establishment Skill/Enterprise training connect with the regional training centres for core skill training Business proposal/plan generation, in consultation with the candidate Entrepreneurship development training (digital capsules), Credit Linkage support under 3. 4 5. 6. Securing necessary licenses for compliant operation 7 8 ing schemes (Also, Incentive/Subsidy related support) 9 Material/Machinery procurement assistance (Backward linkage) 10. _ MSME Registration (Udyam Registration) np People sidbi .tstndorse MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs 11. _ Bannerand other design support for the establishment 12. _ Digital Enablement (through Digital Payments enablement, wherever required) 13. Digital Enablement (through Establishment Location Tagging on Google Maps for better Visibility) 14. Forward linkages (by registering manufacturing/processing enterprises on aggregator platforms, wherever required) 15. Other network supports, hand-holding and mentorship for business sustenance and growth for one year after establishment through regular touch-points Mission 10000 Swavalambi is our ambitious attempt to build the fortune at the bottom of the pyramid, And we rely heavily on collaboration, technology and sincere hard work to realize the dreams of 10,000 and more micro-enterprise aspirants. Mission 10000 Swavalambis is our ambitious attempt to build the fortune at the bottom of the pyramid, And we rely heavily on collaboration, technology and sincere hard work to realize the dreams of 10000 and more micro-enterprise aspirants. HOW SCK MODEL WORKS: Aspirant gives a missed call on 180-121-1265 (for Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha & Telangana) or 1800-200- 1265 (for Uttar Pradesh), The missed call is picked-up through pin-code & passed on to SCK in the district from which aspirantis calling, which then calls the aspirant & completes the online registration and onboarding process. Based on the knowledge / awareness of aspirant he/she is connected to required skill trainings & other support required, Thereafter profiling is done & business plan is prepared by LetsEndorse at central level & monitored through regional / local offices stationed by LetsEndorse. The aspirant is then onboarded, hand-holded and / or connected to Bank for credit connect journey. People sidbi Lesendorseo& MISSION" 10000 SWAVALAMBIs MUDASSIR QURESHI 24-year-old Mudassir Qureshi is a resident of Mughalsarai in Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh. He had the motivation to start his own business but did not have the experience. #TeamSwavalamban analysed that there was a huge potential for a dine-in and takeout business in his locality and advised : him to start the same, The team handheld him through the entire process of preparing a business plan, acquiring necessary licenses, and completing Udyam registration. The team also facilitated his credit linkage and applied for a loan of INR 50,000 on his behalf. The loan was sanctioned and disbursed, and he invested an additional amount of INR 20,000 for his business, SPICY FOOD LOVERS. Located in Qasab Mahal Chowraha, Mughalsarai, Chandauli, the enterprise is fetching hima revenue of INR 15,000 per month He is planning to expand his restaurant by adding more seating and a greater variety of menu items which he hopes will help increase his income to INR 45,000 per month. His family is very supportive of his step and hopes to see him succeed in this venture. S GEETHA Geetha is a resident of Sangareddy (Telangana) who wanted to expand her hotel business. She came to know that Mission Swavalamban is actively supporting entrepreneurs to set up and scale up their business, so she approached #TeamSwavalamban for support. #TeamSwavalamban helped her with a credit linkage through NRLM SHG Scheme and she received a loan of INR 100,000 to scale up her business. Her business, Abhiruchi Tiffins And Meals is able to make a profit of INR 1200 to INR 1500 per day now. ANKOLU NAVEEN 28-year-old Ankolu Naveen from Khammam, Telangana decided to overcome his family’s financial struggles by joining and managing their existing micro-business of making baskets and selling agri-equipments. sidbi Lesendorseo& MISSION" 10000 SWAVALAMBIs When he was trying to secure some working capital, he learnt about and approached #TeamSwavalamban. Within a day, he was helped with the application, sanction, and disbursement of an e-Mudra loan of INR 50,000 from SBI. Currently, he is earning INR 2000/day and if the rate of growth continues, it might increase to up to INR 3000/day. He is looking to plough back the profits into buying more raw material for his business. Here's a picture of the inauguration of his store in Medhar Bazar (Khammam) after he started his new innings of growth, self-reliance and Swavalamban. KARAN VARMA 29-year-old Karan Varma used to work as a support person in a cybercafé in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, and hardly earned INR 8000 per month. Later, he started his own cyber cafe which had been functioning for the past 3 years. He had attempted to get a bank loan to expand his business but did not get any support. Recently, he came in touch with #TeamSwavalamban and shared all his business-related information and required documents. #TeamSwavalamban got his business plan ready almost instantly and applied for a loan of INR 50,000 under SBI e-Mudra which got sanctioned and disbursed. He utilized this sum to buy a laptop and a printer. He also invested about INR 10,000 from his side to procure some other items for the shop. His shop, 'VANI COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATIONS; is located in } Vishnupuri where multiple schools and banks are also located. He makes a profit of INR 1000 per day and hopes to increase it to INR 1500 when schools reopen fully. ™ NARESH CHANDRA 37-year old Naresh Chandra from Salaimpur, Nagla Khar, Firozabad (Uttar Pradesh) comes from a middle-class family. He used to work as a contractor with government tenders in Firozabad before becoming a Swavalambi. In his earlier occupation, he used to barely make INR 12,000 per month, and he saw no scope for growth. Later, he thought of starting his own civil construction work by providing construction materials such as cement, concrete, iron rod, bricks, etc. He already had some experience of working in the same sector so this would be a suitable idea for him. After several unsuccessful attempts at getting a People sidbi Lesendorseo& MISSION" 10000 SWAVALAMBIs loan from a bank to start his business, he came in touch with Mission Swavalamban. He shared all his business-related information and the required documents. #TeamSwavalamban prepared a professional business plan almost instantly and applied for an online loan of INR 50,000 from SBI, which got sanctioned and credited to his account. He utilized this amount along with his self-investment to buy civil construction work material. He invested about INR 300,000 from his savings to procure some other items for the shop. The shop is located at Nagla Khar Salaimpur where multiple sites and houses are under construction. He has tied up with contractors, suppliers, and other local people to secure more contracts. His daily earning would be about INR 800-INR 900 in the initial phase but he expects up to INR 1500 in the near future. He also hopes to get support from the bank to expand his business soon. NARESH Turning adversity into opportunity, 34-year-old Naresh opened his own footwear shop after he lost his livelihood due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Naresh is a resident of Bejjanki village in Siddipet district of Telangana. He was facing a difficult time during the lock-down, but he did not give up. He observed that there was no footwear shop in his locality and the idea of opening a footwear shop began taking shape in his mind. To convert this idea into an enterprise, he took help from Mission Swavalamban. #TeamSwavalamban applied for a loan of INR 1,00,000 for him which got disbursed and he made a self-investment of INR 26,000. He says, "| had no idea about how to start things on my own, | thank Mission Swavalamban for guiding me in this journey”. His shop ‘Fashion Footwear’ is in its early stages of growth and is currently making a profit of INR 650 per day. 424 SAMBRAJAYAM BATTA Sambrajayam Batta is a 45-year-old woman from Siddipet in Telangana Sambrajayan had been a housewife all her life but when her husband lost his livelihood during the COVID lockdown, she had to find a way of supporting the family, Fortunately, her husband had some experience in carpentry work as he used to do this work earlier. They approached Mission Swavalamban to help them find a livelihood. As Sambrajayam was part of the SHG ecosystem, #TeamSwavalamban helped them in getting a loan of INR 50,000 through the Streenidhi scheme. They self-invested an additional INR 50,000, bought a few carpentry items, repaired some old ones, and started 'Batta Carpentry works’ People e= : LetsEnd 4 sidbi IDEASICTONINPACT MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs Both Sambrajayan and her husband now work as carpenters and fulfill the orders they get from the village folk. It has been two months since they started, and they are able to make INR 400 per day. Sambrajaynis thankful to Mission Swavalamban for helping her through a difficult time. JAGANNATH PARIDA 26-year-old Jagannath Parida from Dhenkanal (Odisha) hails from a poor economic background, After his studies and a stint of joblessness, he decided to take control of his destiny. He started a small grocery shop in April 2020 with a meagre investment and approached several banks (for working capital) but got no positive response. #TeamSwavalamban assisted him to apply under e-MUDRA scheme. He got a sum of INR 50,000 within the same day in his account. With this sum, he procured a stock of FMCG for his shop in Jhill market area. Today, he is earning a profit of INR 400/day. His future plan is to increase the daily sale to INR 6000. He is also looking to add a section for variety goods and offer other digital services (like CSCs) for his native villagers. Jagannath has a great support from his family to develop his business. With an increased income, he is able to support his family better and has several plans in line for growth. AAKASH VISHWAKARMA Aakash Vishwakarma, a 25-year-old from Jhanjahri, Gonda (Uttar Pradesh) had completed his graduation with science. While studying, an idea came to his mind that he wanted to start his own enterprise. His plan was to open a cyber cafe and he connected _—_with #TeamSwavalamban for help. #TeamSwavalamban counselled him and also connected him with an institute for EDP training. He applied for a loan of INR 1,000,000 under the Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP). #TeamSwavalamban met with him and got his loan sanctioned and disbursed, He also invested INR 75,000 from his side to start 'SIDDHARTH CYBER CAFE AND COMMUNICATION CENTER’. He is currently earning a profit of INR 1000 per day and planning to get government tenders as well. His | family and friends are really supportive and they are happy to see his growth, People . . 0 sidbi ens MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs ‘SEETA CHEETRY Chandauli district in Uttar Pradesh is a 60-year-old lady with an entrepreneurial attitude. Although she couldn't complete her formal education, she has acquired the basic skills to run a successful business. She started up with a RO plant and battery-operated distilled water manufacturing plant. The idea of setting up a RO plant came to her when she noticed that people were facing issues in getting pure drinking water in her locality. There was no supply of water through a pipeline system. In the beginning, she didn't have much of an idea about the machinery used in this plant and didn't have the funds to procure them and was in need of support #TeamSwavalamban helped her in procuring machines and applied to the PMEGP scheme on her behalf. Her loan proposal of INR 950,000 was sanctioned as well as disbursed from the Bank. Her business 'R K Enterprises’ is now running successfully. She is right now producing 120 jars of RO water daily and each jar of waters being sold at INR 30. She is planning to increase her production capacity to around 200 jars per day in Summer. The fact that she is already earning a good profitis making her more confident and her son Mr. Ritesh also helps her after his workis over. Many nearby women of her locality are inspired by her. They say that when Seeta Ji can do it at this juncture in life then we too can start-up. MRS. RANJITHA Mrs, Rajitha is a 38-year-old business owner from Karimnagar in "Telangana who wanted to expand her grocery shop. She had the experience of 4 years in running the same business and was ready to expand it. By then, she had understood the grocery business well and analysed the customers’ requirements, She decided that she had to purchase more grocery items and a refrigerator for her shop to meet customers’ demands. She heard about Mission Swavalamban and approached #TeamSwavalamban with the request for mentoring support. #Team Swavalamban not just mentored her but also helped her in credit linkage through the People sidbi .tstndorse MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs NRLM SHG scheme under which a loan of INR 30,000 was sanctioned and disbursed. She now makes a revenue of INR 700 to INR 800 a day and is happy with her growth. MRS. SWAROOPA. Mrs. Swaroopa from Karimnagar, Telangana wanted to expand her fruit selling venture from a small mobile cart to a market-based shop. She approached #TeamSwavalamban for help. The team helped her with credit linkage and identifying a suitable location in the market. As she was a member of SHG, the NRLM SHG Loan was the apt scheme for her. § We applied for a loan of INR 30,000 which got sanctioned and disbursed, She has scaled up her business and is now generating revenue of INR 2000 per day of which her profit is INR 600 to INR 800 a day. GDEVIKA G Devika is a resident of Karimnagar (Telangana) who wanted to , scale up her home-based tailoring venture to a market-based entity. She approached #TeamSwavalamban for mentoring and credit linkage support. #TeamSwavalamban guided her in setting up her shop based out of a nearby market and helped her in credit linkage of INR 30,000 through NRLM SHG Scheme and set up digital payments at her shop. She has started her business in a prominent market area and is generating revenue of INR 500- INR 700 a day. She thanks Mission Swavalamban for the support in making her self-reliant. MOHAMMAD NAJJU Mohammad Najju from Karimnagar, Telangana wanted to scale up her grocery cum general stores but did not have the capital required to do so. She approached #TeamSwavalamban with the hope of receiving some support. #TeamSwavalamban mentored her and helped in credit linkage through NRLM SHG Scheme. With the loan amount of INR 30,000 that was sanctioned and disbursed, she renovated her shop and installed a shutter in front of sidbi .tstndorse MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs her shop. She also purchased more grocery material to scale-up her shop, and now generates revenue of INR 500 per day on an average. The team has also set-up digital payments facility at her shop. She thanks Mission Swavalamban for mentoring and supporting her in the journey of becoming self-reliant. MANGALI SANTHOSHI Mangali Santhoshi from Sangareddy, Telangana wanted to expand her business, Lakshmi Narisimha Hairstyles. She applied to many banks for a loan and was f unsuccessful in securing financial support even after many attempts. That was J when she approached Mission Swavalamban as a last resort. She had heard that, the program was helping many entrepreneurs in her area and she thought that, she could be one of them. #TeamSwavalamban applied for credit linkage on her behalf through the NRLM SHG Scheme and a loan of INR 50,000 was sanctioned and disbursed, Her business, Lakshmi Narisimha Hairstyles, is running successfully now. She makes a profit of INR 600 to INR 800 a day. SUNCHU SUWJATHA. Sunchu Sujatha is a resident of Khamman (Telangana) who needed to scale up her current basic grocery shop to make more profits. At that, time, she came to know about Mission Swavalamban. She approached #TeamSwavalamban for help in credit linkage. According to Sujatha's requirement, the team helped her by guiding her, preparing a business plan, and later applying for NRLM SHG Scheme ‘on her behalf, A loan amount of INR 100,000 was sanctioned and disbursed which she used to start up her KIRANA AND GENERAL STORES. She currently makes INR 500 to INR 600 a day and is grateful to Mission Swavalamban for support. CHUNCHU KALPANA CChunchu Kalpana from Khammam (Telangana) used to run a grocery shop thathad | a reputation for trading in quality items. Banking on this widespread acceptance from the people for her goods, she decided to expand her grocery shop. When she heard about Mission Swavalamban, she approached #TeamSwavalamban and sought help for credit linkage. Based on Laxmi's requirement, the team helped her sidbi Lesendorseo& MISSION" 10000 SWAVALAMBIs by counselling her, preparing a business plan and preparing her for credit linkage through NRLM SHG Scheme. She was successful in getting a loan of INR 100,000 to finance her business expansion. She now makes the revenue of INR 600-INR 800 a day and is thankful to Mission Swavalamban for the support. GOPI SUKKAMA 31-year-old Gopi Sukkama from Khammam (Telangana) was experienced in running a grocery shop but she needed to scale it up to make better profits. Getting credit linkage for her business seemed like a very difficult task for her. She began to explore the available options and that was when she came to know about Mission Swavalamban and connected to #TeamSwavalamban for further help. #TeamSwavalamban helped her by counselling her and prepared a business plan for her. With the help of #TeamSwavalamban, she received a loan amount of INR 100,000 under the NRLM SHG loan scheme. She has invested the amount in her business and is now earning a profit of INR 450 per day. GSUNITHA G Sunitha is a 31-year-old woman from Devarakonda, Nalgonda (Telangana) who completed her education till the 10th standard. Asa single mother with 3 children to take care of, entrepreneurship became a necessity for sustenance. She had faith in herself and approached #TeamSwavalamban for support. She wanted mentorship and guidance on how to establish a grocery unit and connect with a wholesale vendor. She was guided and handheld through the process of starting an enterprise. She was also able to take a small loan from her Revolving Fund (RF) of SHG and used a total of INR 200,000 to start her grocery shop located in Inupamula, Kethepally Mandal, Nalgonda. She is able to generate revenue of INR 500-INR 600 per day. With the help of Mission Swavalamban, Sunitha has become an independent woman. JAGANTI MANEMMA. Jaganti Manemma from Khammam, Telangana runs a grocery shop and supports her family with the income earned. Her family expenses increased in the past year e= : LetsEnd 4 sidbi IDEASICTONINPACT MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs and her income from the grocery shop was no longer sufficient. She decided to scale up her grocery shop and was looking for credit linkage support to do so. During this time, she came to know about Mission Swavalamban and approached the team for help. #TeamSwavalamban helped her to avail the credit linkage and prepared a business plan. She received a loan of INR 100,000 to scale up her Kirana store. Now, her net profit has increased to around INR 600 per day and she is happy with her growth. KONDAMEED! SWAPNA ‘Swapna from Huzurnagar in Telangana wanted to expand the business run by her husband in the Huzurnagar area. She approached #TeamSwavalamban for guidance and the team helped her in credit linkage through NRLM SHG Scheme. The team also connected her with a vendor based out of Hyderabad She received a loan of INR 100,000 for their mobile shop- ‘Indira Mobile Shop’. Her husband then purchased the required material for the shop and scaled up the business, They are now able to generate a revenue of INR 7000 per day and thank Mission Swavalamban for the support. E.GURUVAMMA E Guruvamma from Khammam, Telangana is the only woman in her community who runs a business and supports her family. She was running her grocery shop successfully and making fair profits During the lockdown, many people returned to their homes which resulted in increased demands for groceries at her shop. To meet | this demand, she decided to scale up her current shop. However, she had no one to guide her through the process of securing the necessary capital for her grocery store. That is when she reached out to Mission Swavalamban and approached them. #TeamSwavalamban guided her in availing credit linkage for her Kirana store, With the help of #TeamSwavalamban, she received a loan of INR 100,000 to scale up her Kirana store. She is currently making a profit of INR 500 per day and her businessis on a path of growth. PURRA SANTHOSHA Purra Santhosha is a resident of Sangareddy (Telangana) who wanted to sidbi LetsEndorse & MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs expand her business of Stitching/embroidery. She applied to many banks, but she was unable to secure financial support despite applying to many banks. She came to know that Mission Swavalamban is actively supporting entrepreneurs to set up and scale up their business in her district and approached our Program Officer. Finally, with the support of #TeamSwavalamban, she got credit linkage through NRLM SHG Scheme. An amount of INR 50,000 was sanctioned and disbursed in her name. With this amount, she has been able to grow her business and provide more services to her customers. Now her businessis able to generate a profit of INR 500 to INR 600. RAJYALAKSHMI [eeerea, Swot HQ0n I Rajyalakshmi and her husband are residents of Karimnagar, Telangana. Her husband runs the business of a welding shop and he wanted to purchase the new welding machine and upgrade his business to fetch higher profits. Observing the same, Rajyalakshmi approached #TeamSwavalamban for credit linkage support. She was provided with credit linkage through the NRLM SHG scheme under the guidance of the team. She received a loan of INR 50,000 which was used in scaling up the shop. Her husband now makes a revenue of INR 600 to INR 800 per day and the couple is grateful to Mission Swavalamban for all the support. MD AFSARBHEGAM Md Afsar Bhegam is a 51-year-old woman from Dharmaram (PB), Karimnagar (Telangana) who used to run a pharmacy business. She had been keen on expanding this pharmacy business from a home-based unit to a shop in the market but was lacking in capital to do so. She approached the local #TeamSwavalamban for support in achieving this goal. The team not only helped her in availing credit linkage but also supported her in identifying a suitable location for her shop in the market area, She was able to secure a loan amount of INR 50,000 under the NRLM SHG Loan scheme and fulfil her working capital requirements. ‘Afsar Pharmacy’ can now be found selling medicines in Kothapall, Jammikunta She now makesa daily revenue of INR 1200 to INR 1500. People e= : LetsEnd 4 sidbi IDEASICTONINPACT MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs SHIREESHA Shireesha is a resident of Dharmaram (PB), Karimnagar (Telangana) and is 44 years old. She is an aspirational individual who wanted to scale up her home-based tailoring unit and learn maggam design work as the demand is quite good in her _—local_~—s market. += She_—_ approached #TeamSwavalamban for skill training and credit linkage support. #TeamSwavalamban helped her in getting trained and also helped her in getting credit linkage throughout NRLM SHG scheme. She received a loan of INR 100,000 from the NRLM SHG loan scheme which she used to start her business, ‘Star Maggam Works’, Now, she is able to earn INR 700-INR 800 per day and thanks Mission Swavalamban for the support. SOWJANYA Sowjanya's husband lost his livelihood during the pandemic and she was the one to decide to become self-employed after the pandemic. She approached Team Swavalamban for mentoring support where she was guided to identify businesses that have potential livelihood opportunities. She identified that no one in the village had their own tent house and everyone called the tents and sound system from the nearby city during functions. With her self-investment and a partial loan from the revolving fund of SHG, she had a corpus of INR 200000 to invest in her business. She approached #TeamSwavalamban for support and connections with suppliers, The team connected her to the vendor, and she purchased the tent house material along with sound systems from them. She says that she and her husband can generate a revenue of Rs. 15000 per month. They are expecting to generate more revenue during the upcoming marriage season. She thanks Mission Swavalamban for being with her SOWJANYA in the journey and says would like to take support from the Swavalamban team in the future to expand her business as well PULIPATI SUNITHA. 35-year-old Pulipati Sunitha is from Nalgonda, Telangana, and an active member of SHG who participates in all the meetings. She always wanted to learn some . . 0 sidbi ens MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs skills and explore self-employment. However, she did not have any idea about howto go about it. While #TeamSwavalamban was mobilizing candidates for stitching training, she enrolled herself and got trained. After the skill training, #TeamSwavalamban helped her in identifying a stitching machine vendor for her shop and in starting her business. She started 'Sunitha Tailoring works’ with a self- investment of INR 200000. She purchased two machines for her shop and has employed one of her friends in her home-based tailoring unit. She is currently able to generate a revenue of INR 500 to INR 600 per day. She thanks Mission Swavalamban for being with her in the journey of becoming self- employed KAMLESH TRIPATHI Kamlesh Tripathi is a 43-year-old woman from Semri, Kharthari, Gonda (Uttar Pradesh). She was unemployed and wanted to work. She approached Mission Swavalamban for support and the team counselled her, connected her for training, and helped her procure a shop banner. She has completed her training in manufacturing Namkeen and Papad from UPICO under ODOP and received the toolkit from them. With a personal investment, she launched Maa Vaishno Devi Gramodyog, Currently, she is making Namkeen and Papad and = with the help of KERD FPO and she is selling her products in the market. She is earning INR 4,000 per month and hopes to increase it to INR 6,000-INR 8,000 per month in the future. AJAY KUMAR Ajay Kumar is a 25-year-old resident of Kadilpur, Kathgaaon, Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) whose family is engaged in agricultural activity. He was always passionate about songs and mixing up tunes. One day, he thought 3 of turning this hobby into a business that could offer him a decent income. At first, he collaborated with some DJ music houses to polish his skills, When he had enough knowledge about this business, he started his own DJ venture. #TeamSwavalamban mentored him, prepared a business plan, and also established market connections for his business. Currently, he ears about INR 15000-INR 25000 per booking during the peak season and about INR 10000 during the off-seasons. He is able to make a profit of INR 36000 per month and has plans to collaborate with different wedding guest houses, and party venues. Msidbi Lestndorse oS MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs Ankit Kumar from Jehanabad, Bihar did not have any educational qualifications to rely on and he was struggling to put food on the table for his family. When he got to know about Mission Swavalamban, he contacted the team and asked for support. As he was confused about his business idea, #TeamSwavalamban supported him by guiding him to open a grocery store. He invested an amount of INR 200,000 to start PUJA GENERAL STORE. He has & stocked up his shop with Kirana items that are needed in daily life. Currently, he & is earning up to INR 40,000 per month. He is now capable of taking care of his | family and providing decent education to his children. as RAGIRI LAKSHMI Ragiri Lakshmi, a resident of Khammam (Telangana), is now an independent woman with 2 school going children. Her husband was working on agricultural land as a daily wage worker. She also had a 500 sq ft area of farmland where they used to grow vegetables. When she came in contact with #TeamSwavalamban, we identified that she was very enthusiastic to start her ‘own business. The team provided support in location selection, getting a shop banner, and purchase of other equipment. The team also arranged credit support from local money lenders so that she could start her business Now, her daily sales are around INR 1000 to 1500 per day out of which she spends 200 on her transport cost and 500 on vegetables. Her aim is to sell 95% of her stock every day. The women of her community are very supportive of her endeavour and believe that they too can become independent. MOGULLA YADAMMA 48-year-old Mogulla Yadamma is a resident of Nalgonda in Telangana. She wanted to generate employment for her family members and wanted to start some skill-based entrepreneurship. She approached #Team Swavalamban for support where she got the necessary training for opening a tailoring unit. Later, she started her own tailoring unit. and #TeamSwavalamban helped her in getting two tailoring machines and forming connections in the market. sidbi .tstndorse MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs Yadamma has also employed her daughter in the business. Together, they can generate a revenue of INR 500-INR 600 per day. VINAYAK KUMAR 25-year-old Vinayak Kumar of Khagariya district in Bihar had completed his formal education till the 12th standard. As he was unemployed, he thought of starting his own business. He did not know how to go about starting his own business and approached #TeamSwavalamban for help. Through the guidance and support of #TeamSwavalamban, he successfully set up a business. The team provided him counselling and guidance, shop banner, and J) other networking and connections support. With an investment of INR | 3,00,000, he started a small shop callled, ‘Vinayak Electric store’, He is currently earning a profit of INR 25,000 per month, but he hopes to increase it in the near future by adding a larger variety of products to his enterprise. SURESH PATRA 46 year-old Suresh Patra is a Swavalambi from Kashipur, Bhaliapata in Dhenkanal(Odisha). As he was working for other people under the contractor, sometimes he did not get any work and remained home. He decided to start his own business, but he did not have any idea about where to begin. One of his friends suggested that he start a variety store and guided him. #TeamSwavalamban helped him and guided him on how to manage daily sales and expenses and keep a record of transactions, He started by setting up a small grocery shop with whatever he had saved. He has invested his own money, INR 60,000 on procuring grocery Items- rice, dal, biscuit, chocolate, sugar, etc, and snacks items. His business is making a profit of INR 4000 to INR 15000 per month. The growth plan is to make it a variety store and add more items in the near future. RATNESH KUMAR Ratnesh Kumar, a 20 year-old arts graduate from Gonda, used to work in a cyber cafe as a data entry operator at a meagre daily salary of INR 200. This was insufficient to take care of his family dependent on farming. Ratnesh had always e= : LetsEnd 4 sidbi IDEASICTONINPACT MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs dreamt of opening his own cyber cafe. #TeamSwavalamban helped him set-up "PRIYA CYBER POINT", with a computer, a printer, a lamination machine and furniture at best price, all worth INR 38000. We helped him get linked to banks and “Jan Suvidha Kendra" (Government service providers) which now offers him a good income source. Not only is he earning INR 700-1000 a day, but he has also recovered his initial investment (of setting up). Even during the lockdown period, he is earning consistently by taking work orders from banks (payments and deposits). GAYATRI MISHRA. Big dreams often have small beginnings. 24-year-old Gayatri Mishra’s dream of becoming self-reliant started with her small tailoring venture- ‘Harsh Tailors’. Gayatriis a resident of Ayodhya and has completed a B.A degree anda postgraduate diploma degree. She has also completed a course in stitching from Jan Sikshan Sansthan and teaches stitching to girls in the neighbourhood. While she had the necessary skills, she was in need of support to get started, #TeamSwavalamban helped her by providing counselling and guidance as well as support in procuring raw material and © shop banner. She started her own centre with a self-investment of INR 60,000. |] She is currently earning INR 4000 per month and hopes to increase her earnings to INR 15,000 per month in the near future. Her family is supportive and Gayatri is working hard towards growing her business. MANIRALI 41-year-old Manir Ali Ansari had been building up the idea of starting his business in his head for 10 years. He had completed his education till the 10th standard and was working as an assistant at a bike repairing shop. He could never muster enough confidence to start his business. He got to know about Mission Swavalamban through a local source and approached the team in Muzaffarpur for support in starting a repairing centre. #TeamSwavalamban helped him by providing counselling and guidance, a Udyog Aadhar certificate, and a shop banner. With a self-investment of INR 125,000, he bought some machinery parts and tools and started 'KGN 4 Motor Bike Repairing Center’. Presently, his revenue is around INR 15000- INR 20000 per month. He could not find a shop located in the main market People e= : LetsEnd 4 sidbi IDEASICTONINPACT MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs area, so he is working hard to establish his reputation so that people come to his shop. He plans to expand his business by bringing in more infrastructural facilities and auto parts services. ROHAN YADAV Rohan Yadav hails from an agriculture-dependent family in the Kokoribank Panchayat Deoghar district (Jharkhand). He faced many challenges in managing the basic needs of the family, but he patiently waited for an opportunity to execute a unique business idea. When he got information about Mission Swavalamban, he reached out to #TeamSwavalamban in his district. The team discussed his plans and the support required, along with the procedures and timeline, He identified that Gramin Bank CSPs have the potential to cater to the needs of various candidates in the locality. #TeamSwavalamban counselled him as per his needs. With a self-investment of INR 100,000, he started a customer service point to earn commission income to support his family. After consultation with Gramin bank, he has started a Customer Service Point and now earns INR 12000-INR 14000 per month. His family helps with operational activities and they are mapping out potential candidates in other areas. CUS cee Ctr 23-year-old, Sunil Kumar of Khagaria had completed his formal education till the 10th standard and couldn't continue further due to financial difficulties in his family. As he was unemployed, he was seeking livelihood opportunities to support himself and his family. Starting a grocery shop dealing in everyday use items seemed to be the most feasible business idea for him. He approached the local Swavalamban team of his district for J guidance, mentorship, and help with market linkage #TeamSwavalmban assisted him with ideas on how to expand his shop in near future, prepared his business proposal, and guided him with marketing strategies to help him fetch higher profits. With a selFinvestment of INR 100,000, he started a grocery shop in the market area adjacent to his residence. His current earning is quite satisfactory, and he is now able to support his family. He People e= : LetsEnd 4 sidbi IDEASICTONINPACT MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs plans to expand his shop in the near future by dealing in more products and aims to increase his profits to INR 30,000 per month ANITA DEVI Anita Devi is a 34-year-old resident of Jehanabad (Bihar) who was at a disadvantage as she had no educational qualifications. She did not have any employment prospects and was unable to take care of herself and her family. When she got to know about Mission Swavalamban, she contacted the team of Jehanabad and asked for support. She was a bit confused about starting her ‘own business but #TeamSwavalamban supported her by guiding her to open a grocery shop based on her experience. She used her capital amount of INR 200,000 which she had saved to open this shop. As of now, she is earning up to INR 30,000 per month through her grocery and gift corner. She is now capable of putting food on the table for her family and can also provide good education to her children. RANA PRAJAPATI Rana Prajapati is a 26-year-old resident of Kadilpur Kathgaon in Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) who has completed his education till the 12th standard. He had been involved in business but his income was primarily from agriculture. When he decided to start his own shop, ‘Rana Garments Collection’, the primary hurdle that he faced was that of finding a shop at the right location. After several days of search, he finally found a shop that ~ was situated in a prominent market in Kadalipur. #TeamSwavalamban s helped him by providing him counselling and guidance, shop banner support, and other networking support. He has invested a total amount of INR 200,000 in his business initially which has been utilized to attain all the fixed assets, interiors, furniture, and stocking up the shop. He is earning about INR 1000-INR 1500 per day and the income is expected to increase to 2000 per day. He deals in men's and kid's garments and is eager to expand his business by getting women's garments before the end of the year. He is brimming with confidence regarding his enterprise and his family is really happy with his growth e= : LetsEnd 4 sidbi IDEASICTONINPACT MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs RAMULU Mr. Ramulu belongs to Suryapet, Jajireddygudem (Telangana). He used to work as a lecturer in a junior college, he wasn't getting paid during the pandemicas the college authorities cited that there were no academic classes being held. With no source of income for months, it was becoming difficult for him to survive in Hyderabad and he came back to his hometown of Jajireddygudem. After this experience, he understood that no job is secure and decided to start his own business to ensure that he had a sustainable livelihood, He had sufficient savings from his job at the college and approached Mission Swavalamban with an idea of a Kirana shop #TeamSwavalamban not only mentored him but also helped him in getting connected with wholesalers after which he started 'Shri Manjunath Kirana & General Stores’. He is now able to generate a revenue of INR 800- to INR 1000 per day by selling grocery items. He is grateful to Mission Swavalamban for helping him become self-reliantin the toughest time of his life. RAM NARESH Ram Naresh belongs to Utraula, Balrampur district in Uttar Pradesh, and has studied till the 10th standard. He had the experience of working in a furniture manufacturing shop in Mumbai and was skilled at the trade. When he decided to start his own business, he started a furniture manufacturing shop. became the obvious choice. #TeamSwavalamban supported him by providing counselling and guidance, market linkage support, and shop banner support for his enterprise. He invested an amount of INR 50,000 to start - ‘Naresh Kasth Kala Udyog’ located in Badhai purwa, Bairia Surjanpur, Rehra Bazar. Currently, he is earning an income of INR 25000 to INR 30000 per month and has become a confident Swavalambi who motivates others in society. RAM BABU Ram Babu is a 27-year-old from Akbarpur Medwara, Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) who only studied till the 8th standard. Hailing from an sidbi Lesendorseo& MISSION" 10000 SWAVALAMBIs agriculture-supported family, he found work at a glass and framing outlet when he dropped out of school. After putting in some years, he developed a well-rounded understanding of the sector and decided to start his own business in the same sector. #TeamSwavalamban has stepped in to provide counseling and guidance, shop banner, and other networking support needed for starting up. It is a challenge to establish himself in a market with well-known competitors, but he is working hard every day. He has invested a total amount of INR 300,000 in his business to set up 'Mahi Aluminium and Glass’. The shop is situated in a prominent market area in Akbarpur, Medwara and has abundant availability of suppliers. His current daily income is between INR 5000 to INR 10000 depending upon the sales. He plans to take bulk contracts from offices, residential areas, schools and is busy forming connections for this purpose. GANESH KR. GUPTA. Ganesh Kumar Gupta, a 28-year-old from Srinagar, Babaganj, Gonda (Uttar Pradesh), is a graduate in arts, He couldn't get ajob after graduation so he started working with his brother and gained years of experience in the business. He was keen on setting up his own business but was confused about where to start. He approached #TeamSwavalamban with an idea and the team guided him to set up his business. He wanted to start a grocery store in the nearby market. With a personal investment of INR 300,000, he started ‘GANESH TRADERS’ #TeamSwavalamban is providing him with counselling and guidance support and helping him with market connections. Currently, he is earning INR 20,000- INR 25,000 per month and hopes to earn close to INR 35,000 per month in future. His family has supported him throughout and provided him with the financial support needed to start his shop. MOHAMMAD MUMTAZ 21-year-old Mohammad Mumtaz from Muzaffarpur, Bihar is a graduate in the Arts stream. He wanted to start a shop that offered internet services as his family had a small space below their house. #TeamSwavalamban analysed the market and advised him to start offering digital services like Aadhar card, Pan Card, Rasan card, and online exam forms, etc. With a self-investment of INR 55,000, he started his business. The shop was named "MS ONLINE SERVICES sidbi .tstndorse MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs POINT" Thereafter, #TeamSwavalamban got to work and organized one-on-one meetings with the other business people engaged in the same trade. The team is still working to get all the necessary documentation for him so that he can get any economical support for his future endeavours. The team also got him connected to the market to help him understand the whole process of running this kind of shop. He has started his journey as a Swavalambi and is learning by doing each day. As of now, he can generate a revenue of around INR 600-INR 800 per day and hopes to increase it further very soon. GUNDARAPAU RAJESWARI Rajeswari from Karimnagar, Telangana wanted to start a business dealing in Saal O vegetables. Although she did have the required amount for investment, she was determined to become self-reliant. She required mentoring support for which she approached #TeamSwavalamban. She was provided support in identifying the market location for her business and also purchasing a second-hand vehicle for carrying vegetables and setting up digital payments at her shop. Her vegetable cart, Rajeshwari Vegetables, was set up with an initial investment of INR 25,000. She now makes a revenue of INR 450 to INR 550 daily and is grateful to Mission Swavalamban forall the support SANDHYA TARAL 36-year-old Sandhya Tarai from East Singhbhum wanted to start a grocery store but she had no idea about it. She approached the #TeamSwavalamban for support and the team prepared a robust business plan for her venture. With a self-investment of INR 30000, she bought groceries and started her business She is now able to generate a revenue of around INR 7500 per month excluding savings. Her family has been supportive in her journey of establishing the shop She has achieved economic upliftment and is now able to support her. ee MUSTAFA ke 7 22-year old Mustafa from Amroha (Uttar Pradesh) has been educated till the 10th standard. Due to his family's poor financial situation, he could not continue with further studies and took up the job of a labourer which could sidbi Lesendorseo& MISSION" 10000 SWAVALAMBIs barely support his family expenses. Hence, he saved money to invest in starting a men's salon with the help of Mission Swavalamban. With the help of #TeamSwavalamban, he was counselled and guided to start his salon. With a self-investment of INR 200,000, he finally started his enterprise. He took up shop space for rent in the Makhdampur area in Amroha. #TeamSwavalamban also helped him in the set-up of his shop by designing a banner. Currently, his daily revenue is around INR 500-800 per day which is helping him manage all his household expenditure. He is an ambitious person and is keen on starting up another small business if given appropriate support and funding. DEEPAK KUMAR 31 year-old Deepak Kumar is a postgraduate from Muzaffarpur in Bihar. He wanted to start an Internet Sewa Kendra but had little idea of how to start an enterprise. He approached #TeamSwavalamban, and the team counselled him and helped him in registering in MSME Portal with a Udyog Aadhar registration. The team also supported him in his shop set up by marking his, enterprise on Google Maps, designing a banner, and enabling the acceptance of digital payments at his shop. With a selfinvestment of INR 75000, the shop was inaugurated as “Raj Digital Services”. The shop is helping him in earning a revenue of INR 15000-INR 20000 per month. Team, Swavalamban is also working to prepare the necessary documentation to support him in getting financial assistance at a later stage. He has started hisjourney as a Swavalambi and is learning by doing each day. NASIR HUSSAIN Nasir Hussain from Shrawasti (Uttar Pradesh) had completed his formal education till the 10th standard. He used to work as atailorina tailoring shop in Mumbai but due to lockdown he decided to come back to Shrawasti to start his tailoring shop. After having faced many financial difficulties, he registered himself in Mission Swavalamban. Through #TeamSwavalamban, he received hand-holding and mentorship support for his business. He has started his tailoring unit, Abbas Tailoring shop, with a self-investment amount of INR 40000. His monthly revenue is around INR 6000 and this has boosted his confidence as a Swavalambi. He is also now motivating other People LetsEndorse e a= IDEAS.ACTIONIMPACT MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs aspirants to start their own income-generating activities in Shrawasti LAKSHMI ELAVARTHI Lakshmi Elavarthi from Sangareddy, Telangana wanted to start a saree | business to support her family and to generate additional income but was held back due to her limited knowledge in business. She approached Mission Swavalamban to help her understand the process of starting a business. #TeamSwavalamban got to work and helped her with mentoring and setting up the business. The team also helped her in setting up BHIM UPI online transactions at her shop. The business was started with a self investment amount of INR 50000, Her shop Lakshmi Garment Shop is fetching her a profit of INR 600-INR 800 per daily. MEENA, Meena had been running a Kirana store in Fasalwadi village in Sangareddy, Telangana. Her business was running successfully and she needed more working capital to fulfil the requirements which would help her to expand her operations. When she was searching for a bank that would give her a loan, she came across Mission Swavalamban. #TeamSwavalamban helped her in credit linkage support through the NRLM SHG scheme which was identified as the apt scheme for her profile. She received a loan amount of INR 50,000 for her business which will be used in scaling up the business. HARIKISHAN SHARMA Hari Kishan Sharma is a resident of Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh). He used to work for a company but he wanted to explore other options for himself. The idea of starting a business appealed to him greatly as it would allow him tobecome self-reliant. However, did not know which wouldbe a suitable and profitable business to start with his modest investment of INR 200,000. He came to know about Mission Swavalamban through the local team. #TeamSwavalamban got to work immediately and provided him alist of businesses to go forward with based on his profile. He selected a shop dealing in footwear as the perfect idea for himself and with the sidbi Lesendorseo& MISSION" 10000 SWAVALAMBIs guidance of #TeamSwavalamban, set up ‘Maa Raj Rajeshwari Boot House’. The team set up digital payments, added his shop on Google maps, and designed a banner for him. He earns INR 800 to INR 1000 per day and plans to introduce more brands soon. SHIGA UPENDRA Shiga Upendra is a 34-year-old woman who lives in Chiwemla in Telangana. She wanted to start a chicken center and grocery shop. Although she had the savings needed to startup, she lacked the knowledge of starting an enterprise. She was in dire need of appropriate mentoring support, and she attended the swavalamban sabha organised by #TeamSwavalamban. She approached #TeamSwavalamban for networking support and she was connected with a wholesale vendor from where she could purchase groceries at a wholesale price. She was also connected with the poultry unit where she purchased chicken for her chicken center. She is now a confident Swavalambi and is able to generate a revenue of INR 1200 to INR 1500 per day. RANJEET 25-year-old Ranjeet from Bansgaon, Gonda hadcompleted his skilltraining in agro-products fromkrishi Vigyan Kendra and had, since then, aspired toopen his own shop of agricultural products and equipment. Oblivious of where to start from, he approached#TeamSwavalamban. The team started by helping himchoose an ideal location for his shop at Nahar Chaurahaat a monthly rent of INR 1100. From the District Agriculture Office, he was assisted in obtaining licensesfor selling composters, agricultural chemicals, seeds,f ertilizers, and other products. His enterprise is also aregistered MSME as we helped him get the UdyogAadhar Certificate. For setting up the shop, he bought furniture worth INR 80000. Linkages with sellers of materials were done and with an initial investment of INR 300,000, Ranjeet inaugurated his Agri- business Kendra in June 2020, He is currently earning an income of INR. 45000 per month and hopes to increase it in the future. People e= : LetsEnd 4 sidbi IDEASICTONINPACT MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs GEETA DEVI 33-year-old Geeta Devi is a resident of Jehanabad in Bihar. She was the sole breadwinner of her family and had the responsibility of providing for 4 other members. She was regretful that she couldn't provide a good education to her children owing to her circumstances. When she heard about Mission Swavalamban, she approached the team and communicated her desire to start a business and become self-reliant. #TeamSwavalamban analysed her situation and skillset to recommend the best business idea for her. She was advised to start abag-making unit with her self-investment of INR 200,000. The team supported herin setting up the enterprise and forming market linkages. Her shop deals in different types of bags suited for a variety of purposes. This enterprise has enabled her to earn INR 30000 per month. Her children are no longer deprived of basicnecessities of life ike nutritional food and good education, GUNAKANTILAXMI 42-year-old Gunakanti Laxmi from Suryapet, Telangana wanted to start her own business with the intention of helping her family. She was confused about various aspects of starting and running an enterprise. During this time she came to know about Mission Swavalamban through a Swavalamban Connect Kendra in her area. Understanding her requirement, #TeamSwavalamban counselled her on various aspects of starting an enterprise like location selection, banner designing, and selection of wholesale supplier of materials for her shop. The team also enabled her by setting up digital payment at her shop. She has now successfully started her business, ‘Payal Ladies Corner & Matching Center’, and makes a revenue of INR 800 to INR 900 per day on an average. MRS. MANGA Mrs. Manga is a resident of Suryapet in Telangana who wanted to start her tailoring shop. She approached #TeamSwavalamban with this idea and she received training for the business. With her self-investment of INR 60,000, she purchased the sewing machines and started Sri Laxmi Ladies Tailor’ e= : LetsEnd 4 sidbi IDEASICTONINPACT MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs #TeamSwavalamban supported her in identifying and connecting with the vendor from where she bought the sewing machine. She now makes a revenue of INR 700 to INR 800 per day and is a confident Swavalambi, She has now become ajob creator by employing one person in her shop. CHEEDELLA MADHAVI Cheedella Madhavi from Suryapet, Telangana was interested in starting her small business but had no idea about where to start and how to go about it. #TeamSwavalamban counselled her and also helped her in setting up digital f payments. She was guided to select an idea based on her area and the services people needed, The team also connected her with the vendor from where she purchased the sewing machine and started her tailoring unit. Now, she makes a revenue of INR 500 to INR 700 a day. She has also employed one person in her shop thus becoming a job creator. She thanked Mission Swavalamban for the support she received in starting 'Sri Kalanidhi Fashions & Ladies Corner '. She has become a source of inspiration to the women in her community with this venture ARUNA. Aruna is a 41-year-old from Karimnagar (Telangana) who wanted to start her stitching unit. She approached #TeamSwavalamban for support. She already had the skill of stitching so she enrolled herself for the short-term training to polish her concepts and techniques Later on, with the guidance of #TeamSwavalamban, she purchased a second-hand single needle sewing machine. She has started her stitching unit based out of her home and #TeamSwavalamban has also helped her set up digital payments for her shop. She now makes a revenue of INR 350 to INR. 400 per day and is a confident Swavalambi. PASUPULETI SAILAJA ia Pasupuleti Sailaja is a resident of Nalgonda, Telangana. She decided to start a tailoring unit at the age of 40 to earn a livelihood, #TeamSwavalamban connected herwith a nearby training institute where she received the necessary skills. When she talked to #TeamSwavalamban, she wanted to know more about the . . 0 sidbi ens MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs mentoring and guidance offered by the team. #TeamSwavalamban not only helped her in connecting with the wholesale vendor for machine procurement but also mentored her regularly so that her business could sustain and grow. To diversify her business, she has started training students in addition to running the tailoring shop. Her daily revenue is in the range of INR 400 to INR 450 per day in the initial phase. AKASH KUMAR Akash Kumar is 33 years old living in Arwal, Bihar who found that his lack of educational qualification was standing in the way of him securing a decent livelihood. Self-employment seemed the most feasible way to support his family. He reached out to #TeamSwavalamban in Arwal when he got to know about Mission Swavalamban. He was confused about where to start his business and how to start it. Our team supported him by guiding and advising him to start a hotel. He used his capital amount of INR 150,000 to open his hotel 'Arwal Sweets’ which is now equipped with all the required materials and decorated in an appealing manner. Presently he is earning up to INR 6000 rupees per month but his income is expected to increase once he builds a loyal customer base. He is | happy that he can fulfill the needs of his family now. ih . VAHIDA BEGUM Vahida Begum from Sangareddy, Telangana wanted to start a flower and decoration items making shop. Over the years, she had learned the skills required for this business, and she had also calculated the income she could earn out of this activity. With this idea in mind, she approached Mission Swavalamban for support and the team mentored her in the I entire process of starting this business. They also helped her in setting up digital payments in her shop. She started her business with a self-investment of INR 30,000 and she now makes the revenue based on the orders she receives. She calls her business Vahida decoration articles and is working hard to procure regular orders from the community. People Msidbi Letstndorse oS MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs Gogulla Ellaiah is a 45-year-old from Jajireddygudem, Suryapet (Telangana) who had migrated to Hyderabad as a daily wage labourer. It Jajireddygudem after years of working in Hyderabad. He learned about Mission Swavalamban and approached ##TeamSwavalamban for mentoring support where he explained his idea of starting his grocery and xerox Business. His business idea was feasible as he wanted to set up his shop in front of the highway on his own land. #TeamSwavalamban connected him with the whole-sale supplier and he started his unit with an investment of INR 300,000. He is making a revenue INR 2000 per day and is thankful to Mission Swavalamban for supporting him. MAHENDRA SINGH Mahendra Singh is a 23-year-old resident of Mahen Karari Manjhanapur, Kaushambi (Uttar Pradesh). He belongs to a rural | background and his family practices agriculture to manage their household expenses. He decided to start a grocery store to have an alternate source of income and bring some stability to his family. #TeamSwavalamban helped him learn how to better maintain his books of records, keep track of the products in demand in the area. The team also guided him on attractive deals he could customers at festivities to bring more people to his shop. ‘Mahendra Kirana Store’ was started with an investment of INR 100,000 and is located in Mahen Karari, Manjhanpur Kaushambi, His current income ranges between INR 700 per day. GUDDU KUMAR Guddu Kumar is 31 years old and has lived in Arwal, Bihar all his life. He did not have any educational qualifications and wanted to start his own business as he was struggling to put food on the table for his family. When he got to know about Mission Swavalamban, he approached the team and asked for support in becoming self-employed. They discussed all the sidbi Lesendorseo& MISSION" 10000 SWAVALAMBIs information and his needs. #TeamSwavalamban provided him with proper guidance and solution for his business. When the Mission Swavalamban team saw that he had a good experience selling fruits and vegetables, they asked him to open a fruits and vegetable shop. Guddu managed to accumulate INR 100,000 from his savings for the capital amount. He has successfully established his enterprise and he is able to earn INR 20000 per month. This amountis sufficient for him to support his fami SATYARAM Satyaram belongs to the Utraula, Balrampur district of Uttar Pradesh and did not study beyond the 8th standard. He used to work as a labourer in Mumbai but when the lockdown hit, he suddenly found himself with no source of livelihood and struggling to make needs met. After making the journey back home to Utrauli, he was eager to start his own business. This step was completely new for him and registered himself in Mission Swavalamban where heis getting hand-holding and mentoring support. He started a Paan Bhandar Shop with a self-investment of INR 50,000. His shop is located in Mubarak mod, Bypass Tiraha, Sahdulla Nagar, Balrampur. He is able to generate a revenue of INR 10000 to INR 12000 per month by selling paans and has now learnt all the tricks of the trade. He is able to stay with his family and take care of theirneeds, He isa source of motivation for his community and they feel that they too can start up if Satyaram can. DHANJAY THAKUR Dhanjay Thakur is a 35-year-old from Jehanabad(Bihar). He is a very enthusiastic person who wanted to support his family and provide them with a better standard of living. He had five members in his family who depended on him and he needed a sufficient amount to cover their expenses. He decided to start his own business and become self-reliant. He approached #TeamSwavalamban for guidance and support in this area. The team supported him by selecting a business idea that would suit his background and experiences. He invested an amount of INR 300,000 to start his barber shop. He is earning up to INR 35000 a month andis happy that he is able to look after his family. e= : LetsEnd 4 sidbi IDEASICTONINPACT MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs INDRADEV SHARMA Indradev Sharma, a 30-year-old from Lohti, Ayodhya has completed his Mi education till the 12th standard. Through years of working at grocery stores, he § had developed a very good understanding of the market and the customer's demands. He realised that it was time for him to run his own grocery shop. With a personal investment of INR 80,000, he launched his Sharma Kirana Store. #TeamSwavalamban counselled him and provided him all the required support. The team also designed a hops banner for him. Currently, he is earning INR 6000 per month and hopes to earn INR 10,000 per month in the future. His family supported him financially while starting this business and they are extremely happy to see his growth |Shivam coaching c: SHIVANSHU MISHRA Shivanshu Mishra is a 19-year-old from Tulapur, Pore Baldev Tiwari, Sarauli, Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh). He has passed the 12th standard and is currently pursuing his graduation. He belongs to a middle-class family and he wanted to start contributing to the family income as soon as possible. He could not wait until he completed his graduation and came up with an idea to open a coaching centre. With a personal investment of INR 42,000, he started Shivam Coaching centre #TeamSwavalamban provided him with counselling and guidance support as well as a shop banner. Currently, he is earning INR 2000 per month and hopes to earn a good profitin the future. MOHAMMAD SIRAJ Mohammad Siraj is a resident of Utraula, Balrampur (Uttar Pradesh) and is 29 years old, He holds a diploma and has experience working in an optical store. He approached Mission Swavalamban with the idea of starting an optical store as he wanted to increase his income by becoming self- employed. He registered himself under Mission Swavalamban to get } guidance and mentoring support in this aspect. #TeamSwavalamban provided him hand-holding and mentoring support throughout the . . 0 sidbi ee MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs journey of setting up an enterprise. He started Alhamd Chasma Ghar with a self-investment of INR INR 80,000. Now, he is earning an income of INR 15000-INR 16000 per month and has become confident Swavalambi and motivating others in society. RAHULKUMAR Rahul Kumar is a 25-year-old from Paschim Shareera, Manjhanpur, Kaushambi (Uttar Pradesh). When he made up his mind to become a business owner, he was very sure that he wanted to put the years of experience he had gained working in a cyber centre to use. He decided E that he wanted to start a cyber centre of his own. The main hurdle was to decide an appropriate location to establish the business. There was no stopping him once he found the location, #TeamSwavalamban provided him with the counselling and guidance support, helped him in designing a shop banner, and also helped with other networking support required by him. He has invested a total amount of INR 130,000 in his business initially which has been utilized to attain al the fixed assets, interiors, raw materials, machinery, and stocking up the shop. Rahul Cyber Cafe is situated in a prominent market area of Kaushambi. At present, his business is making a profit of INR 200-INR 300 per day but itis expected that this will increase once the business is well-known in the locality. He plans to attain bulk orders from offices, residential areas, schools and is in the process of liaising with stakeholders. ASHIMBARAI Ashim Barai is a 34-year-old resident of Teva Manjhanpur, Kaushambi who holds a diploma in pharmacy. Most of his family is engaged in agriculture but he was sure that he wanted to start his own clinic. #TeamSwavalamban |. was glad to meet with a motivated candidate like him and provided him counselling and guidance support to start a pharmacy. The team also designed a shop banner and provided him with other networking support. He has invested a total amount of INR 270,000 in his business initially which has been utilized to attain all the fixed assets, interiors, medicines, and medical equipment. His enterprise, ‘Family Health Clinic’ is, situated in a prominent market area where it is easily visible to the target customers, His current daily income amounts to INR 1000-INR 1500 but it is expected to growas he adds more facilities to his clinic. People sidbi Lesendorseo& MISSION" 10000 SWAVALAMBIs DHIRENDRA K. SINGH Dhirendra Kumar Singh is a resident of East Singhbhum (Jharkhand) and is 32 years old. He is a graduate who belongs to a middle-class family. He wanted to start his own Mobile shop but did not have any idea about starting a business. He approached #TeamSwavalamban for help and the team supported him with counselling and guidance, market connect and preparing a business proposal With a self investment of INR 250,000, he bought mobile phones, mobile repairing tools, mobile accessories, and other items to start his business. Currently, he is earning INR 1000 per day through his business. He plans to extend his shop with an upgrade in infrastructure and by adding a few more items. With the establishment of the shop, he has achieved economic upliftment and is now able to support his family. The members of his family have been supportive throughout his journey of starting a business. DILIP KUMAR Dilip Kumar is a 29-year-old from Akbarpur Medwara Prayagraj(Uttar Pradesh) who had just studied till the 8th standard, He hails from an agriculture-backed family and has the experience of working at a furniture outlet. Once he was good at this business, he decided to have his own furniture making unit. #TeamSwavalamban provided him counselling and guidance support as he was a first-time entrepreneur. The team also designed a shop banner for him and provided the networking support required by him. He invested an amount of INR 450,000 to start ‘Yadav ji Furnitures’. The main hurdle was to make his presence felt in the market which hada lot of prominent competitors. He is confident that he will make his mark in the industry. The shop is situated in a prominent market area in Akbarpur, Malware, is easy access to the target customers as well as has an all-time availability of suppliers for the raw materials required namely woods, plywoods, and mica. He is earning an amount of INR 60,000 per month but it is expected that once the name gets established in the market the income will get much better. His plan is to take bulk contracts from offices, residential areas and schools. He is confident and passionate about his work and is set to take his business to new heights. Msidbi Lestndorse oS MISSION 10000 SWAVALAMBIs 23-year-old Rinku is a resident of Kundanpur, Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh). He has completed formal education till the 10th standard and has become self-reliant. Most of his family practices agriculture but he wanted to do something different. He decided to start a salon and put his skills to good use. #TeamSwavalamban provided him counselling and guidance support, shop banner, and other networking support. He invested INR 2,70,000 in his business initially which has been utilized to attain all the fixed assets, interiors, tools, and products for the salon. The shop is situated in a prominent area called Kundanpur in Prayagraj and is easy for people to locate. His current income amounts to be INR 1000-1500 per day depending on the services rendered and the number of customers on the day, He plans to form better connections in the market so that he can get bookings for parties and weddings in the future. RAMESH Ramesh is a 22-year-old from Gram Ramadheen ka pura Paschim Shareera, Manjhanpur, Kaushambi (Uttar Pradesh). He always wanted to start his own | business but was short of ideas on what to start. When he came to know about #TeamSwavalamban, he had multiple discussions with the team regarding his business idea. Finally, it was mutually decided that a fruit stall was the right option for him. Initially, the team tried to get him aloan from the bank but the bank suggested he start the business first and apply again later. The team tried to motivate him for the same and he was ready to invest INR ~ 25000 in the business. #TeamSwavalamban provided him counselling and guidance support, designed a shop banner, and provided other networking support to enable him to start up. His confidence is high and he is a well-mannered and disciplined man whois enjoying his work. RISHU KESARWANI Rishu Kesarwani is a 20-year-old who belongs to Manjhanpur, Kaushambi (Uttar Pradesh). He used to work at a Kirana store but his wage was too little to support himself and his family. He was unable to fulfil his basic needs and he decided to

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