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How to Prevent Dust Mites

 Regularly clean and vacuum the house. Cut down on clutter, and don't give dust a chance to collect.
 Regularly clean your vents to prevent allergens from spreading around the house.
 Wash bedding every week using high temperatures of at least 130°F (54°C).
 If you have house plants, don't overwater them. Clean up dead leaves on top of the soil.
 Use hypoallergenic bed and pillow covers, which are impenetrable to dust mites.
 Open windows regularly to lower humidity levels in the house.
 Replace carpets, curtains, and soft furnishing with hard flooring, blinds, and leather or pleather furniture

Furniture, carpets, drapes, and bedding

 Avoid carpet, upholstered furniture, and heavy drapes that collect dust. Avoid furniture covered with
fabrics. Use pillow and mattress covers made from a tight-weave fabric that keeps out dust and mites.
 Use furniture made of wood, plastic, leather, or vinyl (including vinyl mattress covers) that you can wipe
clean. Note: Vinyl mattress covers can be uncomfortable to sleep on.
 Remove rugs and wall-to-wall carpeting. Talk with your family about this and about how this will affect
family life. If you cannot or do not want to remove carpeting throughout the home, consider removing it
only in the bedroom.
 Use smaller rugs (throw rugs, area rugs) that you can wash.
 Replace drapes and blinds with roll-down shades or washable curtains.
 Remove "dust collectors" from bedrooms, such as stuffed toys, wall hangings, books, knickknacks, and
artificial flowers.
 Avoid wool blankets and down quilts.
Keep the house aired out and dry.
An exhaust fan or open window in the bathroom will help cut down on humidity.
To Reduce Mold in Your Bedrooms:
 Polyurethane and rubber foams seem especially prone to fungus invasion. Use plastic covers on bedding made
from these foams.
 Throw away or recycle old books, newspapers, clothing or bedding.
 Check windows for condensation (water droplets or mist).
 Improve air flow through your bedroom. If your closet is colder than the rest of your room, leave the closet
doors open.

You can also avoid things that can make your symptoms worse, such as:

 Aerosol sprays.

 Air pollution.
 Cold temperatures.
 Humidity.
 Irritating fumes.
 Tobacco smoke.
 Wind.
 Wood smoke.

 Use “mite-proof” bedding.

 Use a dehumidifier to prevent mold.
Home remedies for allergies

Air filters/dehumidifier

Bromelain is an enzyme found in papaya and pineapple. Natural healers consider bromelain to be effective at improving
breathing by reducing swelling.
Probiotics - yakult
Eucalyptus or tea tree oil spray
Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to allergies, including allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, eczema, and anaphylaxis.5
This vitamin has a role in regulating immune system cells and the release of chemicals that can produce allergy


Getting regular exercise and physical activity can help alleviate allergic reactions, including respiratory allergies,
although it isn't quite clear why. In moderation, exercise is not harmful to people who have allergies and, of course,
offers many health benefits.

steam inhalation

Steam inhalation helps dilute and loosen the excess mucus in your nasal passages, thus making it easier to expel.
Both these actions are useful for relieving the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, such as nasal congestion, sore throat, runny
nose, postnasal drip, facial pain, nasal itch, eye irritation or watering, and sneezing. (4)(5)


1. Boil water and pour it into a big bowl.

2. Add in a few drops of essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, or rosemary oil.
3. Use a towel to cover your head and lean over the bowl.
4. Inhale the steam with deep breaths for 5–10 minutes, and blow your nose thoroughly.
5. Repeat the procedure multiple times a day until the symptoms subside.

Have some honey every day

A study conducted in 2013 demonstrated that intake of a high dose of honey was beneficial in diminishing the symptoms
of allergic rhinitis, thus favoring its use as an adjunct therapy. (13) Further studies are however needed to conclusively
establish the efficacy of honey in managing allergic rhinitis.



Consume one tablespoon of honey directly or mix it in a cup of warm water to make a therapeutic tonic.
Include fish in your diet

Fish has also earned a lot of praise from general users for its ability to curb inflammation and an allergic response. A
study concludes that fatty acids present in fish helped decrease the contraction of airways triggered by allergic diseases
such as asthma.
Avoid other triggers that may aggravate the condition, including:

Cold temperatures
Tobacco or wood smoke
Chemical fumes
Aerosol sprays
Areas with high air pollution
Strong fragrances such as perfumes or air fresheners
The following measures may aid recovery:

Consume a diet rich in complex carbohydrates and low in fat.

Drink plenty of water to maintain body hydration.
Refrain from consuming alcohol, dairy products, and caffeine for some days.
Change your clothes after coming from outside to avoid allergens.

Ways to prevent mould from recurring in your mattress

Use a dehumidifier in the bedroom. ...
Use an air purifier in your bedroom as air purifiers help to circulate and filter the air. ...
Let the air circulate even if you are going to be away. ...
Keep good airflow on the underside of the mattress. ...
Get a mould resistant mattress.
Nasal spray Watson- salt water

Eucalyptus oil- Watson

Eucalyptus oil is known as an anti-inflammatory and may help you with your congestion. The cooling sensation you
experience while breathing it in may also help you feel relief as you deal with and treat seasonal allergies.
Researchers are beginning to understand how using eucalyptus aromatherapy reduces inflammation. This could lead to
reducing allergic symptoms.
Try diffusing eucalyptus into the air or breathing it in from the bottle to provide you with comfort.
Despite showing anti-inflammatory properties, eucalyptus can also trigger allergies in some people.
Eucalyptus or tea tree oil
ResearchTrusted Source suggests that using a blend of oils, including eucalyptus, for infections of the upper respiratory
tract leads to a significant and immediate improvement in symptoms. Participants reported a reduction in hoarseness,
cough, and sore throat.
These symptoms can appear with seasonal allergies.
The essential oil blend used in the study contained Eucalyptus citriodora, Eucalyptus globulus, peppermint, Syrian
oregano, and rosemary.

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