The Creation of Discontent

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GED0101 (7:30-9:00)


The Creation of Discontent

Imagine hitting all your life and financial goals. Sounds great, right? But many
people who get there are still not happy. The “Creation of Discontent” by Juliet Schor
really talks about life and gives me an understanding to why many people continue to
buy even a lot of the products they buy are unnecessary. Which I think that I’m one of
those people. Schor connects consumerism with happiness and tries to explain to us
that buying won’t lead to happiness in the long run and can actually cause
dissatisfaction in our life. It’s so sad that no matter how much someone makes in a year,

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even if they have so many money to spend and own everything in the world possible,

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they will still be not satisfied.

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We should not just aim to be rich—we should also be happy. Although things
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around us has convinced us that wealth leads to happiness, that’s not always the case.
Money can certainly help us achieve our goals, provide for our future, and make life

more enjoyable, but merely having the stuff doesn’t guarantee fulfillment. Yes money
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can buy all sorts of pleasure. But pleasure would be anything that is superficial or
materialistic at its core. Pleasure are moments of temporary boosts in positive feeling
and enjoyment, that quickly leave you in the next few minutes, hours, weeks, or days.
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But true happiness, on the other hand, is enduring, resilient, and can last long no matter
what troubles life throws at you.

Schor also clarifies that discontent could be a developing wonder caused by


society’s innocence on the negative affect of materialism to true happiness. Her point is
basic and she essentially clarifies it by the given examples. In her conclusion she

repeats by case, that discontent with our material possession as it were causes us to
end up diverted and indeed focused on getting much more than what we already have.
This causes us to end up desensitized and which take us absent from our genuine lives.
But for me, being contented on what you have is one step to become happy in life.

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I myself still enjoy my material items and I am not for a moment suggesting
you shouldn’t shop to make yourself happy. By all means if it works, do it. Just
know that buying an experience has greater benefit for your emotional situation. I
don’t have anything in this world but I’m truly happy to what I have now. And a
simple act of kindness to others will make us happier for longer and is something
that we will probably never forget.

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