Operations Management The Job of Susan: A Work Systems Case Study

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The Job of Susan:

A Work Systems Case Study
The statement of the problem is lack of proper trainings about the job and absence of support
from the supervisor and directors towards the things that Susan wants to improve.

Susan made the right decision in ending her career on that company. We believe that passion and
motivation are badly needed for a job to be successful. Yes, she has a passion in her job but the
lack of motivation and support from her boss limits her ability to perform her task. She is a
hardworking woman so we are sure she can easily find a new job that can suits with her ability
and skills to do the real job that entitled with her position.

The organization of Susan must focus on specializing the training of every worker in order to
improve their skills and abilities towards their work. The worker must fit to the job position so
that they can perform their work creatively and productively. Their company should also focus
of having Behavioural approaches especially in rotation of the job to improve, have a broader
knowledge and understanding of employee towards their work.

Motivating employees is the best way to help them improve their quality of work and their
performance towards their job. In motivating them, the company must create a friendly work and
acknowledge employees achievements. Since, the training of Susan is not good it must be the
cue to the boss of Susan to focus on motivating their employees and they also need to have a
team to build good relationships within the company. Working as a team makes the work fast
and easier. The organization of Susan only minding their own business and they just rarely
interact with each other. So, having a team is the best way to have unity within the company.

In working productivity and effectively the company should have proper ventilation, safety and
work time to the company without this the employees cannot work properly. Since, the work of
Susan is not too heavy the management should add more workload that suits on her skills. Their
company should reduce the boredom of work and improving the work place lay out of the
company. On the case of Susan, she’s not happy and satisfied on her job. What she do on her job
is sitting on her quiet office and sometimes handling calls, emails but its nonsense. Giving her
extra work is a big help to a company. The organization must have ergonomics to improve
productivity, quality and employee engagement to their job. As an HR Manager, we need to
undergo the employee on training to assess their skills and abilities if they are fit on the job.

After reading the case study we conclude that we should never settle working with unhealthy and
toxic environment. It is not about how long you stay in that workplace but it’s all about how
much you learn.

We recommend that find a healthy work and company where you can express your idea, a leader
who’s willing to listen and make an action and an organization where you can grow your career
and yourself as well.

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